Despite the routine use of systemic
Culture negative prosthetic joint infections (PJI) still remain an issue even the advantages in PJI diagnosis. This is the reason why some orthopedic surgeons fear to use preoperative
There is high morbidity and mortality associated with infection following orthopaedic procedures. In accordance to local guidelines, most hospitals follow a set protocol for surgical prophylaxis, which expects a compliance rate of 100%. A new protocol was introduced to the orthopaedic department of a teaching hospital in August 2013, changing from a cephalosporin, with potential C. difficile risk, to teicoplanin and gentamicin, within 30 minutes of incision. Our aim was to audit how well the protocol was followed across 3 different time periods. Data was collected for 3 different time periods following the introduction of the new protocol (August-November 2013, April-May 2014 & November 2014) on the choice of antibiotic. Both elective and trauma cases were included. After each cycle, the data was presented to the orthopaedic surgical and anaesthetic departments to raise awareness and draw attention to the
Gram-negative organisms are increasingly seen as causative pathogens in orthopaedic fracture surgery, which might necessitate a change in
Aim. Deep infection following endoprosthetic replacement (EPR) of long bones is a devastating complication occurring in 15% of musculoskeletal tumour patients. The recently published PARITY Trial demonstrated that extending
Aim. Alongside debridement and irrigation, soft tissue coverage and osseous stabilization, systemic
Aim. Prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a devastating and costly complication of total joint arthroplasty (TJA). Use of extended oral
Acute postoperative periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a serious complication after any hemiarthroplasty (HHA) implanted due to a proximal hip fracture. The growing number of chronic institutionalized geriatric patients (CIGP) colonized with multi-drug resistant bacteria (e.g.: MRSA), not covered by usual
Aim. The current recommendation in Norway is to use four doses of a first-generation cephalosporin (cefazolin or cephalotin) as systemic
Aim. Open fractures still have a high risk for fracture-related Infection (FRI). The optimal duration of perioperative
Aim. A previous Dutch guideline for prophylaxis of hematogenous PJI (HPJI) caused defensive medicine and incorrect own guidelines. There was a need for a better national guideline, developed cooperatively by orthopedic surgeons and dentist. Method. A committee of Dutch Orthopedic and Dental Society, performed a systematic literature review to answer the question: “Is there a difference in the risk for hematogenous infection between always or never giving
Aim. Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a severe complication after total joint arthroplasty. To prevent PJI, strict infection prevention measures are followed in combination with surgical
Aim. The aim of the present work was (i) to survey the situation of healthcare regarding the use of antibiotics in orthopaedics and trauma surgery in Germany, (ii) to determine which empiric antibiotic regimens are preferred in the treatment of periprosthethic joint infections (PJI) and (iii) to evaluate the hypothetical antibiotic adequacy of the applied empirical antibiotic therapy regimens based on a patient collective of a German university hospital. Method. A survey on empirical and prophylactic antibiotic therapy was conducted at German university and occupational health clinics (BG clinics), each in the specialties of orthopedics and trauma surgery. A total of 71 clinics were contacted by email. The questionnaire sent included open-ended questions on systemic
Aim. Following clean (class I, not contaminated) surgical procedures, the rate of surgical site infection (SSI) should be less than approximately 2%. However, an infection rate of 12.2% has been reported following removal of orthopedic implants used for treatment of fractures below the knee. The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of a single dose of preoperative
St Mary's Hospital, the major trauma centre for West London, treated 168 patients with lower limb open fractures in 2011 & 2012. This audit compared antibiotic administration in the emergency department against the current BOAST IV guidelines. The choice, timing, dose, and documentation of antibiotic administration was collected from the casualty cards and the transfer documentation for any patient initially seen at another hospital. The severity of the injury (as the Gusitollo-Anderson classification) after the initial debridement and any infectious complications that presented before discharge were also recorded. The results showed a higher compliance with the BOAST IV guidelines for those patients directly admitted rather than transferred to the major trauma centre. In direct admissions the recommended antibiotics were either not given or not adequately documented in 7% of cases. In those patients transferred from another emergency department the documentation was inadequate in 27% of cases. The likely causes of these results are discussed alongside the unit's bone infection rates.
In late 2011 there was a change in antimicrobial policy in orthopaedic surgery to reduce the Clostridium difficile (C. diff) rate, this was inducted top down from government, to PCT, to hospital trust. The previous antimicrobial policy was Cefuroxime, this was changed to Flucloxacillin and Gentimicin. Following this change it was noticed an increased number of patients appeared to suffer from acute kidney injury (AKI). This led us to evaluate the incidence of AKI pre and post antibiotic change and look at the causes behind this. In this retrospective study all patients admitted with fracture neck of femurs were identified from the National Hip Fracture database and data pulled. The degree of AKI was classified according to the validated RIFILE criteria. Evaluation showed 2–4 fold increase in AKI since antibiotic change. Although mortality was decreased in these patients, the incidence of AKI had increased significantly. However, C. difficile has been obliterated by this change. The investigation highlights potential problems with increased rates of AKI amongst NOF patients, since antibiotic change. Flucloxacillin may have significant impact on this patient group. Dose dependent antibiotics will now be given based on weight and eGFR. Further analysis of this new change needs to be evaluated.
Our Trust's prophylactic antibiotic regime for elective hip and knee replacements recently changed, following the publication of Department of Health guidelines aimed at reducing the incidence of Clostridium Difficile associated diarrhoea (CDAD). We aimed to assess whether this change has reduced the incidence of post-operative CDAD. We reviewed all primary and revision total hip and knee replacements performed in Gloucestershire Royal Hospital between April 2007 and March 2010. Up to August 2008, patients received prophylaxis with cefuroxime (Group A). This subsequently changed to flucloxacillin and gentamicin (Group B). All patients who developed CDAD within one month of surgery were identified and their case-notes were reviewed for the presence of CDAD risk factors, such as concomitant use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. 3117 patients were included and 15 developed CDAD (0.48%); 12 patients (0.77%) from Group A and 3 from Group B (0.19%), representing a four-fold decrease. Analysis of a 2×2 contingency table with Fisher's exact test showed that the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P=0.0347). Case-note analysis revealed that 8/12 patients in Group A and 1/3 patients in Group B had other risk factors for developing CDAD. Excluding these patients, the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (P=0.218). CDAD is exceedingly rare following total joint replacement surgery, especially when the only antibiotics given are prophylactic. Our figures are in line with a general decline in CDAD nationally from 2007. This decline is most likely due to multiple factors, such as hand-washing, barrier nursing and restrictive antibiotic policies. The effect of the change in prophylaxis is therefore difficult to quantify. Choice of prophylactic antibiotics should be based upon their efficacy alone, not their potential to reduce CDAD.