The covid-19 pandemic had a great impact in the daily clinical and surgical practice. Concerning patients with a
Object. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management and outcome of patients with
The influence of rigid fixation and permanent compression on the results, the timing of fusion and rehabilitation after fractures of the femoral neck was investigated. A hip fracture is 60–80% of all fractures of the proximal femur. Despite recent advances in the treatment of this disease, the percentage of unsatisfactory outcomes as high as 25–35%. The choice of surgical treatment in
Abstract. Objectives. Hip instability following total hip arthroplasty in treatment of intracapsular
Frail patients with
Abstract. Objectives. The use of cannulated screws for
Abstract. Introduction. Several studies have shown that patients over 65 years have a higher mortality with covid. Combine with inherently increased morbidity and mortality in
Three Cannulated Screws (3CS), Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) with antirotation screw (DHS–Screw) or with a Blade (DHS–Blade) are the gold standards for fixation of unstable
Femoral head collapse is a possible complication after surgical treatment of
Bipolar hemiarthroplasty(BPHA) for displaced intracapsular neck of femur fractures(DICNOF) is a controversial topic as conflicting evidence exists. The most common reason for revision to total hip arthroplasty(THA) from BPHA is acetabular erosion. In our study, we sought to quantify the direction of migration of the bipolar head within the first 3 years post-operatively.
A proportional index in the horizontal and vertical planes of the pelvis were used to quantify migration. This method removed the need to account for magnification and rotation of the radiographs.
To report the case of an asymptomatic simultaneous bilateral
A total of 20 pairs of fresh-frozen cadaver femurs were assigned to four alignment groups consisting of relative varus (10° and 20°) and relative valgus (10° and 20°), 75 composite femurs of two neck geometries were also used. In both the cadaver and the composite femurs, placing the component in 20° of valgus resulted in a significant increase in load to failure. Placing the component in 10° of valgus had no appreciable effect on increasing the load to failure except in the composite femurs with varus native femoral necks. Specimens in 10° of varus were significantly weaker than the neutrally-aligned specimens.
The results suggest that retention of the intact proximal femoral strength occurs at an implant angulation of ≥ 142°. However, the benefit of extreme valgus alignment may be outweighed in clinical practice by the risk of superior femoral neck notching, which was avoided in this study.
Over 70,000 hip fractures occur annually in the UK. Both SIGN (111) and NICE (124) give guidance on optimal management of these patients. Both suggest cemented hemiarthroplasty should be used in those without contra-indications, as cemented implants are associated with less thigh pain, subsidence and a better functional outcome. Cardiorespiratory compromise secondary to bone cement implantation syndrome (BCIS) is however a concern in those with pre-existing cardiorespiratory disease (NYHA grade 3–4, pulmonary hypertension) or pathological fracture [3].
The aim of our study was to audit the practice of a University of Glasgow hospital with regard to cemented hemiarthroplasty.
We retrospectively reviewed data on all patients treated with hemiarthroplasty for hip fracture at the Southern General Hospital between 01/01/12-02/04/12. Patient demographics, pre-operative plan, procedure performed, ASA grade and pre-morbid mobility were recorded.
Twenty-three hemiarthroplasties were performed. The median age was 82 (70–101). No patient aged over 90 underwent cemented hemiarthroplasty. Cemented implants (JRI, Furlong) were used in 26% (n=6) while 74% (n=17) underwent uncemented (Stryker, Austin-Moore) hemiarthroplasty. ASA grade was recorded in eight (35%). There were four ASA-2 patients (mild systemic disease not limiting activity) of which 75% underwent uncemented hemiarthroplasty. Pre-morbid mobility was recorded in eight (35%). All three independently mobile patients underwent uncemented hemiarthroplasty. Six (26%) had a documented pre-operative plan with regards to cement use.
This study highlights the disparity between current recommendations and our Centres’ practice. Most notable were: poor recording of pre-operative mobility, poor documentation of a pre-operative surgical plan, the low use of cemented fixation even in fit mobile patients and the lack of ASA grade recording (stratification of risk) by our anaesthetic colleagues.
We suggest a documented pre-operative discussion between the surgeon and anaesthetist to establish BCIS risk and decide on use of cemented arthroplasty taking into account age and mobility.
Metal-on-metal hip resurfacing prostheses are a relatively recent intervention for relieving the symptoms of common musculoskeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis. While some short term clinical studies have offered positive results, in a minority of cases there is a recognised issue of femoral fracture, which commonly occurs in the first few months following the operation. This problem has been explained by a surgeon's learning curve and notching of the femur but, to date, studies of explanted early fracture components have been limited.
Tribological analysis was carried out on fourteen retrieved femoral components of which twelve were revised after femoral fracture and two for avascular necrosis (AVN). Eight samples were Durom (Zimmer, Indiana, USA) devices and six were Articular Surface Replacements (ASR, DePuy, Leeds, United Kingdom). One AVN retrieval was a Durom, the other an ASR. The mean time to fracture was 3.4 months. The AVNs were retrieved after 16 months (Durom) and 38 months (ASR).
Volumetric wear rates were determined using a Mitutoyo Legex 322 co-ordinate measuring machine (scanning accuracy within 1 micron) and a bespoke computer program. The method was validated against gravimetric calculations for volumetric wear using a sample femoral head that was artificially worn in vitro. At 5mm3, 10mm3, and 15mm3 of material removal, the method was accurate to within 0.5mm3. Surface roughness data was collected using a Zygo NewView500 interferometer (resolution 1nm).
Mean wear rates of 17.74mm3/year were measured from the fracture components. Wear rates for the AVN retrievals were 0.43mm3/year and 3.45mm3/year. Mean roughness values of the fracture retrievals (PV = 0.754nm, RMS = 0.027nm) were similar to the AVNs (PV = 0.621nm, RMS = 0.030nm), though the AVNs had been in vivo for significantly longer.
Theoretical lubrication calculations were carried out which found that in both AVN retrievals and in seven of the twelve cases of femoral fracture the roughening was sufficient to change the lubrication regime from fluid film to mixed. Three of these surfaces were bordering on the boundary lubrication regime. The results show that even before the femoral fracture, wear rates and roughness values were high and the implants were performing poorly.
Abstract. Background. 1. 63,284 patients presented with
The Nottingham Hip Fracture Score (NHFS) was developed in 2007 as a predictor of 30-day mortality after hip fracture surgery following a