Aim. To investigate the role of websites in enhancing patients' understanding of reason and risk of surgery as a part of informed consent for elective un-instrumented lumbar spine surgery (EULSS). Methodology. This was a National Research Ethical Committee approved RCT study. 63 patients underwent EULSS, out of which 14(29%) declined participation and 14(29%) were excluded. One did not have surgery therefore 34 were randomised to Standard (S) and intervention group (I) using sealed envelope. Standard group were given verbal information & leaflet while the Intervention group were given information on relevant section of . and . websites. A 13 item Informed Consent Questionnaire (ICQ) was used to collect data. The primary outcomes were patients' perceived understanding of reason and risk of EULSS. Results. Average age was 54 (21–82) years, with similar demographics in both groups. Complete data was available for 20 (13 Standard and 7 Intervention group). No difference (χ. 2. = 0.42, df=1, p= 0.52) was observed on perception of reason and risk of surgery between two groups. Website usage increased from 30% to 50% in intervention group who continued to use the website. Conclusion. Website use appears to be useful to participants. Although support has not been found to accept the experimental hypothesis, valuable information has been gained that will serve to facilitate larger study to further explore the effectiveness of websites in enhancing of EULSS. No Conflict of interest. No funding obtained. This abstract has not been previously published in whole or substantial part nor has it been presented previously at a national meeting