Background: The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body, it is very commonly injured with significant clinical implications. The treatment of Achilles tendon rupture is a matter of controversy in orthopedics and sports medicine. Surgical repair compared with conservative treatment is debated constantly in the literature, without a conclusive decision. The diagnosis of Achilles tendon rupture is based usually on clinical examination, and may be reinforced by ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging. The present study has been conducted in order to determine whether an ultrasound examination performed at the time of injury could be useful in deciding how to treat the patient.
Patients: Over a period of 5 years we treated 26 patients who had a clinical presentation of ruptured Achilles tendon with ultrasound diagnosis of either a partial tear or a full tear. Patients who were diagnosed by ultrasound as having a full tendon tear were operated on, and were not included in this study. Eight patients had partial tear of the tendon, six had a tear of the musculotendinous region, and twelve had a proximal tear. All patients were treated by means of a cast or a dressing, with limitation of weight bearing. The follow-up period ranged between six months to three years after the injury, and included up-to-date functional evaluation.
Results: Eighteen patients were available for evaluation. Excellent functional results were reported by five patients, twelve patients reported good results, and one patient complained of a bad result. None of our patients needed delayed surgery, and only one suffered from re-rupture of the tendon during his rehabilitation, and was treated conservatively with good results. No correlation was found between the location of the tear and the functional results.
Conclusions: 1. Ultrasound is an important and accurate tool in the diagnosis of Achilles tendon tear and is helpful in choosing the appropriate treatment. 2. Partial tear of Achilles tendon is not an indication for operative treatment, even when the clinical examination (Thompson test) is positive. The outcome of conservative treatment in this situation is as good or even better than surgical treatment.