The aim of this study was determine if the detection of pathology in children with a limp can be optimised by screening with blood tests for raised inflammatory markers. The entry criteria for the study were children (0–15 years) presenting to our hospital Emergency Department from 2012–2015 with a non-traumatic limp or pseudoparalysis of a limb, and no sign of fracture or malignancy on plain radiographs. ESR and CRP blood tests were performed along with other standard investigations. Children with ESR or CRP over 10 underwent MRI scan of their area of pain or tendernesss, with those under 7 years old having general anaesthetic. MRI provided the diagnosis in cases of osteomyelitis, pyomyositis, fasciitis, cellulitis, discitis, as well as non-infective conditions such as malignancy and fracture not visible on plain radiographs. Where a joint effusion was present, the diagnosis of septic arthritis was made from organisms cultured following surgical drainage, or high white cell count in
The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which patient demographics, clinical presentation, and blood parameters vary in A prospective case series was undertaken at a single UK paediatric institution between October 2012 and November 2018 of all patients referred with suspected septic arthritis. We recorded the clinical, biochemical, and microbiological findings in all patients.Aims
We aimed to describe the epidemiological, biological, and bacteriological characteristics of osteoarticular infections (OAIs) caused by The medical charts of all children presenting with OAIs to our institution over a 13-year period (January 2007 to December 2019) were reviewed. Among these patients, we extracted those which presented an OAI caused by Aims
Purpose. To evaluate the efficacy of Kocher's criteria to differentiate between transient synovitis and septic arthritis in children. Methods and results. All children with a presentation of ‘atraumatic limp’ and a proven effusion on hip ultrasound between 2004 and 2009 were included. Patient demographics, details of the clinical presentation and laboratory investigations were documented to identify a response to each of the four variables (Weight bearing status, WCC >12,000 cells/m3, CRP >20mg/L and Temperature >38.5°C). SA was defined based upon culture and microscopy of the operative findings. 311 hips were included within the study. Of these 282 were considered to have transient synovitis. 29 patients met criteria to be classified as SA based upon laboratory assessment of the
The treatment of osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) in children and adolescents is determined by the stability of the lesion and the state of the overlying cartilage. MRI has been advocated as an accurate way of assessing and staging such lesions. Our aim was to determine if MRI scans accurately predicted the subsequent arthroscopic findings in adolescents with OCD of the knee. Some authors have suggested that a high signal line behind a fragment on the T2-weighted image indicates the presence of
The crucial differentiation between septic arthritis and transient synovitis of the hip in children can be difficult. In 1999, Kocher et al introduced four clinical predictors which were highly predictive (99.6%) of septic arthritis. These included fever (temperature ≥ 38.5°C), inability to bear weight, white blood-cell count >
12.0 × 109 cells/L and ESR ≥ 40 mm/hr; CRP ≥ 20 mg/L was later added as a fifth predictor. We retrospectively evaluated these predictors to differentiate septic arthritis from transient synovitis of the hip in children over a four-year period in a primary referral general hospital. When all five were positive, the predicted probability of septic arthritis in this study was only 59.9%, with fever being the best predictor. When applied to low-prevalence diseases, even highly specific tests yield a high number of false positives and the predictive value is thereby diminished. Clinical predictors should be applied with caution when assessing a child with an irritable hip, and a high index of suspicion, and close observation of patients at risk should be maintained.
We examined 204 children (137 boys and 67 girls) aged 12 years and under with septic arthritis. Their mean age was 31.1 months (1 to 144; SD 41.6). The most common joints affected were the knees and shoulders. Joints in the upper limb were affected more often in younger children and in the lower limb in those who were older. The mean age for an infection was 12 months in the shoulder and 73 months in the hip. The most common organisms cultured were species of Salmonella.
Fractures of the femoral neck in children are
rare, high-energy injuries with high complication rates. Their treatment has
become more interventional but evidence of the efficacy of such
measures is limited. We performed a systematic review of studies
examining different types of treatment and their outcomes, including
avascular necrosis (AVN), nonunion, coxa vara, premature physeal
closure (PPC), and Ratliff’s clinical criteria. A total of 30 studies
were included, comprising 935 patients. Operative treatment and
open reduction were associated with higher rates of AVN. Delbet
types I and II fractures were most likely to undergo open reduction
and internal fixation. Coxa vara was reduced in the operative group,
whereas nonunion and PPC were not related to surgical intervention. Nonunion
and coxa vara were unaffected by the method of reduction. Capsular
decompression had no effect on AVN. Although surgery allows a more
anatomical union, it is uncertain whether operative treatment or
the type of reduction affects the rate of AVN, nonunion or PPC,
because more severe fractures were operated upon more frequently.
A delay in treatment beyond 24 hours was associated with a higher
incidence of AVN. Cite this article: