Introduction and Objectives: The aim of this study is to characterize cartilage perfusion and determine the degree of cartilage lesion using MRI during the injection of a paramagnetic contrast medium in pharmacokinetic models with the aim of obtaining the corresponding dynamic parameters (permeability and fraction of extracellular extravascular volume).
Materials and Methods: We included 20 patients with patellar cartilage alterations in this study and proceeded to carry out their clinical assessment. The patients were randomly chosen for the glucosamine sulphate group or the placebo group. Both groups began treatment immediately after the first MR and continued uninterrupted treatment until the second exam 6 months later.
Results: in patients treated with glucosamine sulphate significant differences were found between pain reported by the patients and their functional score results. There are also statistically significant differences in the Ktrans parameter, with higher values in the group that received glucosamine sulphate, both for arthritis and for chondromalacia.
Discussion and Conclusions: Glucosamine sulphate has an effect on the vascular properties and metabolism of cartilage. There was a strong relationship between treatment and increased cartilage vascular permeability (Ktrans): This makes it possible for us to suggest that the measurement of capillary permeability could be a surrogate marker for determining the effect of 6 months treatment with glucosamine sulphate on the metabolism of degenerated cartilage.