There is a lack of carriers for the local delivery of rifampicin (RIF), one of the cornerstone second defence antibiotic for Staphylococcus aureus deep bone infections (DBIs). RIF is also associated with systemic side effects, and known for causing rapid development of antibiotic resistance when given as monotherapy. We evaluated a clinically usedbi-phasic calcium sulphate/hydroxyapatite (CaS/HA) biomaterial as a carrier for dual delivery of RIF with vancomycin (VAN) or gentamicin (GEN). It was hypothesized that this combined approach could provide improved biofilm eradication and prevent the development of RIF resistance. Methods: 1) Biofilm eradication: Using a modified crystal violet staining biofilm quantification method, the antibiotics released at different time points (Day 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35) from the hemispherical pellets of CaS/HA(500 mg)-VAN (24.57 mg) / GEN (10.35 mg) composites with or without RIF (8.11 mg) were tested for their ability to disrupt the preformed 48-h old biofilms of S. aureus ATCC 25923, and S. aureus clinical strain P-3 in 96-well microtitre plate. For each tested group of antibiotic fractions, five separate wells were used (n=5). 2) Testing for resistance development: Similar to the method mentioned above the 48-h biofilm embeded bacteria exposed to antibiotic fractions from different time points continuously for 7 days. The biofilms remained were then tested for RIF resistant strains of bacteria. Overall, there was clear antibiofilm biofilm activity observed with CaS/HA-VAN/GEN+RIF combinations compared with CaS/HA-VAN/GEN alone. The S. aureus strains developed resistance to RIF when biofilms were subjected to CaS/HA-RIF alone but not with combinations of CaS/HA-VAN/GEN+RIF. Enhanced antibiofilm effects without development of RIF resistance indicates that biphasic CaS/HA loaded with VAN or GEN could be used as a carrier for RIF for additional local delivery in clinically demanding DBIs. Acknowledgement: We deeply acknowledge the Royal Fysiographic Society of Lund, Landshövding Per Westlings Minnesfond and the Stina and Gunnar Wiberg fond for financial support