Abstract. Objectives. The development of promising therapeutics for cartilage repair/regeneration have been hampered by the inadequacy of existing animal models and lack of suitable translational ex-vivo human tissue models. There is an urgent unmet need for these to assess repair/regenerative (orthobiologic) treatments directly in human tissue. We describe methodology allowing the successful long-term ex-vivo culture of non-degenerate whole human femoral heads that may be used as a model for testing new
Geriatric syndromes could lead individuals to exhibit significant mobility and psychological deficits resulting in significant healthcare costs. Thus, identifying strategies to delay aging, or prevent progressive loss of tissue homeostasis could dramatically restore the function and independence of millions of elderly patients and significantly improve quality of life. One of the fundamental properties of aging is the accumulation of senescent cells and senescence associated secretory phenotypes (SASPs) that needs to be treated in wide range of therapeutics including
Disease modifying approaches are commonly applied in OA patients. An aging society with better life expectancies is increasing in Europe and the globe. Orthobiologics cover intraarticular hyaluronan injections and also cellular therapies. Cellular therapies range from platelet rich plasma (PRP) applications to exosomes. Short term follow-up of limited number of patients revealed favorable results in clinical cellular therapies. Most of these studies evaluated decrease of pain and increase in function. Recent basic science studies focused on the action mechanism of
Due to the presence of megakaryocytes, platelets and clotting factors, bone marrow aspirate (BMA) tends to coagulate. For the first time, starting from our previous studies on mesenchymal vertebral stem cells, it has been hypothesized that coagulated BMA represents a safe and effective autologous biological scaffold for bone regeneration in spinal surgery. The present research involved advanced preclinical in vitro models and the execution of a pilot clinical study. Evaluation of cell morphology, growth kinetics, immunophenotyping, clonogenicity, trilineage-differentiation, growth-factors and HOX and TALE gene expression were analyzed on clotted- and un-clotted human V-BMA. In parallel, a pilot clinical study on ten patients with degenerative spine diseases submitted to instrumented posterior arthrodesis, is ongoing to assess the ability of clotted-V-BMA to improve spinal fusion at 6- and 12-months follow-up. Results demonstrated that clotted-V-BMA have significantly higher growth-factor expression and mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) viability, homogeneity, clonogenicity, and ability to differentiate towards the osteogenic phenotype than un-clotted-V-BMA. Clotted-V-BMA also highlighted significant reduced expression of PBX1 and of MEIS3 genes negatively involved in osteoblast maturation and differentiation. From December 2020, eight patients have already been enrolled with first promising results that will be finally evaluated in the next two months. The application of V-BMA-clot as carrier of progenitors and cytokines and as natural scaffold with a structural texture represents a point-of-care
Deriving autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from adipose tissues without using enzymes requires sophisticated biomedical instruments. Applied pressure on tissues and cells are adjusted manually although centrifugation and filtration systems are frequently used. The number of derived MSCs therefore could differ between instruments. We compared the number of MSCs obtained from four commercially available devices and our newly designed and produced instrument (A2, B3, L3, M2 and T3). Three-hundred mL of adipose tissue was obtained from a female patient undergoing liposuction using the transillumination solution. Obtained tissue was equally distributed to each device and handled according to the producers' guides. After handling, 3 mL stromal vascular fraction (SVF) was obtained from each device. Freshly isolated SVF was characterized using multi-color flow cytometry (Navios Flow Cytometer, Beckman Coulter, USA). Cell surface antigens were chosen according to IFATS and ISCT. CD31-FITC, CD34-PC5,5, CD73-PE, CD90-PB and CD45-A750 (Backman Coulter, USA) fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies were assessed. Markers were combined with ViaKrome (Beckman Coulter, USA) to determine cell viability. At least 10. 5. cells were acquired from each sample. A software (Navios EX, Beckman Coulter, USA) was used to create dot plots and to calculate the cell composition percentages. The data was analyzed in the Kaluza 2.1 software package (Beckman Coulter, USA). Graphs were prepared in GraphPad Prism. CD105 PC7/CD31 FITC cell percentages were 23,9%, 13,5%, 24,6%, 11,4% and 28,8% for the A2, B3, L3, M2 and T3 devices, respectively. We conclude that the isolated MSC percentage ranged from 11,4% to 28,8% between devices. The number of MSCs in SVF are key determinants of success in
Summary. The BMP-2 content and bone forming potential of 2 leading allograft products (OsteoAMP® and Osteocel® Plus) was tested across 3 commercially available lots. Surprisingly, there was no BMP-2 content associated with the cells contained within Osteocel® Plus. OsteoAMP® contained greater than 1000 times the overall BMP-2 content than Osteocel® Plus. Correspondingly, Osteocel® Plus did not form new bone at any timepoint in the 12 week in vivo study while OsteoAMP® had increasing new bone formation at each sequential timepoint. Interestingly, the highest cellularity of Osteocel® Plus was just prior to implant at t. 0. , decreasing at each timepoint, decreasing further at the terminal endpoint of the study at 12 weeks (82% of cells had died or migrated). Conversely, the cellularity of OsteoAMP® increased at each timepoint. Introduction. Implants containing living cells are often characterised by the
Surgical repair of rotator cuff tears have high failure rates (20–70%), often due to a lack of biological healing. Augmenting repairs with extracellular matrix-based scaffolds is a common option for surgeons, although to date, no commercially available product has proven to be effective. In this study, a novel collagen scaffold was assessed for its efficacy in augmenting rotator cuff repair. The collagen scaffold was assessed in vitro for cytocompatability and retention of tenocyte phenotype using alamarBLUE assays, confocal imaging and real-time PCR. Immunogenicity was assessed in vitro by the activation of pre-macrophage cells. In vivo, using a modified rat rotator cuff defect model, supraspinatus tendon repairs were carried out in 46 animals. Overlay augmentation with the collagen scaffold was compared to unaugmented repairs. At 6- and 12-weeks post-op the repairs were tested biomechanically to evaluate repair strength, and histologically for quality of healing. The collagen scaffold supported human tenocyte growth in vitro, with cells appearing morphologically tenocytic and expressing higher tendon gene markers compared to plastic controls. No immunogenic responses were provoked compared to suture material control. In vivo, augmentation with the scaffold improved the histological scores at 12 weeks (8.37/15 vs. 6.43/15, p=0.0317). However, no significant difference was detected on mechanical testing. While the collagen scaffold improved the quality of healing of the tendon, a meaningful increase in biomechanical strength was not achieved. This is likely due to its inability to affect the bone-tendon junction. Future materials/