Introduction: The importance of
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a common orthopaedic procedure. Traditionally the surgeon, based on experience, releases the medial structures in knees with varus deformity and lateral structures in knees with valgus deformity until subjectively they feel that they have achieved the intended alignment. The hypothesis for this study was that deformed knees do not routinely require releases to achieve an aligned lower limb in TKA. A single surgeon consecutive cohort of 74 patients undergoing computer navigated TKA was examined. The mechanical axes were taken as the references for distal femoral and proximal tibial cuts. The trans-epicondylar axis was taken as the reference for frontal femoral and posterior condylar cuts. A
113 consecutive patients with
Aims. To compare results of institutional preferences with regard to treatment of
Introduction. The incidence of dislocation after total hip arthroplasty (THA) was reported to be 0.5 to 10% in primary THA and 10 to 25 % in revision THA. The main causes of instability after THA were reported to be implant malalignment and inappropriate
Fifteen-year survivorship studies demonstrate that total knee replacement have excellent survivorship, with reports of 85 to 97%. However, excellent survivorship does not equate to excellent patient reported outcomes. Noble et al. reported that 14% of their patients were dissatisfied with their outcome with more than half expressing problems with routine activities of daily living. There is also a difference in the patient's subjective assessment of outcome and the surgeon's objective assessment. Dickstein et al. reported that a third of total knee patients were dissatisfied, even though the surgeons felt that their results were excellent. Most of the patients who report lower outcome scores due so because their expectations are not being fulfilled by the total knee replacement surgery. Perhaps this dissatisfaction is a result of subtle
Introduction. The knee is the most commonly injured joint in sporting accidents, leading to substantial disability, time off work and morbidity (1). Treatment and assessment vary around the UK (2), whilst there remains a limited number of high-quality randomised controlled trials assessing first time, acute
The anatomy of the prevertebral region of the neck is of vital importance to orthopaedic surgeons when managing cervical spine trauma. Lateral radiographs are used in the acute assessment of this area as they are readily available and cost effectiveness. Thickening of the retropharyngeal space on a radiograph may be highly suggestive of serious and life-threatening pathologies. Accurate interpretation of radiological evidence is essential to assist the clinician in diagnosis. Current guidelines for radiological measurement state that these prevertebral
Aim: To describe the radiographic findings of
Most orthopaedic surgeons believe that total knee replacement has superb patient outcomes. Long-term results are excellent, with one study showing 15 year survivorship of 97%. However, our objective assessments of our patients' results are greater than patients' subjective assessments. In a study by Dickstein of total knee patients, one-third were not satisfied even though they were all thought to have had successful results by their orthopaedic surgeons. Noble and Conditt's study showed 14% of patients dissatisfied with their outcome with more than half expressing problems with routine activities of daily living. We are puzzled by this patient dissatisfaction since radiographs usually show normal component alignment and positioning. Perhaps some of these patients have subtle
Purpose: To determine the mode of presentation of
In a study by Dickstein, one-third of total knee patients were not satisfied even though they were all thought to have had successful results by their orthopaedic surgeons. Noble and Conditt's study showed 14% of patients dissatisfied with their outcome with more than half expressing problems with routine activities of daily living. This occurs despite improvements in instrumentation to obtain proper alignment and implants with excellent kinematics and wear characteristics. Perhaps this dissatisfaction is a result of subtle
Aim: To identify the clinical features of patients who present with
Lymph node metastasis in
Objective. Although both accurate component placement and adequate
Background. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) published clinical guidelines in 2006 defining urgent referral criteria for
Pseudo-patella baja (PPB) describes narrowing of the distance between the patella and the tibia without shortening of the PT and occurs following Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA), where the tibial prosthesis plus insert are thicker than the resected tibia.
Introduction: Distraction osteogenesis has been used as a method of generating new bone in limb lengthening and deformity realignment; and is achieved in our unit though the use of the Sheffield Ring Fixator. The development of
Introduction. Accurate