Identification of the
Purpose. Clinical coding is used to record information from patient admissions in the form of coded data used for monitoring the provision of health services and trends, research, audit and NHS financial planning. Method. A sample of 105 cases admitted to Southampton General
Aim. Assess the incidence of Vitamin D deficiency from a cohort of new referrals to a general
Aim. The use of intraoperative cell salvage as a tool for reducing allogenic transfusion has been demonstrated in pelvic osteotomies. The aims of this audit were to identify any problems or complications with cell salvage, reduction in allogenic transfusion and identify procedures that would benefit. Methods. The use of cell salvage and allogenic transfusions were prospectively recorded over a 27-month period for all those who had major non spinal surgery looking at whether cell-salvage reduced allogenic transfusions and where cell salvage was used it was matched to procedure, diagnosis and age with cases where it was not used over the same time period. Results. Cell salvage was used in 61 cases. For these, average blood loss was 624mls and re-transfused volume 176mls (range=0-888mls). There were no complications. 4 problems occurred, 2 where suction became desterilised and 2 with insufficient sample to process. Of those that were matched, 3/55 cases required allogenic transfusion versus 11/55 that did not have cell salvage (p=0.03). Sub group analysis according to procedure did not reach significance. Excluding those with osteogenesis imperfecta, no isolated femoral osteotomy required allogenic transfusion (total number=48). Conclusion. Overall its use has reduced the number of children receiving allogenic blood and negates the need to cross match preoperatively. Group and save sample is probably sufficient for most major
Introduction. Albania is one of the poorest countries in Western European with a GDP per capita standing at 26 percent of the EU average in 2010. Whilst there is government-funded universal free provision of healthcare, it is accepted that delivery is patchy, not accessible to all and lacking expertise for more complex paediatric orthopaedic conditions. With the sponsorship of a UK-based charity, we have set up and completed 5 visits to Albania (3 assessment and 2 operative) to provide additional expertise for paediatric orthopaedic disorders running parallel to and utilising currently available local services. We present the results of this treatment and training programme to date. Patients and methods. Between 2008 and 2011, we assessed 204 children and adolescents with paediatric orthopaedic disorders in Tirana and Durres on 3 separate visits. Of these, 28 were listed for surgical procedures whilst the rest were treated non-operatively. Of the listed patients, 14 patients underwent surgical intervention (total of 18 procedures). Results. The most common diagnoses were developmental dysplasia of the hip, club feet, cerebral palsy and scoliosis. Most patients were treated non-operatively with advice and/or reassurance. Of those listed for surgery, the reasons for cancellation included problems with access to the treating hospital and failure to establish patient contact on the day of admission. Of the operated patients, the procedures performed, the perioperative challenges and significant complications (2/18) will be discussed. Conclusion. Although it is viable to establish parallel service delivery of
Purpose This was an observational study to determine the prevalence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D deficiency in our
Aims. Management of displaced paediatric supracondylar elbow fractures remains widely debated and actual practice is unclear. This national trainee collaboration aimed to evaluate surgical and postoperative management of these injuries across the UK. Methods. This study was led by the South West Orthopaedic Research Division (SWORD) and performed by the Supra Man Collaborative. Displaced paediatric supracondylar elbow fractures undergoing surgery between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019 were retrospectively identified and their anonymized data were collected via Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap). Results. A total of 972 patients were identified across 41 hospitals. Mean age at injury was 6.3 years (1 to 15), 504 were male (52%), 583 involved the left side (60%), and 538 were Gartland type 3 fractures (55%). Median time from injury to theatre was 16 hours (interquartile range (IQR) 6.6 to 22), 300 patients (31%) underwent surgery on the day of injury, and 91 (9%) underwent surgery between 10:00 pm and 8:00 am. Overall, 910 patients (94%) had Kirschner (K)-wire) fixation and these were left percutaneous in 869 (95%), while 62 patients (6%) had manipulation under anaesthetic (MUA) and casting. Crossed K-wire configuration was used as fixation in 544 cases (59.5%). Overall, 208 of the fixation cases (61%) performed or supervised by a
Aims. The health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of paediatric patients with orthopaedic conditions and spinal deformity is important, but existing generic tools have their shortcomings. We aim to evaluate the use of Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) 4.0 generic core scales in the paediatric population with specific comparisons between those with spinal and limb pathologies, and to explore the feasibility of using PedsQL for studying scoliosis patients’ HRQoL. Methods. Paediatric patients attending a speciality outpatient clinic were recruited through consecutive sampling. Two groups of patients were included: idiopathic scoliosis, and
We present a review of our Specialist Physiotherapy clinic for normal physiological variations of the lower limb (SPNV) clinics, demonstrating them to be clinically effective and cost effective. Children with normal variation of rotational profile and limb angulation present much anxiety to parents and primary care. Providing consultation: to eliminate significant pathology and reassure families, is an important service that a
There is no consensus regarding optimum timing and frequency of ultrasound (US) for monitoring response to Pavlik harness (PH) treatment in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). The purpose of our study was to determine if a limited-frequency hip US assessment had an adverse effect on treatment outcomes compared to traditional comprehensive US monitoring. This study was a single-centre noninferiority randomized controlled trial. Infants aged under six months whose hips were reduced and centred in the harness at initiation of treatment (stable dysplastic or subluxable), or initially decentred (subluxated or dislocated) but reduced and centred within four weeks of PH treatment, were randomized to our current standard US monitoring protocol (every clinic visit) or to a limited-frequency US protocol (US only at end of treatment). Groups were compared based on α angle and femoral head coverage at the end of PH treatment, acetabular indices, and International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) grade on one-year follow-up radiographs.Aims
The aim of this study is to develop a core set of outcome domains that should be considered and reported in all future trials of childhood limb fractures. A four-phase study was conducted to agree a set of core outcome domains. Identification of candidate outcome domains were identified through systematic review of trials, and outcome domains relevant to families were identified through semi-structured interviews with 20 families (parent-child pairing or group). Outcome domains were prioritized using an international three-round Delphi survey with 205 panellists and then condensed into a core outcome set through a consensus workshop with 30 stakeholders.Aims
The purpose of the study was to investigate the incidence of surgical site infection following elective
Aims. Accurate skeletal age and final adult height prediction methods in
Aims. This observational study examines the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic upon the paediatric trauma burden of a district general hospital. We aim to compare the nature and volume of the paediatric trauma during the first 2020 UK lockdown period with the same period in 2019. Methods. Prospective data was collected from 23 March 2020 to 14 June 2020 and compared with retrospective data collected from 23 March 2019 to 14 June 2019. Patient demographics, mechanism of injury, nature of the injury, and details of any surgery were tabulated and statistically analyzed using the independent-samples t-test for normally distributed data and the Mann-Whitney-U test for non-parametric data. Additionally, patients were contacted by telephone to further explore the mechanism of injury where required, to gain some qualitative insight into the risk factors for injury. Results. The 2020 lockdown resulted in 30% fewer paediatric trauma presentations (441 vs 306), but no significant change in the number of patients requiring surgery (47 vs 51; p = 0.686). Trampolining injuries increased in absolute numbers by 168% (p < 0.001), almost four times more common when considered as percentage of all injuries observed in 2020 vs 2019. There was a decrease in high energy trauma from road traffic accidents and falls from height (21.5% decrease, p < 0.001). Despite a shift towards more conservative treatment options, trampolining injuries continued to require surgery in similar proportions (19.4 vs 20%; p = 0.708). Qualitative investigation revealed that the most common risk factor for trampolining injury was concurrent usage, especially with an older child. Conclusion. COVID-19 lockdown has resulted in a decrease in
We report the effect of introducing a dedicated
Ponseti service on the five-year treatment outcomes of children
with idiopathic clubfoot. Between 2002 and 2004, 100 feet (66 children; 50 boys and 16
girls) were treated in a general
Originally used for correction of angular malalignment, 2 hole plate epiphyseodesis has recently gained popularity in
Aim. With the link between obesity and Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis (SUFE) well established and a rising number of
Aim. This pilot study aimed to identify the important symptomatic, functional and psychosocial aspects of hip disorders from the perspective of adolescent patients and their families in order to begin developing a patient-focused instrument (Bridging Adolescent Self-Reported Hip – BASH - score). Methods. This was a qualitative patient-centred study at a tertiary
Aim:. An assessment of the relationship between pathological Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) and Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV). Introduction:. Traditional UK guidelines consider abnormalities of the foot to be a risk factor for DDH. 1,2. Currently, there is controversy whether congenital foot abnormalities are true risk factors for pathological DDH. 3,4. There is a relationship between CTCV and hip dysplasia though the relationship between CTEV and pathological DDH is less clear. 5. In a previous 11 year prospective longitudinal study no case of Graf Types III, IV or irreducible hip dislocation were associated with CTEV. 5. Subsequent correspondence and case histories have challenged this view. 6. Methods:. In order to clarify this issue, a 20-year prospective longitudinal observational study was undertaken. All cases of fixed CTEV (Harold & Walker types 1 to 3) referred to the sub-regional
This study aimed to determine the major diagnoses and needs of children in Rwanda with musculoskeletal conditions to enable the Rwandan government to begin to plan orthopaedic and rehabilitation services. BACKGROUND. When faced with developing orthopaedic services for children in Sub-Saharan Africa, there is little objective evidence-based data on the magnitude and type of services needed. Rwanda is a small country that is in the process of developing orthopaedic and rehabilitation services, and its Ministry of Health supported a survey that would provide information necessary for planning such services. METHODS. A national survey of musculoskeletal impairment (MSI) prevalence was undertaken. Of a population of 8.4 million, 8368 people were enumerated. Four thousand one hundred thirty-four were aged 16 years or less. Cases who failed a screening test for MSI were examined, allocated a diagnostic category, and assessed as to treatment needed. RESULTS. Of 4134 people aged 16 years or less who were enumerated, 3526 (85%) were screened and 91 had MSI, giving a prevalence of MSI among children of 2.58% (95% confidence interval; 2.06-3.10). Twenty-three percent of MSIs were a result of congenital deformity, 14% neurologic conditions, 12% trauma, 3% infection, and 46% other acquired pathology. Of the MSIs, 56.7% were mild, 37.8% moderate, and 5.6% severe. Extrapolated treatment needs suggest that 2% of Rwandan children (approximately 80,000) need orthopaedic physical therapy, 1.2% (50,000) need orthopaedic surgery, and approximately 10,000 need orthopaedic appliances. CONCLUSIONS. These results will be of use in planning future