To quantify bone-nail fit in response to varying nail placements by entry point translation in straight antegrade humeral nailing using three-dimensional (3D) computational analysis. CT scans of ten cadaveric humeri were processed in 3D Slicer to obtain 3D models of the cortical and cancellous bone. The bone was divided into individual slices each consisting of 2% humeral length (L) with the centroid of each slice determined. To represent straight antegrade humeral nail, a rod consisting of two cylinders with diameters of 9.5mm and 8.5mm and length of 0.22L mm and 0.44L mm respectively joined at one end was modelled. The humeral head apex (surgical entry point) was translated by 1mm in both anterior-posterior and medio-lateral directions to generate eight entry points. Total nail protrusion surface area, maximum nail protrusion distance into cortical shell and top, middle, bottom deviation between nail and intramedullary cavity centre were investigated. Statistical analysis between the apex and translated entry points was conducted using
Falls in adults are a major problem and can lead to injuries and death. In order to better understand falls and successful recoveries, identifying kinematics, kinetics, and muscle forces during recovery from loss of balance is crucial. To obtain reactive gait patterns, participants must be subjected to unexpected perturbations such as trips and slips. Previous researchers have reported kinetics recovery data following stumbling; however, the muscle force recovery patterns remain unknown. To better target exercises to reduce the risk of falls, we must first understand which muscles, their magnitude, and their coordination patterns, play a role in a successful recovery from a trip and a slip. Additionally, knowing the successful patterns of lower limb function can help with the diagnosis of faulty movements. A total of 20 healthy adults in their twenties with similar athletic backgrounds were perturbed on a split-belt treadmill using Computer-Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (Motkforce Link) at a preset speed of 1.1m/s. Two kinds of perturbations were administered: slip and trip. Slips were simulated by accelerating one belt, whereas trips were simulated by decelerating one belt. Both perturbations had similar intensity and only differed in the direction. Computational modeling was used to obtain lower-limb function during the compensatory step. SPM
Recent studies on animal models focused on the effect of preserving tendon remnant of rotator cuff on tendon healing. A positive effect by combining tendon remnant preservation and small bone vents on the greater tuberosity in comparison with standard tendon-to-bone repair has been shown. The purpose of the present clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of biologic augmentation of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair by maintaining tendon remnant on rotator cuff footprint combined with small bone vents of the greater tuberosity. A retrospective study was conducted. All patients who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair associated with small bone vents (nanofractures) and tendon footprint preservation were considered eligible for the study. Inclusion criteria were: diagnosis of full-thickness rotator cuff tear as diagnosed at preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and confirmed at the time of surgery; minimum 24-month of follow-up and availability of post-operative MRI performed not earlier than 6 months after surgery. Exclusion criteria were: partial thickness tears, irreparable tears, capsulo-labral pathologies, calcific tendonitis, gleno-humeral osteoarthritis and/or previous surgery. Primary outcome was the ASES score. Secondary outcomes were: Quick-DASH and WORC scores, and structural integrity of repaired tendons by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed six months after surgery. A
Rotator cuff repair has excellent clinical outcomes but continues to be a challenge when it comes to large and massive tears as well as revision procedures. Reported symptomatic retear rates are still too high to be acceptable. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination of augmentation techniques consisting of microfractures of the greater tuberosity, extracellular matrix (ECM) patch graft and subsequent platelet concentrate (PC) subacromial injections in revision rotator cuff repair. The study was designed as a retrospective comparative study on prospectively collected data from a consecutive cohort of patients. All patients who underwent arthroscopic revision rotator cuff repair for symptomatic failure of previous posterosuperior rotator cuff repair were considered eligible for the study. Symptomatic failure had been diagnosed according to clinical examination and confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Structural integrity had been assessed on MRI and classified according to Sugaya classification. Only patients affected by stage IV-V were considered eligible. Tear reparability was confirmed during arthroscopy. Only patients with a minimum 2 years follow-up were included. Patients were divided in two groups. In group 1 (control group) a standard arthroscopic revision and microfractures of the greater tuberosity were performed; in group 2 (experimental group), microfractures of the greater tuberosity and a ECM patch graft were used to enhance tendon repair, followed by postoperative PC injections. Minimum follow-up was 12 months. Primary outcome was the Constant-Murley score (CMS) normalized for age and gender. Subjective outcome was assessed with the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score in its short version (Quick-DASH). Tendon integrity was assessed with MRI at 6 months after surgery. Comparison between groups for all discrete variables at baseline and at follow-up was carried out with the Student's t-test for normally distributed data, otherwise Mann-Whitney U-test was used. Within-group differences (baseline vs follow-up) for discrete variables were analyzed by
Objectives. This study aimed to explore the role of miR-320a in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). Methods. Human cartilage cells (C28/I2) were transfected with miR-320a or antisense oligonucleotides (ASO)-miR-320a, and treated with IL-1β. Subsequently the expression of collagen type II alpha 1 (Col2α1) and aggrecan (ACAN), and the concentrations of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (sGAG) and matrix metallopeptidase 13 (MMP-13), were assessed. Luciferase reporter assay, qRT-PCR, and Western blot were performed to explore whether pre-B-cell leukemia Homeobox 3 (PBX3) was a target of miR-320a. Furthermore, cells were co-transfected with miR-320a and PBX3 expressing vector, or cells were transfected with miR-320a and treated with a nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) antagonist MG132. The changes in Col2α1 and ACAN expression, and in sGAG and MMP-13 concentrations, were measured again. Statistical comparisons were made between two groups by using the two-tailed
To investigate differences in the drop vertical jump height in female adolescents with an ACL injury and healthy controls and the contribution of each limb in this task.
Forty female adolescents with an ACL injury (ACLi, 15.2 ± 1.4 yrs, 164.6 ± 6.0 cm, 63.1 ± 10.0 kg) and thirty-nine uninjured (CON, 13.2 ± 1.7 yrs, 161.7 ± 8.0 cm, 50.6 ± 11.0 kg) were included in this study. A 10-camera infrared motion analysis system (Vicon, Nexus, Oxford, UK) tracked pelvis, thigh, shank, and foot kinematics at 200Hz, while the participants performed 3 trials of double-legged drop vertical jumps (DVJ) on two force plates (Bertec Corp., Columbus, USA) sampled at 2000Hz.The maximum jump height normalised by dominant leg length was compared between groups using independent samples t-test. The maximum vertical ground reaction force (GRFz) and sagittal ankle, knee and hip velocities before take-off were compared between limbs in both groups, using
Background & Objectives. Sensory and motor manifestations in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) are well documented, whereas the associated autonomic dysfunction is often overlooked. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that autonomic dysfunction of the CTS hands can be quantified by measuring skin capacitance. Methods. Patients with clinical and electrophysiological signs of idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome meeting the inclusion criteria were recruited. The patients were also scored based on the Brigham carpal tunnel severity score. Skin capacitance was measured using Corneometer CM825 (C&K Electronic, GmbH). The measurements were taken from the palmar aspect of distal phalanx of the index and little finger of the affected hand. Normal healthy patients with no signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome were recruited as controls and skin capacitance was measured in a similar fashion as the CTS group. Results. The CTS group consisted of 25 patients (18 female & 7 male) and 35 hands with an average age of 59.2 years (33-83 years). The mean symptom severity score was 2.80 (1.27-4.18; SD 0.82) and functional status score was 2.53 (1-4.26; SD 1.08). The mean ratio of skin hydration between the index and little finger was 0.85 (0.6-1.25; SD 0.155). Using the
Introduction. Weight is a modifiable risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA) progression. Despite the emphasis on weight loss, data quantifying the changes seen in joint biomechanics are limited. Bariatric surgery patients experience rapid weight loss. This provides a suitable population to study changes in joint forces and function as weight changes. Method. 10 female patients undergoing gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy completed 3D walking gait analysis at a self-selected pace, pre- and 6 months post-surgery. Lower limb and torso kinematic data for 10 walking trials were collected using a Vicon motion capture system and kinetics using a Kistler force plate. An inverse kinematic model in Visual 3D allowed for no translation of the hip joint centre. 6 degrees of freedom were allowed at other joints. Data were analysed using JASP with a
To investigate if the countermovement jump height differs between ACL injured and uninjured female adolescents and to explore kinematic differences between limbs. Additionally, the association between isometric knee extension strength and jump height was investigated. Thirty-one ACL injured female adolescents (ACLi, 15.3 ± 1.4yrs, 163.9 ± 6.6cm, 63.0 ± 9.3kg) and thirty-eight uninjured (CON, 13.2±1.7yrs, 161.7 ± 8.1cm, 50.6 ± 11.1kg) participated in this study. All participants performed a countermovement jump task, with 3D kinematics collected using a motion analysis system (Vicon, Nexus, Oxford, UK) at 200Hz, and a maximum isometric knee extension task on an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems, New York, USA) for three trials. The peak torque was extracted from the isometric trials. Independent samples t-test compared the maximum jump height normalised by the dominant leg length between groups,
Background. Although there are predictive equations that estimate the total fat mass obtained from multiple-site ultrasound (US) measurements, the predictive equation of total fat mass has not been investigated solely from abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness. Therefore, the aims of this study were; (1) to develop regression-based prediction equations based on abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness for predicting fat mass in young- and middle-aged adults, and (2) to investigate the validity of these equations to be developed. Methods. The study was approved by the Local Research Ethics Committee (Decision number: GO 19/788). Twenty-seven males (30.3 ± 8.7 years) and eighteen females (32.4 ± 9.5 years) were randomly divided into two groups as the model prediction group (19 males and 12 females) and the validation group (8 males and 6 females). Total body fat mass was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness was measured by US. The predictive equations for total fat mass from US were determined as fat thickness (in mm) × standing height (in m). Statistical analyses were performed using R version 4.0.0. The association between the total fat mass and the abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness was interpreted using the Pearson test. The linear regression analysis was used to predict equations for total body fat mass from the abdominal subcutaneous fat thickness acquired by US. Then these predictive equations were applied to the validation group. The
The role of vacuum mixing on the reduction of porosity and on the clinical performance of cemented total hip replacements remains uncertain. We have used paired femoral constructs prepared with either hand-mixed or vacuum-mixed cement in a cadaver model which simulated intra-operative conditions during cementing of the femoral component. After the cement had cured, the distribution of its porosity was determined, as was the strength of the cement-stem and cement-bone interfaces. The overall fraction of the pore area was similar for both hand-mixed and vacuum-mixed cement (hand 6%; vacuum 5.7%;
Introduction. Sustained loading on the intervertebral disc leads to loss of disc height. The generally accepted explanation for this is that the disc loses height due to an unbalance between the external load on the disc and the osmotic pressure in the disc. Consequently, water is expelled from the disc until the osmotic attraction reaches an equilibrium with the pressure applied. In this study, we compared the time course of loss of disc height with loss of pressure in the nucleus. We expected to see a similar time course of disc height and intra-discal pressure. Methods. Fifteen caprine lumbar discs were tested in a saline bath. Of each motion segment both vertebral bodies were cut-off close to the endplate. After a preload of 6 hours at 10N, an axial compressive load of 150N was applied to the discs for 18 hours by an Instron testing device. An 1.33mm pressure needle was inserted in the nucleus to measure hydrostatic pressure. Both change of disc height and change of nucleus pressure were measured at 2 samples/s. A double Kelvin–Voigt model was fitted to estimate the time constants of both hydrostatic pressure and disc height loss. The model comprises two time constants: the first modelling a fast change, the second a slow change. A
Objectives. This study aims to assess the correlation of CT-based structural
rigidity analysis with mechanically determined axial rigidity in
normal and metabolically diseased rat bone. Methods. A total of 30 rats were divided equally into normal, ovariectomized,
and partially nephrectomized groups. Cortical and trabecular bone
segments from each animal underwent micro-CT to assess their average
and minimum axial rigidities using structural rigidity analysis.
Following imaging, all specimens were subjected to uniaxial compression
and assessment of mechanically-derived axial rigidity. Results. The average structural rigidity-based axial rigidity was well
correlated with the average mechanically-derived axial rigidity
results (R. 2. = 0.74). This correlation improved significantly
(p <
0.0001) when the CT-based Structural Rigidity Analysis (CTRA)
minimum axial rigidity was correlated to the mechanically-derived
minimum axial rigidity results (R. 2. = 0.84). Tests of
slopes in the mixed model regression analysis indicated a significantly
steeper slope for the average axial rigidity compared with the minimum
axial rigidity (p = 0.028) and a significant difference in the intercepts
(p = 0.022). The CTRA average and minimum axial rigidities were
correlated with the mechanically-derived average and minimum axial
rigidities using
Background. Balance impairment and falling are of the major health problems in elderly individuals. The ability to maintain standing balance influences the risk of falling while performing everyday activities. Postural control is the base of balance that is the result of collaboration of visual, vestibular and somatosensory systems. Single leg stance test is a simple clinical method to evaluate static balance. In this test, the center of body mass is on a small support level and need to make corrective movements to create balance by postural control system. Kinesiotaping and stretching of ankle plantar flexor muscles used in physical therapy are effective in improvement of postural balance. Kinesiotaping is effective in maintaining balance by activates cutaneous receptors and promoting alpha motor neuron stimulation. Moreover, stretching is a common treatment used to prevent muscle shortness and increase the range of motion that improves the balance. Aim. Therefore the aim of current study was to compare the effects of these two methods in elderly women and men on ankle plantar flexor muscles which are effective to maintain postural status. Materials and Methods. In a single blind randomized clinical trial, 20 elderly male and 20 elderly female were assigned into 2 groups of kinesiotaping and stretching. Inhibitory Y shape tape was applied on the gastrocnemius in first group. In the stretching group, the muscle was stretched for 60 seconds by 4 times. The static balance was examined before and after the interventions by using single leg stance test. In this test, the subjects were asked to stand bare foot on dominant limb and cross their arms over chest. A maximum time for this test is 30 seconds. The researcher who was assessing balance was unaware to the intervention group. Results. According to
The weight-bearing status of articular cartilage has been shown to affect its biochemical composition. We have investigated the topographical variation of sulphated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) relative to the DNA content of the chondrocyte in human distal femoral articular cartilage. Paired specimens of distal femoral articular cartilage, from weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing regions, were obtained from 13 patients undergoing above-knee amputation. After papain enzyme digestion, spectrophotometric GAG and fluorometric DNA assays assessed the biochemical composition of the samples. The results were analysed using a
Background and aims. Hallux rigidus in the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) can be treated with arthroplasty to reduce pain and enhance motion. Few studies have investigated the functionality and the survival of HemiCap arthroplasty. Primarily we aimed to examine the medium to long-term functionality and the degree of pain after surgery. Secondarily the failure and revision rate of HemiCap implants. Methods. A total of 106 patients were operated with HemiCap arthroplasty (n=114) from 2006 to 2014, median age 53 (16 to 80) years, 78 females, 37 dorsal flange (DF) implants. Patient charts were reviewed retrospectively to collect revision data. Pre operative Coughlin/Shurnas arthrosis degree, hallux valgus (HV), intermetatarsalintermetatarsal (IM) and Distal Metaphyseal Articular Angle (DMAA) angles was were measured. Pre- and post operative 3 weeks, 6 months, 1 and 2 year2-year pain levels of the first MTPJ by Visuel Analog Skala (VAS 1–10), American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Score (AOFAS 0 to 100 points) and, Range of Motion (ROM), were available for 51 patients. FortysevenForty-seven of the 70 available for reexamination partook in a cross sectional follow up where the Self-Reported Foot and Ankle Score (SEFAS 0–48 points) was added to the Patients Related Outcome Measures (PROMs). Statistics. Kaplan-Meier for survival analysis, adjusted for sex, radiological angles, degree of arthrosis and dorsal flange. Prospective PROMs and ROM compared by
Abstract. OBJECTIVES. Valgus high tibial osteotomy (HTO) represents an effective treatment for patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis (OA) in a varus knee. However, the mechanisms which cause this clinical improvement are unclear. Previous studies suggest a wider stance gait can reduce medial compartment loading via reduction in the external knee adduction moment (KAM); a measure implicated in progression of medial compartment OA. This study aimed to measure whether valgus HTO is associated with a postoperative increase in static stance width. METHODS. 32 patients, recruited in the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Centre Versus Arthritis HTO study, underwent valgus (medial opening wedge) HTO. Weightbearing pre- and post- operative radiographs were taken showing both lower limbs. The horizontal distance, measured from a fixed point on the right talus to the corresponding point on the left, was divided by the talus width to give a standardised “stance width” for each radiograph. The difference between pre- and post- operative stance width was compared for each patient using a
Various authors have linked hypermobility at the trapeziometacarpal joint to future development of arthritis. When examining hypermobility, the anterior oblique ligament (AOL) and ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) are the two most important supporting structures. Literature suggests that reconstructive techniques to correct the hypermobility can prevent subsequent development of osteoarthritis. Eaton and Littler proposed a surgical technique to reconstruct the ligamentous support of this joint in 1973. This cadaveric biomechanical study aimed to evaluate the resultant effect on the mobility of the thumb metacarpal following this reconstructive technique. Seventeen cadaveric hands were prepared and strategically placed on a jig. Movements at the trapeziometacarpal joint were created artificially. Static digital photographs were taken with intact AOL and UCL at trapeziometacarpal joint (controls), for later comparison with those after sectioning of these ligaments and following Eaton-Littler reconstructive technique. The photographic records were analyzed using Scion.Image. Statistical analysis was performed using Minitab. A
Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is the result of abnormal contact/impingement of the femoral head-neck junction and acetabulum during motion. This can be corrected by surgical dislocation (using Ganz's trochanteric osteotomy) and femoral osteochondroplasty +/− acetabular rim resection. Our study aimed to assess the improvement in hip scores following open osteochondroplasty to predict outcomes based on patient characteristics. This was a retrospective case note analysis of a single surgeon case series over a 4 year period. Inclusion criteria were open osteochondroplasty, complete pre- and post-op hip scores available), Tonnis osteoarthritis grade 0 or 1, with 1 year followup. Data was extracted from electronic and paper case notes for pre- and post-op Modified Harris Hip Scores (MHHS), Non-arthritis Hip Scores (NAHS) and SF-12 general satisfaction scores, as well as baseline patient demographics. Two independent observers used the PACS radiology system to examine x-rays and MRI. SPSS version 19 was used for statistical analysis. 42 patients met the inclusion criteria. There was an overall improvement in hip scores after the procedure. Mean pre-op scores were MHHS 52.5, NAHS 44.0, SF-12 32.1. Mean post-op scores were MHHS 66.1, NAHS 58.7, SF-12 36.4. Therefore mean improvements were seen in MHHS (13.6), NAHS (14.7) and SF-12 (4.3), all significant at p<0.005 when
Knee alignment is a fundamental measurement in the assessment, monitoring and surgical management of patients with OA. In spite of extensive research into the consequences of malalignment, there is a lack of data regarding the potential variation between supine and standing (functional) conditions. The purpose of this study was to explore this relationship in asymptomatic, osteoarthritic and prosthetic knees. Our hypothesis was that the change in alignment of these three groups would be different. Infrared position capture was used to assess knee alignment for 30 asymptomatic controls and 31 patients with OA, before and after TKA. Coronal and sagittal mechanical femorotibial (MFT) angles in extension (negative values varus/hyperextension) were measured supine and in bi-pedal stance and changes analysed using a