To review the effect of MRSA screening, ward ring-fencing and other significant factors on elective orthopaedic operation cancellations: and to study the effect of introducing a multi-disciplinary trauma management system on trauma operation cancellations, we carried out a study at the Royal Gwent Hospital, a district general hospital accepting general emergency admissions. It took the form of a prospective audit of all elective orthopaedic and trauma cancellations from 1 October to 10 November 2002, and in the same period of 2004. Definitions: an ‘ In the six week period 198 and 226 elective patients were listed in 2002 and 2004 respectively. 52% were cancelled in 2002 and 35% in 2004, most frequently by ‘ward breech by other unscreened patient’. 234 and 269 trauma cases were listed in 2002 and 2004 respectively. 26% were cancelled in 2002 and 16% in 2004, most frequently in 2002 by ‘unfit for surgery’, and ‘surgery not required’; and in 2004 ‘lack of theatre time’. The MRSA ring-fencing policy was breached frequently by unscreened emergency patients. An elective unit separate from the main hospital may prevent these cancellations. The multi-disciplinary trauma management scheme reduced trauma cancellations, but other factors have reduced theatre efficiency.Results