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Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_21 | Pages 48 - 48
1 Dec 2016
Padmore C Stoesser H Nishiwaki M Gammon B Langohr D Lalone E Johnson J King G
Full Access

Distal radius fractures are the most common fracture of the upper extremity. Malunion of the distal radius is a common clinical problem after these injuries and frequently leads to pain, stiffness loss of strength and functional impairments. Currently, there is no consensus as to whether not the mal-aligned distal radius has an effect on carpal kinematics of the wrist. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dorsal angulation (DA) of the distal radius on midcarpal and radiocarpal joint kinematics, and their contributions to total wrist motion. A passive wrist motion simulator was used to test six fresh-frozen cadaveric upper extremities (age: 67 ± 17yrs). The specimens were amputated at mid humerus, leaving all wrist flexor and extensor tendons and ligamentous structures intact. Tone loads were applied to the wrist flexor and extensor tendons by pneumatic actuators via stainless steel cables. A previously developed distal radius implant was used to simulate native alignment and three DA deformity scenarios (DA 10 deg, 20 deg, and 30 deg). Specimens were rigidly mounted into the simulator with the elbow at 90 degrees of flexion, and guided through a full range of flexion and extension passive motion trials (∼5deg/sec). Carpal motion was captured using optical tracking; radiolunate and capitolunate joint motion was measured and evaluated. For the normally aligned radius, radiolunate joint motion predominated in flexion, contributing on average 65.4% (±3.4). While the capitolunate joint motion predominated in extension, contributing on 63.8% (±14.0). Increasing DA resulted in significant alterations in radiolunate and capitolunate joint kinematics (p<0.001). There was a reduction of contribution from the capitolunate joint to total wrist motion throughout flexion-extension, significant from 5 degrees of wrist extension to full extension (p = 0.024). Conversely, the radiolunate joint increased its contribution to motion with increasing DA; significant from 5 degrees of wrist extension to full extension as the radiolunate and capitolunate joint kinematics mirrored each other. A DA of 30 degrees resulted in an average radiolunate contribution of 72.6% ± 7.7, across the range of motion of 40 degrees of flexion to 25 degrees of extension. The results of our study for the radius in a normal anatomic alignment are consistent with prior investigators, showing the radiocarpal joint dominated flexion, and the midcarpal joint dominated extension; with an average 60/40 division in contributions for the radiocarpal in flexion and the midcarpal in extension, respectfully. As DA increased, the radiocarpal joint provided a larger contribution of motion throughout flexion and extension. This alteration in carpal kinematics with increased distal radius dorsal angulation may increase localised stresses and perhaps lead to accelerated joint wear and wrist pain in patients with malunited distal radial fractures

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_14 | Pages 17 - 17
1 Jul 2016
Edwin J Baskaran D Raja F Ahmed B Verma S Compson J
Full Access

The scaphotrapeziotrapezoid (STT) joint is one of the key link joints between the proximal and the distal carpal rows. We assessed the relationship between the scaphotrapezium (STm) andscaphotrapezoid (STd) joints using computerised tomographyand hypothesised the ratio of STm is =/< STd joint due to which, the possibility of failure of trapeziectomy due to metacarpal collapse is insignificant. We reviewed CT scans of wrist joints of 113 eligible patientsfrom our wrist database between 2009 and 2014 for our study. 31 patients were randomised for interobserver correlation. Reformatted multi-planar sequences were analysed. The ratio of theSTm: STdin sagittal and coronal measurementswas evaluated. Interobserver variations were assessed using the Pearson coefficient. The sex distribution included 68 males and 29 females, 49 left and 64 right wrists. The STm area was larger in 86 (76%) as compared to STd in 27(24%). Average trapezium to trapezoid ratio was 1:1.5. Ratio of area of trapezium: trapezoid joint is 0.30. The anatomic ratio of the STm in the coronal and sagittal planesis 0.3 and that of the STd joint is 0.2. Ratio of the STm: STd in the coronal plane is 0.29. Pearson's coefficient > 0.8. A small subset of patients undergoing trapeziectomy alonefor stage II- IV carpometacarpal arthritis of the thumb are at risk of impingement of the first metacarpal due to collapse. Our assessment of the anatomical relationship of the STT joint with CT scan proves that although the area the STm joint is generally larger than the STd joint, there is no significant correlation on the whole

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_21 | Pages 47 - 47
1 Dec 2016
Stoesser H Padmore C Nishiwaki M Gammon B Langohr G Lalone E Johnson J King G
Full Access

Wrist motion is achieved primarily via rotation at the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints. The contribution of each carpal bone to total range of motion has been previously investigated, although there is no consensus regarding the influence of each structure to global wrist motion. The objective of this comprehensive in-vitro biomechanical study was to determine the kinematics of the capitate, scaphoid and lunate during unconstrained simulated wrist flexion-extension. In addition, this study examined the effect of motion direction (i.e. flexion or extension) on the kinematics and contribution of the carpal bones. Seven fresh frozen cadaveric upper limb specimens (age: 67±18 yrs) were amputated mid-humerus, and the wrist flexors/extensors were exposed and sutured at their musculotendinous junctions. Each specimen was mounted on a wrist motion simulator in neutral forearm rotation with the elbow at 90° flexion. Passive flexion and extension motion of the wrist was simulated by moving a K-wire, inserted into the third metacarpal, through the flexion/extension motion arc at a speed of ∼5 mm/sec under muscle tone loads of 10N. Carpal kinematics were captured using optical tracking of bone fixated markers. Kinematic data was analysed from ±35° flexion/extension. Scaphoid and lunate motion differed between wrist flexion and extension, but correlated linearly (R‸2=0.99,0.97) with capitate motion. In wrist extension, the scaphoid (p=0.03) and lunate (p=0.01) extended 83±19% & 37±18% respectively relative to the capitate. In wrist flexion, the scaphoid (p=1.0) and lunate (p=0.01) flexed 95±20% and 70±12% respectively relative to the capitate. The ratio of carpal rotation to global wrist rotation decreased as the wrist moved from flexion to extension. The lunate rotates on average 46±25% less than the capitate and 35±31% less than the scaphoid during global wrist motion (p=0.01). The scaphoid rotates on average 11±19% less than the capitate during wrist flexion and extension (p=0.07). There was no difference in the contribution of carpal bone motion to global wrist motion during flexion (p=0.26) or extension (p=0.78). The capitate, lunate and scaphoid move synergistically throughout planar motions of the wrist. Our study found that both the scaphoid and lunate contributed at a greater degree during wrist flexion compared to extension, suggesting that the radiocarpal joint plays a more critical role in wrist flexion. Our results agree with previous studies demonstrating that the scaphoid and lunate do not contribute equally to wrist motion and do not function as a single unit during planar wrist motion. The large magnitude of differential rotation observed between the scaphoid and lunate may be responsible for the high incidence of scapholunate ligament injuries relative to other intercarpal ligaments. An understanding of normal carpal kinematics may assist in developing more durable wrist arthroplasty designs

Orthopaedic Proceedings
Vol. 98-B, Issue SUPP_20 | Pages 53 - 53
1 Nov 2016
Stoesser H Padmore C Nishiwaki M Gammon B Langohr G Lalone E Johnson J King G
Full Access

Wrist motion is achieved primarily via rotation at the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints. The contribution of each carpal bone to total range of motion has been previously investigated, although there is no consensus regarding the influence of each structure to global wrist motion. The objective of this comprehensive in-vitro biomechanical study was to determine the kinematics of the capitate, scaphoid and lunate during unconstrained simulated wrist flexion-extension. In addition, this study examined the effect of motion direction (i.e. flexion or extension) on the kinematics and contribution of the carpal bones. Seven fresh frozen cadaveric upper limb specimens (age: 67±18 yrs) were amputated mid-humerus, and the wrist flexors/extensors were exposed and sutured at their musculotendinous junctions. Each specimen was mounted on a wrist motion simulator in neutral forearm rotation with the elbow at 90° flexion. Passive flexion and extension motion of the wrist was simulated by moving a K-wire, inserted into the third metacarpal, through the flexion/extension motion arc at a speed of ∼5 mm/sec under muscle tone loads of 10N. Carpal kinematics were captured using optical tracking of bone fixated markers. Kinematic data was analysed from ±35° flexion/extension. Scaphoid and lunate motion differed between wrist flexion and extension, but correlated linearly (R^2=0.99,0.97) with capitate motion. In wrist extension, the scaphoid (p=0.03) and lunate (p=0.01) extended 83±19% & 37±18% respectively relative to the capitate. In wrist flexion, the scaphoid (p=1.0) and lunate (p=0.01) flexed 95±20% and 70±12% respectively relative to the capitate. The ratio of carpal rotation to global wrist rotation decreased as the wrist moved from flexion to extension. The lunate rotates on average 46±25% less than the capitate and 35±31% less than the scaphoid during global wrist motion (p=0.01). The scaphoid rotates on average 11±19% less than the capitate during wrist flexion and extension (p=0.07). There was no difference in the contribution of carpal bone motion to global wrist motion during flexion (p=0.26) or extension (p=0.78). The capitate, lunate and scaphoid move synergistically throughout planar motions of the wrist. Our study found that both the scaphoid and lunate contributed at a greater degree during wrist flexion compared to extension, suggesting that the radiocarpal joint plays a more critical role in wrist flexion. Our results agree with previous studies demonstrating that the scaphoid and lunate do not contribute equally to wrist motion and do not function as a single unit during planar wrist motion. The large magnitude of differential rotation observed between the scaphoid and lunate may be responsible for the high incidence of scapholunate ligament injuries relative to other intercarpal ligaments. An understanding of normal carpal kinematics may assist in developing more durable wrist arthroplasty designs