Foot pain and related problems are quite common in the community. It is reported that 24% of individuals older than 45 experienced foot pain. Also, it is stated that at least two thirds of individuals experiences moderate physical disability due to foot problems. In the absence of evaluation of risk factors such as limited
Tenodesis effect and digital cascade of the foot were never described in the current literature. However, understanding of these effects are important in the diagnoses and managements of foot flexor tendon rupture and lesser toe deformities. We aim to investigate the presence of these effects in the foot with intact and cut tendons. Ten fresh frozen cadaveric specimens were used in our study. 2. nd. , 3. rd. and 4. th. toe metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) and proximal interphalangeal joint (PIPJ) range of motion (ROM) at ankle resting position were measured. Same measurements were repeated with maximum ankle plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. 4. th. toe Flexor Digitorum Longus (FDL) was then identified over plantar aspect of metatarsal shaft and cut transversely. 2. nd. , 3. rd. and 4. th. toe MTPJ and PIPJ ROM at ankle resting position, maximum plantarflexion and dorsiflexion were then measured. Mean 4. th. toe MTPJ and PIPJ ROM at
Posterior cruciate ligament deficiency (PCLD) leads to structural and proprioceptive impairments of the knee, affecting the performance of daily activities including obstacle-crossing. Therefore, identifying the biomechanical deficits and/or strategies during this motor task would be helpful for rehabilitative and clinical management of such patients. A safe and successful obstacle-crossing requires stability of the body and sufficient foot clearance of the swing limb. Patients with PCLD may face demands different from normal when negotiating obstacles of different heights. The objective of this study was thus to identify the biomechanical deviations/strategies of the lower limbs in unilateral PCLD during obstacle-crossing using motion analysis techniques. Twelve patients with unilateral PCLD and twelve healthy controls participated in the current study with informed written consent. They were asked to walk and cross obstacles of heights of 10%, 20% and 30% of their leg lengths at self-selected speeds. The PCLD group was asked to cross the obstacles with each of the affected and unaffected limb as the leading limb, denoted as PCLD-A and PCLD-U, respectively. The kinematic and kinetic data were measured with a 7-camera motion analysis system (Vicon, Oxford Metrics, U.K.) and two force plates (AMTI, U.S.A.). The angles of the stance and swing limbs (crossing angles) and the moments of the stance limbs (crossing moments) for each joint in the sagittal plane when the leading limb was above the obstacle were calculated for statistical analysis. A 3 by 2, 2-way mixed-model analysis of variance with one between-subject factor (PCLD-A vs. Control, and PCLD-U vs. Control) and one within-subject factor (obstacle height) was performed (α=0.05). Paired t-test was used to compare the variables between PCLD-A and PCLD-U (α=0.05). SAS version 9.2 was used for all statistical analysis. When the leading toe was above the obstacle, the PCLD group showed significantly greater hip flexion in the swing limb but decreased dorsiflexion in the stance limb, both in PCLD-A and PCLD-U (P<0.05). Greater knee flexion and greater
We have studied the relationship between movements of the foot and ankle and venous blood flow from the lower limb using colourflow Duplex ultrasound to determine the optimum type of exercise for promoting venous return. Studies of both active and passive movements were carried out on 40 limbs in 20 subjects (18 men; 2 women), with a median age of 27 years (20 to 54). We assessed