Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the correlation of CE angle to the ratios of medial hip joint space width and femoral head diameter to acetabular width.
Material and metod: Measurements were done on 196 AP pelvic radiographs of 10 years old and 20 years old males and females obtained with “siemens lconos r 200 axion®”. The patients were placed in the supine position with their hips extended and internally rotated 15°. Medial hip joint space width (mJSW), CE angle, femoral head diameter (FD) and acetabular width (AW) were measured. The intraobserver reproducibility was assessed by a randomly chosen subset of 50 radiographs and these were read 1 month apart. The levels of agreement were qualified using the intraclass correlation coefficient. The ratios of mJSW to AW and FD to AW were calculated.
Results: Mean CE angles in 10 years old females and males were 33.87±3.64 ve 32.74±4.21 degrees respectively. CE angle was correlated to mJSW/AW in 10 years old females (r = − 0.446, p=0.043). CE angle was not correlated to mJSW/AW in 10 years old males (r = − 0.293, p=0.146). CE angle was not correlated to mJSW/AW in 20 years old females while CE angle was correlated to mJSW/AW in 20 years old males (r = 0. 694, p=0.001). CE angle was correlated to FD/AW only in 20 years old males (r=0.553, p= 0.002).
Discussion: Ratios of medial hip joint space width and femoral head diameter to acetabular width are not correlated to CE angle in both preadelocent and postade-locent terms depending on sex. The expected inverse correlation of these parameters to CE angle was not dedected, so these parameters can be used in radiologic assessement of subluxation of the hip and acetabular dysplasia together with CE angle.