Pelvic x-ray is a routine part of the primary survey of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines. However, pelvic CT is the gold standard in the diagnosis of pelvic fractures. This study aims to confirm the safety of a modified ATLS algorithm omitting pelvic x-ray in hemodynamically stable polytraumatized patients with clinically stable pelvis, in favour of later pelvic CT scan.
A retrospective analysis of polytraumatized patients in our emergency room was conducted between 2005 and 2006. Inclusion criteria were blunt abdominal trauma, initial hemodynamic stability and clinically stable pelvis. We excluded patients requiring immediate intervention.
We reviewed the records of 452 patients. 91 fulfilled inclusion criteria (56% male, mean age 45 years). 43% were road traffic accidents and 47% falls. In 68/91 (75%) patients, both pelvic x-ray and CT examination were performed; the remainder had only pelvic CT. In 6/68 (9%) patients, pelvic fracture was diagnosed by pelvic x-ray. None false positive pelvic x-ray was detected. In 3/68 (4%) cases a fracture was missed in the pelvic x-ray, but confirmed on CT. 5 (56%) were classified type A fractures, and another 4 (44%) B 2.1 in computed tomography (AO classification). One A 2.1 fracture was found in a clinically stable patient who only received CT scan (1/23).
In hemodynamically stable patients with clinically stable pelvis, x-ray sensitivity is only 67% and it may safely be omitted in favor of a pelvic CT examination. The results support the safety and utility of our modified ATLS algorithm
Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) disturbs patellar blood flow, an unintended accompaniment to TKA that may be a cause for postoperative anterior knee pain. We compared patellar blood flow before and after medial parapatellar arthrotomy to pre- and postoperative anterior knee pain scores to ascertain whether disrupted patellar blood flow correlates with anterior knee pain following TKA. Blood flow measurements were performed at full extension and at 30°, 60°, 90° and 110° of flexion prior to and after medial arthrotomy in 50 patients (21 male, 29 female; mean age 73.1±8.6 years) undergoing TKA. Anterior knee pain was assessed using the pain intensity numeric rating scale. A significant decrease in blood flow was detected at 60°, 90°, and 110° of flexion (p values: 0.00314,< 0.0001,< 0.0001 respectively). The medial arthrotomy did not have a statistically significant influence on patellar blood flow in the Students’ t-test (margin of significance p& #61603;0.05) Nineteen patients exhibited an average 14% (range 1%–54%) increase in patellar blood perfusion at knee flexions of 90° and 110° after medial arthrotomy (p value: 0.32) Prior to TKA, 16 of the 50 patients (32%) complained of anterior knee pain (average NRS 7.12, range 5–10). At 6-month follow up, 4 of the 16 patients (25%) complained of moderate anterior pain (average NRS 5.7, range 5–6), while 8 of 16 (50%) patients reported discomfort (average NRS 3.5, range 2–4) around the patella. No statistically significant correlation was found between intraoperative findings on patellar blood flow and the presence of anterior knee pain