It is well known that individuals with a history of low back pain (hLBP) exhibit altered movement patterns that are caused by changes in neuromuscular control. Postural disturbance provides an effective method for creating these differentiable movement patterns. This study has explored the response of the lower limb and spine to a translational perturbation similar to that experienced on public transport in healthy volunteers and those with hLBP. Healthy volunteers (n=16) and subjects with hLBP (n=10) were subjected to 31 identical postural disturbances at varying time intervals while standing atop a moving platform. Skeletal kinematics and muscle activation were recorded using a 10-camera Vicon system (Oxford, UK) and Myon electromyography (EMG) at the trunk (lumbar, lower thoracic, and upper thoracic segments), pelvis, thigh, calf, and foot. Joint angles were calculated using Body Builder (Vicon) and a unilateral seven-segment custom model.Statement of Purpose