Tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis with a retrograde intramedullary nail is an established procedure considered as a salvage in case of severe arthritis and deformity of the ankle and subtalar joints [1]. Recently, a significant development in hindfoot arthrodesis with plates has been indicated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare a plate specifically developed for arthrodesis of the hindfoot with an already established nail system [2]
Sixteen paired human cadaveric lower legs with removed forefoot and cut at mid-tibia were assigned to two groups for tibiocalcaneal arthrodesis using either a hindfoot arthrodesis nail or an arthrodesis plate. The specimens were tested under progressively increasing cyclic loading in dorsiflexion and plantar flexion to failure, with monitoring via motion tracking. Initial stiffness was calculated together with range of motion in dorsiflexion and plantar flexion after 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 cycles. Cycles to failure were evaluated based on 5° dorsiflexion failure criterion
Being commonly missed in the clinical practice, Lisfranc injuries can lead to arthritis and long-term complications. There are controversial opinions about the contribution of the main stabilizers of the joint. Moreover, the role of the ligament that connects the medial cuneiform (MC) and the third metatarsal (MT3) is not well investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different Lisfranc ligament injuries on CT findings under two specified loads.
Sixteen fresh-frozen human cadaveric lower limbs were embedded in PMMA at mid-shaft of the tibia and placed in a weight-bearing radiolucent frame for CT scanning. All intact specimens were initially scanned under 7.5 kg and 70 kg loads in neutral foot position. A dorsal approach was then used for sequential ligaments cutting: first – the dorsal and the (Lisfranc) interosseous ligaments; second – the plantar ligament between the MC and MT3; third – the plantar Lisfranc ligament between the MC and the MT2. All feet were rescanned after each cutting step under the two loads.
The average distances between MT1 and MT2 in the intact feet under 7.5 kg and 70 kg loads were 0.77 mm and 0.82 mm, whereas between MC and MT2 they were 0.61 mm and 0.80 mm, without any signs of misalignment or dorsal displacement of MT2. A slight increase in the distances MT1-MT2 (0.89 mm; 0.97 mm) and MC-MT2 (0.97 mm; 1.13 mm) was observed after the first disruption of the dorsal and the interosseous ligaments under 7.5 kg and 70 kg loads. A further increase in MT1-MT2 and MC-MT2 distances was registered after the second disruption of the ligament between MC and MT3. The largest distances MT1-MT2 (1.5 mm; 1.95 mm) and MC-MT2 (1.74 mm; 2.35 mm) were measured after the final plantar Lisfranc ligament cut under the two loads. In contrast to the previous two the previous two cuts, misalignment and dorsal displacement of 1.25 mm were seen at this final disrupted stage.
The minimal pathological increase in the distances MT1-MT2 and MC-MT2 is an important indicator for ligamentous Lisfranc injury. Dorsal displacement and misalignment of the second metatarsal in the CT scans identify severe ligamentous Lisfranc injury. The plantar Lisfranc ligament between the medial cuneiform and the second metatarsal seems to be the strongest stabilizer of the Lisfranc joint. Partial lesion of the Lisfranc ligaments requires high clinical suspicion as it can be easily missed.
Injury to the syndesmosis occurs in 10–13% of all operative ankle fractures and there is evidence that both incomplete treatment and malreduction of the syndesmosis can lead to poor clinical outcomes. Much attention has been given to post–operative malreduction documented by computer tomography (CT), however, there is limited data about the intact positioning and relative motion of the native syndesmosis. The aim of this study is to elucidate more detailed information on the position of the fibula in the syndesmosis during simulated weight–bearing in intact state, with sequential ligament sectioning and following two reconstructive techniques.
Fourteen paired, fresh–frozen human cadaveric limbs were mounted in a weight–bearing simulation jig. CT scans were obtained under simulated foot–flat loading (75 N) and in single–legged stance (700 N), in five foot positions: neutral, 15° external rotation, 15° internal rotation, 20° dorsiflexion, and 20° plantarflexion. The elements of the syndesmosis and the deltoid ligament were sequentially sectioned. One limb of each pair was then reconstructed via one of two methods: Achilles autograft and peroneus longus ligamentoplasty. The specimens were rescanned in all 5 foot positions following each ligament resection and reconstruction. Measurements of fibular diastasis, rotation and anterior–posterior translation were performed on the axial cuts of the CT scans, 1 cm proximal to the roof of the plafond.
Multiple measurements were made to define the position of the fibula in the incisura. Clinically relevant deformity patterns were produced. The deformity at the incisura was consistent with clinical injury, and the degree of displacement in all ligament states was dependent on the foot position. The most destructive state resulted in the most deformity at the syndesmosis. Differences between the intact and reconstructed states were found with all measurements, especially when the foot was in external rotation and dorsiflexion. There was no significant difference with direct comparison of the reconstructions.
This study has detailed the motion of the fibula in the incisura and its variation with foot position. Neither reconstruction was clearly superior and both techniques had difficulty in the externally rotated and dorsiflexed foot positions. This study design can serve as a model for future ex–vivo testing of reconstructive techniques.