Clinicians need knowledge about early and valid predictors of short-term outcome of patients with hip fracture, to adjust and plan rehabilitation. The concept of multimodal rehabilitation has proven effective. Still, some patients do not regain basic mobility independency in the acute orthopaedic setting. The aim was to examine the predictive value of age, sex, prefracture functional level, mental and health status, and fracture type of in-hospital basic mobility outcome, and discharge destination after hip fracture surgery. A total of 213 consecutive patients (157 women and 56 men) with a median age of 82 (25–75% quartile, 75–88) years, admitted from their own home, and following a multimodal rehabilitation concept, were included. Fifty percent of patients had a high prefracture functional level, evaluated by the New Mobility Score (NMS), 77 and 62% had respectively, a high mental and health status, and the distribution of cervical versus intertrochanteric fractures were equally divided.Purpose