Discussion: Total ankle replacement shows continuous progress. Many implants are proposed to the surgeon. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the matching between the components and the anatomy on different levels of tibial cut.
Methods: 18 cadaveric distal tibias were cut at a distance of 0, 3, 6 and 9 mm from the joint space. The mediolateral and anteroposteriror length were measured; and the surface as well. These same measurements were performed to the tibial components of 5 different prosthesis (AES®, Hintegra®, Mobility®, Salto®, Star®). For each tibial cut, we selected tibial components that matched the mediolateral length. Then, these components were classified in function of their anterioposterior matching for the different levels of cut.
Results: We showed that some components are more universal than the others because of a maximal contact surface and an anteroposterior cortical support.
Conclusion: The longevity of the TAA depends on the stress forces, the matching surface, the components coating and the bone quality. This is a preliminary study wich certainly needs to take into consideration with others factors like occurrence or absence of stabilizing keel and differents methods of component fixation.