Aims. Blood transfusion and postoperative
Aims. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the severity of
Little literature exists about how trauma-induced
Study Objective: To determine the proportion of patients proceeding to elective total knee arthroplasty with pre-operative
AIM:. Preoperative
Introduction: The correction of
Introduction: The correction of
Introduction: Moderate and major operation concerning trauma or selective procedures (like total ¥2) joint replacement) can lead to considerable amount of blood loss and postoperative
1. The bone changes are described in fifty-one cases of sickle cell
This trial aims to assess the effectiveness of quality improvement collaboratives as a technique to introduce large-scale change and improve outcomes for patients undergoing primary elective total hip or total knee arthroplasty. 41 NHS Trusts that did not have; a preoperative
Purpose of the study: The major functional impairment which results from femoral head necrosis in patients with sickle-cell
We investigated 57 patients with sickle cell
Purpose of the study: Infection is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in sickle cell anemia children. It often triggers an acute episode of
Purpose: Patients with sickle-cell
Purpose: The gravity of osteonecrosis in patients with sickle cell
A 14 year-old-female, underwent a T3-L3 instrumented posterior spinal fusion for a double major curve. Surgery under controlled hypotensive anesthesia was uneventful, with normal somatosensory and motor potentials. After instrumentation, patient underwent a normal wake-up test. The preoperative haemoglobin and haematocrit was 15.1g/dl with 41%, respectively. Estimated blood loss was 400cc and postoperative haemoglobin and haematocrit were 9.7g/dl and 31% respectively. Clinical examination was normal immediately postoperatively, on the first postoperative day and the beginning of the second postoperative day. At the end of POD 2, the patient started to feel both lower extremities “heavy” and sensitive to touch. She developed generalized proximal lower extremity weakness and was unable to stand. She was also unable to void after catheter removal. At this stage, her hemoglobin had dropped from 10 g/dl on POD 1 to 7.3 g/dl. Her haemoglobin fell to 6.2 g/dl the next day with a haematocrit of 18%. No significant bleeding was noticed, and other than lightheadedness, no haemodynamic changes were noted. Transfusion was performed correcting the haemoglobin to 9.3 g/dl and haematocrit to 27%. Compressive etiology was ruled out by post-operative myelogram-CT. Patient was discharged on POD 13 and was neurologically intact at three month follow-up. Discussion: Delayed neurological deficits have been reported, and are associated most frequently with epidural haematomas. Postoperative hypotension as the etiological factor has been reported only in an adult patient. As cord compression was ruled-out the only event we can correlate with the beginning of the neurological deficit is the unexplained acute drop in haemoglobin levels on the second day, possibly impairing normal cord oxygenation. If this is not the case, we would have to accept false negative results for the three standard methods currently available for spinal cord monitoring during surgery. In this case, the normal postoperative neurological exams, performed during the first 48 hours after surgery, and the subjective symptoms the patient experienced associated with the beginning of motor deficit, leads us to conclude that the injury happened on the second day in relation to the postoperative
Aims. It is common practice for patients to have postoperative blood tests after total joint replacement (TJR). However, there have been significant improvements in perioperative care with arthroplasty surgery, and a drive to reduce the length of stay (LOS) and move towards day-case TJR. We should reconsider whether this intervention is necessary for all patients. Methods. This retrospective study included all patients who underwent a primary unilateral TJR at a single tertiary arthroplasty centre during a one-year period. Electronic medical records of 1,402 patients were reviewed for patient demographics, LOS, and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) grade. Blood tests were examined to investigate the incidence of postoperative
Aims. We aim to evaluate the usefulness of postoperative blood tests by investigating the incidence of abnormal results following total joint replacement (TJR), as well as identifying preoperative risk factors for abnormal blood test results postoperatively, especially pertaining to