Abstract. Objectives. Diabetes has been associated with greater risk of complications and prolonged postoperative recovery following ankle trauma. Our cohort study seeks to review the operative management and outcomes of ankle fractures in diabetic adults relative to non-diabetic adults. Methods. Cases were identified using ICD-10 coding criteria. 572 patients from Jan 2016–2019 presented with ankle fractures; 34 in diabetic patients. Mechanism of injury and stability were determined from the index radiograph using a validated
The quest for optimal treatment of acute distal tibiofibular syndesmotic disruptions is still in progress. Using suture-button repair devices is one of the dynamic stabilization options, however, they may not be always appropriate for stabilization of length-unstable syndesmotic injuries. Recently, a novel screw-suture repair system was developed to address such issues. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of the novel screw-suture repair system in comparison to a suture-button stabilization of unstable syndesmotic injuries. Eight pairs of human cadaveric lower legs were CT scanned under 700 N single-leg axial loading in five foot positions – neutral, 15° external/internal rotation and 20° dorsi-/plantarflexion – in 3 different states: (1) pre-injured (intact); (2) injured, characterized by complete syndesmosis and deltoid ligaments cuts simulating pronation-eversion injury types III and IV as well as supination-eversion injury type IV according to
The quest for optimal treatment of acute distal tibiofibular syndesmotic disruptions is still in full progress. Using suture-button repair devices is one of the dynamic stabilization options, however, they may not be always appropriate for stabilization of length-unstable syndesmotic injuries. Recently, a novel screw-suture repair system was developed to address such issues. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of the novel screw-suture repair system in comparison to a suture-button stabilization of unstable syndesmotic injuries. Eight pairs of human cadaveric lower legs were CT scanned under 700 N single-leg axial loading in five foot positions – neutral, 15° external/internal rotation and 20° dorsi-/plantarflexion – in 3 different states: (1) pre-injured (intact); (2) injured, characterized by complete syndesmosis and deltoid ligaments cuts simulating pronation-eversion injury types III and IV, and supination-eversion injury type IV according to
Diabetes has been associated with greater risk of complications and prolonged postoperative recovery following ankle trauma. Our cohort study reviewed the operative management and outcomes of ankle fractures in diabetic adults relative to non-diabetic adults from Jan 2016–2019. Non-diabetic controls were frequency age-matched 2:1. 34 of 572 ankle fracture presentations were in diabetic patients, 32% managed non-operatively compared to 29% of the matched non-diabetic cohort. The distribution in
Summary. The ankle X-ray has moderate diagnostic power to identify syndesmotic instability, showing large sensitivity ranges between observers. Classification systems and radiographic measurements showed moderate to high interobserver agreement, with extended classifications performing worse. Introduction. There is no consensus regarding the diagnosis and treatment of ankle fractures with respect to syndesmotic injury. The diagnosis of syndesmotic injury is currently based on intraoperative findings. Surgical indication is mainly made by ankle X-ray assessment, by several classification systems and radiographic measurements. Misdiagnosis of the injury results in suboptimal treatment, which may lead to chronic complaints, like instability and osteoarthritis. This study investigates the diagnostic power and interobserver agreement of three classification methods and radiographic measures, currently used to assess X-ankles and to identify syndesmotic injury. Patients and Methods. Twenty patients (43.2 ± 15.3yrs) with an ankle fracture, indicated for surgery, were prospectively included. All patients received a preoperative ankle X-ray, which was assessed by several observers: two orthopaedic surgeons, one trauma surgeon and two radiologists. The ankle X-ray was assessed on syndesmotic injury/stability and presence of fractures (fibula, medial/tertius malleolus). Three classification systems were used: Weber, AO-Müller (short-version n=3 options; extended-version n=27 options),
Summary. Quantification of Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography (Q3DCT) is a reliable and reproducible technique to quantify and characterise ankle fractures with a posterior malleolar fragment (. www.traumaplatform.org. ). This technique could be useful to characterise posterior malleolar fragments associated with specific ankle fracture patterns. Introduction. Fixation of posterior malleolar fractures of the ankle is subject of ongoing debate1. Fracture fixation is recommended for fragments involving 25–30% of articular surface1. However, these measurements -and this recommendation- are based on plain lateral radiographs only. A reliable and reproducible method for measurements of fragment size and articular involvement of posterior malleolar fractures has not been described. The aim of this study is to assess the inter-observer reliability of Quantification using Three-Dimensional Computed Tomography (Q3DCT) –modelling. 2,3,4,5. for fragment size and articular involvement of posterior malleolar fractures. We hypothesize that Q3DCT-modelling for posterior malleolar fractures has good to excellent reliability. Patients & Methods. To evaluate inter-observer reliability of Q3DCT-modelling, we included a consecutive series of 43 patients with an ankle fracture involving the posterior malleolus and a complete radiographic documentation (radiographs and computed tomography) Fractures of the tibial plafond (pilon type fractures) were excluded. These 43 patients were divided in 3 different types (Type I, II or III) as described by Haraguchi6. Five patients of each type were randomly selected for an equal distribution of articular fragment sizes. 3D models were reconstructed by 1) creating a mask for every respective slice; 2) select the appropriate dots that separate fracture from tibialshaft; 3) connect masks of each respective slice; and 4) reconstruct a 3D-mesh. After reconstruction of 3D-models, 1) fragment volume; 2) articular surface of the posterior malleolar fragment; 3) articular surface of intact tibia and 4) articular surface of the medial malleolus were calculated by all three observers. A summary of this technique is shown on . www.traumaplatform.org. The inter-observer reliability of these measurements was calculated using the ICC, which can be interpreted as the kappa coefficient. Results. Measurements of the volume of posterior malleolar fracture fragments ranged from 357 to 2904 mm3 with an ICC of 1.00 (Confidence interval (CI) 0.999 – 1.000) Measurements of the articular surface of the posterior malleolar fracture fragment ranged from 25 to 252 mm2 with an ICC of 0.998 (CI 0.996 – 0.999); the articular surface of the intact tibia plafond ranged from 375 to 1124 mm2 (ICC 0.998, CI 0.996 – 0.999); and the articular surface of the medial malleolus ranged from 79 to 149 mm2 (ICC 0.978, CI 0.978 – 0.911). The categorical ratings for all ICC's were defined as almost perfect according to the system of Landis7. Discussion/Conclusion. This study showed that our Q3DCT-modelling technique. 2,3,4,5. is reliable and reproducible to reconstruct ankle fractures, in order to assess fracture characteristics of posterior malleolar fracture fragments. Future research will focus on the association between overall ankle fracture patterns according to