Aims. Large bone defects resulting from osteolysis, fractures, osteomyelitis, or metastases pose significant challenges in acetabular reconstruction for total hip arthroplasty. This study aimed to evaluate the survival and radiological outcomes of an acetabular reconstruction technique in patients at high risk of reconstruction failure (i.e. periprosthetic joint infection (PJI), poor bone stock, immunosuppressed patients), referred to as Hip Reconstruction In Situ with
The benefit of using acetabular screws in primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) has been questioned in recent years. The disadvantages of using screws include increased operative time, risk of injury to surrounding neurovascular structures and metal ware breakage. Recent large registry studies have reported that screws do not confer a protective effect against acetabular loosening or the presence of osteolysis. Other studies have even described an increased risk of aseptic acetabular loosening with the selective use of screws. We report findings from a multicentre cohort study. This large cohort study compared clinical outcomes between primary acetabular components that were inserted with and without screws. Independent variables included the presence (or absence) of screws, the total number of screws used and the cumulative screw length (CSL). Outcome measures included all-cause revision, acetabular component revision and acetabular component loosening. Statistical software (Stata/IC 13.1 for Mac [64-bit Intel]) was used to conduct all statistical analyses. A p-value < 0 .05 taken to be significant. There were 4,583 THAs performed in total.
Primary implant stability is critical for osseointegration and subsequent implant success. Small displacements on the screw/bone interface are necessary for implant success, however, larger displacements can propagate cracks and break anchorage points which causes the screw to fail. Limited information is available on the progressive degradation of stability of an implanted bone screw since most published research is based on monotonic, quasi-static loading [1]. This study aims to address this gap in knowledge. A total of 100 implanted trabecular screws were tested using multi-axial loading test set-up.
Study Design: A radiographic study using disarticulated cadaver thoracic vertebrae. Objective: To determine the accuracy of orthogonal X-rays in detecting thoracic pedicle screw position by different groups of observers. Summary of Background Data: Pedicle screws are increasingly being used for internal fixation of the thoracic spine. Surgeons and radiologists are often required to make decisions on the pedicle screw position by plain antero-posterior (AP) and lateral radiographs. Materials and Methods: 23 disarticulated fresh adult thoracic vertebrae were used in this study. Pedicle screws were inserted completely within the pedicle; or deliberately violating the lateral or medial cortex of the pedicle. AP and lateral radiographs of each vertebrae were assessed by 2 spine surgeons, 2 spine trainees, and 2 musculoskeletal radiologists in a sequence of AP alone, and AP + lateral views. They were supposed to cataogorize the pedicular screw as ‘out laterally’/‘inside the pedicle’/‘out medially’ or ‘unsure’. Their assessments were compared to the actual position of the screws determined by the axial views. Results: For each screw position, trend was found towards slightly better accuracy with availability of AP &
lateral views in combination. From either AP alone or AP + lateral views, significantly higher accuracy was found in detecting screws “out laterally” than “inside pedicle” (p<
0.01), or “out medially”(p<
0.05), respectively. Nearly 30% of screws that were deliberately placed through the medial pedicle wall were not correctly identified. In addition, surgeons have highest accuracy from either AP alone, or AP + lateral views, followed by the spine trainees and radiologists. Radiologists provided more “unsure” answers than surgeons or trainees. Conclusions:
Introduction Thoracic pedicle screws are increasingly being used for internal fixation. Surgeons and radiologists are often required to make decisions about the position of the screws in relation to the pedicle based on AP and lateral plain radiographs alone. We ventured to assess the value of orthogonal radiographs in determining the position of thoracic pedicle screws in 23 cadaveric thoracic vertebrae. Methods Disarticulated cadaveric thoracic vertebrae were used in this study. Pedicle screws were inserted in three positions: 1) within the pedicle, deliberately violating the 2) lateral cortex of the pedicle and 3) medial cortex of the pedicle. AP (antero-posterior) &
lateral radiographs were obtained and presented to 6 readers (4 surgeons &
2 radiologists) in booklets consisting of AP views alone, lateral views alone and both AP &
lateral views together in a sequential manner. The readers were asked to indicate the position of the screws and the results of the evaluation were compared to the actual position (axial views). Results On AP views alone, the accuracy in detecting screws placed out of the pedicle laterally and medially were 93% and 76% respectively, while the accuracy for screws placed inside the pedicle was 85% . On LATERAL views alone, the accuracy for the same screw positions were 69%, 58% and 64% respectively. When AP + LATERAL views were considered together, the accuracy for the same screw positions were 93%, 80% and 87% respectively. Comparing the three groups, it was observed that screw positions were read more accurately in AP + LATERAL views (87%) compared to AP views alone (85%), or LATERAL views alone (64%). The sensitivity of correctly identifying screws placement is highest in AP + LATERAL (90%) views with a specificity of 94%. The specificity of detecting screws placed inside the pedicle is highest in AP (94%). The positive predictive value (PPV) of radiographs in general (AP +LATERAL) in detecting screws placed inside the pedicle, out of the pedicle laterally and medially were 73%, 92% and 86% respectively. The negative predictive value (NPV) of radiographs in general for the same screw locations were 90%, 96% and 76% respectively. On AP and AP + LATERAL views respectively, 25% and 23% of screws placed inside the pedicle were read as medially ‘out’. 10% of screws placed medially ‘out’ were read as ‘in’ on both AP and AP + LATERAL views. Inter-observer difference was substantial. In general, surgeons appeared to have consistently higher accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV values compared to radiologists and fellows in determining screw position. Discussion The positions of the screws appear to be most accurately detected when both AP and lateral x-rays are provided compared to AP or lateral alone.
Aims: Fixation failure due to osteoporosis is a major complication of osteosynthesis using compression hip screws (CHS). Biocompatible materials have been developed to improve CHS purchase and to limit fixation failure. Cortoss™ is a novel, injectable composite that interdigitates with bone, mimicking native cortical bone. This pilot study tested the immediate anchoring strength and safety of Cortoss in patients with peritrochanteric fracture. Methods: Ethical Committee approval and patient informed consent were obtained.
Abstract. Objectives. The use of cannulated screws for femoral neck fractures is often limited by concerns of avascular necrosis (AVN) occurring, historically seen in 10–20% of fixed intracapsular fractures. The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of AVN with current surgical techniques within our unit. Methods. A single centre retrospective review was performed. Operative records between 1st July 2014 and 31st May 2019 were manually searched for patients with an intracapsular neck of femur fracture fixed with cannulated screws, with minimum one year follow up. Patient records and radiographs were reviewed for clinical and radiographic diagnoses of AVN and/or non-union. Fracture pattern and displacement, screw configuration and reduction techniques were recorded, with radiographs independently analysed by five orthopaedic surgeons. Results. Sixty-five patients were identified, average age of 72 years (range 48–87). Thirty-six patients (55%) sustained displaced fractures and 29 patients (45%) had undisplaced fractures. Two (3%) patients developed AVN, with no cases of fracture non-union. Ten patients (15%) sustained a high-energy injury, though none of these patients developed AVN.
Purpose of the study: Fixing the pedicles can be difficult to achieve during surgical treatment of scoliosis involving the thoracic spine because of the vertebral rotation raising the risk of neurological and vascular disorders. Use of extrapedicular thoracic screws has been proposed for more adapted and safe fixation. No clinical data has been published concerning the safety of these screws. Material and methods: This multicentric retrospective clinical and radiological study included 467 thoracic screws in 34 patients operated for scoliosis. Neurophysiological monitoring was used for all procedures.
Introduction and Aims: Good clinical outcome can be expected following cementless total knee arthroplasty (TKA) provided there is early stability and bone ingrowth.
From a mechanical point of view, the clinical use of pedicle screws in the atlas is a promising alternative to lateral mass screws due to an increased biomechanical fixation. The most established surgical technique for posterior screw fixation in the atlas (C1) is realised by screw placement through the lateral mass [1]. This surgical placement may lead to extended bleeding from the paravertebral venous plexus as well as a violation of the axis (C2) nerve roots [1]. Using pedicle screws is an emerging technique which utilises the canal passing through the posterior arch enabling the use of longer screws with a greater contact area while avoiding the venous plexus and axis nerve roots. The aim of this Summary Statement
Cannulated hip screws are frequently used in the management of hip fractures. There have been concerns over the failure rate of the technique and the outcomes of those that subsequently require conversion to total hip replacement (THR). This study utilised a database of over 600 cannulated hip screw (CHS) fixations performed over a 14-year period and followed up for a minimum of one year (1-14). We identified 57 cases where a conversion to THR took place (40 females, 17 males, mean age: 71.2 years). Patient demographics, original mechanism of injury, fracture classification, reason for fixation failure, time until arthroplasty, implant type and post-arthroplasty complications were recorded. Clinical outcomes were measured using the Oxford Hip Score. The failure rate of cannulated screw treatment was 9.4% and the mean time from initial fixation to arthroplasty was 15.4 (16.5) months. Thirty six fractures were initially undisplaced and 21 were displaced. As one might expect the displaced cases tended to be younger but this didn't reach statistical significance [66.5(14.3) vs 72.7(13.1), p=0.1]. The commonest causes of failure were non-union (25 cases, 44%) and avascular necrosis (17 cases, 30%). Complications after THR consisted of one leg length discrepancy and one peri-prosthetic fracture. The mean Oxford score pre-arthroplasty was 12.2 (8.4), improving to 38.4 (11.1) at one-year. Although the pre op Oxford scores tended to be lower in patients with undisplaced fractures and higher ASA scores, the improvement was the same whatever the pre-op situation. The one-year Oxford score and the improvement in score are comparable to those seen in the literature for THR in general. In conclusion, CHS has a high success rate and where salvage arthroplasty is required it can provide good clinical outcomes with low complication rates.
The use of an arthroereisis screw is well described in the paediatric population for the correction of flexible flat feet. There are no long-term studies of its use in adults. We performed a functional and radiographic evaluation of a single centre, single surgeon series following the use of a subtalar arthroereisis screw, to augment reconstruction in adult patients with acquired adult flat foot deformity secondary to spring ligament / tibialis posterior tendon failure. We performed a retrospective review of 40 consecutive feet with stage 2 PTTI that underwent flexor digitorum longus transfer, reefing of the spring ligament, translational medialising calcanaeal osteotomy and augmentation with an arthroereisis screw (Kalix, Integra; 22 feet or ProStop, Arthrex; 3 feet), between 2005 and 2021. All arthroereisis screws were electively removed at 6 months. Radiographic values were assessed pre- and post-operatively at 1-year with functional results both at 1-year and average 10-year follow-up.Introduction
A retrospective review of 51 consecutive patients undergoing fixation of Scaphoid fractures by two surgeons in a single institution was conducted. Twenty-four patients were treated with a Herbert screw and twenty-seven with an Acutrak screw. This included six patients who underwent acute fixation, three in each group. The remaining cases were for the treatment of non-union and delayed union. There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of age, side of injury, and mechanism of injury. Fractures were classified as proximal, middle and distal thirds of the Scaphoid and there was no significant difference between the groups regarding the types of fractures treated. The only significant difference between the groups was the time from injury to fixation when considering the cases of delayed union and non union which was greater in the Herbert screw group (7.5 months vs 4 months p=<0.05). There was no significant difference in outcome between the two methods of fixation. Union rates for all cases were 79% for Herbert screws and 81% for Acutrak screws and 82% and 83% respectively when only considering the delayed union/non-union procedures. There was no difference in terms of time to union, further surgery or clinical outcome between the two groups. The Acutrak screw required removal in five patients and the Herbert screw in two due to symptoms from screw prominence. This was not statistically significant. In conclusion there is no significant difference in surgical outcome between these two methods of fixation for Scaphoid fractures. The authors feel that this supports the view that biological factors are more important than the method of fixation in obtaining union of Scaphoid fractures.
Symptomatic osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) and traumatic osteochondral fractures (OCF) are treated with fixation with either metal or bioabsorbable device. We performed a comparative review of patients with OCD and traumatic OCF stabilised with Bio-Compression screws which are headless absorbable compression screws. Our aim was to determine whether there was a difference in outcomes between presentations. Retrospective single-centre cohort study of all patients with OCD and OCF treated with Bio-Compression screw between July 2017 and September 2022. All patients followed up until discharge with satisfactory clinical outcome. Primary outcome was return to theatre for ongoing pain or mechanical symptoms. Secondary outcome was evidence of fixation failure on follow-up MRI scan.Abstract
Magnesium calcium alloys are promising candidates for an application as biodegradable osteosynthesis implants [1,2]. As the success of most internal fracture fixation techniques relies on safe anchorage of bone screws, there is necessity to investigate the holding power of biodegradable magnesium calcium alloy screws. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare the holding power of magnesium calcium alloy screws and commonly used surgical steel screws, as a control, by pull-out testing. Magnesium calcium alloy screws with 0.8wt% calcium (MgCa0.8) and conventional surgical steel screws (S316L) of identical geometries (major diameter 4mm, core diameter 3mm, thread pitch 1mm) were implanted into both tibiae of 40 rabbits. The screws were placed into the lateral tibial cortex just proximal of the fibula insertion and tightened with a manual torque gauge (15cNm). For intended pull-out tests a 1.5mm thick silicone washer served as spacer between bone and screw head. Six animals with MgCa0.8 and four animals with S316L were followed up for 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks, respectively. Thereafter the rabbits were sacrificed. Both tibiae were explanted, adherent soft tissue and new bone was carefully dissected around the screw head. Pull-out tests were carried out with an MTS 858 MiniBionix at a rate of 0.1mm/sec until failure of the screw or the bone. For each trial the maximum pull-out force [N] was determined. Statistical analysis was performed (ANOVA, Student's t-test). Both implant materials were tolerated well. Radiographically, new bone was detected at the implantation site of MgCa0.8 and S316L, which was carefully removed to perform pull-out trials. Furthermore, periimplant accumulations of gas were radiographically detected in MgCa0.8. The pull-out force of MgCa0.8 and S316L did not significantly differ (p = 0.121) after two weeks. From 6 weeks on the pull-out force of MgCa0.8 decreased resulting in significantly lower pull-out values after 8 weeks. Contrary, S316L pull-out force increased throughout the follow up. Thus, S316L showed significantly higher pull-out values than MgCa0.8 after 4, 6 and 8 weeks (p<0.001). MgCa0.8 showed good biocompatibility and pull-out values comparable to S316L in the first weeks of implantation. Thus, its application as biodegradable osteosynthesis implant is conceivable. Further studies are necessary to investigate whether the reduced holding power of MgCa0.8 is sufficient for secure fracture fixation. In addition, not only solitary screws, but also screw-plate-combinations should be examined over a longer time period. The study is part of the collaborative research centre 599 funded by the German Research Foundation.Acknowledgements
Epiphysiodesis, defined as the process of closing the growth plate (physis), have been used for several years as a treatment option of cases where the predicted leg-length discrepancy (LLD) falls between 2 to 5 cm. The aim of this study was to systematically review the existing literature on the effectiveness of three different epiphysiodesis techniques with implant usage for the treatment of leg-length discrepancy in the pediatric population. The secondary aim was to address the reported complications of staples, tension-band plates (TBP) and percutaneous epiphysiodesis screws (PETS). This systematic review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. We searched MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus for studies on skeletally immature patients with LLD treated with epiphysiodesis with an implant. The extracted outcome categories were effectiveness of epiphysiodesis (LLD measurements pre/post-operatively, successful/unsuccessful) and complications that were graded on severity.Introduction
Distal interphalangeal joint (DIPJ) fusion using a k-wire has been the gold standard treatment for DIPJ arthritis. Recent studies have shown similar patient outcomes with the headless compression screws (HCS), however there has been no cost analysis to compare the two. Therefore, this study aims to 1) review the cost of DIPJ fusion between k-wire and HCS 2) compare functional outcome and patient satisfaction between the two groups. A retrospective review was performed over a nine-year period from 2012-2021 in Counties Manukau. Cost analysis was performed between patients who underwent DIPJ fusion with either HCS or k-wire. Costs included were surgical cost, repeat operations and follow-up clinic costs. The difference in pre-operative and post-operative functional and pain scores were also compared using the patient rate wrist/hand evaluation (PRWHE). Of the 85 eligible patients, 49 underwent fusion with k-wires and 36 had HCS. The overall cost was significantly lower in the HCS group which was 6554 New Zealand Dollars (NZD), whereas this was 10408 NZD in the k-wire group (p<0.0001). The adjusted relative risk of 1.3 indicate that the cost of k-wires is 1.3 times more than HCS (P=0.0053). The patients’ post-operative PRWHE pain (−22 vs −18, p<0.0001) and functional scores (−38 vs −36, p<0.0001) improved significantly in HCS group compared to the k-wire group. Literatures have shown similar DIPJ fusion outcomes between k-wire and HCS. K-wires often need to be removed post-operatively due to the metalware irritation. This leads to more surgical procedures and clinic follow-ups, which overall increases the cost of DIPJ fusion with k-wires. DIPJ fusion with HCS is a more cost-effective with a lower surgical and follow-up costs compared to the k-wiring technique. Patients with HCS also tend to have a significant improvement in post-operative pain and functional scores.
We considered three different device systems for the treatment of lumbar and lumbosacral instability. From a prospective database in use in our Institution, we obtained a 45-patient cohort of individuals who received a one-level lumbar or lumbosacral fusion procedure between 1995 and 1998. All patients had presented with disabling back and/or radicular pain and severe degenerative changes at one disc level or low-grade spondylolisthesis. First group: 15 patients, six male and nine female, with an average age of 41 years, were treated by an interbody fusion using cylindrical threaded cages; the levels fused were L5-S1 in 10 patients and at L4-L5 in five. Second group: 15 patients, eight male and seven female, with an average age of 39 years were treated by nine cylindrical, threaded cages and seven square cages, combined with posterior pedicle screws; the levels fused were L5-S1 in 11 and L4-L5 in four. Third group: 15 patients, eight male and seven female, with an average age of 40 years, underwent posterolateral fusion with posterior pedicle screws instrumentation alone; the levels fused were L5-S1 in 10 and L4-L5 in the remaining five. At a mean follow-up of 8 years in the first group, eight patients (53%) required a second operation (five posterior instrumentation, two root decompression and one repair of dural tear). The clinical results were fair in six patients (40%) and poor in three (20%); five patients (33%) presented uncertain fusion signs. In the second group, two patients (13%) required a second operation (one root decompression and one dural repair). All patients (100%) presented definite fusion signs. The clinical results 6.5 years after primary surgery were fair in two (13%) patients and poor in two (13%). In the third group, two patients (13%) required a second operation (one dural repairand one implant removal). The clinical results were fair in two cases (13%) and no poor results were seen. At a mean follow-up of 6.5 years, 14 patients (93%) showed definite fusion signs. According to the present data, we can conclude that in terms of fusion success, clinical outcome and complication rates, the use of posterior interbody cages alone is not as safe and effective for the management of one level degenerative disc disease or low-grade spondylolisthesis as the posterior pedicle screw instrumentation combined with two posterior cages or the stand-alone pedicle screw instrumentation.
Introduction: The complex anatomy and biomechanics of the atlantoaxial motion segment impose technical challenges in the achievement of safe and successful surgical stabilization and fusion. The coauthors have recently reported successful clinical results using a novel C1-C2 stabilization technique employing C1 multi-axial posterior arch screws (MA-PAS). This study compares biomechanical stability of MA-PAS with two established multi-point fixation techniques (Magerl-Gallie and Harms) using non-destructive and destructive testing. Methods: 15 human fresh-frozen cadaveric occipital-C5 cervical spines (average age 77.4 [51–95], sourced from ScienceCare, USA) were randomly allocated to 3 equal groups.