Introduction. A variety of patient reported outcome (PRO) surveys have been established and validated to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical interventions. The Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (HOOS) has been validated as one method to evaluate the effectiveness of total hip arthroplasty patients. This PRO facilitates the assessment of factors that alter patient outcomes in hip arthroplasty. This retrospective study assesses the effect of psychological post-operative expectations on HOOS in total hip arthroplasty patients. In this pilot study, patient data was collected for 499 patients using the AAOS established Musculoskeletal Outcomes Data Evaluation and Management System (MODEMS) [1] and HOOS surveys. Method. Patient data was matched using similar preoperative HOOS scores to allow for comparable room for improvement in HOOS score postoperatively. These patients were placed into groups of high performers and low performers. HOOS is based on a 0 to 100 scale, 100 as the best. High performers were defined as those with a ratio of change in HOOS score between preoperative and postoperative over the highest difference in score possible (reaching a postoperative HOOS of 100) of 1. Low performers were defined as those with the aforementioned ratio, but under the value of 0.3. Using these defined groups we were able to compare the summation of patient specific MODEMS scores using a univariate regression. The HOOS growth ratio is calculated based on the following. HOOS growth ratio = (HOOS postop – HOOS preop)/(100-HOOS preop). A principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to identify the significant group of factors that could identify changes in the outcome of 41 patients (20 low performers and 21 high performers). Results and analysis. PCA was conducted on 5 items with orthogonal rotation (varimax). The Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure verified the sampling adequacy for the analysis, KMO = .0.688, which is well above the acceptable limit of 0.5. Two components had eigenvalues over Kaiser's criterion of 1 and in combination explained 74.487% of the variance. The scree plot demonstrate the two components that were retained in the final analysis. Component 1 represents expected outcome measured on Household activity, sleep comfort, and expected relief; the second component was made of expected outcome based on recreation activity and expected time to return to job. The outcome of the logistic regression model indicated that the factors in the first component group could significantly identify the performance of the patients after surgery. Conclusions. In this study we used MODEMS questionnaire to find the
Computer assisted surgical navigation has played an increasingly central role in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Given the recognized importance of subtle component position changes in knee function, navigation has emerged as a promising tool for reducing the occurrence of significant malalignment. The ability of this technology to reliably measure multiple parameters intraoperatively allows analysis to possibly identify a correlation between intraoperative computer assisted surgical navigation data and functional outcomes of patients undergoing elective total knee arthroplasty. Intraoperative navigation data was collected for 121 patients undergoing cemented, posterior stabilized TKA. Three forward stepwise regression analyses were performed to associate intraoperative coronal alignment correction, tibiofemoral external rotation, and alignment under varus and valgus stress with one year outcomes, including range of motion, Oxford and SF-36 scores. The amount of alignment correction and the maximum flexion achieved intraoperatively were significantly correlated (p <0.05, R-sq = 13%) with clinically measured maximum flexion at one year. Maximum flexion achieved intraoperatively, external tibiofemoral rotation and maximum varus under stress were also significantly associated (p < 0.05, R-sq = 31%) with the physical component of the SF-36 outcome score. Analyses of computer navigation in TKA to date have primarily focused on precision of sagittal plane correction. Alternatively we have identified four intraoperative parameters that correlate with functional outcome at one year. Correct intraoperative interpretation of navigation data may allow surgeons to make subtle changes in real time to produce superior short-term outcomes for patients.
Pathologies such as Scapho-Lunate Advanced Collapse (SLAC), Scaphoid Non-union Advanced Collapse (SNAC) and Kienbock's disease can lead to arthritis in the wrist. Depending on the articular surfaces that are involved, motion preserving surgical procedures can be performed. Proximal Row Carpectomy (PRC) and Four Corner Fusion (4CF) are tried and tested surgical options. However, prospective studies comparing the two methods looking at sufficient sample sizes are limited in the literature. The purpose of this study was to prospectively compare the early results of PRC vs 4CF performed in a single centre. Patients with wrist arthritis were prospectively enrolled (2015 to 2021) in a single centre in Vancouver, Canada. Thirty-six patients and a total of 39 wrists underwent either a PRC (n=18) or 4CF (n=21) according to pre-operative clinical, radiographical, and intra-operative assessment. Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation (PRWE) scores were obtained preoperatively, as well as at six months and one year post operatively. Secondary outcomes were range of motion (ROM) of the wrist, grip strength, reoperation and complication rates. Statistical significance was set at p=0.05 Respectively for PRC and 4CF, the average PRWE scores at baseline were 61.64 (SD=19.62) and 63.67 (SD=20.85). There was significant improvement at the six-month mark to 38.81 (SD=22.95) (p=0.031) and 41.33 (SD=26.61) (p=0.007), then further improvement at the 12month mark to 33.11 (SD=23.42) (p=0.007) and 36.29 (SD=27.25) (p=0.002). There was no statistical difference between the two groups at any time point. Regarding ROM, statistical difference was seen in pronation for the PRC group at the 6month mark from an average of 72.18 deg to 61.56 deg and in flexion at the 12 month mark from 47.89 deg to 33.50 deg. All other parameters did not show statistically significant difference post operatively. For ROM of the 4CF group, only flexion at the 12month mark showed statistically significant change from an average of 48.81 deg to 38.03 deg. There was no statistical difference in pre-operative ROM between the two groups. One patient in the 4CF group required a revision for delayed union, and three patients ended up with ulnar sided wrist pain. Patients undergoing PRC and 4CF showed significant improvement in post operative PRWE scores, this reflects existing literature. For 4CF care must be taken to minimise ulnar sided wrist pain by relatively shortening the unar sided carpal column mass. ROM analysis showed that patients lost some wrist flexion ROM post-operatively at the 12month mark with both PRC and 4CF. However, other ROM parameters were unchanged
Aim. Decubitus ulcers are found in approximately 4.7% of hospitalized patients, with a higher prevalence (up to 30%) among those with spinal cord injuries. These ulcers are often associated with hip septic arthritis and/or osteomyelitis involving the femur. Girdlestone resection arthroplasty is a surgical technique used to remove affected proximal femur and acetabular tissues, resulting in a substantial defect. The vastus lateralis flap has been employed as an effective option for managing this dead space. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcomes of this procedure in a consecutive series of patients. Method. A retrospective single-center study was conducted from October 2012 to December 2022, involving 7 patients with spinal cord injuries affected by chronic severe septic hip arthritis and/or femoral head septic necrosis as a consequence of decubitus ulcers over trochanter area. All patients underwent treatment using a multidisciplinary approach by the same surgical team (orthopedic and plastic surgeons) along with infectious disease specialists. The treatment consisted of a one-stage procedure combining Girdlestone resection arthroplasty with unilateral vastus lateralis flap reconstruction, alongside targeted antibiotic therapy. Complications and
Emerging evidence suggests preoperative opioid use may increase the risk of negative outcomes following orthopedic procedures. This systematic review evaluated the impact of preoperative opioid use in patients undergoing shoulder surgery with respect to preoperative clinical outcomes, postoperative complications, and postoperative dependence on opioids. EMBASE, MEDLINE, CENTRAL, and CINAHL were searched from inception to April, 2021 for studies reporting preoperative opioid use and its effect on
Abstract. Aims. Growth disturbances after transphyseal paediatric ACL reconstruction have led to the development of physeal-sparing techniques. However, evidence in their favour remains weak. This study reviews the literature to identify factors associated with growth disturbances in paediatric ACL reconstructions. Materials and Methods. Web of Science, Scopus and Pubmed were searched for case series studying paediatric ACL reconstructions. Titles, abstracts, text, results and references were examined for documentation of growth disturbances. Incidences of graft failures were also studied in these selected studies. Results. 78 studies with 2693 paediatric ACL reconstructions had 70 growth disturbances (2.6%). Of these 17 were varus, 26 valgus, 13 shortening, 14 lengthening and 5 patients had reduced tibial slope. Coronal plane deformities were seen more frequently with eccentric physeal arrest and lengthening with intraepiphyseal tunnelling. Shortening and reduced tibial slope were related to large central physeal arrest and anterior tibial physeal arrest respectively. Extraphyseal technique were least likely to have growth disturbances. 62 studies documented 166 graft failures in 2120 patients (7.83%). Conclusion. Growth disturbances resulting from transphyseal ACL reconstruction can be minimised by keeping drill size small, drilling steep and away from the physeal periphery. Insertion of bone plug, hardware or synthetic material through the drilled physis should be avoided. The evidence to accurately quantify such growth disturbances till skeletal maturity remains weak. Robust long term studies such as national ligament registries may standardise preoperative and
The use of cannabis is increasingly medically relevant as it is legalized and gains acceptance more broadly. However, the effects of marijuana use on
The relationship between pain catastrophizing and emotional disorders including anxiety and depression in patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis undergoing total joint replacement (TJR) is an emerging area of study. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between catastrophizing, anxiety, depression and postoperative pain and functional outcomes following primary TJR. A prospective cohort study of preoperative TJR patients at one academic arthroplasty centre over a one-year period was conducted. Pain catastrophizing was assessed using the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS), and anxiety/depression using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-A, HADS-D) at preoperative assessment.
Abstract. Background. With the increasingly accepted method of suprapatellar tibial nailing for tibial shaft fractures, we aimed to compare intraoperative and
Glenoid failure remains the most common mode of total shoulder arthroplasty failures. Porous tantalum metal (Trabecular Metal™, Zimmer) have grown in popularity in hip and knee arthroplasty. First-generation porous tantalum metal-backed glenoid components demonstrated metal debris, resulted in failure, and were revised to second-generation glenoid implants. Evidence for second-generation porous tantalum metal implants in shoulder arthroplasty is sparse.1–4 The purpose of this study was to assess clinical and radiographic outcomes in a series of patients with second-generation porous tantalum glenoid components at a minimum two-years postoperative. We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and radiographic outcomes of patients who received a second-generation porous tantalum glenoid component anatomic shoulder arthroplasty between May 2009 and December 2017 with minimum 24 months follow-up. The shoulder arthroplasties were performed by one of two senior fellowship-trained surgeons. We collected postoperative clinical outcome indicators: EQ5D visual analog scale (VAS), Western Ontario Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder (WOOS) Index, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) Score, and Constant Score (CS). Radiographic review was performed by an independent fellowship-trained surgeon. The Endrizzi metal debris grading system1 was utilized to grade metal debris. We computed descriptive statistics and compared outcome scores between groups via the non-parametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test, with group-wise comparisons defined by: metal debris and humeral head migration (secondary analyses). Thirty-five patients [23 male (65.7%) and 12 female (34.3%)] with 40 shoulder replacements participated in the study. Forty of 61 shoulders (65.6%) had an average of 64 ± 20.3 months follow-up (range 31 to 95). Average BMI was 27.5 ± 4.4 kg/m2 (range 19.5 to 39.1). The average postoperative EQ5D VAS at final follow-up was 74.6 ± 22.5, WOOS Index 87.9 ± 16.6, ASES Score 88.3 ± 10.9, and CS 80.4 ± 13. At final follow-up, 18 of 40 shoulders (45%) had metal debris [15 of 40 (37.5%) Endrizzi grade 1 and three of 40 (7.5%) Endrizzi grade 2], and 22 of 40 shoulders (55%) did not show evidence of metal debris. There was one non-revision reoperation (open subscapularis exploration), one shoulder with anterosuperior escape, three shoulders with glenoid radiolucencies indicative of possible glenoid loosening, and nine shoulders with superior migration of the humeral head (>2mm migration at final follow-up compared to immediate postoperative). When comparing postoperative scores between patients with vs without metal debris, we found no statistically significant difference in the EQ5D VAS, WOOS Index, ASES Score and CS. On further analyses, when comparing superior migration of the humeral head and
Introduction. With many stakeholders, healthcare decisions are complex. However, patient interests should be prioritized. This maximizes healthcare value (quality divided by cost), simultaneously minimizing costs (objective) and maximizing quality (subjective). Unfortunately, even ‘high value’ procedures like total knee arthroplasty (TKA) suffer from recovery assessment subjectivity (i.e. high assessment variability) and increasing costs. High TKA costs and utilization yield high annual expenditures (∼$22B), including postoperative physical therapy (PT) accounting for ∼10% of total costs (∼$2.3B annually). Post-TKA PT is typically homogenous across subjects ensuring most recover, however recent work shows outcomes unimpacted by PT. Accordingly, opportunities exist improving healthcare value by simultaneously reducing unnecessary PT expenditures and improving outcomes. However, discerning recovery completion relies on discrete ROM measures captured clinically and subjective clinician experience (i.e. intuition about recovery). Accordingly, our goal was developing objective post-TKA performance assessment methods utilizing gait knee ROM and statistical analyses to categorize patient recovery (‘accelerated,’ ‘delayed,’ or ‘normal’). Methods. We first established statistical reasons for current post-TKA rehabilitation including risk-reward tradeoffs between incorrectly ascribing ‘poor recovery’ to well-recovering patients (T1 error) or ‘good recovery’ to poorly-recovering patients (T2 error) using methods described by Mudge et al. and known TKA volumes/rehabilitation costs. Next, previously captured gait ROM data from well-healed patients was utilized establishing standard recovery curves. These were then utilized to assess newly captured patient recovery. Following IRB approval, we prospectively captured gait ROM from 10 TKA patients (3M, 69±13 years) 1-week pre-TKA and 6-weeks immediately post-TKA. Performance was compared to recovery curves via control charts/Shewhart rules (daily performance) as well as standard deviation thresholds (weekly performance) establishing recovery as ‘accelerated,’ ‘delayed,’ or ‘normal.’ The categorization was extrapolated to US TKA population and savings/expenses quantified. Statistical analyses were performed in Minitab with statistical significance set to α<0.05. Results. Current post-TKA approach is as much PT as possible (AMPTAP). AMPTAP was confirmed statistically. Because poor recovery costs are significant, balancing T1/T2 error minimizes risk by removing T1 error risk (α=0.00) via 27 PT sessions for equal cost to one manipulation under anaesthesia (MUA). Previously captured, well-healed subject gait ROM were always normally distributed. Assessing performance via control charts showed serial ‘accelerated’/‘delayed’ recovery and would serially under/over-prescribe PT. Establishing recovery performance via ±1SD thresholds successfully evaluated 3 clinically established “poor recoverers” as ‘delayed’ and the reaming clinically established “good recoverers” as ‘normal’ or ‘accelerated’ throughout recovery. Discussion. Optimization for current AMPTAP approach, while effective reducing poor recovery risk, is a gross misuse of rehabilitation spending. Improved methods are necessary including those rooted with strong statistical foundation. Control charts are likely too fine an assessment as patient performance day-to-day is too variable resulting in clinical rehabilitation prescription over-reactions. In contrast, standard deviation thresholds likely provide a conservative approach that allows clinicians the opportunity to improve postoperative rehabilitation week-after-week throughout recovery. However, PT was not altered herein. Thus, the impact altering PT has on
Worldwide, it is expected that 6.3 million patients will sustain a hip fracture in 2050. Hemiarthroplasty is commonly practiced for displaced femoral neck fractures. The choice between unipolar (UH) or bipolar (BH) hemiarthroplasty is still controversial. The objective of this study was to assess the effect on hip function of BH compared to UH for a displaced femoral neck fracture in elderly patients. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing BH to UH. Data sources were Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library and Web of Science. All data was pooled in Review Manager (RevMan) version 5.3 software. Selection of the studies included, data abstraction, data synthesis, risk of biais and quality of evidence evaluation was done independently by two authors. Our primary
This study aimed to investigate the risk of postoperative complications in COVID-19-positive patients undergoing common orthopaedic procedures. Using the National Surgical Quality Improvement Programme (NSQIP) database, patients who underwent common orthopaedic surgery procedures from 1 January to 31 December 2021 were extracted. Patient preoperative COVID-19 status, demographics, comorbidities, type of surgery, and postoperative complications were analyzed. Propensity score matching was conducted between COVID-19-positive and -negative patients. Multivariable regression was then performed to identify both patient and provider risk factors independently associated with the occurrence of 30-day postoperative adverse events.Aims
Currently, hip implant designs are evaluated experimentally using mechanical simulators or cadavers, and total hip arthroplasty (THA)
Previous studies have indicated that prolonged surgical time may lead to higher rates of infection following total hip arthroplasty (THA). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of surgical time on 30-day complications following THA and to determine if there was a time interval associated with worse outcomes. Patients ≥18 years who underwent THA between 2005 and 2016 were identified from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database using procedural codes. Patients with surgical durations >240 minutes were excluded. Patient demographics, operation length, and 30-day major and minor complications were ascertained. Multivariable regression was used to determine if the rate of complications differed depending on length of operation, while adjusting for relevant covariables, and to identify independent predictors of operation length. Covariables of interest included age, sex, American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) class, smoking status, functional status, comorbidities, anesthesia type, and Body Mass Index (BMI). A total of 131,361 THA patients (average age 65 ±12 years) were identified from the database. Of these, 2,177 (1.64%) experienced a major complication, and 3,504 (2.64%) experienced a minor complication within 30-days of the initial procedure. Average operation length was 91.9 minutes (range 20 – 240 minutes). Independent predictors of prolonged operation length included overweight/obese BMI, male sex, cancer, dependent functional status, epidural anaesthetic, lower pre-operative hematocrit, and ASA class II, III or IV vs. I Alternatively, older age, current smoking, and spinal anaesthetic were associated with shorter surgical durations. Unadjusted rates of both major and minor complications were significantly higher for patients whose operation lengths were ≥ 120 minutes (P>0.001). Specifically, patients whose operations lasted ≥ 120 minutes had higher rates of septic shock, sepsis, pulmonary embolism (PE), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), urinary tract infection (UTI), renal insufficiency, surgical site infection(SSI) and wound disruption. After covariable adjustment, surgical durations of 90–119 minutes increased the risk of minor complications by 1.2 (95%Confidence interval [95%CI] 1.1–1.3), while surgical durations of 120–179 minutes increased the risk of major complications by 1.4 (95%CI 1.3 – 1.6), and minor complications by 1.4 (95%CI 1.2 – 1.5), and surgical durations ≥180 minutes increased the risk of major complications by 2.1 (95%CI 1.8 – 2.6), and minor complications by 1.9 (95%CI 1.6 – 2.3). There was no difference in the overall risk of complications for operation times lasting 20 – 39, 40 – 59, or 60 – 89 minutes (P>0.05). In terms of specific complications, operation length ≥90 minutes was determined to be an independent risk factor for deep and superficial incisional SSI, as well as wound disruption, while operation length ≥ 120 minutes was an independent risk factor for sepsis, UTI, and deep, non-incisional SSI and operation length ≥ 180 minutes was an independent risk factor for PE, DVT, and cardiac arrest (p < 0 .05). These data indicate that prolonged surgical durations may be an independent predictor of major and minor complications following THA. This suggests that quality improvements could be made to improve operating room efficiency and surgical times and therefore
Background. The JOURNEY™ II Cruciate-Retaining Total Knee System (JIICR) and the JOURNEY™ II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized Total Knee System (JIIBCS) (both, Smith & Nephew, Memphis, TN, USA) are used for the treatment of end-stage degenerative knee arthritis. Belonging to the JOURNEY family of knee implants, the relatively new devices are designed to provide guided motion. Studies suggest that long-term outcomes of robotic-assisted navigation in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are superior to the classical approach. This is the first report describing early
Deprivation underpins many societal and health inequalities. COVID-19 has exacerbated these disparities, with access to planned care falling greatest in the most deprived areas of the UK during 2020. This study aimed to identify the impact of deprivation on patients on growing waiting lists for planned care. Questionnaires were sent to orthopaedic waiting list patients at the start of the UK’s first COVID-19 lockdown to capture key quantitative and qualitative aspects of patients’ health. A total of 888 respondents were divided into quintiles, with sampling stratified based on the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD); level 1 represented the ‘most deprived’ cohort and level 5 the ‘least deprived’.Aims
Introduction. Previous research defines the existence of a “safe zone” (SZ) pertaining to acetabular cup implantation during total hip arthroplasty (THA). It is believed that if the cup is implanted at 40°±10° inclination and 15°±10° anteversion, risk of dislocation is reduced. However, recent studies have documented that even when the acetabular cup is placed within the SZ, high incidence dislocation and instability remains due to the combination of patient-specific configuration, cup diameter, head size, and surgical approach. The SZ only investigates the angular orientation of the cup, ignoring translational location. Translational location of the cup can cause a mismatch between anatomical hip center and implanted cup center, which has not been widely explored. Objective. The objective of this study is to define a zone within which the implanted joint center can be altered with respect to the anatomical joint center but will not increase the likelihood of post-operative hip separation or dislocation. Methods. A theoretical forward solution hip model, previously validated by telemetric devices and fluoroscopy data of existing implants, was used for analysis. The model allows for modifications of implant geometries/placement and soft tissue resection to simulate various surgical conditions. For the baseline simulation, the cup center was matched to the anatomical hip joint center, calculated as the center of the best fit sphere mapping the acetabulum, and the orientation of the cup was 40°/15° (inclination/anteversion). Keeping cup orientation the same, the location of the cup was moved in 1 mm increments in all directions to identify the region where a mismatch between the two centers did not lead to separation or instability in the joint. Results. During both swing and stance phase, when the acetabular cup was placed within the optimal conic with a slant height of 5±1 mm, no hip instability or dislocation risk occurred. As the acetabular cup was translated to the boundary of the optimal conic, hip instability increased. When the acetabular cup was placed at the boundary of the optimal conic, up to 2 mm of hip separation in the lateral direction occurred during swing phase, resulting in a decrease in contact area and an increase in contact stress. As the cup was placed outside the optimal conic, severe edge loading and hip separation up to 3.5 mm occurred during swing phase. In general, this resulted in large increases in cup stress, resulting in increased risk of wear leading to early complications. Discussion. This study introduces the concept of an optimal conic in the hip joint space to reduce the incidence of dislocation and hip instability after THA. Placing the cup center within the optimal conic reduces hip instability. Moving the cup further from the anatomical hip center increases the occurrence of hip instability. Cup placement within the optimal conic and angular SZ can lead to better
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of multi-radius (MR, n=20) versus gradually reducing radius (GR, n=18) knee design on the kinematics and kinetics of the knee during level ground walking one year after total knee arthroplasty. Materials and Methods. Thirty-eight knees with end-stage knee osteoarthritis were examined before and one year after total knee arthroplasty. The groups consisted of subjects who had undergone total knee arthroplasty with a representative MR designed implant (B Braun-Aesculap Vega. ®. Knee System) and a representative GR designed implant (Depuy Attune. ®. Knee System) (Figure 1). The kinematic and kinetic parameters of knee varus angle, first peak knee adduction moment, sagittal plane knee excursion and extensor moment were evaluated during gait, as well as the spatiotemporal gait outcomes of walking speed, stride length, cadence, step length, the percentage of stance phase. Comparisons of preoperative and
Background of study. Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstructions are often performed using gracilis autografts, this can be associated with donor site morbidity and complications. The use of synthetic material can circumvent a harvest operation and have previously been demonstrated to be effective in other types of reconstructive procedures and may be effective in MPFL reconstruction. We report our experience and clinical results with the use of FiberTape (FT) in MPFL reconstruction and compare it to the same surgical technique using standard autografts. Materials and Methods. Data were collected prospectively in 50 MPFL reconstructions. The first 27 underwent reconstruction using autograft; the following 23 patients were treated with FT. All patients were clinically and radiologically assessed and underwent pre- and post-operative scoring using the Kujala score, Bartlett score, Modified Tegner activity rating scale, SF 12 score and Lysholm score. Statistical significance was tested between groups using ANOVA with repeated measures. Results. There was no significant differences in the pre-operative scores between the FT and GT groups (p>0.05). Both groups showed significant improvement across all scoring modalities between pre- and post-operative periods 12, 24 and 48 months of follow-up (p<0.05). There were no significant differences in knee function scores between the GT and FT groups. Conclusion. The use of FT in MPFL reconstruction is safe and effective, it significantly improved patient's quality of life and related