Tip-apex distance (TAD) has long been discussed as a metric for determining risk of failure in fixation of peritrochanteric hip fractures. This study seeks to investigate risk factors including TAD for hospital readmission one year after hip fixation surgery. A retrospective review of proximal hip fractures treated with single screw intramedullary devices between 2016 and 2020 was performed at a 327 bed regional medical center. Patients included had a postoperative follow-up of at least twelve months or surgery-related complications developing within that time. 44 of the 67 patients in this study met the inclusion criteria with adequate follow-up post-surgery. The average TAD in our study population was 19.57mm and the average one year readmission rate was 15.9%. 3 out of 6 patients (50%) with a TAD > 25mm were readmitted within one year due to surgery-related complications. In contrast, 3 out of 38 patients (7.9%) with a TAD < 25mm were readmitted within one year due to surgery-related complications (p=0.0254). Individual TAD measurements, averaging 22.05mm in patients readmitted within one year of surgery and 19.18mm in patients not readmitted within one year of surgery were not significantly different between the two groups (p=0.2113). Our data indicate a significant improvement in hospital readmission rates up to one year after hip fixation surgery in patients with a TAD < 25mm with a decrease in readmissions of over 40% (50% vs 7.9%). This result builds upon past investigations by extending the follow-up time to one year after surgery and utilizing hospital readmissions as a metric for surgical success. With the well-documented physical and financial costs of hospital readmission after hip surgery, our study highlights a reduction of TAD < 25mm as an effective method of improving patient outcomes and reducing financial costs to patients and medical institutions.
Our study seeks to determine whether characteristics of radiographs taken post-reduction of a forearm fracture can indicate future risk of refracture or loss of reduction. We hypothesize that reducing forearm fractures too precisely may be counterproductive and provide less benefit than reductions left slightly offset prior to cast immobilization. We conducted a retrospective review of 1079 pediatric patients treated for forearm fractures between January 2014 and September 2021 in a 327 bed regional medical center. Percent fracture displacement, location, orientation, comminution, fracture line visibility and angle of angulation were determined by AP and lateral radiographs. Percent fracture displacement was derived by: (Displacement of Bone Shafts / Diameter) x 100% = %Fracture Displacement. Patients treated with closed reduction were reduced from a mean displacement of 29.26±36.18% at an angulation of 22.67±16.57 degrees to 7.88±9.07% displacement and 3.89±6.68 degrees angulation post-reduction. Patients developing complications including a loss of reduction or refracture were found to have post-operative radiographs with a lower percent displacement (0.50±1.12) than those not developing complications (8.65±9.21)(p=0.0580). Post-reduction angulation (p=1.000), average reduction in angulation (p=1.000) and average reduction in displacement percent(p=0.2102) were not significantly associated with development of complications. Percent displacement of radial shafts was seen to be the most important metric to monitor in post-operative radiographs for patients undergoing closed reduction of a forearm fracture. We theorize a slight displacement provides greater surface area for osteoblastic expansion and callus formation leading to a decreased risk of refracture or loss of reduction. While our sample size precludes our ability to measure the ideal amount of post-reduction displacement for optimal healing, our results demonstrate that some degree of shaft displacement is required for optimal healing conditions.
This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics, complications, radiologic features and clinical course of patients undergoing reduction of forearm fractures in order to better inform patient prognosis and postoperative management. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 1079 pediatric patients treated for forearm fractures between January 2014 and September 2021 in a 327 bed regional medical center. A preoperative radiological assessment and chart review was performed. Percent fracture displacement, location, orientation, comonution, fracture line visibility and angle of angulation were determined by AP and lateral radiographs. Percent fracture displacement was derived by: (Displacement of Bone Shafts / Diameter) x 100% = %Fracture Displacement. Angle of angulation and percent fracture displacement were calculated by averaging AP and lateral radiograph measurements. 80 cases, averaging 13.5±8.3 years, were identified as having a complete fracture of the radius and/or ulna with 69 receiving closed reduction and 11 receiving fixation via an intramedullary device or percutaneous pinning. Eight patients (10%) experienced complications with four resulting in a refracture and four resulting in significant loss of reduction (LOR) without refracture. Fractures in the proximal ⅔s of the radius were associated with a significant increase in complications compared to fractures in the distal ⅓ of the radius (31.6% vs 3.4%) (P=.000428). Likewise, a higher percent fracture displacement was associated with a decreased risk of complications (28.7% vs 5.9% displacement)(P=0.0403). No elevated risk of complications was found based on fracture orientation, angulation, fracture line visibility, forearm bone(s) fractured, sex, age or arm affected. Our result highlights radius fracture location and percent fracture displacement as markers with prognostic value following forearm fracture. These measurements are simply calculated via pre-reduction radiographs, providing an efficient method of informing risk of complications following forearm fracture.
We exposed human osteoblasts to The number of intracellular Our findings indicate that dead or dying osteoblasts are capable of releasing viable