The April 2024 Wrist & Hand Roundup. 360. looks at: Lunocapitate versus four-corner fusion in scapholunate or scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse: a randomized controlled trial; Postoperative scaphoid alignment,
The February 2025 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup. 360. looks at: Reverse shoulder arthroplasty is superior to plate fixation for displaced proximal humeral fractures in the elderly; Long-term outcomes of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty for complex proximal humerus fractures; The RAND/UCLA algorithm does streamline the clinical decision-making process;
The June 2024 Trauma Roundup. 360. looks at: Skin antisepsis before surgical fixation of limb fractures; Comparative analysis of intramedullary nail versus plate fixation for fibula fracture in supination external rotation type IV ankle injury; Early weightbearing versus late weightbearing after intramedullary nailing for distal femoral fracture (AO/OTA 33) in elderly patients: a multicentre propensity-matched study; Long-term outcomes with spinal versus general anaesthesia for hip fracture surgery; Operative versus nonoperative management of unstable medial malleolus fractures: a randomized clinical trial; Impact of
The October 2015 Hip &
Pelvis Roundup. 360 . looks at:
The June 2024 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Machine learning did not outperform conventional competing risk modelling to predict revision arthroplasty; Unravelling the risks: incidence and reoperation rates for femoral fractures post-total hip arthroplasty; Spinal versus general anaesthesia for hip arthroscopy: a COVID-19 pandemic- and opioid epidemic-driven study; Development and validation of a deep-learning model to predict total hip arthroplasty on radiographs; Ambulatory centres lead in same-day hip and knee arthroplasty success; Exploring the impact of smokeless tobacco on total hip arthroplasty outcomes: a deeper dive into postoperative complications.
The August 2023 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Achilles tendon rupture: surgery or conservative treatment for the high-demand patient?; First ray amputation in diabetic patients; Survival of ankle arthroplasty in the UK; First metatarsophalangeal joint fusion and flat foot correction; Intra-articular corticosteroid injections with or without hyaluronic acid in the management of subtalar osteoarthritis; Factors associated with nonunion of post-traumatic subtalar arthrodesis; The Mayo Prosthetic Joint Infection Risk Score for total ankle arthroplasty.
The April 2024 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Safety of arthroscopy combined with radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy for osteochondritis of the talus; Bipolar allograft transplantation of the ankle; Identifying risk factors for osteonecrosis after talar fracture; Balancing act: immediate versus delayed weightbearing in ankle fracture recovery; Levelling the field: proximal supination osteotomy’s efficacy in severe and super-severe hallux valgus; Restoring balance: how adjusting the tibiotalar joint line influences movement after ankle surgery.
The June 2023 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Machine learning to identify surgical candidates for hip and knee arthroplasty: a viable option?; Poor outcome after debridement and implant retention; Can you cement polyethylene liners into well-fixed acetabular shells in hip revision?; Revision stem in primary arthroplasties: the Exeter 44/0 125 mm stem; Depression and anxiety: could they be linked to infection?; Does where you live affect your outcomes after hip and knee arthroplasties?; Racial disparities in outcomes after total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty are substantially mediated by socioeconomic disadvantage both in black and white patients.
The February 2025 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at:Percutaneous Zadek osteotomy for insertional Achilles tendinopathy; Association of extraosseous arterial diameter with talar dome osteochondral lesions; Autologous chondrocyte implantation for osteochondral lesions of the talus; Symptomatic thromboembolism and mortality in foot and ankle surgery in the UK; Corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid in Morton’s neuroma?
The August 2013 Research Roundup. 360 . looks at: passive
The February 2024 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Posterior malleolus fractures: what about medium-sized fragments?; Acute or delayed total hip arthroplasty after acetabular fracture fixation?; Intrawound antibiotics reduce the risk of deep infections in fracture fixation; Does the VANCO trial represent real world patients?; Can a restrictive transfusion protocol be effective beyond initial resuscitation?; What risk factors result in avascular necrosis of the talus?; Pre-existing anxiety and mood disorders have a role to play in complex regional pain syndrome; Three- and four-part proximal humeral fractures at ten years.
The December 2023 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Subchondral bone cysts remodel after correction of varus deformity in ankle arthritis; 3D-printed modular endoprosthesis reconstruction following total calcanectomy; Percutaneous partial bone excision in the management of diabetic toe osteomyelitis; Hemiepiphysiodesis is a viable surgical option for Juvenile hallux valgus; Ankle arthroplasty vs arthrodesis: which comes out on top?; Patient-related risk factors for poorer outcome following total ankle arthroplasty; The Outcomes in Ankle Replacement Study.
The August 2024 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: ESWT versus surgery for fifth metatarsal stress fractures; Minimally invasive surgery versus open fusion for hallux rigidus; Diabetes and infection risk in total ankle arthroplasty; Is proximal medial gastrocnemius recession useful for managing chronic plantar fasciitis?; Fuse the great toe in the young!; Conservative surgery for diabetic foot osteomyelitis; Mental health and outcome following foot and ankle surgery.
The October 2013 Research Roundup. 360 . looks at: Orthopaedics: a dangerous profession?; Freezing and biomarkers for bone turnover; Herniation or degeneration first?; MARS MRI and metallosis; Programmed cell death in partial thickness cuff tears; Lead glasses for trauma surgery?;
The August 2023 Research Roundup360 looks at: Can artificial intelligence improve the readability of patient education materials?; What is the value of radiology input during a multidisciplinary orthopaedic oncology conference?; Periprosthetic joint infection in patients with multiple arthroplasties; Orthopedic Surgery and Anesthesiology Surgical Improvement Strategies Project - Phase III outcomes; Knot tying in arthroplasty and arthroscopy causes lesions to surgical gloves: a potential risk of infection; Vascular calcification of the ankle in plain radiographs equals diabetes mellitus?
The April 2023 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy versus microendoscopic discectomy; Spine surgical site infections: a single debridement is not enough; Lenke type 5, anterior, or posterior: systematic review and meta-analysis; Epidural steroid injections and postoperative infection in lumbar decompression or fusion; Noninferiority of posterior cervical foraminotomy versus anterior cervical discectomy; Identifying delays to surgical treatment for metastatic disease; Cervical disc replacement and adjacent segment disease: the NECK trial; Predicting complication in adult spine deformity surgery.
The October 2024 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Hemiarthroplasty for hallux rigidus; Fixed or mobile-bearing ankle arthroplasty? A meta-analysis; Bone grafting for periprosthetic bone cysts following total ankle arthroplasty; Diabetic foot ulcer after first-ray amputation; Early motion after ankle surgery: the path to faster recovery?; Are podiatrists and orthopaedic surgeons approaching zone 2 fifth metatarsal fractures in the same way?.
The December 2023 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Distal femoral arthroplasty: medical risks under the spotlight; Quads repair: tunnels or anchors?; Complex trade-offs in treating severe tibial fractures: limb salvage versus primary amputation; Middle-sized posterior malleolus fractures – to fix?; Bone transport through induced membrane: a randomized controlled trial; Displaced geriatric femoral neck fractures; Risk factors for reoperation to promote union in 1,111 distal femur fractures; New versus old – reliability of the OTA/AO classification for trochanteric hip fractures; Risk factors for fracture-related infection after ankle fracture surgery.
The June 2024 Knee Roundup360 looks at: The estimated lifetime risk of revision after primary knee arthroplasty influenced by age, sex, and indication; Should high-risk patients seek out care from high-volume surgeons?; Stability and fracture rates in medial unicondylar knee arthroplasties; Rethinking antibiotic prophylaxis for dental procedures post-arthroplasty; Evaluating DAIR: a viable alternative for acute periprosthetic joint infection; The characteristics and predictors of mortality in periprosthetic fractures around the knee; Patient health-related quality of life deteriorates significantly while waiting six to 12 months for total hip or knee arthroplasty; The importance of looking for diversity in knee implants.
The December 2012 Knee Roundup. 360. looks at: the demand for knee replacement; a Japanese knee outcome score;
The June 2023 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Nail versus plate fixation for ankle fractures; Outcomes of first ray amputation in diabetic patients; Vascular calcification on plain radiographs of the ankle to diagnose diabetes mellitus; Elderly patients with ankle fracture: the case for early weight-bearing; Active treatment for Frieberg’s disease: does it work?; Survival of ankle arthroplasty; Complications following ankle arthroscopy.
The February 2023 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: ‘Self-care’ protocol for minimally displaced distal radius fractures; Treatment strategies for acute Seymour fractures in children and adolescents: including crushed open fractures; Routinely collected outcomes of proximal row carpectomy; Moving minor hand surgeries in the office-based procedure room: a population-based trend analysis; A comparison between robotic-assisted scaphoid screw fixation and a freehand technique for acute scaphoid fracture: a randomized, controlled trial; Factors associated with conversion to surgical release after a steroid injection in patients with a trigger finger; Two modern total wrist arthroplasties: a randomized comparison; Triangular fibrocartilage complex suture repair reliable even in ulnar styloid nonunion.
The December 2022 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Evans calcaneal osteotomy and multiplanar correction in flat foot deformity; Inflammatory biomarkers in tibialis posterior tendon dysfunction; Takedown of ankle fusions and conversion to total ankle arthroplasty; Surgical incision closure with three different materials; Absorbable sutures are not inferior to nonabsorbable sutures for tendo Achilles repair; Zadek’s osteotomy is a reliable technique for treating Haglund’s syndrome; How to best assess patient limitations after acute Achilles tendon injury; Advances in the management of infected nonunion of the foot and ankle.