Patello-femoral arthritis can result in a considerable thinning of the
Introduction & aims. Resurfacing of the
Introduction. The degree of cartilage degeneration assessed intraoperatively may not be sufficient as a criterion for patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). However, single-photon emission tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) is useful for detecting osteoarthritic involvement deeper in the subchondral bone. The purpose of the study was to determine whether SPECT/CT reflected the cartilage lesion underneath the
Introduction. The trochlea of a typical patellofemoral replacement or anterior flange of a total knee replacement usually extends past the natural trochlea and continues onto the femoral anterior cortex. One reason for this is that it allows a simple
Aim. To assess if there is a reproducible relationship between the width and thickness of the normal
“The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” This explains many cases of patellar maltracking, when the patellar track is visualised in three dimensions. The three-dimensional view means that rotation of the tibia and femur during flexion and extension, as well as rotational positioning of the tibial and femoral components are extremely important. As the extensor is loaded, the
It is a not so uncommon clinical scenario: well-fixed, well-aligned, balanced total knee arthroplasty with continued pain. However, radiographs also demonstrate an unresurfaced
Resurfacing the
The decision to resurface the
Maltracking of the
Whether to resurface the
Purpose. In vivo comparative gap measurements were performed in 3 different
Functional restoration of
Abstract. A study was done to test the strength of various configurations of tension band wiring (TBW) and we report clinical results of ‘Horizontal Figure of Eight TBW’ (H – 8 TBW). In an experimental lab, a model of the fractured
Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the shape of
To resurface or not to resurface the patella… that is the question. It all comes down to where you practice. It is controversial in that there is a risk of possible complications from resurfacing versus the potential for simply having complaints of pain which may supposedly arise from the anterior knee stemming from the unresurfaced
In the knee, involvement is mainly synovial, with local extension eroding the bone. Pure tuberculous osteitis is rare, with a few occasional reports.