Aim. This study reviewed the efficacy of a CT arthrogram in clinical decision making for wrist disorders. Methods. Sixty four consecutive CT arthrograms done in a three year period at Glenfield Hospital were selected. All patients were referred by hand consultants at the Glenfield Hospital and all investigations were performed by a single senior musculoskeletal radiologist. CT arthrograms focussed on the following areas: scapholunate interosseous ligament (SLIL), lunotriquetral interosseous ligament (LTIL), peripheral and central triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears, and articular surface disorders. Referral and clinic letters for all patients were obtained. We collected patient demographic detail, prescan diagnosis and clinical plan, CT arthrogram findings, postscan diagnosis and clinical plan and the final outcome. A decision was made whether the scan helped in the clinician's management plan and if so how it helped. Results. There were 35 male and 29 female patients with a mean age of 44.1 years. The right wrist was involved in 42 and the left in 22 patients. Sixty three of the 64 patients had their management based on the CT scan. In 54 of these the CT arthrogram either confirmed and calibrated the diagnosis or identified a new diagnosis. In 10 patients the scan was normal and allowed patient reassurance. Thirty six patients had ulnar sided problems, 20 had radial sided disorders and eight had midcarpal abnormality. The most common abnormality noted was a TFCC tear (24). The next most common was chondral damage/arthritis (14) followed by scapholunate interosseous ligament tear (12). The diagnosis was either confirmed and its extent established (31) or identified in addition to the primary diagnosis (19). Conclusions. The CT arthrogram is a helpful tool in the management of intra-articular wrist pathology. We found it to be useful in both confirming and calibrating the diagnosis and also diagnosing occult patho