INTRODUCTION. One of the recent advances in the hard-on-hard hip arthroplasty is the development of a new material of diffusion hardened oxidised zirconium (DHOxZr). The DHOxZr material consists of a ceramic layer on the top surface which is supported by a thick oxygen diffusion hardened (DH) zone underneath. With the desired properties of metal substrate, ceramic surface and a gradient structure of the oxygen diffusion zone, the DHOxZr-on-DHOxZr bearing combination is expected to produce low wear and minimal metal ions. This can possibly address the concerns associated with metal hypersensitivity associated with metal on metal bearings and fracture risk associated with ceramics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the wear of DHOxZr-on-DHOxZr as a possible hard on hard bearing combination in hips. METHODS. Three pairs of 50 mm DHOxZr prototype hip joint devices, each consisting of a DHOxZr modular head and a DHOxZr liner were wear tested in a ProSim hip joint simulator under standard testing conditions used by the Implant Development Centre (IDC), Smith & Nephew, Leamington Spa for 5 million cycles (Mc). The flexion/extension was 30° and 15°. The internal/external rotation was ± 10°. The force was Paul-type stance phase loading, with a maximum load of 3 kN and a standard ISO swing phase load of 0.3 kN. The test frequency was 1 Hz. Gravimetric analysis was carried out at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 million cycles. The lubricant was new born calf serum with 2 g/l sodium azide concentration diluted with de-ionised water to achieve average protein concentration of 20 g/l. Lubricant was changed every 0.25Mc during the first million cycles of the test and at every 0.33 Mc from 1 to 5Mc. RESULTS. A biphasic wear pattern was observed for the DHOxZr on DHOxZr devices during the test, with a running in phase from 0–1 Mc and a steady state phase from 1–5 Mc. At a confidence level of 95%, the mean wear rate was 0.21 ±0.06 mm3/Mc during the running-in stage, and the wear rate was reduced to 0.01 ±0.03 mm3/Mc during the steady state for the device tested. The wear volume loss of the DHOxZr on DHOxZr devices was significantly lower than that generated by CoCrMo metal on metal (MoM) devices (p < 0.05) under identical simulator test conditions