Introduction. Minimally invasive implanted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) leads to excellent functional results. Due to the reduced intraoperative visibility it is difficult to remove extruded bone cement particles, as well as bone particles generated through the sawing. These loose third body particles are frequently found in minimally invasive implanted UKA. The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of bone and cement particles on the wear rate of unicompartmental knee prostheses in vitro. Material & Methods. Fixed- bearing unicompartmental knee prostheses (n = 3; Univation F®, Aesculap, Tuttlingen) were tested with a customized four-station servo-hydraulic knee wear simulator (EndoLab GmbH, Thansau, Germany) reproducing exactly the walking cycle as specified in ISO 14243-1:2002. After 5.0 million cycles crushed cortical bone chips were added to the test fluid for 1.5 million cycles to simulate bone particles, followed by 1.5 million cycles blended with PMMA- particles (concentration of the third-body particles: 5g/l; particle diameter: 0.5- 0.7 mm). Every 500 000 cycles the volumetric wear rate was measured (ISO 14243-2) and the knee kinematics were recorded. For the interpretation of the test results we considered four different phases: breaking in- (during the first 2.0 million cycles), the steady state- (from 2.0 million to 5 million cycles), bone particle- and cement particle phase. Finally, a statistical analysis was carried out to verify the normal distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), followed by direct comparisons to differentiate the volumetric wear amount between the gliding surfaces (paired Student's t-test, p<0.05). Results. The wear rate was 12.5±0.99 mm. 3. /mio. cycles in the breaking-in phase and decreased during the steady state phase to 4.4±0.91 mm. 3. /mio cycles (not significant, p = 0,3). The bone particles did not have any influence on the wear rate (3.0±1.27 mm. 3. /mio cycles; p = 0,83) compared to the steady state phase. The cement particles, however, lead to a significantly higher wear rate compared to the steady state phase (25.0±16.93 mm. 3. /mio cycles; p<0.05). Discussion. To our knowledge this is the first study demonstrating that free cement debris which can be found after minimally invasive implanted UKA increases significantly the wear- rate. Bone particles generated for instance through sawing during implantation, however, had no influence on the prostheses wear rate. Our Data suggests, that it is extremely important to remove all the extruded cement debris accurately during implantation in order to avoid a higher wear rate which could result in an early loosening of the prostheses