The poor reporting and use of statistical methods in orthopaedic papers has been widely discussed by both clinicians and statisticians. A detailed review of research published in
The average IKS Knee score was 72 (23–97) and the functional score was 68 (0–100) with 74% experiencing none or only mild pain. The SF12 assessment revealed a mean physical score of 55 (14–99). Ninety per cent of patients were satisfied with their knee and 89% would have the operation again if required. There was one operative death (PE), one deep infection, 3 PE’s, 3 DVT’s and 5 superficial infections. An MUA was required in 9 cases. Eight knees were revised. Using ‘all revisions’ as an end point. The survival rate was 95.3% at 10 years.
Aim. Assess the incidence of Vitamin D deficiency from a cohort of new referrals to a
The role of dual consultant operating (DCO) in
Introduction. This study aimed to assess the relationship between preparation times and operative procedures for elective orthopaedic surgery. A clearer understanding of these relationships may facilitate list organisation and thereby contribute to improved operating theatre efficiency. Methods. Two years of elective orthopaedic theatre data was retrospectively analysed. The hospital medical information unit provided de- identified data for 2015 and 2016 elective orthopaedic cases, from which were selected seven categories of procedures with sufficient numbers to allow further analysis - primary hip and knee replacement, spinal surgery, shoulder surgery (excluding shoulder replacement), knee surgery, foot and ankle surgery (excluding ankle replacement), Dupuytrens surgery and
Introduction. A greater emphasis has been placed on fracture related infection (FRI) orthopaedic practice as a separate entity in recent years. Since the publication of the FRI consensus definition and guidelines, there has been an increase in the published literature on the topic and a move towards considering FRI as separate from
Informed patient consent is a legal prerequisite endorsed by
multiple regulatory institutions including the Royal College of
Surgeons and the General Medical Council. It is also recommended
that the provision of written information is available and may take
the form of a Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) with multiple PILs
available from leading orthopaedic institutions. PILs may empower
the patient, improve compliance, and improve the patient experience.
The national reading age in the United Kingdom is less than 12 years
and therefore PILs should be written at a readability level not
exceeding 12 years old. We aim to assess the readability of PILs
currently provided by United Kingdom orthopaedic institutions. The readability of PILs on 58 common conditions provided by seven
leading orthopaedic associations in January 2017, including the
British Orthopaedic Association, British Hip Society, and the British
Association of Spinal Surgeons, was assessed. All text in each PIL
was analyzed using readability scores including the Flesch–Kincaid Grade
Level (FKGL) and the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) test.Aims
Patients and Methods
Three developments in the last 10 to 15 years have made it necessary to review how we ensure rapid access to treatment of patients with disabling low back pain. Firstly, there would appear to be an increase in the numbers of patients seeking medical help for low back pain, whether due to increased patient expectation, or better reporting, or a true increase associated with the increasing sedentary nature of life, is uncertain. Secondly, there is the realisation that amongst the factors that encourage acute back pain to become chronic is being off work, and the sooner a diagnosis and treatment is started the more likely that chronicity will be prevented, so a long waiting time to be seen in a clinic is productive of disability. Thirdly, reorganisation of consultant services has created the spinal surgeon, who in return for being allowed to practice spinal surgery almost exclusively undertakes the load of patients referred with back pain, amongst whom lurk those with a surgically remediable problem. The effect has been that although waiting times for
There are numerous papers from specialist arthroplasty centres outlining results of total knee replacement. This review was performed as there is little information on results in
Introduction: More than 140,000 joint replacements are carried out in England and Wales per annum costing from £4000 to £7000 each (. 1. , . 2. ). Implant costs are relatively fixed but there are considerable variations in length of stay [LOS] following surgery. The National Audit office estimated that a reduction of two days per patient could save the NHS £15.5 million per year (. 2. ). A specialist orthopaedic ward for elective arthroplasty was opened in Bangor in 2008 in an attempt to address these issues. The staff per bed ratio remained the same as in the
Background: The Levels of Evidence Rating System is widely believed to categorize studies by quality, with Level I studies representing the highest quality evidence. We aimed to determine the reporting quality of Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) published in the most frequently cited
Theatre cancellation is unpleasant experience to patient and it is expensive to service provider. There are various causes for cancellation which are avoidable and unavoidable as well. Nationwide, there has been several measures put in place to reduce avoidable theatre cancellations. We describe retrospective review of 158 cancellations and root cause analysis & solutions in relation to the National standard. Retrospective review of all orthopaedic theatre cancellations, both elective and trauma cases, case notes & registry review as made for the period of 1st of August 2007 to 2005 to 31st of March 2009 in Bassetlaw Hospital. Data was collected and analysed.Introduction
Material & Method
An 83-year-old woman presented with acute weakness in her right hand and wrist extensors and swelling in the proximal right forearm. Nerve conduction studies confirmed compression of posterior introsseous nerve at the level of proximal forearm. MR imaging demonstrated the characteristics of lipoma which extended on the atero-lateral aspect of the right radius neck. The lesion was parosteal lipoma of the proximal radius causing paralysis of the posterior interosseous nerve without sensory deficit. In this case report, posterior inretosseous nerve palsy due to compression of a parostel lipoma was recovered after excision of the lipoma followed by intensive rehabilitation for six month. Surgical excision should be promptly performed to ensure optimal recovery from the nerve paralysis.
Hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA) in patients with a varus deformity of the femoral neck-shaft angle (NSA) is associated with poorer outcomes. Our experience has not reflected this. We examined the Oxford Hip Scores (OHS), Harris Hip Scores (HHS) and outcomes of patients with varus hips against a normal cohort to ascertain any significant difference. We identified 179 patients. Measurement of the femoral neck-shaft angle was undertaken from antero-posterior radiographs pre-operatively. The mean NSA was 128.5 degrees (SD 6.3). Patients with a NSA of less than 122.2 were deemed varus and those above 134.8 valgus. These parameters were consistent with published anatomical studies. The varus cohort consisted of 23 patients, mean NSA 118.7 (range 113.6-121.5), mean follow-up 49 months (range 13-74). Mean OHS and HHS were 16 and 93.5 respectively. Complications included 2 cases of trochanteric non-union; no femoral neck fractures, early failures or revisions. Normal cohort consisted of 125 patients, mean NSA 128 degrees, mean follow-up 41 months (range 6-76). The OHS and HSS were 18.8, 88.9 respectively. Complications included 5 trochanteric non-unions and 1 revision due to an acetabular fracture following a fall. Statistical analysis demonstrated no statistical difference between the cohorts OHS (p=0.583) or HHS (p=0.139). Our experience in patients with a varus femoral neck has been positive. Our analysis has demonstrated no statistical difference in hip scores between the cohorts. We have not yet experienced any femoral neck fractures, which we believe is due to the use of the Ganz trochanteric flip and preservation of blood supply.
Choice of implant for patients aged sixty-five years or younger requiring hip arthroplasty is a topic of current debate, those in favor of resurfacing maintain it offers a greater range of motion and activity. We examined the Oxford Hip Score's (OHS) and Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) of patients undergoing either total hip replacement (THR) using an Elite Plus Stem, or hip resurfacing using a Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR). The THR cohort comprised 34 implants (4 bilateral), 17 men, 17 women, mean age 56.08 years. The resurfacing cohort comprised 27 implants (3 bilateral), 18 men, 9 women, mean age 50.51 years. The mean difference calculated between pre- and post-operative OHS was 22.08 and 25.33 for the THR and resurfacing cohorts respectively. The mean Duke score was 42.3 and 53 for the cohorts respectively. Using the pre-operative and post-operative change in Oxford Hip Scores, no statistically significant difference was found between the THR and resurfacing cohorts (p = 0.2891). There was a statistically difference found between the THR and resurfacing cohorts with regards to activity using post-operative Duke scores, (p = 0.0047). This study has emphasized the use of the DASI, a pure activity score, in hip research. In terms of reducing pain, both prostheses appear equally effective. With regards to activity, as evidenced by utilizing a pure activity score, the resurfacing cohort faired better. Our study suggests at one year post-op, young patients with a resurfacing have a greater activity level than those with a THR.
One of the common frustrations for staff in hospital clinics is the frequent disruption caused by failure of patients to turn up for their booked appointments. DNA high rates have an enormous impact on the healthcare system in terms of cost and waiting time, significantly adding to delays along the patient pathway. We need to know the most common causes for non attendance and hence modify or put new protocol to deal with this problem. 70 (DNAs) patients from orthopaedic clinics during May 2008 were contacted by phone to ascertain the reasons for non-attendance. After six months, after implementing our new protocol, the rates of non-attendance were rechecked on our system.Introduction
We investigated the role of Plasma Viscosity (PV), C-reactive protein (CRP) and Frozen Section (FS) in diagnosing prosthetic joint infection. We compared these results with microbiological diagnosis of infection of the tissue samples (three or more samples grown same organisms in culture). 53 patients, average age 67 years (37 – 89) underwent joint revision surgery. 34 patients had hip and 19 patients had knee joint revision arthroplasty, this includes single and multiple stage revision surgeries and excision arthroplasty. Nine (17%) patients had microbiologically proven joint infection. PV had sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 43% and negative predictive value of 100%. CRP had sensitivity of 89 %, specificity of 75% and negative predictive value of 97%. FS (presence of infection being more than 5 neutrophils/hpf) had sensitivity of 56% and specificity of 84%. We recommend PV and CRP to be used in the investigation of prosthetic joint infection. If both CRP and PV are normal the chance of infection is very low (negative predictive value of 100%). In our series an elevated PV and CRP represented a 50% chance of having a joint infection. The role of frozen section does not appear to be beneficial in the diagnosis of joint