Autologous osteochondral transplantation (AOT) is an effective treatment for large Osteochondral Lesions of the
Large osteochondral defects (OCD) of the talus present a difficult management conundrum. We present a series of Maioregen xenograft patches applied through an open approach, early lessons from the technique and good early outcomes, in patients who are otherwise looking at ankle salvage techniques. 16 patients underwent open patch procedures, performed by a single surgeon, over a 30 month period. 12 males, and 4 females with age at presentation from 21–48. The majority were young, male, in physical employment with active sporting interest. MoxFQ, and E5QD were collected preop, 3, 6, 12 month postoperatively. There were significant improvements in ROM, pain, and scores in the cohort. 3 cases returned to Theatre, 1 for a concern about late infection, which settled with good outcome, and a further 2 with metalwork / adhesions.Introduction
Osteochondral defects (OCDs) of the talus were identified as a “TOP 10” research priority in foot and ankle surgery by the James Lund Alliance in partnership with BOFAS, BOA and NIHR. To develop a research strategy, the views of BOFAS members regarding OCDs of the talus were surveyed. The results are reported here. A questionnaire concerning the presentation, investigation and management of OCDs was formulated with input from the BOFAS National Clinical Study Group and ratified by the Scientific Committee. It concerned primary OCDs of the talus that had failed non-surgical management. It was distributed to BOFAS members via email using _Microsoft Forms_.Introduction
Autologous Matrix Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC) for surgical treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus (OCLT) has shown excellent clinical and radiological results at short term follow up two years after surgery. However, no mid-term follow up data is available. 1. To evaluate the clinical outcome after AMIC-aided reconstruction of osteochondral lesions of the talus at a minimum follow up time of five years. 2. To evaluate the morphology and quality of the regenerated cartilage by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at on at a minimum follow up time of five years.Introduction
The purpose of this study was to examine trends in patient characteristics and clinical outcomes that occur with age as a statistical variable when performing autologous osteochondral transplantation (AOT) for the treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLT). A retrospective cohort study for AOT procedures on 78 patients from 2006 to 2019. was conducted Clinical outcomes were evaluated via FAOS scores. A multivariable linear regression was used to assess the independent factors predictive of the first post-operative FAOS after AOT. The independent variables included pre-operative FAOS, age, defect size, shoulder lesion, cystic lesion, prior traumatic injury, and history of microfracture surgery. A p-value <.05 was considered significant and 95% confidence limits (95% CL) for regression coefficient estimates (est.) were calculated.Introduction
Fibula shortening with an intact anterior tibiofibular ligament (ATFL) and medial ligament instability causes lateral translation of the talus. Our hypothesis was that the interaction of the AITFL tubercle of the fibular with the tibial incisura would propagate lateral translation due to the size differential. To assess what degree of shortening of the fibular would cause the lateral translation of the talus.Introduction
Osteochondral lesions of the talus (OLTs) are common pathologies, associated to chronic pain and disability. Currently, there is no agreed gold standard for surgical treatment of OLTs, due to lack of superiority trials. Aim: Compare the post operative outcomes of osteochondral autologous transplantation (OATS) and matrix associated stem cell transplantation (MAST), as primary and revision procedures Methods: Prospective study of OATS and MAST from 2013 to 2023, in a single surgeons practice Primary study outcome: rate of revision. Secondary outcomes: PROMS (VAS and FAOS), complications and return to sports. Data collected via chart, radiological review, and telephonic survey. Inclusion criteria: aged 16 years and above; OLTs greater than 10mm2, Primary and Revision. Exclusion criteria: Unable to/Refused consent (N=1), Rheumatological joint disease (N=1). Degenerative joint. Lost to follow up. Statistical analysis with Chi-squared test, Fischers exact test, Wilcoxon sum test, and linear regression. Results: N=90. Equal distribution of OATS being used for primary and for revision (50% (16) /50% (16)), MAST had a slight prevalence of revision over primary (55% revision (32) / 45% primary (26) p 0.6). There was a significant association between prior surgery and the need for a revision procedure in the MAST cohort. (β = 1.491, SE = 0.562, p = 0.008). Return to sport was seen in 90% of the OAST and 67% of MAST (p 0.11). There was statistically significant improvement in PROMs for both techniques (VAS and FAOS), but no significant change between the outcomes in primary versus revision surgeries. Conclusion: OATS is an appropriate technique for managing OLTs, both as a primary and salvage procedure, with significant improvement of PROMS (VAS and FAOS), and elevated rate of return to sports (90%). MAST as a primary intervention showed similar outcomes to those of OATS, but poorer outcomes as a salvage procedure, with higher rates of revision thereafter (p .01).
Arthroscopic microfracture is a conventional form of treatment for patients with osteochondritis of the talus, involving an area of < 1.5 cm2. However, some patients have persistent pain and limitation of movement in the early postoperative period. No studies have investigated the combined treatment of microfracture and shortwave treatment in these patients. The aim of this prospective single-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to compare the outcome in patients treated with arthroscopic microfracture combined with radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy (rESWT) and arthroscopic microfracture alone, in patients with ostechondritis of the talus. Patients were randomly enrolled into two groups. At three weeks postoperatively, the rESWT group was given shockwave treatment, once every other day, for five treatments. In the control group the head of the device which delivered the treatment had no energy output. The two groups were evaluated before surgery and at six weeks and three, six and 12 months postoperatively. The primary outcome measure was the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Ankle-Hindfoot Scale. Secondary outcome measures included a visual analogue scale (VAS) score for pain and the area of bone marrow oedema of the talus as identified on sagittal fat suppression sequence MRI scans.Aims
Bipartite talus is a rare condition of uncertain aetiology, possibly congenital, with only six reported cases in the literature. Previously, these lesions have been successfully managed either conservatively, by excision of the posterior fragment, arthrodesis or one case by internal stabilisation using a postero-anterior screw which failed to lead to bony healing. We report a series of four symptomatic cases of talus partitus in three patients, with a mean follow-up of 47 months (range 25-66 months). All patients had significant pain on presentation warranting surgical management. All three patients were male, with a mean age of 26 years (range 13-55 years) at surgery. Plain radiographs and computed tomography scans were obtained pre-operatively. All patients were reviewed at follow-up by an independent assessor. The youngest patient presented aged 13 with a lesion without sub-talar arthrosis. He represented two years later with a similar lesion on the contralateral side. He was treated twice by internal fixation with two postero-anterior cannulated screws augmented with bone graft following preparation of the bone surfaces. The second patient presented with symptoms of isolated sub-talar osteoarthritis. He was treated with a sub-talar arthrodesis augmented with bone graft through a postero-lateral approach. The final patient presented late (age 55) with severe hind-foot osteoarthritis. His symptoms required treatment with tibio-talar-calcaneal fusion and a hind-foot nail. All patients reported a resolution of their symptoms post-operatively. Evidence of was seen radiographically in all cases. We report the largest series to date of bipartite talus. All four cases were successfully treated surgically with three differing techniques, all of which utilised bone graft and internal fixation to achieve bony healing. We suggest treatment by a fusion of the talar fragments with associated limited fusion if the adjacent joints are markedly degenerate.
The hypothesis of this study was that bone peg fixation in the treatment of osteochondral lesions of the talus would show satisfactory clinical and radiological results, without complications. Between September 2014 and July 2017, 25 patients with symptomatic osteochondritis of the talus and an osteochondral fragment, who were treated using bone peg fixation, were analyzed retrospectively. All were available for complete follow-up at a mean 22 of months (12 to 35). There were 15 males and ten females with a mean age of 19.6 years (11 to 34). The clinical results were evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score preoperatively and at the final follow-up. The radiological results were evaluated using classification described by Hepple et al based on the MRI findings, the location of the lesion, the size of the osteochondral fragment, and the postoperative healing of the lesion.Aims
The arterial supply of the talus has been studied extensively in the past. These have been used to improve the understanding of the risk of avascular necrosis in traumatic injuries of the talus. There is, however, poor understanding of the intra-osseous arterial supply of the talus, important in scenarios such as osteochondral lesions of the dome. Previous studies have identified primary sources of arterial supply into the bone, but have not defined distribution of these sources to the subchondral regions. This study aims to map the arterial supply to the surface of the talus. Cadaveric limbs (n=10) were dissected to identify source vessels for each talus. The talus and navicular were removed, together with the source vessels, en bloc. The source vessels were injected with latex and processed using a new, accelerated diaphanisation technique. This quickly rendered tissue transparent, allowing the injected vessels to be visualised. Each talus was then reconstructed using a digital microscribe, allowing a three dimensional virtual model of the bone to be assessed. The terminal points of each vessel were then mapped onto this model, allowing the distribution of each source vessel to be determined. This study will provide quantifiable evidence of areas consistently restricted to single-vessel supply, and those consistently supplied by multiple vessels. These data may help to explain the distribution and mechanisms behind the development of the subchondral cysts of the talus.
There is no optimal treatment for This is a prospective case series. The inclusion criteria were the combination of a large OCD (ϕ >12 mm) of the medial Between October 2007 and March 2009 10 patients were included. The median follow-up was 2 years (range, 2–3 years). On preoperative CT scanning, the median lesion size was 15 (range, 12–20) × 11 (range, 8–14) mm. The NRS rest improved from a median of 3 (0–7) preoperatively to 0.5 (0–2) at final follow-up (p = 0.017), NRS walking from 6.5 (4–8) to 1 (0–4) (p = 0.005), NRS running from 9 (6–10) to 3 (0–10) (p = 0.024), and NRS stair climbing from 6 (4–8) to 1 (0–7) (p = 0.012). The FAOS improved significantly on four of five subscales. The AOFAS improved from a median of 70 (47–75) before surgery to 89 (69–100) at final follow-up (p = 0.008). There were three temporary complications: hyposensibility about the scar in two and a superficial wound infection in one. There were no radiographic complications.
Osteochondral defects of the talus are usually a consequence of trauma. They can cause chronic pain and serious disability. Various interventions, non-surgical and surgical, have been used for treating these defects. The objective of this Cochrane systematic review of randomised control trials is to determine the benefits and harms of the interventions used for treating osteochondral defects of the talus in adults. We searched the Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma Group Specialised Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, EMBASE, Current Controlled Trials, the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform and reference lists of articles. Date of last search: December 2009. Eligible for inclusion were any randomised or quasi-randomised controlled clinical trials evaluating interventions for treating osteochondral defects of the talus in adults. Our primary outcomes included pain, ankle function, treatment failure (unresolved symptoms or reoperation) and health-related quality of life. Preference was given to validated, patient-reported outcome measures. Two review authors independently evaluated trials for inclusion and, for the included trial, independently assessed the risk of bias and extracted data.Introduction
A new method of vascularised tibial grafting
has been developed for the treatment of avascular necrosis (AVN)
of the talus and secondary osteoarthritis (OA) of the ankle. We
used 40 cadavers to identify the vascular anatomy of the distal
tibia in order to establish how to elevate a vascularised tibial
graft safely. Between 2008 and 2012, eight patients (three male,
five female, mean age 50 years; 26 to 68) with isolated AVN of the
talus and 12 patients (four male, eight female, mean age 58 years;
23 to 76) with secondary OA underwent vascularised bone grafting
from the distal tibia either to revascularise the talus or for arthrodesis.
The radiological and clinical outcomes were evaluated at a mean
follow-up of 31 months (24 to 62). The peri-malleolar arterial arch
was confirmed in the cadaveric study. A vascularised bone graft
could be elevated safely using the peri-malleolar pedicle. The clinical
outcomes for the group with AVN of the talus assessed with the mean
Mazur ankle grading scores, improved significantly from 39 points
(21 to 48) pre-operatively to 81 points (73 to 90) at the final
follow-up (p = 0.01). In all eight revascularisations, bone healing
was obtained without progression to talar collapse, and union was
established in 11 of 12 vascularised arthrodeses at a mean follow-up
of 34 months (24 to 58). MRI showed revascularisation of the talus
in all patients. We conclude that a vascularised tibial graft can be used both
for revascularisation of the talus and for the arthrodesis of the
ankle in patients with OA secondary to AVN of the talus. Cite this article:
Osteochondral lesions (OCLs) occur in up to 70%
of sprains and fractures involving the ankle. Atraumatic aetiologies have
also been described. Techniques such as microfracture, and replacement
strategies such as autologous osteochondral transplantation, or
autologous chondrocyte implantation are the major forms of surgical
treatment. Current literature suggests that microfracture is indicated
for lesions up to 15 mm in diameter, with replacement strategies
indicated for larger or cystic lesions. Short- and medium-term results
have been reported, where concerns over potential deterioration
of fibrocartilage leads to a need for long-term evaluation. Biological augmentation may also be used in the treatment of
OCLs, as they potentially enhance the biological environment for
a natural healing response. Further research is required to establish
the critical size of defect, beyond which replacement strategies
should be used, as well as the most appropriate use of biological augmentation.
This paper reviews the current evidence for surgical management
and use of biological adjuncts for treatment of osteochondral lesions
of the talus. Cite this article:
We have evaluated the clinical effectiveness
of a metal resurfacing inlay implant for osteochondral defects of
the medial talar dome after failed previous surgical treatment.
We prospectively studied 20 consecutive patients with a mean age
of 38 years (20 to 60), for a mean of three years (2 to 5) post-surgery.
There was statistically significant reduction of pain in each of
four situations (i.e., rest, walking, stair climbing and running;
p ≤ 0.01). The median American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society
ankle-hindfoot score improved from 62 (interquartile range (IQR)
46 to 72) pre-operatively to 87 (IQR 75 to 95) at final follow-up
(p <
0.001). The Foot and Ankle Outcome Score improved on all
subscales (p ≤ 0.03). The mean Short-Form 36 physical component
scale improved from 36 (23 to 50) pre-operatively to 45 (29 to 55)
at final follow-up (p = 0.001); the mental component scale did not
change significantly. On radiographs, progressive degenerative changes
of the opposing tibial plafond were observed in two patients. One
patient required additional surgery for the osteochondral defect.
This study shows that a metal implant is a promising treatment for
osteochondral defects of the medial talar dome after failed previous
surgery. Cite this article:
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
clinical results of a newly designed prosthesis to replace the body
of the talus in patients with aseptic necrosis. Between 1999 and
2006, 22 tali in 22 patients were replaced with a ceramic prosthesis.
A total of eight patients were treated with the first-generation
prosthesis, incorporating a peg to fix into the retained neck and
head of the talus, and the remaining 14 were treated with the second-generation prosthesis,
which does not have the peg. The clinical results were assessed
by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society ankle/hindfoot
scale. The mean follow-up was 98 months (18 to 174). The clinical results
of the first-generation prostheses were excellent in three patients,
good in one, fair in three and poor in one. There were, however,
radiological signs of loosening, prompting a change in design. The
clinical results of the second-generation prostheses were excellent
in three patients, good in five, fair in four and poor in two, with
more favourable radiological appearances. Revision was required
using a total talar implant in four patients, two in each group. Although the second-generation prosthesis produced better results,
we cannot recommend the use of a talar body prosthesis. We now recommend
the use of a total talar implant in these patients.
The purpose of this study was to assess the success rate and functional outcomes of bone grafting for periprosthetic bone cysts following total ankle arthroplasty (TAA). Additionally, we evaluated the rate of graft incorporation and identified associated predisposing factors using CT scan. We reviewed a total of 37 ankles (34 patients) that had undergone bone grafting for periprosthetic bone cysts. A CT scan was performed one year after bone grafting to check the status of graft incorporation. For accurate analysis of cyst volumes and their postoperative changes, 3D-reconstructed CT scan processed with 3D software was used. For functional outcomes, variables such as the Ankle Osteoarthritis Scale score and the visual analogue scale for pain were measured.Aims
Introduction. The Mobility™ prosthesis [Depuy] is the most extensively used TAR in the UK, though there are few published results. We present our complete experience of the Mobility prosthesis in a diverse population. Methods. From March 2005 to December 2009, 84 consecutive Mobility ankle replacements were performed by the senior author, in 79 patients (28 female, 51 male) with mean age 64.5 years (43–80). This complete cohort included the first and last cases with this implant. Mean follow-up was 50.1±18.2 months (range 14–86). Patients with ankle replacements in situ, were reviewed clinically and radiologically. Clinical outcome measures were: AOFAS score, MOXFQ (adapted for the ankle), and VAS for pain. Post-operative radiographs were reviewed to assess component position and examine for zones of lucency. Results. At final review, 1 patient had died (unrelated), 13 had been revised as follows:
. Arthrodesis 7. Further TAR 2.