Introduction. Optimal alignment of the acetabulum cup component is crucial for good outcome of Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). A patient-specific instrumentation (PSI) for cup alignment manufactured by 3D printing might improve cup alignment in conventional THAs with patient's lateral decubitus position. In this study, we developed PSI for cup alignment which transferred preoperatively planned cup alignment to the operation room as a linear visual reference(Figure 1), then investigated its accuracy in terms of fitting of PSI on the bony surface and angle deviation between pre- and post-operative cup alignments. Methods. 3-Dimensional bone models created from CT images of both sides of 6 cadaveric specimens were used in the current study. In the first experiment (first 3 specimens and six hips), we designed PSI to fit on the acetabular rim, and we inserted a
We aim to objectively assess the impact of COVID-19 on mean total operative cases for all indicative procedures (as outlined by the Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST)) experienced by orthopaedic trainees in the deanery of the Republic of Ireland. Subjective experiences were reported for each trainee using questionnaires. During the first four weeks of the nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19, the objective impact of the pandemic on each trainee’s surgical caseload exposure was assessed using data from individual trainee logbook profiles in the deanery of the Republic of Ireland. Independent predictor variables included the trainee grade (ST 3 to 8), the individual trainee, the unit that the logbook was reported from, and the year in which the logbook was recorded. We used the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test to assess for any statistically significant predictor variables. The subjective experience of each trainee was captured using an electronic questionnaire.Aims