Fracture nonunion is a severe clinical problem for the patient, as well as for the clinician. About 5-20% of fractures does not heal properly after more than six months, with a 19% nonunion rate for tibia, 12% for femur and 13% for humerus, leading to patient morbidity, prolonged hospitalization, and high costs. The standard treatment with iliac crest-derived autologous bone filling the nonunion site may cause pain or hematoma to the patient, as well as major complications such as infection. The application of mesenchymal autologous cells (MSC) to improve bone formation calls for randomized, open, two-arm clinical studies to verify safety and efficacy. The ORTHOUNION * project (ORTHOpedic
The human amniotic membrane (hAM), derived from the placenta, possesses a low (nay inexistant) immunogenicity and exerts an anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, antimicrobial, antiviral and analgesic effect. It is a source of stem cells and growth factors promoting tissue regeneration. hAM acts as an anatomical barrier with adequate mechanical properties (permeability, stability, elasticity, flexibility, resorbability) preventing the proliferation of fibrous tissue and promoting early neovascularization of the surgical site. Cryopreservation and lyophilization, with sometimes additional decellularization process, are the main preservation methods for hAM storage. We examined the use of hAM in orthopaedic and maxillofacial bone surgery, specially to shorten the induced membrane technique (Gindraux, 2017). We investigated the cell survival in cryopreserved hAM (Laurent, 2014) and the capacity of intact hAM of in vitro osteodifferentiation (Gualdi, 2019). We explored its in vivo osteogenic potential in an ectopic model (Laurent, 2017) and, with Inserm U1026 BioTis, in a calvarial defect (Fenelon, 2018). Still piloted by U1026, decellularization and/or lyophilization process were developed (Fenelon, 2019) and, processed hAM capacities was assessed for guided bone regeneration (Fenelon 2020) and induced membrane technique (Fenelon, 2021) in mice. We reported a limited function of hAM for bone defect management. In this light, we recognized medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) as appropriate model of disease to evaluate hAM impact on both oral mucosa and bone healing. We treated height compassionate patients (stage II, III) with cryopreserved hAM. A multicentric
Exposure to electromagnetic energy has potent signalling effects upon articular cells including chondrocytes, synoviocytes and osteoblasts. Attention has focused on two actions – the altered synthesis of cytokines and enzymes, and the enhanced synthesis of bone and cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules. In vitro studies with human and bovine articular cartilage have shown increased aggregcan synthesis, glycosaminoglycan content, and biomechanical aggregate modulus with EMF exposure. Osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage responds similarly depending upon the severity of the OA with early OA cartilage responding more robustly. On these bases, two in vivo studies have been done with the Dunkin-Hartley guinea pig model of spontaneous OA. Both studies demonstrated preservation of ECM with increased aggrecan synthesis, matrix glycosaminoglycan and type 2 collagen content, and reduced histological-histochemical (Mankin) scores. Suppression of matrix metalloproteases and IL-1, together with increased TGFb were also observed. Responses to various EMF configurations, in terms of amplitude, frequency, and exposure duration have been described, indicating dose responsiveness. These studies suggest the conclusion that exposure to specific EMFs reduce the progression of early OA. A
Abstract. Objective. Articular cartilage damaged through trauma or disease has a limited ability to repair. Untreated, these focal lesions progress to generalized changes including osteoarthritis. Musculoskeletal disorders including osteoarthritis are the most significant contributor to disability globally. There is increasing interest in the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for the treatment of focal chondral lesions. There is some evidence to suggest that the tissue type from which MSCs are harvested play a role in determining their ability to regenerate cartilage in vitro and in vivo. In humans, MSCs derived from synovial tissue may have superior chondrogenic potential. Methods. We carried out a systematic literature review on the effectiveness of synovium-derived MSCs (sMSCs) in cartilage regeneration in in vivo studies in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. Nineteen studies were included in our review; four examined the use of human sMSCs and the remainder were conducted using sMSCs harvested from animals. Results. Despite the variability of animals, cell harvesting techniques, methods of delivery, and outcome measures, all studies reported successful cartilage repair with sMSC transplantation. Conclusion. We conclude that sMSC transplantation holds promise as a treatment option for focal cartilage defects. We believe that defining the cell population being used, establishing standardized methods for MSC delivery, and the use of objective outcome measures should enable future high-quality studies such as
Background. Balance impairment and falling are of the major health problems in elderly individuals. The ability to maintain standing balance influences the risk of falling while performing everyday activities. Postural control is the base of balance that is the result of collaboration of visual, vestibular and somatosensory systems. Single leg stance test is a simple clinical method to evaluate static balance. In this test, the center of body mass is on a small support level and need to make corrective movements to create balance by postural control system. Kinesiotaping and stretching of ankle plantar flexor muscles used in physical therapy are effective in improvement of postural balance. Kinesiotaping is effective in maintaining balance by activates cutaneous receptors and promoting alpha motor neuron stimulation. Moreover, stretching is a common treatment used to prevent muscle shortness and increase the range of motion that improves the balance. Aim. Therefore the aim of current study was to compare the effects of these two methods in elderly women and men on ankle plantar flexor muscles which are effective to maintain postural status. Materials and Methods. In a single blind
Introduction. Ischaemic preconditioning (IPC) is a phenomenon whereby a tissue is more tolerant to an insult if it is first subjected to short bursts of sublethal ischaemia and reperfusion. The potential of this powerful mechanism has been realised in many branches of medicine where there is an abundance of ongoing research. However, there has been a notable lack of development of the concept in Orthopaedic surgery. The routine use of tourniquet-controlled limb surgery and traumatic soft tissue damage are just two examples of where IPC could be utilised to beneficial effect in Orthopaedic surgery. Methods. We conducted a