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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 106-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 32 - 32
23 Apr 2024
Orekan A Evans E Cloake T Ward J
Full Access

Introduction. Open fractures are complex injuries associated with substantial morbidity. These injuries are associated with harm to both physical and emotional health as well as preclusion of work, social, and leisure activities. Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) and health related quality of life are critical indicators of successful rehabilitation following open fracture treatment. This study aimed to measure the PROMs for patients with open lower limb fractures and investigate the relationship with injury severity. Materials & Methods. A retrospective cohort study was performed at a single major trauma centre in the UK. All adult patients with an open lower limb fracture were eligible for inclusion. Patients were identified through a search of a local Open Fracture Database. Epidemiological, clinical, and fracture classification data were obtained by reviewing case notes. Lower Extremity Function Scale (LEFS) and EQ5-D were used as PROMs and measured by a postal questionnaire, alongside return to employment data. Results. A total of 73 patients responded to the questionnaire. Median LEFS was 42 (IQR 26.5 – 59.5), and median EQ5-D was 0.69 (IQR 0.48 – 0.89). There was no significant association between open fracture classification and PROMs. Over 40% of patients reported a change in employment due to their injury. Those who changed jobs had a statistically significant reduction in the EQ5-D of 0.12 (p = 0.021); no significant difference existed in LEFS. Conclusions. This study demonstrates the devastating functional impact of open fractures. This cohort of open injuries reported lower functional and quality-of-life measures compared to population norms. Injury classification was not a valuable predictor of PROMs. A substantial proportion of patients were forced to change employment due to their injury, and these patients reported a significantly lower quality of life. Further work is required to understand the factors contributing to open fracture PROMs

Acute Compartment Syndrome (ACS) is an orthopaedic emergency that can develop after a wide array of etiologies. In this pilot study the MY01 device was used to assess its ease of use and its ability to continuously reflect the intracompartmental pressure (ICP) and transmit this data to a mobile device in real time. This preliminary data is from the lead site which is presently expanding data collection to five other sites as part of a multi-center study.

Patients with long bone trauma of the lower or upper extremity posing a possibility of developing compartment syndrome were enrolled in the study. Informed consent was obtained from the patients. A Health Canada licensed continuous compartmental pressure monitor (MY01) was used to measure ICP. The device was inserted in the compartment that was deemed most likely to develop ACS and ICP was continuously measured for up to 18 hours. Fractures were classified according to the AO/OTA classification. Patient clinical signs and pain levels were recorded by healthcare staff during routine in-patient monitoring and were compared to the ICP from the device. Important treatment information was pulled from the patient's chart to help correlate all of the patient's data and symptoms.

The study period was conducted from November 2020 through December 2021. Twenty-six patients were enrolled. There were 17 males, and nine females. The mean age was 38 years (range, 17–76). Seventeen patients received the device post-operatively and nine received it pre-operatively. Preliminary results show that post-operative ICPs tend to be significantly higher than pre-operative ICPs but tend to trend downwards very quickly. The trend in this measurement appears to be more significant than absolute numbers which is a real change from the previous literature. One patient pre-operatively illustrated a steep trend upwards with minimal clinical symptoms but required compartment release at the time of surgery that exhibited no muscle necrosis. The trend in this patient was very steep and, as predicted, predated the clinical findings of compartment syndrome. This trend allows an early warning signal of the absolute pressure, to come, in the compartment that is being assessed by the device.

Preliminary results suggest that this device is reliable and relatively easy to use within our institutions. In addition it suggests that intracompartmental pressures can be higher immediately post-op but lower rapidly when the patient does not develop ACS. These results are in line with current literature of the difference between pre and post-operative baselines and thresholds of ICP, but are much more striking, as continuous measurements have not been part of the data set in most of past studies.

Further elucidation of the pressure thresholds and profiles are currently being studied in the ongoing larger multicenter study and will add to our understanding of the critical values. This data, plus the added value of continuous trends in the pressure, upwards or downwards, will aid in preventing muscle necrosis during our management of these difficult long bone fractures.

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 42 - 42
7 Nov 2023
Simmons D Robertson A Milner B
Full Access

Child abuse is an essential discussion within society and poses many challenges. The international literature describes patient and family based risk factors and suspicious injuries. We have created a protocol for the identification and investigation of children with suspected non-accidental injuries. The paediatric orthopaedic ward experiences many children being delayed in the ward once fit for discharge. This study aimed to quanitify those delayed discharges and describe the demographics and risk factors for abuse within the local population. After obtaining ethics clearance, we conducted a retrospective review of records from the Teddy Bear Clinic, as well as admission records. The study examined demographic characteristics, family, injury characteristics and referral to Child Welfare. The delay of discharge from hospital was quantified and was compared to those characteristics. Records were collected from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2021. Seventy-nine complete records were included. There were 40 males and 39 females with an average age of 20 months. 75.9% were under 36 months old. 94.1% of the cases sustained lower limb fractures. Fifty-two cases had a delayed discharge. The delay ranged from 1 to 233 days. There was an association between an age less than 36 months and delayed discharge. There were no significant correlations between caregiver characteristics and delayed discharge. The later the completion of investigations, the more likely there would be a delay. There was also a significant correlation between referral to Child Welfare and delayed discharge. Children under 36 months on this remain at highest risk for non-accidental injury. Delayed discharge was associated with age less than 36 months, upper limb fractures and referral to Child Welfare. Despite the delayed discharge, most children returned to the same home environments

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_3 | Pages 36 - 36
23 Feb 2023
Ma N Gogos S Moaveni A
Full Access

Surgical site infections following orthopaedic surgery are a serious complication associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Intra-wound antibiotic powder may be able to provide infection prophylaxis locally with less systemic adverse effects, and promising results have been reported in systematic reviews of its use in spine surgery. This study aims to analyse the efficacy and adverse effect profile of intra-wound antibiotics in reducing surgical site infections in orthopaedic surgery for traumatic pelvic and lower limb fractures. A systematic review was conducted for studies reporting on the incidence of surgical site infections following administration of intra-wound antibiotic powder in pelvic and lower limb trauma surgery. Randomised controlled trials, cohort and case-control studies were included. A meta-analysis was conducted for deep surgical site infections. Seven studies were included in the systematic review including six retrospective case-control studies and one randomised controlled trial. Results of the meta-analysis suggest a potential 23% reduction in the odds of developing a deep surgical site infection in patients treated with intra-operative antibiotic powder compared with those managed with intravenous antibiotics alone (OR 0.77, 95% CI 0.52 – 1.13), although the results did not reach statistical significance. Notable selective bias against intra-wound antibiotics and suboptimal study design were found in the retrospective studies, however the randomised controlled trial reported a significant reduction in deep surgical site infections with intra-wound vancomycin powder. There were no reports of systemic adverse outcomes and minimal risk of wound complications with the use of intra-wound antibiotics. This review suggests the use of intra-wound antibiotic powder in pelvic and lower limb trauma surgery may reduce the incidence of deep surgical site infections. Further powered studies including randomised controlled trials are required to confirm the results highlighted in this study

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_15 | Pages 3 - 3
7 Nov 2023
Leslie K Matshidza S
Full Access

Intimate partner violence (IPV) causes significant morbidity and its unlikely to be reported compared to other forms of gender-based violence (GBV). For early detection, understanding Orthopaedic injuries from GBV is vital. This study assesses the pattern of musculoskeletal injuries from GBV and determines the factors associated with it. It is a retrospective observational study of patients aged ≥18 years, with GBV-related acute Orthopaedic injuries. Data was reviewed from January 2021 to December 2021, including, demographic information, soft tissue and bony injuries, relationship to assailant, substance abuse and the day and time of injury. Frequencies and percentages for categorical data were analysed. Chi-square test was used to calculate association. T-test was used to compare groups for continuous & categorical variables. Multivariate analysis was conducted to find the odds ratio and a p-value <0.05 was statistically significant. 138 patients were included, the mean age at presentation being 35.02 years (SD=11). 92.75% of GBV victims were females. Most were unemployed (66.7%). 30.43% (n-42) had a soft tissue injury; superficial laceration being the most common (23.1%), flexor tendon injury (10.87%), hand abscess (5.8%), and extensor tendon injury (5.07%). 71.02 % (n=98) sustained appendicular fractures. 51.45% (n=71) sustained upper limb fractures; distal radius fractures (10.86%) and distal 3rd ulnar fractures (9,42%). 19.57% (n=27) had lower limb fractures; 7.25% (n=10) had lateral malleolus ankle fractures. 63.7% (n=80) of cases were by an intimate partner on weekends (50.73%). 62.31% occurred between 16h00 and 0h00. 41.1% (n=65) reported alcohol abuse. 63.04% had surgery. GBV likely occurs in early middle-aged females by intimate partners influenced by alcohol over the weekends between 16h00 to 0h00. Distal radius/distal 3rd ulnar fractures are the most common bony injuries. Superficial wrist laceration is the commonest soft tissue injury. These findings may assist with early detection and intervention to prevent adverse outcomes in GBV

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 105-B, Issue SUPP_3 | Pages 90 - 90
23 Feb 2023
Gill S Stella J Lowry N Kloot K Reade T Baker T Hayden G Ryan M Seward H Page RS
Full Access

Australian Football (AF) is a popular sport in Australia, with females now representing one-third of participants. Despite this, the injury profiles of females versus males in largely unknown. The current study investigated fractures, dislocations and tendon ruptures in females versus males presenting to emergency departments (ED) with an AF injury. All patients, regardless of age, presenting to one of 10 EDs in Victoria, Australia, with an AF injury were included. Data were prospectively collected over a 10-month period, coinciding with a complete AF season. Data were extracted from patient medical records regarding injury-type, body-part injured and treatments required. Female and male data were compared with chi-squared tests. Of the 1635 patients presenting with an AF injury, 595 (36.0%) had a fracture, dislocation or tendon rupture, of whom 85 (14.3%) were female and the average age was 20.5 years (SD 8.0). Fractures accounted for most injuries (n=478, 80.3% of patients had a fracture), followed by dislocations (n=118, 19.8%) and tendon ruptures (n=14, 2.4%). Upper limb fractures were more common than lower limb fractures (71.1% v 11.5% of fractures). Females were more likely to fracture their hands or fingers than males (45.7% v 34.3%). Males were more likely to fracture ribs (5.4% v 0%). Most fractures (91.2%) were managed in the ED, with the remainder being admitted for surgery (GAMP/ORIF). Males were more likely to be admitted for surgery than females (11.2% v 5.9%). Regarding dislocations (n=118), females were more likely to dislocate the patella (36.8% v 8.1% of dislocations). Only males sustained a tendon rupture (n=14): finger extensor or flexor (57.1%), achilles tendon (28.6%) and patella tendon (14.3%). Orthopaedic AF injuries are common presentations to EDs in Victoria, though few require specialist orthopaedic intervention. Injury profiles differed between genders suggesting that gender specific injury prevention and management might be required

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_13 | Pages 84 - 84
1 Dec 2022
Van Meirhaeghe J Chuang T Ropchan A Stephen DJ Kreder H Jenkinson R
Full Access

High energy pelvic injury poses a challenging setting for the treating surgeon. Often multiple injuries are associated, which makes the measurement of short- and long-term functional outcomes a difficult task. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of pelvic dysfunction and late impacts of high energy pelvic ring fractures on pelvic floor function in women, with respect to urinary, sexual and musculoskeletal function. This was compared to a similar cohort of women with lower limb fractures without pelvis involvement. The data in our study was prospectively gathered between 2010 and 2013 on 229 adult females who sustained injury between 1998 and 2012. Besides demographic and operative variables, the scores of three validated health assessment tools were tabulated: King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ), Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the Short Musculoskeletal Functional Assessment (SMFA). A multivariate regression analysis was done to compare groups. The incidence of sexual dysfunction was 80.8% in the pelvis and 59.4% in the lower extremity group. A Wilcoxon rank sum test showed a significant difference in KHQ-score (p<0.01) with the pelvis group being worse. When adjusting for age, follow-up and Injury Severity Score this difference was not significant (p=0.28), as was for FSFI and SMFA score. The mean FSFI scores of both groups met the criteria for female sexual dysfunction (<26). Patients with a Tile C fracture have better FSFI scores (16.98) compared to Tile B fractures (10.12; p=0.02). Logistic regression predicting FSFI larger than 26.5 showed that older age and pelvic fractures have a higher likelihood having a form of sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction after lower extremity trauma is found in patients regardless of pelvic ring involvement. Urinary function is more impaired after pelvic injuries, but more data is needed to confirm this. Older age and pelvic fracture are predictors for sexual dysfunction in women. This study is important as it could help counsel patients on the likelihood of sexual dysfunction, something that is probably under-reported and recognized during our patient follow up

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 16 - 16
1 Oct 2022
Loïc F Kennedy M Denis N Olivier NF Ange NYM Ulrich T Daniel HE
Full Access

Introduction. Open tibial fractures (OTF) rank first among lower limb fractures in sub-Saharan Africa and bone infection remains the main challenge. The aim of this study was to identify the factors associated with chronic bone infection after OTF in a limited-resource setting. Methods. Patients aged 18 years and older, who underwent OTF treatment in a tertiary care hospital during the period from December 2015 to December 2020 were included in this retrospective study. Patients were contacted via phone calls and invited for a final clinical and radiological evaluation. Patients who met diagnostic criteria of chronic osteomyelitis were identified. Logistic regression was used to determine the predictive factors of OTF related chronic osteomyelitis. Results. With a mean follow-up period of 29.5±16.6 months, 33 patients out of 105 (31.4%) presented with chronic osteomyelitis. We found that time to first debridement within 6 hours (OR=0.18, 95% CI: 0.05 – 0.75, p=0.018) and severity of OTF according to Gustilo-Anderson classification (OR=2.06, 95% CI:1.34 – 3.16, p=0.001) were the independent predictive factors of chronic bone infection. Neither age, gender, socio-economic level, polytrauma, HIV status, diabetes mellitus, time to definitive surgery, were associated with chronic osteomyelitis. Conclusion. The rate of chronic bone infections after OTF is still high in the sub-Saharan African context. In addition to the overall improvement in the management of open leg fractures in those settings, emphasis should be placed on very early initial debridement to reduce the burden of these infections. Keys words. open tibial fractures, chronic bone infection, predictive factors

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 96-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 6 - 6
1 Jul 2014
Fernandez M Makrides P McArthur J Venus M Young J Skillman J Wyse M Costa M
Full Access

We sought to evaluate the impact of a dedicated weekly ortho-plastics operating list on our ability to provide definitive soft tissue cover of open lower limb fractures within 72 hours. We reviewed all open lower limb fractures at our centre before and after the introduction of an ortho-plastics list to determine whether definitive soft tissue coverage was achieved within 72 hours. There were 23 open lower limb fractures at our centre in 2012 before the introduction of the ortho-plastics operating list of which only 7 (30%) had definitive soft tissue coverage within 72 hours. We hypothesised that the main reason for this was not patient or injury related factors but rather the logistical difficulties of coordinating theatre time on a routine trauma list with senior orthopaedic and plastic surgeon availability. To test this hypothesis we re-audited our time to soft tissue cover six months after the introduction of the ortho-plastics list and 70% of cases achieved coverage within 72 hours. Achieving definitive soft tissue coverage of open lower limb fractures within 72 hours of injury is a challenge. A dedicated weekly ortho-plastics operating list significantly improves our ability to deliver this service

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 104-B, Issue SUPP_5 | Pages 4 - 4
1 Apr 2022
Schultz-Swarthfigure C Booth S Biddle M Wilson W Mullen M Smith C
Full Access

Introduction. Lower limb open fractures are severe injuries, with a joint orthoplastic approach for management recommended by BOAST. An initial audit highlighted a discrepancy in time to definitive wound coverage between the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH), which at the time was not an orthoplastic centre, and the Glasgow Royal Infirmary (GRI) which was. Our aim was to perform a secondary audit to identify if the introduction of an orthoplastic service at the QEUH led to a reduction in time to definitive wound coverage. Materials and Methods. Forty-six patients with open lower limb fractures treated at the QEUH in 2019 following introduction of the orthoplastic service were identified. Management including time to antibiotics and wound coverage, and rates of complication were compared with previous audit data. Results. Days to washout was similar between the second cohort of QEUH patients and the first (p=0.522), as was days to definitive management without plastics input (p=0.143). When plastics input was required, there was a reduction in days to wound coverage in the second cohort of QEUH patients compared to the first (3 days vs 8.5 days; p=0.002), and a similar time if compared to the GRI cohort (p=0.778). Conclusions. Time to definitive wound coverage was reduced in those that required plastics input in the second cohort of QEUH patients, with a similar time to that of the original GRI cohort. The QEUH now displays improved concordance with the BOAST guidelines, with definite wound coverage on average occurring within 72 hours

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_26 | Pages 21 - 21
1 Jun 2013
Robertson G Wood A Heil K Keenan A Aitken S Court-Brown C
Full Access

Rugby union is the second commonest cause of sporting fracture in the UK. Yet little is known about patient outcome following such fractures. All rugby union fractures sustained during 2007–2008 in the Lothian were prospectively recorded. Patients were contacted by telephone in February 2012 to ascertain their progress in returning to rugby. There were 145 fractures in 143 patients, including 122 upper limb and 25 lower limb fractures. 117 fractures (81%) were followed at mean 50 months (range 44–56 months). 87% returned to rugby post injury, with 85% returning to rugby at the same level or higher. 77% returned by three months and 91% by six months. In upper limb fractures 86% returned by six months and 94% by six months. In lower limb fractures 42% returned by three months and 79% by six months. 32% had ongoing fracture related problems. 9% had impaired rugby ability secondary to fractures. Most patients sustaining a fracture playing rugby union will return to rugby at a similar level. While one third of them will have persisting symptoms post-injury, for the majority this will not impair their rugby ability

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 105 - 105
1 Feb 2020
Gabor J Tesoriero P Padilla J Schwarzkopf R Davidovitch R
Full Access

INTRODUCTION. Proponents of the THA anterior approach have advocated for the use of dedicated surgical tables similar to those used in lower extremity fracture care that allow for traction, rotation, and angulation of the limb during surgery. Some tables require a specially-trained assistant to manipulate the table, whereas some may be manipulated by the surgeon. The purpose of this study is to compare the clinical outcomes in patients who underwent THA through an anterior approach on an assistant-controlled (AC) versus a surgeon-controlled (SC) table. METHODS. This is a retrospective study of 343 consecutive THA patients from January 2017 – October 2017. Surgical and clinical data included surgical time, LOS, presence of pain (groin, hip, or thigh pain) at latest follow-up, and revision for any reason. Immediate postoperative radiographs were compared with latest follow-up radiographs to assess for LLD, stem alignment, and stem subsidence. RESULTS. 167 (48.7%) cases were performed using the AC table, and 176 (51.3%) were performed using the SC table. Overall, surgical time was significantly greater for surgeries which utilized the self-controlled table (70.2 minutes vs. 66.1 minutes, respectively). There was a statistically significant difference between the first and last third of cases performed on the SC table (73.6 minutes vs. 68.0 minutes, respectively). There were no significant differences in any clinical or radiographic outcomes. DISCUSSION. Surgeons who routinely perform an anterior approach for THA can expect similar outcomes using an SC table as opposed to an AC table. Although surgical time with the SC table was longer by approximately four minutes, this difference is not clinically significant. In addition, surgical time with the SC table may be decreased following an initial learning curve. The SC table allows for greater surgeon control during the procedure and a significantly smaller institutional financial investment due to the reduced manpower required

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 102-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 68 - 68
1 Aug 2020
Atwan Y Sprague S Bzovsky S Jeray K Petrisor B Bhandari M Schemitsch EH
Full Access

Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is commonly used to manage severe open fracture wounds. The recently completed X randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluated the effect of NPWT versus standard wound management on 12-month disability and rate of deep infection among patients with severe open fractures of the lower limb and reported no differences. Using data from the Y trial of open fracture patients, we aimed to evaluate the impact of NPWT on the odds of having deep infections and health-related quality of life (HRQL). Our analyses included participants from the Y trial who had Gustilo II and III lower extremity fractures. To adjust for the influence of injury characteristics on type of dressing received, a propensity score was developed from the dataset. A one-to-one matching algorithm was then used to pair patients with a similar propensity for NPWT. Mixed effects logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between type of wound dressing and development of a deep infection requiring operative management (dependent variable) in the matched cohort. Gustilo type, irrigation solution, fracture location, mechanism of injury, and degree of contamination were included as adjustment variables. To determine any differences in HRQL between the NPWT and standard wound dressing groups, we conducted two multi-level models with three levels (centre, patient, and time) and included Short Form-12 (SF-12) Physical Health Component (PCS) and SF-12 Mental Health Component (MCS) as dependent variables. Gustilo type, irrigation solution, fracture location, mechanism of injury, degree of contamination, and pre-injury SF-12 scores were included as adjustment variables. All tests were 2-tailed with alpha=0.05. After applying propensity score-matching to adjust for the influence of injury characteristics on type of dressing used, there were 270 matched pairs of patients available for comparison. The odds of developing a deep infection requiring operative management within 12 months of initial surgery was 4.22 times higher in patients who received NPWT compared to those who did not receive NPWT (Odds Ratio (OR) 4.22, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 2.26–7.87. 1,329 participants were included in our HRQL analysis and those treated with NPWT had significantly lower SF-12 PCS at all follow-up visits (6w, 3m, 6m, 12m) post fracture (p=0.01). Participants treated with NPWT had significantly lower SF-12 MCS at 6-weeks post-fracture (p=0.03). Unlike the X trial, our analysis found that patients treated with NPWT had higher odds of developing a deep infection requiring operative management and that being treated with NPWT was associated with lower physical quality of life in the 12 months post-fracture. While there may have been other potential adjustment variables not controlled for in this analysis, our results suggest that the use of this treatment should be re-evaluated

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 97-B, Issue SUPP_8 | Pages 23 - 23
1 Jun 2015
Wood A Aitken S Hipps D Heil K Court-Brown C
Full Access

Epidemiological data about tibial plateau and associated intra-articular proximal tibial fractures provides clinicians with an understanding of the range, variety, and patterns of injury. There are relatively few studies examining this injury group as a whole. We prospectively recorded all tibial plateau and intra-articular proximal tibial fractures occurring in our regional population of 545,000 adults (aged 15 years or older) in 2007–2008. We then compared our results with previous research from our institution in 2000. There were 173 fractures around the knee, 65 of these involved the tibial plateau. Median age was 59 years (IQR, 36.5–77.5 yrs). Tibial plateau fractures were more common in women (58.5%vs 41.5%). The median age of men was 37 years (IQr, 29–52 yrs) compared to women, 73 years (IQR, 57–82 yrs). Tibial plateau fractures accounted for 0.9% overall and 2.5% of lower limb fractures. Incidence was 1.2/10,000/yr (95% CI, 0.9–1.5). We have prospectively identified and described the epidemiological characteristics of tibial plateau fractures in adults from our region. We have identified a change to the epidemiology of these fractures over a relatively short time frame as the patients at risk age

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 96-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 9 - 9
1 Jul 2014
O'Neill B Fox C Molloy A Moore D
Full Access

The purpose of this study was to review the outcomes and complications of all circular external fixators (frames) used for the management of acute lower limb trauma in our institution over a twenty year period. We retrospectively reviewed a prospectively compiled database of all frames applied in our institution and identified all frames which were applied for acute lower limb trauma. We identified 68 fractures in 63 patients. There were 11 femoral fractures and 57 tibial fractures. All fractures were classified using the AO Classification system, and most fractures were Type C fractures. We used an Ilizarov frame in 53 patients and a Taylor Spatial Frame in 15 patients. The mean time in frame was 365 days for a femoral fracture and 230 days for a tibial fracture. There were five tibial non-unions giving an overall union rate of 93%. Factors associated with non-union included high energy trauma and cigarette smoking. The vast majority of lower limb fractures can be treated using ‘conventional’ methods. Complex fractures which are not amenable to open reduction and internal fixation or cast immobilisation can be treated in a frame with excellent results. The paucity of published reports regarding the use of frames for complex trauma reflects the under-utilisation of the technique

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_32 | Pages 8 - 8
1 Sep 2013
Gill D Baker MCL Adams S
Full Access

To audit adherence to the British Orthopaedic Association and British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons 2009 review of the acute management of severe open lower limb fractures (BOAST4). Audit: Retrospective study of adherence to BOAST4 standards of 37 cases treated at Derriford Hospital between March 2010 and 2011. Intervention: a multidisciplinary approach towards the management of such injuries. Assigning department-specific roles across all specialities involved and establishing an early patient transfer pathway from non-specialist centres in the region. Re-audit: Prospective data collection of adherence to BOAST4 of 18 cases between October 2011 and April 2012. Eleven of 15 standards were comparable. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact test (p≤0.05). Six standards showed statistically significant improvement: antibiotic therapy; regular assessment of neurovascular status; urgent surgery for contaminated wounds; initial wound care; appropriate splinting and early patient transfers. One standard was adhered to in all cases. 3 standards showed improvement, although not statistically significant and 1 standard remained consistently low in adherence. Although doctors are familiar with BOAST4, many are not aware of the specific details. A coordinated and informed multidisciplinary team has enabled the successful application of an evidenced-based approach to the management these injuries

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 96-B, Issue SUPP_10 | Pages 4 - 4
1 Jul 2014
Carmody O Kennedy M
Full Access

Note: No previous similar study to this has been carried out in the Republic of Ireland, to our knowledge. Ankle fractures are the most common lower limb fracture in all age groups in Ireland. Approximately 43% of all ankle fractures will require operative fixation. 1. 82% of all operative ankle procedures in Ireland are carried out on patients between 18–65 years old. We felt it was imperative to study the incidence within various age groups, the associated length of hospital stay and to offer suggestions in reducing this length-of-stay. The National Hospital Inpatient Enquiry system (data collection accuracy 95.9%–98.2%), ICD-coding and data from the Central Statistics Office were analysed. 2. 14,903 ankle fractures underwent ORIF between 2002–09 (average 1,928/year). While there was a statistical increase in ORIF's in the over 65 group, there was no overall increase in the incidence of surgical procedures. The average length-of-stay in 2002 was 4.8 days, but had significantly dropped to 4.0 days by 2009. This was most marked in the over 65's where it decreased from 10.5 to 7.7 days. The annual incidence of ankle fractures requiring operative intervention in Ireland was 44.43 per 100,000 persons. This study highlights many issues, namely: . a). While there is a significant decrease in length-of-stay to 4 days, we feel this figure could be significantly reduced further. b). While the incidence of ankle fractures in the over-65 group remained stable, surprisingly there was a statistically significant increase in the number of operative procedures within this age group

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 97-B, Issue SUPP_16 | Pages 44 - 44
1 Dec 2015
Salles M Junior W Santos F Cavalheiro C Guimarães R Ono N Queiroz M Honda E Plosello G
Full Access

Deep infection after acetabular fracture surgery is a serious complication, ranging between 1.2% and 2.5% and has been a challenge for patients and surgeons. It increases length of hospital stay by three to four times due to the need of extra surgeries for debridement, impairs future patient's mobility, and increases the overall costs of care. Aim: We aim to identify pre- and intra-operative risk factors associated with deep infections in surgically treated acetabular fractures. Methods: In a single-center retrospective case-control study, 447 consecutive patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation of acetabular fractures were included in the study. Diagnosis of surgical site infections required a combination of clinical signs and positive tissue culture or histological signs of tissue infection according to Lipsky et al (2010) and Fleischer et al (2009). To evaluate risk factors from SSI we performed uni- and multivariate analysis by multiple logistic regression. Results: Among 447 patients studied, 23 (5.1%) presented diagnosis of postoperative infection. 349 (78.1%) were male with a mean age of 33.3 years old. Posterior wall fractures accounted for 119 cases (26.6%) followed by 102 (22.8%) double column fractures and 57 (12.8%) T fractures. Factors associated with a significantly risk of infection were patient-related: older age and alcoholism (OR = 5.15, 95% CI = 1.06 to 21.98; p=0.036); trauma-related: fractures of the lower limb (odds ratio [OR] = 2.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.8 to 6.78; p=0.017), comminution (OR = 3.6, 95% CI = 1.19 to 8.09; p=0.009), pelvic ring injuries (OR = 2.89, 95% CI = 1.07 to 7.63; p=0.037); and surgical-related: peri- operative complications (OR = 5.12, 95% CI = 1.85 to 13.8; p=0.001), and dislocation (OR = 0.21, 95% CI = 0.03 to 0.96; p=0.023). Duration of surgery longer than 300 min (p=0.002), and type of surgical approach (p<0.001) were also associated with infection. Conclusion: Deep infections after acetabular fracture surgery were mainly associated with prolonged duration of surgery and the interrelation with the complexity of the fracture such as double column fractures, combined surgical approach, comminution and intra operative complications. Pelvic ring injuries, lower limb fractures, mean age, no dislocations at the time of accident and alcoholism is others associations

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 95-B, Issue SUPP_1 | Pages 123 - 123
1 Jan 2013
Deakin D Gaden M Moran C
Full Access

Background. Orthopaedic surgeons are increasingly pressured to consider thromboprophylaxis for patients when little evidence exists. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of fatal pulmonary embolism following office attendance in our outpatient fracture clinic. Methods. Between October 2004 and September 2006 details of all new patients referred to our orthopaedic fracture clinic were prospectively entered into an audit database. Patients did not receive any form of thromboprophylaxis. Data was cross referenced with a national mortality database to identify all patients who subsequently died within 90 days of attendance in fracture clinic. Results. 11,502 new patient fracture clinic appointments occurred during the study period. 5604 patients had lower limb injuries. Twenty three patients died within 90 days of being seen. The mean age of these patients was 75 years (range 52–100). Two of the 23 patients attended fracture clinic with lower limb injuries. Review of the medical records showed no evidence of pulmonary embolism. Assuming a worst case scenario that both died of fatal pulmonary embolism the incidence of fatal pulmonary embolism following attendance in fracture clinic with a lower limb injury is no higher than 0.036% (95% CI 0.09%–0.33%). Conclusion. The incidence of fatal PE following outpatient management of lower limb fractures is very low. This incidence data will inform decisions on the risk-benefit analyisis of thromboprophylaxis in this group of patients

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 94-B, Issue SUPP_II | Pages 3 - 3
1 Feb 2012
Hinsley D Phillips S Clasper J
Full Access

Ballistic fractures are devastating injuries often necessitating reconstructive surgery or amputation. Complications following surgery are common, particularly in the austere environment of war. Workload from the recent conflict was documented in order to guide future medical need. All data on ballistic fractures was collected prospectively. Fractures were scored using the Red Cross Fracture Classification. During the first two weeks of the conflict, 202 Field Hospital was the sole British hospital in the region. Thereafter, until the end of the conflict, it became the tertiary referral hospital for cases requiring orthopaedic and plastic surgery opinions. Thirty-nine patients, with 50 ballistic fractures were treated by British military surgeons. Patients were predominantly Iraqi (20 enemy prisoners of war and 15 civilians); 4 children sustained five fractures. Fifty percent were caused by bullets. Seventeen upper limb fractures and 33 lower limb fractures were sustained. A total of 30 per cent of wounds became infected, 12 per cent were deep infection necessitating surgical drainage. Thirteen limbs were amputated; seven were traumatic amputations. Ballistic fractures remain a challenge for surgeons in times of war. There is a continued need to relearn the principles of war surgery in order to minimise complications and restore function. Military medical skills training and available resources must reflect these fundamental changes in order to properly prepare for future conflicts