The number of total knee arthroplasties continues to increase annually with over 90,000 total knee replacements performed in the United Kingdom in 2018. Multiple national bodies including the British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK) and the British Orthopaedic Association collaborated in July 2019 to produce best practice guidance for knee arthroplasty surgery. This study aims to review practice in a regional healthcare trust against these guidelines. Fifty total knee replacement operation notes were reviewed between January and February 2020 from 11 different consultant orthopaedic surgeons. Documents were assessed against 17 criteria recommended by the BASK guidance. Personnel names and grades were generally well documented. Tourniquet time and pressure were documented in over 98% of operation notes however, protection from spirit burns was not documented at all. Trialling and soft tissue balancing was well recorded in 100% and 96% of operation notes respectively. Areas lacking in documentation included methods utilised to optimise cementation technique and removal of cement debris. Protection of key knee structures was documented in only 56% of operation notes clearly. Prior to closure, final assessment of mechanism integrity, collateral ligament was not documented at all and final ROM after implantation of components was recorded 34% of the time. Subsequently authors have created a universal operation note template, uploaded onto the patient electronic notes, which prompts surgeons to complete documentation of the relevant criteria advocated by BASK. In conclusion, detailed and systematic documentation is vital to prevent adverse events and reduce the risk of litigation. By producing detailed operative templates this risk can be mitigated.
Acute post-operative urinary retention (POUR) is a recognized complication following lower limb arthroplasty. Its occurrence may have patient and ultimately
To assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a virtual fracture clinic (VFC) model, and supplement the literature regarding this service as recommended by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA). This was a retrospective study including all patients (17 116) referred to fracture clinics in a London District General Hospital from May 2013 to April 2016, using hospital-level data. We used interrupted time series analysis with segmented regression, and direct before-and-after comparison, to study the impact of VFCs introduced in December 2014 on six clinical parameters and on local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) spend. Student’s Objectives