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The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 93-B, Issue 7 | Pages 990 - 991
1 Jul 2011
Mirzatolooei F

We report a variant of tibial hemimelia in a six-year-old boy that did not comply with recognised classification systems. The femur and knee were normal, but the fibula was displaced proximally and there was severe diastasis of the proximal and distal tibiofibular joints to the extent that a grossly deformed foot articulated with the fibula and there was separate soft-tissue cover for the distal tibia and fibula. Although it would have been preferable to create a one-bone leg, amputate the foot and use the fibula as the stump for a below-knee prosthesis, local circumstances resulted in the choice of a disarticulation through the knee. This was undertaken without complications, and six months post-operatively the child was walking comfortably with a prosthesis

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 30-B, Issue 2 | Pages 266 - 279
1 May 1948
Burrows HJ

1. A hope expressed in 1940, that further cases of spontaneous fracture of the lowest third of the apparently normal fibula would be described, has been fulfilled. The literature is here reviewed. Five further personal cases are added. 2. The clinical and radiographic features, diagnosis, treatment and results are considered in the light of the information so far available. Special note is made of misleading freedom of ankle and tarsal movements and the occasional absence of tenderness. 3. It is established that fractures of the lowest third occur particularly in two groups of subjects: 1) young male runners and skaters; 2) active and hard-pressed women of middle age and over. 4. In male runners and skaters the fracture usually occurs through slender, mainly cortical bone, two inches or more above the tip of the lateral malleolus; in middle-aged women the fracture is usually distal to the interosseous ligament through thicker, mainly cancellous bone, one and a half inches from the tip of the lateral malleolus. 5. The most convenient name for both groups of fractures in the lowest third is low fatigue fracture of the fibula. 6. A review of the literature of fatigue fracture of the uppermost third of the fibula shows that it is very often precipitated by jumping. The most convenient name for it is high fatigue fracture of the fibula. 7. Like all clinical classifications this distinction between low and high fractures has exceptions (a low fracture of one fibula in a runner was followed later by a high fracture of the other; most military fractures were high, but a few may have occurred at other levels). 8. Fatigue fracture of the fibula, high or low, may be bilateral. 9. A fracture similarly situated to the high fatigue fracture of the fibula has been frequent in parachute schools. It is a speculative possibility that military and parachutist fractures of the upper third of the fibula indicate the link between true fatigue fractures (as exemplified by march fractures with minimal trauma often repeated) and purely traumatic fractures (with adequate trauma applied once only)

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 93-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1232 - 1239
1 Sep 2011
Stufkens SA van Bergen CJ Blankevoort L van Dijk CN Hintermann B Knupp M

It has been suggested that a supramalleolar osteotomy can return the load distribution in the ankle joint to normal. However, due to the lack of biomechanical data, this supposition remains empirical. The purpose of this biomechanical study was to determine the effect of simulated supramalleolar varus and valgus alignment on the tibiotalar joint pressure, in order to investigate its relationship to the development of osteoarthritis. We also wished to establish the rationale behind corrective osteotomy of the distal tibia. We studied 17 cadaveric lower legs and quantified the changes in pressure and force transfer across the tibiotalar joint for various degrees of varus and valgus deformity in the supramalleolar area. We assumed that a supramalleolar osteotomy which created a varus deformity of the ankle would result in medial overload of the tibiotalar joint. Similarly, we thought that creating a supramalleolar valgus deformity would cause a shift in contact towards the lateral side of the tibiotalar joint. The opposite was observed. The restricting role of the fibula was revealed by carrying out an osteotomy directly above the syndesmosis. In end-stage ankle osteoarthritis with either a valgus or varus deformity, the role of the fibula should be appreciated and its effect addressed where appropriate

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 94-B, Issue 8 | Pages 1107 - 1112
1 Aug 2012
Bugler KE Watson CD Hardie AR Appleton P McQueen MM Court-Brown CM White TO

Techniques for fixation of fractures of the lateral malleolus have remained essentially unchanged since the 1960s, but are associated with complication rates of up to 30%. The fibular nail is an alternative method of fixation requiring a minimal incision and tissue dissection, and has the potential to reduce the incidence of complications. We reviewed the results of 105 patients with unstable fractures of the ankle that were fixed between 2002 and 2010 using the Acumed fibular nail. The mean age of the patients was 64.8 years (22 to 95), and 80 (76%) had significant systemic medical comorbidities. Various different configurations of locking screw were assessed over the study period as experience was gained with the device. Nailing without the use of locking screws gave satisfactory stability in only 66% of cases (4 of 6). Initial locking screw constructs rendered between 91% (10 of 11) and 96% (23 of 24) of ankles stable. Overall, seven patients had loss of fixation of the fracture and there were five post-operative wound infections related to the distal fibula. This lead to the development of the current technique with a screw across the syndesmosis in addition to a distal locking screw. In 21 patients treated with this technique there have been no significant complications and only one superficial wound infection. Good fracture reduction was achieved in all of these patients. The mean physical component Short-Form 12, Olerud and Molander score, and American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Foot and Ankle outcome scores at a mean of six years post-injury were 46 (28 to 61), 65 (35 to 100) and 83 (52 to 99), respectively. There have been no cases of fibular nonunion. Nailing of the fibula using our current technique gives good radiological and functional outcomes with minimal complications, and should be considered in the management of patients with an unstable ankle fracture.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 90-B, Issue 6 | Pages 803 - 805
1 Jun 2008
Palocaren T Walter NM Madhuri V Gibikote S

We describe a schwannoma located in the mid-diaphyseal region of the fibula of a 14-year-old boy. Radiologically this was an expansile, lytic, globular and trabeculated lesion. MRI showed a narrow transition zone with a break in the cortex and adjacent tissue oedema. Differential diagnosis included schwannoma, fibrous dysplasia, giant cell tumour and aneurysmal bone cyst. The tumour was excised en bloc, with marginal resection limits, and there has been no recurrence two years after surgery. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of classic schwannoma. There were typical hypercellular Antoni A zones, less cellular Antoni B zones, and diffuse immunoreactivity to S100 protein. This is the first report of schwannoma involving a long bone in a child

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 90-B, Issue 12 | Pages 1627 - 1630
1 Dec 2008
Shiha AE Khalifa ARH Assaghir YM Kenawey MO

We present two children with massive defects of the tibia and an associated active infection who were treated by medial transport of the fibula using the Ilizarov device. The first child had chronic discharging osteomyelitis which affected the whole tibial shaft. The second had sustained bilateral grade-IIIB open tibial fractures in a motor-car accident. The first child was followed up for three years and the second for two years. Both achieved solid union between the proximal and distal stumps of the tibia and the fibula, with hypertrophy of the fibula. The first child had a normal range of movement at the knee, ankle and foot but there was shortening of 1.5 cm. The second had persistent anterior angulation at the proximal tibiofibular junction and the ankle was stiff in equinus

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 61-B, Issue 2 | Pages 133 - 137
1 May 1979
Achterman C Kalamchi A

Ninety-seven limbs, in eighty-one patients, with a diagnosis of congenital deficiency of the fibula have been reviewed. A classification was devised to distinguish the minimal hypoplasia of the fibula (Type I) from the well-known complete absence (Type II). Congenital anomalies of the femur were present in 76 per cent of patients with Type I deficiency and in 59 per cent with Type II. The shortening of the limb was by 13 per cent in Type I and by 19 per cent in Type II, and the percentage shortening was fairly constant during growth. A detailed description of the spectrum of other congenital anomalies was found to be characteristic: for example, the ball and socket formation of the ankle, tarsal coalition and anomalies of the foot. The treatment aimed simply to equalise leg length in Type I deficiency, while amputation of the foot and the fitting of a prosthesis were necessary in Type II to obtain satisfactory function

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 41-B, Issue 1 | Pages 114 - 120
1 Feb 1959
Harrison R Hindenach JCR

1 . Dislocation of the upper end of the fibula is probably less unusual than the paucity of the published reports suggests. 2. Dislocation may be anterior or posterior, anterior dislocation occurring about twice as often as posterior. Rarely the fibula moves proximally. 3. In most cases a closed manipulation suffices for reduction, and a full and rapid return of normal function follows. 4. Five cases are described. In one case operative reduction was required

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 81-B, Issue 5 | Pages 803 - 807
1 Sep 1999
Lee SH Kim H Park Y Rhie T Lee HK

We have carried out prosthetic reconstruction in six patients with malignant or aggressively benign bone tumours of the distal tibia or fibula. The diagnoses were osteosarcoma in four patients, parosteal osteosarcoma in one and recurrent giant-cell tumour in one. Five tumours were in the distal tibia and one in the distal fibula. The mean duration of follow-up was 5.3 years (2.0 to 7.1). Reconstruction was achieved using custom-made, hinged prostheses which replaced the distal tibia and the ankle. The mean range of ankle movement after operation was 31° and the joints were stable. The average functional score according to the system of the International Society of Limb Salvage was 24.2 and five of the patients had a good outcome. Complications occurred in two with wound infection and talar collapse. All patients were free from neoplastic disease at the latest follow-up. Prosthetic reconstruction may be used for the treatment of malignant tumours of the distal tibia and fibula in selected patients

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 72-B, Issue 1 | Pages 129 - 131
1 Jan 1990
Lee E Goh J Helm R Pho R

Ten adults were studied two to seven years after resection of a fibula for use as a free vascularised bone graft. Six had no symptoms in the donor leg, four had some aching, weakness or paraesthesia and three had definite weakness of the long toe flexors and extensors. All knees and ankles were clinically and radiologically stable, but the distal fibular remnant was osteoporotic in nine patients. Gait analysis of the donor leg and the contralateral normal leg showed definite differences, which could be attributed to weakness of the deep muscles caused by loss of their normal origin and to the change in load transmission through the fibula

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 73-B, Issue 5 | Pages 842 - 845
1 Sep 1991
Maroteaux P Freisinger P Le Merrer M

We report four patients with unilateral bowing of the lower leg, affecting only the fibula. The bone is too long with anterolateral curvature of the distal third. Because of its regressive course and the absence of cutaneous involvement, this newly described entity can be distinguished from other forms of bowing of the leg

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 86-B, Issue 3 | Pages 384 - 387
1 Apr 2004
Shingade VU Jagtap SM Ranade AB

The upper three-quarters of the fibula is commonly used as a non-vascularised autograft. Subsequent to this isolated weakness of extensor hallucis longus may occur. We have studied 26 patients in whom the upper and middle thirds of the fibula had been harvested as a graft through Henry’s posterolateral approach. Isolated weakness of extensor hallucis longus was found after operation in ten patients but not in the remainder. EMG and nerve-conduction studies confirmed injury of the nerve to extensor hallucis longus in those with weakness. We dissected 40 cadaver limbs and found that those in which the nerve to extensor hallucis longus ran close to the fibular periosteum were at risk. The injury is mostly incomplete and recovery occurs within four to six months

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 38-B, Issue 4 | Pages 818 - 829
1 Nov 1956
Devas MB Sweetnam R

1. An account is given of fifty stress fractures of the fibula which occurred in athletes. 2. The characteristic symptoms, signs and radiological appearances are described, with details of treatment and prognosis. 3. The mechanism of the injury has been suggested on clinical grounds and supported by experimental methods

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 62-B, Issue 2 | Pages 192 - 193
1 May 1980
Symeonides P

A high stress fracture of the fibula which occurred in 48 out of a class of 120 recruits doing a difficult jumping exercise is described. No more were seen when the exercise was stopped. The importance of this report is that it confirms the theory that different muscular activities cause different stress fractures

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 56-B, Issue 4 | Pages 739 - 743
1 Nov 1974
Dooley BJ Menelaus MB Paterson DC

1. The cases of four children who presented with bowing or pseudarthrosis of the fibula only, are described. 2. There is a gradation in the severity and significance of this condition. There may be fibular bowing without fibular pseudarthrosis; fibular pseudarthrosis without ankle deformity; fibular pseudarthrosis with deformity but without the late development of tibial pseudarthrosis; or fibular pseudarthrosis with the late development of tibial pseudarthrosis. 3. Proper management is dependent on a knowledge of this range of conditions

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 69-B, Issue 4 | Pages 587 - 592
1 Aug 1987
Thomas I Williams P

An alternative to Syme's amputation for congenital absence of the fibula is described in this paper. Nine children have had the ankle reconstructed using the Gruca technique with a very satisfactory result in eight. This procedure is not suitable for every patient and in most unilateral cases the operation can only be regarded as an interim procedure because of progressive leg-length inequality. The decision to remove the foot may be delayed and it allows childhood to be spent without resort to prostheses. However, the procedure can be considered as the definitive operation in cases of bilateral deformity

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 75-B, Issue 3 | Pages 429 - 432
1 May 1993
Ledingham J Preston B Doherty M

We report eight patients with prominent cystic changes in the head of the fibula. Seven of these had osteoarthritis of the adjacent knee, and five had evidence of local deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals. A radiographic survey of 470 knees in 254 patients with osteoarthritis suggested that such cysts are rare, but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of such changes before expensive or invasive investigations are performed

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 72-B, Issue 4 | Pages 714 - 717
1 Jul 1990
Ward A Ackroyd C Baker A

We describe a technique of lengthening osteotomy of the fibula for the late treatment of symptomatic malaligned or malunited fractures of the ankle. Good results at two to three years were achieved in five of six cases despite delays of up to four years from the original injury. The method can prevent progressive instability and degenerative arthritis

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 63-B, Issue 2 | Pages 244 - 253
1 May 1981
Chacha P Ahmed M Daruwalla J

Failure of union of the tibia with a large defect is difficult to treat, especially in the presence of sepsis and adherent scars. Conventional methods of fixation and bone grafting are not easily applicable. Experiments on Macaca monkeys showed that a vascularised pedicle graft of the shaft of the ipsilateral fibula could be fixed across a defect in the tibia and remain viable, even if it was isolated from surrounding soft tissues. Transfer of part of the shaft of the ipsilateral fibula on a vascular and muscle pedicle was carried out in 11 patients with large tibial defects and sepsis. There was one failure because of severe infection, but the other 10 patients gained sound union in about four months. The tibia was then protected by a caliper for the 18 months of full reconstitution. The bone infection healed and there was no evidence of avascular necrosis. Although the salvaged limbs were scarred, stiff and ugly, none of the patients suffered from pain, recurrent oedema or persistent infection

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 49-B, Issue 1 | Pages 59 - 65
1 Feb 1967
Serafin J

1. In congenital absence of the fibula, the fibrous strip that replaces the bone, abnormal insertions of fibular muscles, and disturbances in the formation and growth of the tarsal bones all go to cause the valgus deformity of the foot and the complete or partial dislocation of the talo-tibial joint. 2. Conservative treatment is justified only for children less than a year old and then only as preparation for operation. 3. Between the second and seventh year of life operations upon the soft tissues are indicated, to eliminate the contractures occurring on the posterior and lateral sides, to restore the proper position of the foot in line with the axis of the tibia, and to restore the normal shape of the foot and muscular equilibrium. At the same time favourable conditions are created for operative reconstruction of the lateral malleolus. 4. Arthrodesis of the talo-tibial joint or reconstruction of the lateral malleolus by a bone graft with the aim of stabilising the foot in the axis of tibia is not advisable in the growing limb. 5. The results obtained in three cases described support the conclusion that the bifurcation operation recommended by Gruca produces a new lateral malleolus with an epiphysis that grows at the same rate as the remainder of the lower epiphysis of the tibia, does not affect the rate of growth of the tibial epiphysis, prevents the recurrence of the deformity, and preserves the mobility of the talo-tibial joint. 6. In early cases this reconstructive operation may be done at the same time as soft-tissue deformities are corrected and subluxation reduced. 7. It is probable that the bifurcation operation should be done on children aged between two and seven years in order to give the limb the best chance to develop normally

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 39-B, Issue 2 | Pages 302 - 305
1 May 1957
Murray DS

1. A case is described of fatigue fractures occurring in the lowest thirds of the right tibia and fibula simultaneously. 2. The fibular fracture was a runner's fracture. 3. The tibial fracture was ascribed to the application of a below-knee walking plaster to treat the fibular lesion. 4. Both fractures were slow in uniting. 5. The fractures occurred in a rapidly growing youth but no clinical evidence of an endocrine dysfunction was found

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 76-B, Issue 3 | Pages 395 - 400
1 May 1994
Keating J Kuo R Court-Brown C

We report the results of a three-year study of bifocal fractures of the tibia and fibula, excluding segmental shaft fractures. In our whole series, these formed 4.7% of all tibial diaphyseal fractures. We describe three groups: bifocal fractures of both the proximal and the distal joint surfaces, fractures of the shaft and tibial plateau, and fractures of the shaft and ankle. These groups of fractures had different characteristics and prognoses. We discuss treatment protocols for each of these three groups

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 59-B, Issue 3 | Pages 267 - 271
1 Aug 1977
Hootnick D Boyd N Fixsen J Lloyd-Roberts G

Forty-three patients with unilateral congenital short tibia with partial or complete absence of the fibula are reviewed. The factors influencing the degree of leg shortening at maturity are considered. Serial radiographic measurements of leg length in fourteen patients covering an average observation period of 9-3 years support the hypothesis that the relative difference in growth between the two limbs remains remarkably constant. By estimating the percentage difference between the normal and abnormal leg lengths on the first measurable radiograph it is therefore possible to predict the likely shortening at maturity. This method of prediction allows the surgeon to make the decision to proceed to Syme's amputation or to the use of an extension prosthesis at about one year of age when the child starts to walk

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 95-B, Issue 8 | Pages 1027 - 1034
1 Aug 2013
Khan T Joseph B

Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is a rare but well recognised condition. Obtaining union of the pseudarthrosis in these children is often difficult and may require several surgical procedures. The treatment has changed significantly since the review by Hardinge in 1972, but controversies continue as to the best form of surgical treatment. This paper reviews these controversies.

Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2013;95-B:1027–34.


The use of frozen tumour-bearing autograft combined with a vascularized fibular graft (VFG) represents a new technique for biological reconstruction of massive bone defect. We have compared the clinical outcomes between this technique and Capanna reconstruction.


From June 2011 to January 2016 a retrospective study was carried out of patients with primary osteosarcoma of lower limbs who underwent combined biological intercalary reconstruction. Patients were categorized into two groups based on the reconstructive technique: frozen tumour-bearing autograft combined with concurrent VFG (Group 1) and the Capanna method (Group 2). Demographics, operating procedures, oncological outcomes, graft union, limb function, and postoperative complications were compared.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 80-B, Issue 5 | Pages 936 - 937
1 Sep 1998
Albert JS

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 73-B, Issue 2 | Pages 352 - 352
1 Mar 1991
Robbins S Bailey B

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 77-B, Issue 1 | Pages 162 - 162
1 Jan 1995
Bostman O

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 72-B, Issue 4 | Pages 723 - 724
1 Jul 1990
Farooque M Biyani A Adhikari A

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 77-B, Issue 6 | Pages 914 - 919
1 Nov 1995
Hertel R Pisan M Jakob R

Between 1989 and 1994 we used a vascularised ipsilateral fibular graft in 24 patients with segmental tibial defects. We report 12 patients with a minimum follow-up of two years. The graft was either transposed medially or inverted on its vascular pedicle. Full weight-bearing was achieved at between four and seven months. We had few complications and consider that the use of this method is a valuable option in reconstruction of the tibia.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 75-B, Issue 5 | Pages 833 - 834
1 Sep 1993
Karachalios T Pearse M Sarangi P Atkins R

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 64-B, Issue 2 | Pages 206 - 209
1 Apr 1982
Narang I Mysorekar V Mathur B

A 14-year-old girl with a congenitally deformed and shortened right leg and foot is described. The patient could not bear weight on the deformed limb and had to hop on the left leg. The deformed foot faced backwards and had nine toes. The right leg was shorter than the left by 26 centimetres. Radiologically, the lower end of the right femur was ill-developed and there was no knee joint. There were two fibulae and the tibia and the patella were absent. A through-knee disarticulation was done and a prosthesis fitted later. The amputated leg and foot were dissected. Many of the muscles in the leg and foot were duplicated. There were two calcanei, one talus, one navicular, two cuboids and four cuneiforms. Ther were nine metatarsals, and all the toes had three phalanges except for one which had two.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 60-B, Issue 1 | Pages 31 - 39
1 Feb 1978
Jones D Barnes J Lloyd-Roberts G

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 106-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1008 - 1014
1 Sep 2024
Prijs J Rawat J ten Duis K Assink N Harbers JS Doornberg JN Jadav B Jaarsma RL IJpma FFA

Aims. Paediatric triplane fractures and adult trimalleolar ankle fractures both arise from a supination external rotation injury. By relating the experience of adult to paediatric fractures, clarification has been sought on the sequence of injury, ligament involvement, and fracture pattern of triplane fractures. This study explores the similarities between triplane and trimalleolar fractures for each stage of the Lauge-Hansen classification, with the aim of aiding reduction and fixation techniques. Methods. Imaging data of 83 paediatric patients with triplane fractures and 100 adult patients with trimalleolar fractures were collected, and their fracture morphology was compared using fracture maps. Visual fracture maps were assessed, classified, and compared with each other, to establish the progression of injury according to the Lauge-Hansen classification. Results. Four stages of injury in triplane fractures, resembling the adult supination external rotation Lauge-Hansen stages, were observed. Stage I consists of rupture of the anterior syndesmosis or small avulsion of the anterolateral tibia in trimalleolar fractures, and the avulsion of a larger Tillaux fragment in triplanes. Stage II is defined as oblique fracturing of the fibula at the level of the syndesmosis, present in all trimalleolar fractures and in 30% (25/83) of triplane fractures. Stage III is the fracturing of the posterior malleolus. In trimalleolar fractures, the different Haraguchi types can be discerned. In triplane fractures, the delineation of the posterior fragment has a wave-like shape, which is part of the characteristic Y-pattern of triplane fractures, originating from the Tillaux fragment. Stage IV represents a fracture of the medial malleolus, which is highly variable in both the trimalleolar and triplane fractures. Conclusion. The paediatric triplane and adult trimalleolar fractures share common features according to the Lauge-Hansen classification. This highlights that the adolescent injury arises from a combination of ligament traction and a growth plate in the process of closing. With this knowledge, a specific sequence of reduction and optimal screw positions are recommended. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2024;106-B(9):1008–1014

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 11 | Pages 1273 - 1278
1 Nov 2022
Chowdhury JMY Ahmadi M Prior CP Pease F Messner J Foster PAL

Aims. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to assess and investigate the safety and efficacy of using a distal tibial osteotomy compared to proximal osteotomy for limb lengthening in children. Methods. In this study, there were 59 consecutive tibial lengthening and deformity corrections in 57 children using a circular frame. All were performed or supervised by the senior author between January 2013 and June 2019. A total of 25 who underwent a distal tibial osteotomy were analyzed and compared to a group of 34 who had a standard proximal tibial osteotomy. For each patient, the primary diagnosis, time in frame, complications, and lengthening achieved were recorded. From these data, the frame index was calculated (days/cm) and analyzed. Results. All patients ended their treatment with successful lengthening and deformity correction. The frame index for proximal versus distal osteotomies showed no significant difference, with a mean 48.5 days/cm (30 to 85) and 48.9 days/cm (28 to 81), respectively (p = 0.896). In the proximal osteotomy group, two patients suffered complications (one refracture after frame removal and one failure of regenerate maturation with subsequent valgus deformity) compared to zero in the distal osteotomy group. Two patients in each group sustained obstacles that required intervention (one necessitated guided growth, one fibula lengthening, and two required change of wires). There was a similar number of problems (pin-site infections) in each group. Conclusion. Our data show that distal tibial osteotomies can be safely employed in limb lengthening for children using a circular frame, which has implications in planning a surgical strategy; for example, when treating a tibia with shortening and distal deformity, a second osteotomy for proximal lengthening is not required. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2022;104-B(11):1273–1278

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 102-B, Issue 2 | Pages 186 - 190
1 Feb 2020
Puri A Hegde P Gulia A Parikh M

Aims. The aim of this study was to analyze the complications and outcomes of treatment in a series of previously untreated patients with a primary aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) who had been treated by percutaneous sclerosant therapy using polidocanol. Methods. Between January 2010 and December 2016, 56 patients were treated primarily with serial intralesional sclerosant injections. Their mean age was 20 years (1 to 54). The sites involved were clavicle (n = 3), humeri (n = 11), radius (n = 1), ulna (n = 3), hand (n = 2), pelvis (n = 12), femur (n = 7), tibia (n = 13), fibula (n = 3), and foot (n = 1). After histopathological confirmation of the diagnosis, 3% polidocanol (hydroxypolyaethoxydodecan) was injected into the lesion under image intensifier guidance. Patients were evaluated clinically and radiologically every six to eight weeks. In the absence of clinical and/or radiological response, a repeat sclerosant injection was given after eight to 12 weeks and repeated at similar intervals if necessary. Results. There were no complications of treatment. One patient was lost to follow-up. Overall, 46/55 (84%) of lesions healed after one or more injections of polidocanol: 24/55 (44%) patients healed with a single injection, and 43/55 (78%) within two injections. Of these 46, four (9%) patients developed local recurrence, two of whom healed with a repeat sclerosant injection. Thus, 44/55 (80%) patients of primary ABC healed with sclerotherapy. The mean follow-up was 62 months (20 to 111). The local recurrence free survival (LRFS) with percutaneous sclerosant therapy with polidocanol was 100%, 98% (95% confidence interval (CI) 85 to 100) and 93% (95% CI 78 to 98) at two, three, and five years, respectively. Conclusion. Percutaneous sclerotherapy using polidocanol is a safe, effective, minimally invasive and inexpensive method of treating a primary ABC of the limbs or pelvis. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2020;102-B(2):186–190

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 101-B, Issue 3 | Pages 348 - 352
1 Mar 2019
Patel S Malhotra K Cullen NP Singh D Goldberg AJ Welck MJ

Aims. Cone beam CT allows cross-sectional imaging of the tibiofibular syndesmosis while the patient bears weight. This may facilitate more accurate and reliable investigation of injuries to, and reconstruction of, the syndesmosis but normal ranges of measurements are required first. The purpose of this study was to establish: 1) the normal reference measurements of the syndesmosis; 2) if side-to-side variations exist in syndesmotic anatomy; 3) if age affects syndesmotic anatomy; and 4) if the syndesmotic anatomy differs between male and female patients in weight-bearing cone beam CT views. Patients and Methods. A retrospective analysis was undertaken of 50 male and 50 female patients (200 feet) aged 18 years or more, who underwent bilateral, simultaneous imaging of their lower legs while standing in an upright, weight-bearing position in a pedCAT machine between June 2013 and July 2017. At the time of imaging, the mean age of male patients was 47.1 years (18 to 72) and the mean age of female patients was 57.8 years (18 to 83). We employed a previously described technique to obtain six lengths and one angle, as well as calculating three further measurements, to provide information on the relationship between the fibula and tibia with respect to translation and rotation. Results. The upper limit of lateral translation in un-injured patients was 5.27 mm, so values higher than this may be indicative of syndesmotic injury. Anteroposterior translation lay within the ranges 0.31 mm to 2.59 mm, and -1.48 mm to 3.44 mm, respectively. There was no difference between right and left legs. Increasing age was associated with a reduction in lateral translation. The fibulae of men were significantly more laterally translated but data were inconsistent for rotation and anteroposterior translation. Conclusion. We have established normal ranges for measurements in cross-sectional syndesmotic anatomy during weight-bearing and also established that no differences exist between right and left legs in patients without syndesmotic injury. Age and gender do, however, affect the anatomy of the syndesmosis, which should be taken into account at time of assessment. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2019;101-B:348–352

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 99-B, Issue 11 | Pages 1413 - 1419
1 Nov 2017
Solan MC Sakellariou A

The posterior malleolus component of a fracture of the ankle is important, yet often overlooked. Pre-operative CT scans to identify and classify the pattern of the fracture are not used enough. Posterior malleolus fractures are not difficult to fix. After reduction and fixation of the posterior malleolus, the articular surface of the tibia is restored; the fibula is out to length; the syndesmosis is more stable and the patient can rehabilitate faster. There is therefore considerable merit in fixing most posterior malleolus fractures. An early post-operative CT scan to ensure that accurate reduction has been achieved should also be considered. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:1413–19

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 101-B, Issue 4 | Pages 491 - 496
1 Apr 2019
Li NY Kalagara S Hersey A Eltorai AEM Daniels AH Cruz Jr AI

Aims. The aim of this study was to utilize a national paediatric inpatient database to determine whether obesity influences the operative management and inpatient outcomes of paediatric limb fractures. Patients and Methods. The Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID) was used to evaluate children between birth and 17 years of age, from 1997 and 2012, who had undergone open and closed treatment of humeral, radial and ulna, femoral, tibial, and ankle fractures. Demographics, hospital charges, lengths of stay (LOS), and complications were analyzed. Results. Obesity was significantly associated with increased rates of open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) for: distal humeral (odds ratio (OR) = 2.139, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.92 to 3.44; p < 0.001); distal radius and ulna fractures (OR = 1.436, 95% CI 1.14 to 2.16; p < 0.05); distal femoral (OR = 2.051, 95% CI 1.69 to 3.60; p < 0.05); tibial and fibula shaft (OR = 2.101, 95% CI 2.10 to 3.50; p < 0.001); and ankle (OR = 1.733, 95% CI 1.70 to 2.39; p < 0.001). Older age was significantly associated with ORIF for all fractures (p < 0.05). LOS, hospital charges, and complications were significantly increased in obese patients following ORIF for upper and lower limb fractures (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Obese paediatric patients are more likely to undergo ORIF in both upper and lower limb fractures and have more inpatient complications. These findings may assist in informing obese paediatric fracture patients and their families regarding the increased risk for open operative fixation and associated outcomes. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2019;101-B:491–496

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 92-B, Issue 7 | Pages 1041 - 1044
1 Jul 2010
Loughenbury PR Harwood PJ Tunstall R Britten S

Anatomical atlases document safe corridors for placement of wires when using fine-wire circular external fixation. The furthest posterolateral corridor described in the distal tibia is through the fibula. This limits the crossing angle and stability of the frame. In this paper we describe a new, safe Retro-Fibular Wire corridor, which provides greater crossing angles and increased stability. In a cadaver study, 20 formalin-treated legs were divided into two groups. Wires were inserted into the distal quarter of the tibia using two possible corridors and standard techniques of dissection identified the distance of the wires from neurovascular structures. In both groups the posterior tibial neurovascular bundle was avoided. In group A the peroneal artery was at risk. In group B this injury was avoided. Comparison of the groups showed a significant difference (p < 0.001). We recommend the Retro-Fibular wire technique whereby wires are inserted into the tibia mid-way between the posteromedial border of the fibula and the tendo Achillis, at 30° to 45° to the sagittal plane, and introduced from a posterolateral to an anteromedial position. Subsequently, when using this technique in 30 patients, we have had no neurovascular complications or problems relating to tethering of the peroneal tendons

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 87-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1364 - 1368
1 Oct 2005
Brinkman J Schwering PJA Blankevoort L Koolos JG Luites J Wymenga AB

We have quantitatively documented the insertion geometry of the main stabilising structures of the posterolateral corner of the knee in 34 human cadavers. The lateral collateral ligament inserted posterior (4.6 mm, . sd. 2) and proximal (1.3 mm, . sd. 3.6) to the lateral epicondyle of the femur and posterior (8.1 mm, . sd. 3.2) to the anterior point of the head of the fibula. On the femur, the popliteus tendon inserted distally (11 mm, . sd. 0.8) and either anterior or posterior (mean 0.84 mm anterior, . sd. 4) to the lateral collateral ligament. The popliteofibular ligament inserted distal (1.3 mm, . sd. 1.2) and anterior (0.5 mm, . sd. 2.0) to the tip of the styloid process of the fibula. The ligaments had a consistent pattern of insertion and, despite the variation between specimens, the standard deviations were less than the typical size of drill hole used in reconstruction of the posterolateral corner. The data provided in this study can be used in the anatomical repair and reconstruction of this region of the knee

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 106-B, Issue 1 | Pages 93 - 98
1 Jan 2024
Broida SE Tsoi KM Rose PS Ferguson PC Griffin AM Wunder JS Houdek MT


The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is the only mechanical connection between the axial skeleton and lower limbs. Following iliosacral resection, there is debate on whether reconstruction of the joint is necessary. There is a paucity of data comparing the outcomes of patients undergoing reconstruction and those who are not formally reconstructed.


A total of 60 patients (25 females, 35 males; mean age 39 years (SD 18)) undergoing iliosacral resection were reviewed. Most resections were performed for primary malignant tumours (n = 54; 90%). The mean follow-up for surviving patients was nine years (2 to 19).

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 5 | Pages 559 - 567
1 May 2023
Aoude A Nikomarov D Perera JR Ibe IK Griffin AM Tsoi KM Ferguson PC Wunder JS


Giant cell tumour of bone (GCTB) is a locally aggressive lesion that is difficult to treat as salvaging the joint can be associated with a high rate of local recurrence (LR). We evaluated the risk factors for tumour relapse after treatment of a GCTB of the limbs.


A total of 354 consecutive patients with a GCTB underwent joint salvage by curettage and reconstruction with bone graft and/or cement or en bloc resection. Patient, tumour, and treatment factors were analyzed for their impact on LR. Patients treated with denosumab were excluded.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 79-B, Issue 1 | Pages 43 - 47
1 Jan 1997
Minami A Kaneda K Satoh S Abumi K Kutsumi K

A vascularised fibular strut graft was used for anterior spinal fusion in 16 patients with spinal kyphosis. The procedure was abandoned in three because of difficulty in establishing a vascular anastomosis and in one because the grafted fibula dislodged two days after operation. One patient died after five days. Of the 11 remaining patients, there were seven males and four females. Their ages at the time of operation averaged 30.9 years (12 to 71). The number of vertebrae fused averaged 6.7 (5 to 9) and the length of fibula grafted averaged 10.9 cm (6.5 to 18). Average follow-up was 54 months (27 to 84). Bone union occurred at both ends of the grafted fibula in all 11 patients, with an average time to union of 5.5 months (3 to 8). We did not see a fracture of the grafted fibula. Two patients had postoperative complications; the graft dislodged in one and laryngeal oedema occurred two days after operation in the other. A vascularised fibular strut graft provides a biomechanically stable and long-standing support in spinal fusion because the weak phase of creeping substitution does not take place in the graft

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 106-B, Issue 6 | Pages 613 - 622
1 Jun 2024
Shen J Wei Z Wu H Wang X Wang S Wang G Luo F Xie Z


The aim of the present study was to assess the outcomes of the induced membrane technique (IMT) for the management of infected segmental bone defects, and to analyze predictive factors associated with unfavourable outcomes.


Between May 2012 and December 2020, 203 patients with infected segmental bone defects treated with the IMT were enrolled. The digital medical records of these patients were retrospectively analyzed. Factors associated with unfavourable outcomes were identified through logistic regression analysis.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 1 | Pages 72 - 81
1 Jan 2023
Stake IK Ræder BW Gregersen MG Molund M Wang J Madsen JE Husebye EE


The aim of this study was to compare the functional and radiological outcomes and the complication rate after nail and plate fixation of unstable fractures of the ankle in elderly patients.


In this multicentre study, 120 patients aged ≥ 60 years with an acute unstable AO/OTA type 44-B fracture of the ankle were randomized to fixation with either a nail or a plate and followed for 24 months after surgery. The primary outcome measure was the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) Ankle-Hindfoot score. Secondary outcome measures were the Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire, the Olerud and Molander Ankle score, the EuroQol five-dimension questionnaire, a visual analogue score for pain, complications, the quality of reduction of the fracture, nonunion, and the development of osteoarthritis.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 7 | Pages 723 - 728
1 Jul 2023
Raj RD Fontalis A Grandhi TSP Kim WJ Gabr A Haddad FS

There is a disparity in sport-related injuries between sexes, with females sustaining non-contact musculoskeletal injuries at a higher rate. Anterior cruciate ligament ruptures are between two and eight times more common than in males, and females also have a higher incidence of ankle sprains, patellofemoral pain, and bone stress injuries. The sequelae of such injuries can be devastating to an athlete, resulting in time out of sport, surgery, and the early onset of osteoarthritis. It is important to identify the causes of this disparity and introduce prevention programmes to reduce the incidence of these injuries. A natural difference reflects the effect of reproductive hormones in females, which have receptors in certain musculoskeletal tissues. Relaxin increases ligamentous laxity. Oestrogen decreases the synthesis of collagen and progesterone does the opposite. Insufficient diet and intensive training can lead to menstrual irregularities, which are common in female athletes and result in injury, whereas oral contraception may have a protective effect against certain injuries. It is important for coaches, physiotherapists, nutritionists, doctors, and athletes to be aware of these issues and to implement preventive measures. This annotation explores the relationship between the menstrual cycle and orthopaedic sports injuries in pre-menopausal females, and proposes recommendations to mitigate the risk of sustaining these injuries.

Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2023;105-B(7):723–728.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 7 | Pages 808 - 814
1 Jul 2023
Gundavda MK Lazarides AL Burke ZDC Focaccia M Griffin AM Tsoi KM Ferguson PC Wunder JS


The preoperative grading of chondrosarcomas of bone that accurately predicts surgical management is difficult for surgeons, radiologists, and pathologists. There are often discrepancies in grade between the initial biopsy and the final histology. Recent advances in the use of imaging methods have shown promise in the ability to predict the final grade. The most important clinical distinction is between grade 1 chondrosarcomas, which are amenable to curettage, and resection-grade chondrosarcomas (grade 2 and 3) which require en bloc resection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a Radiological Aggressiveness Score (RAS) to predict the grade of primary chondrosarcomas in long bones and thus to guide management.


A total of 113 patients with a primary chondrosarcoma of a long bone presenting between January 2001 and December 2021 were identified on retrospective review of a single oncology centre’s prospectively collected database. The nine-parameter RAS included variables from radiographs and MRI scans. The best cut-off of parameters to predict the final grade of chondrosarcoma after resection was determined using a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC), and this was correlated with the biopsy grade.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 99-B, Issue 4 | Pages 538 - 543
1 Apr 2017
Laitinen MK Parry MC Albergo JI umathi VS Jeys LM Grimer RJ

Aims. The aim of the study was to investigate the controversial issue of whether the pelvic ring should be reconstructed following resection of the sarcomas of the ilium. Patients and Methods. From our database, we identified 64 patients who underwent excision of a tumour involving the ilium between 1976 and 2015. A total of 35 underwent complete resection, of whom 24 were reconstructed with a non-vascularised fibula graft, and four with extracorporeal irradiation and reimplantation. A total of 29 patients had a partial resection. The mean follow-up was 9.2 years (1.1 to 25.6). Functional outcomes were assessed using the Toronto Extremity Salvation Score (TESS) at final follow-up. In all, 32 patients (50%) had a chondrosarcoma. Results. The mean TESS for all patients was 71.6% (17% to 100%). The mean TESS for those who underwent total resection with reconstruction was 72.0% (17% to 100%) and without reconstruction it was 53.3% (20% to 90%) and for those who underwent partial resection it was 76.3% (31.3% to 100%). The rate of local recurrence was 42.2% and this was more common in those treated by partial resection (p = 0.048). The risk of local recurrence was related to the margin achieved at resection. Conclusions. Given the high rate of local recurrence following excision of a tumour from the ilium, obtaining wide surgical margins should be a priority even if this requires more aggressive surgery. In young patients, where late recurrence may occur, more radical complete resection should be considered. When total resection of the ilium is considered, reconstruction should also be considered as it confers a higher functional outcome than total resection without reconstruction. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:538–43

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 12 | Pages 1314 - 1320
1 Dec 2023
Broida SE Sullivan MH Barlow JD Morrey M Scorianz M Wagner ER Sanchez-Sotelo J Rose PS Houdek MT


The scapula is a rare site for a primary bone tumour. Only a small number of series have studied patient outcomes after treatment. Previous studies have shown a high rate of recurrence, with functional outcomes determined by the preservation of the glenohumeral joint and deltoid. The purpose of the current study was to report the outcome of patients who had undergone tumour resection that included the scapula.


We reviewed 61 patients (37 male, 24 female; mean age 42 years (SD 19)) who had undergone resection of the scapula. The most common resection was type 2 (n = 34) according to the Tikhoff-Linberg classification, or type S1A (n = 35) on the Enneking classification.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 96-B, Issue 3 | Pages 325 - 331
1 Mar 2014
Dodds AL Halewood C Gupte CM Williams A Amis AA

There have been differing descriptions of the anterolateral structures of the knee, and not all have been named or described clearly. The aim of this study was to provide a clear anatomical interpretation of these structures. We dissected 40 fresh-frozen cadaveric knees to view the relevant anatomy and identified a consistent structure in 33 knees (83%); we termed this the anterolateral ligament of the knee. This structure passes antero-distally from an attachment proximal and posterior to the lateral femoral epicondyle to the margin of the lateral tibial plateau, approximately midway between Gerdy’s tubercle and the head of the fibula. The ligament is superficial to the lateral (fibular) collateral ligament proximally, from which it is distinct, and separate from the capsule of the knee. In the eight knees in which it was measured, we observed that the ligament was isometric from 0° to 60° of flexion of the knee, then slackened when the knee flexed further to 90° and was lengthened by imposing tibial internal rotation. . Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2014;96-B:325–31

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 5 | Pages 471 - 473
1 May 2023
Peterson N Perry DC

Salter-Harris II fractures of the distal tibia affect children frequently, and when they are displaced present a treatment dilemma. Treatment primarily aims to restore alignment and prevent premature physeal closure, as this can lead to angular deformity, limb length difference, or both. Current literature is of poor methodological quality and is contradictory as to whether conservative or surgical management is superior in avoiding complications and adverse outcomes. A state of clinical equipoise exists regarding whether displaced distal tibial Salter-Harris II fractures in children should be treated with surgery to achieve anatomical reduction, or whether cast treatment alone will lead to a satisfactory outcome. Systematic review and meta-analysis has concluded that high-quality prospective multicentre research is needed to answer this question. The Outcomes of Displaced Distal tibial fractures: Surgery Or Casts in KidS (ODD SOCKS) trial, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, aims to provide this high-quality research in order to answer this question, which has been identified as a top-five research priority by the British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery.

Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2023;105-B(5):471–473.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 106-B, Issue 9 | Pages 884 - 886
1 Sep 2024
Brown R Bendall S Aronow M Ramasamy A

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 106-B, Issue 11 | Pages 1301 - 1305
1 Nov 2024
Prajapati A Thakur RPS Gulia A Puri A


Reconstruction after osteoarticular resection of the proximal ulna for tumours is technically difficult and little has been written about the options that are available. We report a series of four patients who underwent radial neck to humeral trochlea transposition arthroplasty following proximal ulnar osteoarticular resection.


Between July 2020 and July 2022, four patients with primary bone tumours of the ulna underwent radial neck to humeral trochlea transposition arthroplasty. Their mean age was 28 years (12 to 41). The functional outcome was assessed using the range of motion (ROM) of the elbow, rotation of the forearm and stability of the elbow, the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score (MSTS), and the nine-item abbreviated version of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand questionnaire (QuickDASH-9) score.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 93-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1367 - 1372
1 Oct 2011
Hintermann B Barg A Knupp M

We undertook a prospective study to analyse the outcome of 48 malunited pronation-external rotation fractures of the ankle in 48 patients (25 females and 23 males) with a mean age of 45 years (21 to 69), treated by realignment osteotomies. The interval between the injury and reconstruction was a mean of 20.2 months (3 to 98). . In all patients, valgus malalignment of the distal tibia and malunion of the fibula were corrected. In some patients, additional osteotomies were performed. Patients were reviewed regularly, and the mean follow-up was 7.1 years (2 to 15). . Good or excellent results were obtained in 42 patients (87.5%) with the benefit being maintained over time. Congruent ankles without a tilted talus (Takakura stage 0 and 1) were obtained in all but five cases. One patient required total ankle replacement

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 12 | Pages 1252 - 1258
1 Dec 2023
Tanabe H Baba T Ozaki Y Yanagisawa N Homma Y Nagao M Kaneko K Ishijima M


Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) injury is a potential complication after the direct anterior approach for total hip arthroplasty (DAA-THA). The aim of this study was to determine how the location of the fasciotomy in DAA-THA affects LFCN injury.


In this trial, 134 patients were randomized into a lateral fasciotomy (n = 67) or a conventional fasciotomy (n = 67) group. This study was a dual-centre, double-blind, prospective randomized controlled two-arm trial with parallel group design and a 1:1 allocation ratio. The primary endpoint was the presence of LFCN injury, which was determined by the presence of numbness, decreased sensation, tingling, jolt-like sensation, or pain over the lateral aspect of the thigh, excluding the surgical scar, using a patient-based questionnaire. The secondary endpoints were patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) using the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index (WOMAC), Japanese Orthopaedic Association Hip Disease Evaluation Questionnaire (JHEQ), and the Forgotten Joint Score-12 (FJS-12). Assessments were obtained three months after surgery.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 11 | Pages 1226 - 1232
1 Nov 2023
Prijs J Rawat J ten Duis K IJpma FFA Doornberg JN Jadav B Jaarsma RL


Triplane ankle fractures are complex injuries typically occurring in children aged between 12 and 15 years. Classic teaching that closure of the physis dictates the overall fracture pattern, based on studies in the 1960s, has not been challenged. The aim of this paper is to analyze whether these injuries correlate with the advancing closure of the physis with age.


A fracture mapping study was performed in 83 paediatric patients with a triplane ankle fracture treated in three trauma centres between January 2010 and June 2020. Patients aged younger than 18 years who had CT scans available were included. An independent Paediatric Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon assessed all CT scans and classified the injuries as n-part triplane fractures. Qualitative analysis of the fracture pattern was performed using the modified Cole fracture mapping technique. The maps were assessed for both patterns and correlation with the closing of the physis until consensus was reached by a panel of six surgeons.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 5 | Pages 551 - 558
1 May 2023
Wang H Ji T Qu H Yan T Li D Yang R Tang X Guo W


The aim of this study was to determine the rate of indocyanine green (ICG) staining of bone and soft-tissue tumours, as well as the stability and accuracy of ICG fluorescence imaging in detecting tumour residuals during surgery for bone and soft-tissue tumours.


ICG fluorescence imaging was performed during surgery in 34 patients with bone and soft-tissue tumours. ICG was administered intravenously at a dose of 2 mg/kg over a period of 60 minutes on the day prior to surgery. The tumour stain rate and signal-to-background ratio of each tumour were post hoc analyzed. After tumour resection, the tumour bed was scanned to locate sites with fluorescence residuals, which were subsequently inspected and biopsied.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1099 - 1107
1 Oct 2023
Henry JK Shaffrey I Wishman M Palma Munita J Zhu J Cody E Ellis S Deland J Demetracopoulos C


The Vantage Total Ankle System is a fourth-generation low-profile fixed-bearing implant that has been available since 2016. We aimed to describe our early experience with this implant.


This is a single-centre retrospective review of patients who underwent primary total ankle arthroplasty (TAA) with a Vantage implant between November 2017 and February 2020, with a minimum of two years’ follow-up. Four surgeons contributed patients. The primary outcome was reoperation and revision rate of the Vantage implant at two years. Secondary outcomes included radiological alignment, peri-implant complications, and pre- and postoperative patient-reported outcomes.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 5 | Pages 575 - 582
1 May 2023
Kato S Demura S Yokogawa N Shimizu T Kobayashi M Yamada Y Murakami H Tsuchiya H


Patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas (DTCs) have a favourable long-term survival. Spinal metastases (SMs) cause a decline in performance status (PS), directly affecting mortality and indirectly preventing the use of systemic therapies. Metastasectomy is indicated, if feasible, as it yields the best local tumour control. Our study aimed to examine the long-term clinical outcomes of metastasectomy for SMs of thyroid carcinomas.


We collected data on 22 patients with DTC (16 follicular and six papillary carcinomas) and one patient with medullary carcinoma who underwent complete surgical resection of SMs at our institution between July 1992 and July 2017, with a minimum postoperative follow-up of five years. The cancer-specific survival (CSS) from the first spinal metastasectomy to death or the last follow-up was determined using Kaplan-Meier analysis. Potential factors associated with survival were evaluated using the log-rank test. We analyzed the clinical parameters and outcome data, including pre- and postoperative disability (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group PS 3), lung and non-spinal bone metastases, and history of radioiodine and kinase inhibitor therapies.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 106-B, Issue 7 | Pages 720 - 727
1 Jul 2024
Wu H Wang X Shen J Wei Z Wang S Xu T Luo F Xie Z


This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics and outcomes associated with culture-negative limb osteomyelitis patients.


A total of 1,047 limb osteomyelitis patients aged 18 years or older who underwent debridement and intraoperative culture at our clinic centre from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2020 were included. Patient characteristics, infection eradication, and complications were analyzed between culture-negative and culture-positive cohorts.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1115 - 1122
1 Oct 2023
Archer JE Chauhan GS Dewan V Osman K Thomson C Nandra RS Ashford RU Cool P Stevenson J


Most patients with advanced malignancy suffer bone metastases, which pose a significant challenge to orthopaedic services and burden to the health economy. This study aimed to assess adherence to the British Orthopaedic Oncology Society (BOOS)/British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) guidelines on patients with metastatic bone disease (MBD) in the UK.


A prospective, multicentre, national collaborative audit was designed and delivered by a trainee-led collaborative group. Data were collected over three months (1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021) for all patients presenting with MBD. A data collection tool allowed investigators at each hospital to compare practice against guidelines. Data were collated and analyzed centrally to quantify compliance from 84 hospitals in the UK for a total of 1,137 patients who were eligible for inclusion.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 107-B, Issue 1 | Pages 108 - 117
1 Jan 2025
Marson BA Gurney M Manning JC James M Ogollah R Durand C Ollivere BJ


It is unclear if a supportive bandage, removable splint, or walking cast offers the best outcome following low-risk ankle fractures in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial to compare these treatments.


Children aged five to 15 years with low-risk ankle fractures were recruited to this feasibility trial from 1 February 2020 to 30 March 2023. Children were randomized to supportive bandage, removable splint, or walking cast for two weeks. Follow-up at two, six, and 12 weeks was undertaken to determine feasibility for a definitive trial. Outcomes collected included complications, the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) mobility score, Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory, youth version of the EuroQol five-dimension health questionnaire, and Activities Scale for Kids - Performance.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 92-B, Issue 1 | Pages 66 - 70
1 Jan 2010
Reidsma II Nolte PA Marti RK Raaymakers ELFB

In this retrospective study, using the prospectively collected database of the AO-Documentation Centre, we analysed the outcome of 57 malunited fractures of the ankle treated by reconstructive osteotomy. In all cases the position of the malunited fibula had been corrected, in several cases it was combined with other osteotomies and the fixation of any non-united fragments. Patients were seen on a regular basis, with a minimum follow-up of ten years. The aim of the study was to establish whether reconstruction improves ankle function and prevents the progression of arthritic changes. Good or excellent results were obtained in 85% (41) of patients indicating that reconstructive surgery is effective in most and that the beneficial effects can last for up to 27 years after the procedure. Minor post-traumatic arthritis is not a contraindication but rather an indication for reconstructive surgery. We also found that prolonged time to reconstruction is associated negatively with outcome

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1073 - 1080
1 Sep 2022
Winstanley RJH Hadfield JN Walker R Bretherton CP Ashwood N Allison K Trompeter A Eardley WGP


The Open-Fracture Patient Evaluation Nationwide (OPEN) study was performed to provide clarity in open fracture management previously skewed by small, specialist centre studies and large, unfocused registry investigations. We report the current management metrics of open fractures across the UK.


Patients admitted to hospital with an open fracture (excluding phalanges or isolated hand injuries) between 1 June 2021 and 30 September 2021 were included. Institutional information governance approval was obtained at the lead site and all data entered using Research Electronic Data Capture software. All domains of the British Orthopaedic Association Standard for Open Fracture Management were recorded.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 82-B, Issue 7 | Pages 1022 - 1025
1 Sep 2000
Minami A Kasashima T Iwasaki N Kato H Kaneda K

The results and complications of 104 vascularised fibular grafts in 102 patients are presented. Bony union was ultimately achieved in 97 patients, with primary union in 84 (84%). The mean time to union was 15.5 weeks (8 to 40). In 13 patients, primary union was achieved at one end of the fibula and secondary union at the other end. In these patients, the mean time to union was 31.1 weeks (24 to 40). Five patients failed to achieve union, with a resultant pseudarthrosis (3 patients) or amputation (2 patients). There were various complications. Immediate thrombosis occurred in 14 cases. In two of 23 patients with osteomyelitis, infection recurred at two and six months after surgery, respectively. Both patients had active osteomyelitis less than one month before the operation. Bony infection occurred in a patient with a synovial sarcoma of the forearm one year after surgery. In 15 patients, 19 fractures of the fibular graft occurred after bony union, all except one within one year after union. In patients in whom an external fixator had been used, fracture occurred soon after its removal. Union was difficult to achieve in cases of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia. Appropriate alignment of the fibular graft is an important factor in preventing stress fracture. The vascularised fibula should be protected during the first year after union. Postoperative complications at the donor site included transient palsy of the superficial peroneal nerve in three patients, contracture of flexor hallucis longus in two and valgus deformity of the ankle in three. Vascularised fibular grafts are useful in the reconstruction of massive bony defects. We believe that meticulous preoperative planning, including choosing which vessels to select in the recipient and the type of fixation devices to use, and care in the introduction of the vascularised fibula, can improve the results and prevent complications

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 89-B, Issue 1 | Pages 109 - 111
1 Jan 2007
James SH Carpenter EC Fairclough JA

We present an unusual cause of anterior tibial pain in a 24-year-old professional international football player who was found to have a synostosis of the middle-third of the diaphysis of the tibia and fibula. This is a rarely described phenomenon. Conservative treatment is the recommended treatment of choice, but this failed in our patient. Resection produced resolution of symptoms; he remained symptom-free three years later

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 46-B, Issue 3 | Pages 575 - 575
1 Aug 1964
Smith MGH

Dr J. Robert Close has been good enough to point out a misquotation from his article, "Some Applications of the Functional Anatomy of the Ankle Joint"(Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 1956, 38-A, 761) in a later contribution by Mr M. G. H. Smith entitled "Inferior Tibio-fibular Diastasis Treated by Cross-screwing (Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 1963, 45-B, 737). Dr Close, in referring to tibio-fibular diastasis and deltoid ligament rupture with low fractures of the fibula, wrote (p. 780), "Treating diastasis therefore frequently means treatment for the deltoid lesion. When one realises that a certain amount of spreading apart of the malleoli and a certain amount of rotation of the fibula about the tibia are anatomical requirements for normal ankle motion the necessity for later removal of such internal fixation becomes obvious. Screws thus placed have been known to break during normal walking after the fractures have healed." In his paper Mr M. G. H. Smith, making mention of tibio-fibular movement, wrote, "This small range of movement of the fibula at the inferior tibio-fibular joint caused Close (1956) to recommend that screws placed across the joint to maintain reduction of diastasis be removed before weight bearing and movement were commenced. He stated that screws had broken when left in position." Further abbreviation by editorial staff led to the statement actually printed p. (737): "Close (1956) recommended the removal of screws that had been placed across the joint to maintain reduction of diastasis before movement was allowed, because the screws broke when left in position." The inadvertent change in sense unfortunately escaped attention, and we very much regret that Mr Close was thus misquoted

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 87-B, Issue 2 | Pages 226 - 230
1 Feb 2005
Manner HM Radler C Ganger R Grossbötzl G Petje G Grill F

Congenital unilateral anterolateral tibial bowing in combination with a bifid ipsilateral great toe is a very rare deformity which resembles the anterolateral tibial bowing that occurs in association with congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia. However, spontaneous resolution of the deformity without operative treatment and with a continuously straight fibula has been described in all previously reported cases. We report three additional cases and discuss the options for treatment. We suggest that this is a specific entity within the field of anterolateral bowing of the tibia and conclude that it has a much better prognosis than congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia, although conservative treatment alone may not be sufficient

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 91-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1366 - 1372
1 Oct 2009
Abed YY Beltrami G Campanacci DA Innocenti M Scoccianti G Capanna R

We reviewed 25 patients who had undergone resection of a primary bone sarcoma which extended to within 5 cm of the knee with reconstruction by a combination of a free vascularised fibular graft and a massive allograft bone shell. The distal femur was affected in four patients and the proximal tibia in 21. Their mean age at the time of operation was 19.7 years (5 to 52) and the mean follow-up period 140 months (28 to 213). Three vascularised transfers failed. The mean time to union of the fibula was 5.6 months (3 to 10) and of the allograft 19.6 months (10 to 34). Full weight-bearing was allowed at a mean of 21.4 months (14 to 36). The mean functional score at final follow-up was 27.4 (18 to 30) using a modfied 30-point Musculoskeletal Tumour Society rating system. The overall limb-salvage rate was 88%. The results of our study suggest that the combined use of a vascularised fibular graft and allograft is of value as a limb-salvage procedure for intercalary reconstruction after resection of bone tumours around the knee, especially in skeletally immature patients

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 93-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1424 - 1426
1 Oct 2011
Delaney RA Burns A Emans JB

Arteriovenous fistula formation after a closed extremity fracture is rare. We present the case of an 11-year-old boy who developed an arteriovenous fistula between the anterior tibial artery and popliteal vein after closed fractures of the proximal tibia and fibula. The fractures were treated by closed reduction and casting. A fistula was diagnosed 12 weeks after the injury. It was treated by embolisation with coils. Subsequent angiography and ultrasonography confirmed patency of the popliteal vein and anterior and posterior tibial and peroneal arteries, with no residual shunting through the fistula. The fractures healed uneventfully and he returned to full unrestricted activities 21 weeks after his injury

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 105-B, Issue 1 | Pages 11 - 16
1 Jan 2023
San-Julián M Gómez-Álvarez J Idoate MÁ Aquerreta JD Vázquez-García B Lamo-Espinosa JM

Paediatric bone sarcomas are a dual challenge for orthopaedic surgeons in terms of tumour resection and reconstruction, as it is important to minimize functional and growth problems without compromising survival rates. Cañadell’s technique consists of a Type I epiphysiolysis performed using continuous distraction by an external fixator prior to resection. It was designed to achieve a safe margin due to the ability of the physeal cartilage to be a barrier to tumour spread in some situations, avoiding the need for articular reconstruction, and preserving the growth capacity most of the times. Despite initial doubts raised in the scientific community, this technique is now widely used in many countries for the treatment of metaphyseal paediatric bone sarcomas. This annotation highlights the importance of Cañadell’s work and reviews the experience of applying it to bone sarcoma patients over the last 40 years.

Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2023;105-B(1):11–16.

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 89-B, Issue 2 | Pages 215 - 221
1 Feb 2007
Krieg AH Hefti F

We evaluated 31 patients who were treated with a non-vascularised fibular graft after resection of primary musculoskeletal tumours, with a median follow-up of 5.6 years (3 to 26.7 years). Primary union was achieved in 89% (41 of 46) of the grafts in a median period of 24 weeks. All 25 grafts in 18 patients without additional chemotheraphy and/or radiotherapy achieved primary union, compared with 16 of the 21 grafts (76%; 13 patients) with additional therapy (p = 0.017). Radiographs showed an increase in diameter in 70% (59) of the grafts. There were seven fatigue fractures in six patients, but only two needed treatment. Non-vascularised fibular transfer is a simpler, less expensive and a shorter procedure than the use of vascularised grafts and allows remodelling of the fibula at the donor site. It is a biological reconstruction with good long-term results, and a relatively low donor site complication rate of 16%

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 91-B, Issue 4 | Pages 522 - 529
1 Apr 2009
Ryzewicz M Morgan SJ Linford E Thwing JI de Resende GVP Smith WR

Nonunion of the tibia associated with bone loss, previous infection, obliteration of the intramedullary canal or located in the distal metaphysis poses a challenge to the surgeon and significant morbidity to patients. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 24 patients who were treated by central bone grafting and compared them to those of 20 who were treated with a traditional posterolateral graft. Central bone grafting entails a lateral approach, anterior to the fibula and interosseous membrane which is used to create a central space filled with cancellous iliac crest autograft. Upon consolidation, a tibiofibular synostosis is formed that is strong enough for weight-bearing. This procedure has advantages over other methods of treatment for selected nonunions. Of the 24 patients with central bone grafting, 23 went on to radiographic and clinical union without further intervention. All healed within a mean of 20 weeks (10 to 48). No further bone grafts were required, and few complications were encountered. These results were comparable to those of the 20 patients who underwent posterolateral bone grafting who united at a mean of 31.3 weeks (16 to 60) but one of whom required below-knee amputation for intractable sepsis. Central bone grafting is a safe and effective treatment for difficult nonunions of the tibia

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 90-B, Issue 4 | Pages 488 - 493
1 Apr 2008
Cho T Choi IH Lee SM Chung CY Yoo WJ Lee DY Lee JW

We investigated patterns of refracture and their risk factors in patients with congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia after Ilizarov osteosynthesis. We studied 43 cases in 23 patients. Temporal and spatial patterns of refracture and refracture-free survival were analysed in each case. The refracture-free rate of cumulative survival was 47% at five years and did not change thereafter. Refracture occurred at the previous pseudarthrosis in 16 of 19 cases of refracture. The risk of refracture was significantly higher when osteosynthesis was performed below the age of four years, when the tibial cross-sectional area was narrow, and when associated with persistent fibular pseudarthrosis. Refracture occurs frequently after successful osteosynthesis in these patients. Delaying osteosynthesis, maximising the tibial cross-sectional area and stabilising the fibula may reduce the risk of refracture

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 61-B, Issue 3 | Pages 362 - 365
1 Aug 1979
Pho R

An operation is described in which a microvascular technique was used to transfer a living fibula, with its vascular pedicle intact, to replace the lower end of the radius after massive resection for giant-cell tumour. Angiography carried out six weeks later showed that the grafted bone was viable. Six months after operation the transplanted fibula showed no osteoporosis or bone resorption and bony union at the junction of host and graft

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 89-B, Issue 10 | Pages 1356 - 1362
1 Oct 2007
Lampasi M Magnani M Donzelli O

We report the results of the treatment of nine children with an aneurysmal bone cyst of the distal fibula (seven cysts were juxtaphyseal, and two metaphyseal). The mean age of the children was 10 years and 3 months (7 years and 4 months to 12 years and 9 months). All had open physes. All cysts were active and in seven cases substituted and expanded the entire width of the bone (type-2 lesions). The mean longitudinal extension was 5.7 cm (3 to 10). The presenting symptoms were pain, swelling and pathological fracture. Moderate fibular shortening was evident in one patient. In six patients curettage was performed, using phenol as adjuvant in three. Three with juxtaphyseal lesions underwent resection. A graft from the contralateral fibula (one case) and allografts (two cases) were positioned at the edge of the physis for reconstruction. The mean follow-up was 11.6 years (3.1 to 27.5). There was no recurrence. At the final follow-up there was no significant difference in the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society scores (excellent/good in all cases) and in growth disturbance, alignment, stability and bone reconstitution, but in the resection group the number of operations, including removal of hardware, complications (two minor) and time of immobilisation/orthosis, were increased. Movement of the ankle was restricted in one patient. The potential risks in the management of these lesions include recurrence, physeal injury, instability of the ankle and hardware and graft complications. Although resection is effective it should be reserved for aggressive or recurrent juxtaphyseal lesions

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 67-B, Issue 4 | Pages 585 - 587
1 Aug 1985
Das De S Balasubramaniam P

A lesion similar to that described by Bankart in recurrent dislocation of the shoulder was seen in seven patients with recurrent dislocation of the peroneal tendons. Detachment of the periosteum had resulted in the formation of a false pouch on the surface of the lower end of the fibula; into this pouch the peroneal tendons could easily dislocate. Reattachment of the periosteum to drill holes in the fibula prevented dislocation, and this anatomical method of repair is described. This lesion is one of the causes of recurrent dislocation of the peroneal tendons

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 73-B, Issue 5 | Pages 846 - 850
1 Sep 1991
Uchida Y Kojima T Sugioka Y

Five children with congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia treated by free vascularised fibular grafts were followed up until skeletal maturity. The ipsilateral fibula was used in four cases, the contralateral fibula in one. All our cases achieved bone union, but leg length discrepancy, atrophy of the foot and ankle stiffness were frequent complications, due perhaps to the many previous operations. Vascularised fibular grafting might achieve better results if it were done as the primary procedure

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 75-B, Issue 6 | Pages 926 - 931
1 Nov 1993
Rijnberg W van Linge B

We report the operative technique and results of a new method of central grafting for persistent nonunion of the tibial shaft. The operation is performed through a lateral approach, anterior to the fibula. Fresh autogenous bone from the iliac crest is used to form a central bridge between the tibia and fibula above, below and at the level of the nonunion. In 48 tibiae, most with long-standing nonunion and some with infection or bone defects, sound healing was obtained in 45 after one operation. Only one failure needed amputation

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 45-B, Issue 4 | Pages 737 - 739
1 Nov 1963
Smith MGH

1. Twenty-three patients were treated by cross screwing for diastasis of the tibia and fibula in fractures at the ankle. 2. It is suggested that limitation of ankle dorsiflexion after this treatment was caused by the presence of a mechanical block to dorsiflexion by spur formation at the margins of tibia and talus. 3. An ordinary bone screw controlled the diastasis satisfactorily in twenty patients. 4. The screw did not interfere with movement at the inferior tibio-fibular joint because bone resorption about that part of the screw in the fibula allowed a small range of movement. 5. Discomfort from the screw was relieved by its removal

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 47-B, Issue 3 | Pages 500 - 506
1 Aug 1965
Makin M

1. A survey of 112 cases of residual poliomyelitis with leg shortening of 2·5 centimetres or more is reported. 2. In eighty-seven patients paralysed in early infancy the fibular shortening was greater than the tibial shortening. 3. The absence of the normal "to and fro" motion of the fibula causes delay in the appearance of the fibular epiphyses and retards fibular development. 4. The shortening of the fibula in infancy causes deformity at the ankle, in the tibia itself and at the knee. 5. At the ankle the poorly developed lateral malleolus causes wedging of the lower tibial epiphysis and valgus at the ankle, which is often unstable. 6. At the knee progressive genu valgum is produced and in the tibia lateral torsion occurs. 7. The clinical significance of these deformities in relation to reconstructive procedures is stressed

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 63-B, Issue 2 | Pages 239 - 243
1 May 1981
Young A Kinsella P Boland P

Thirteen patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis had 19 stress fractures of the tibia or fibula. These patients characteristically presented with sudden, severe, unexplained pain with localised tenderness just below the knee or above the ankle. In seven patients examination of the adjacent joint indicated a flare-up of disease activity or a pyogenic arthritis. In six patients the diagnosis was delayed by the late appearance of callus in minute fractures. All patients had rheumatoid deformities of the ipsilateral lower limb: valgus deformities of the knee and subtalar joints occurred most frequently. All patients had osteoporosis; all except two had received steroid treatment and five had abnormalities of calcium metabolism. We suggest that deformities of the knee and ankle predispose patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis to stress fractures of the tibia and fibula

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1095 - 1100
1 Sep 2022
McNally MA Ferguson JY Scarborough M Ramsden A Stubbs DA Atkins BL


Excision of chronic osteomyelitic bone creates a dead space which must be managed to avoid early recurrence of infection. Systemic antibiotics cannot penetrate this space in high concentrations, so local treatment has become an attractive adjunct to surgery. The aim of this study was to present the mid- to long-term results of local treatment with gentamicin in a bioabsorbable ceramic carrier.


A prospective series of 100 patients with Cierny-Mader Types III and IV chronic ostemyelitis, affecting 105 bones, were treated with a single-stage procedure including debridement, deep tissue sampling, local and systemic antibiotics, stabilization, and immediate skin closure. Chronic osteomyelitis was confirmed using strict diagnostic criteria. The mean follow-up was 6.05 years (4.2 to 8.4).

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 30-B, Issue 3 | Pages 490 - 505
1 Aug 1948
Allan FG

1. Two inches of lengthening may be gained in the femur, and three inches in the tibia and fibula, without complication. 2. More than this may be secured at the risk of temporary external popliteal paresis. 3. Lengthening of the tibia and fibula is more certain and more easy to control than lengthening of the femur. 4. Traction, and counter-traction through the bone, with complete lateral rigidity, are essential to success. 5. In applying this technique to the femur there is a danger of knee stiffness. The farther from the knee the skeletal traction pins are inserted, the less is the risk. The operation should therefore be planned as high as possible in the shaft of the femur. 6. The most delicate structure, and the one least tolerant of stretching, is the external popliteal nerve. 7. An oblique osteotomy, started by closely spaced drill-holes, is the best. 8. Certain vascular complications experienced by other surgeons are attributable to subperiosteal bone exposure, and to dividing the periosteum and fascial structures transversely

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 1 | Pages 68 - 75
1 Jan 2022
Harris NJ Nicholson G Pountos I


The ideal management of acute syndesmotic injuries in elite athletes is controversial. Among several treatment methods used to stabilize the syndesmosis and facilitate healing of the ligaments, the use of suture tape (InternalBrace) has previously been described. The purpose of this study was to analyze the functional outcome, including American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) scores, knee-to-wall measurements, and the time to return to play in days, of unstable syndesmotic injuries treated with the use of the InternalBrace in elite athletes.


Data on a consecutive group of elite athletes who underwent isolated reconstruction of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament using the InternalBrace were collected prospectively. Our patient group consisted of 19 elite male athletes with a mean age of 24.5 years (17 to 52). Isolated injuries were seen in 12 patients while associated injuries were found in seven patients (fibular fracture, medial malleolus fracture, anterior talofibular ligament rupture, and posterior malleolus fracture). All patients had a minimum follow-up period of 17 months (mean 27 months (17 to 35)).

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 81-B, Issue 5 | Pages 808 - 813
1 Sep 1999
Wada T Usui M Isu K Yamawaki S Ishii S

We assessed the intermediate functional results of eight patients after wide resection of the proximal humerus for malignant bone tumour. We used a free vascularised fibular graft as a functional spacer and a sling procedure to preserve passive scapulohumeral movement. Scapulohumeral arthrodesis was not carried out. Five patients had osteosarcoma, two achondrosarcoma and one a malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the bone. The mean duration of follow-up was 70 months (median, 76) for the seven patients who were still alive at the time of the latest follow-up. One patient died from the disease 12 months after surgery. There were no local recurrences. The functional results were described and graded quantitatively according to the rating system of the Musculoskeletal Tumour Society. Our results were satisfactory with regard to pain, emotional acceptance and manual dexterity. Function and lifting ability were unsatisfactory in two patients. One patient had delayed union between host and graft, but this united after six months without further surgery. Radiographs of the shoulder showed absorption or collapse of the head of the fibula in four of the eight patients and a fracture in another. No functional problems related to absorption or fracture of the head of the fibula were noted. There was no infection or subluxation of the head. We conclude that this is a reasonably effective technique of limb salvage after resection of the proximal humerus

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 38-B, Issue 3 | Pages 614 - 632
1 Aug 1956
Harris RI

The details in technique which are most essential to ensure a perfect Syme's stump are the provision of a broad area of support for the heel flap by transecting the tibia and fibula as low as possible; the maintaining intact of the specialised weight-bearing qualities of the heel flap; and the proper placement of the heel flap under the cut ends of the tibia and fibula. If these aims are achieved a good and useful stump is assured; if they are neglected the stump will be imperfect and may be unsatisfactory and no further operation can restore the qualities of the heel flap which are lacking. It must be recorded, however, that Syme's stumps which are not technically perfect often function so well that there has been no need to consider re-amputation. A loose heel pad can be held beneath the end of the bone by firm lacing of the corset of the prosthesis.If its area of bony support is reasonably large it may serve well, though not perfectly, as an end-bearing stump. Syme's stumps so completely unsatisfactory as to necessitate re-amputation have been those in which the plane of transection of the tibia is so high that the area supporting the heel flap is too small; or the weight-bearing qualities of the heel flap have been damaged; or there is instability of the heel flap which cannot be controlled; or there is impairment of nutrition of the heel flap

The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume
Vol. 89-B, Issue 6 | Pages 766 - 771
1 Jun 2007
Shannon FJ Cronin JJ Cleary MS Eustace SJ O’Byrne JM

Our aims were to map the tibial footprint of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) using MRI in patients undergoing PCL-preserving total knee replacement, and to document the disruption of this footprint as a result of the tibial cut. In 26 consecutive patients plain radiography and MRI of the knee were performed pre-operatively, and plain radiography post-operatively. The lower margin of the PCL footprint was located a mean of 1 mm (−10 to 8) above the upper aspect of the fibular head. The mean surface area was 83 mm. 2. (49 to 142). One-third of patients (8 of 22) had tibial cuts made below the lowest aspect of the PCL footprint (complete removal) and one-third (9 of 22) had cuts extending into the footprint (partial removal). The remaining patients (5 of 22) had footprints unaffected by the cuts, keeping them intact. Our study highlights the wide variation in the location of the tibial PCL footprint when referenced against the fibula. Proximal tibial cuts using conventional jigs resulted in the removal of a significant portion, if not all of the PCL footprint in most of the patients in our study. Our findings suggest that when performing PCL-retaining total knee replacement the tibial attachment of the PCL is often removed

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 103-B, Issue 8 | Pages 1414 - 1420
1 Aug 2021
Wellings EP Houdek MT Owen AR Bakri K Yaszemski MJ Sim FH Moran SL Rose PS


Orthopaedic and reconstructive surgeons are faced with large defects after the resection of malignant tumours of the sacrum. Spinopelvic reconstruction is advocated for resections above the level of the S1 neural foramina or involving the sacroiliac joint. Fixation may be augmented with either free vascularized fibular flaps (FVFs) or allograft fibular struts (AFSs) in a cathedral style. However, there are no studies comparing these reconstructive techniques.


We reviewed 44 patients (23 female, 21 male) with a mean age of 40 years (SD 17), who underwent en bloc sacrectomy for a malignant tumour of the sacrum with a reconstruction using a total (n = 20), subtotal (n = 2), or hemicathedral (n = 25) technique. The reconstructions were supplemented with a FVF in 25 patients (57%) and an AFS in 19 patients (43%). The mean length of the strut graft was 13 cm (SD 4). The mean follow-up was seven years (SD 5).

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 2 | Pages 302 - 308
1 Feb 2022
Dala-Ali B Donnan L Masterton G Briggs L Kauiers C O’Sullivan M Calder P Eastwood DM


Osteofibrous dysplasia (OFD) is a rare benign lesion predominantly affecting the tibia in children. Its potential link to adamantinoma has influenced management. This international case series reviews the presentation of OFD and management approaches to improve our understanding of OFD.


A retrospective review at three paediatric tertiary centres identified 101 cases of tibial OFD in 99 patients. The clinical records, radiological images, and histology were analyzed.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 6 | Pages 747 - 757
1 Jun 2022
Liang H Yang Y Guo W Yan L Tang X Li D Qu H Zang J Du Z


The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of application of a 3D-printed megaprosthesis with hemiarthroplasty design for defects of the distal humerus or proximal ulna following tumour resection.


From June 2018 to January 2020, 13 patients with aggressive or malignant tumours involving the distal humerus (n = 8) or proximal ulna (n = 5) were treated by en bloc resection and reconstruction with a 3D-printed megaprosthesis with hemiarthroplasty, designed in our centre. In this paper, we summarize the baseline and operative data, oncological outcome, complication profiles, and functional status of these patients.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 103-B, Issue 8 | Pages 1421 - 1427
1 Aug 2021
Li J Lu Y Chen G Li M Xiao X Ji C Wang Z Guo Z


We have previously reported cryoablation-assisted joint-sparing surgery for osteosarcoma with epiphyseal involvement. However, it is not clear whether this is a comparable alternative to conventional joint arthroplasty in terms of oncological and functional outcomes.


A total of 22 patients who had localized osteosarcoma with epiphyseal involvement around the knee and underwent limb salvage surgery were allocated to joint preservation (JP) group and joint arthroplasty (JA) group. Subjects were followed with radiographs, Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) score, and clinical evaluations at one, three, and five years postoperatively.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 104-B, Issue 2 | Pages 193 - 199
1 Feb 2022
Wang Q Wang H A G Xiao T Kang P


This study aimed to use intraoperative free electromyography to examine how the placement of a retractor at different positions along the anterior acetabular wall may affect the femoral nerve during total hip arthroplasty (THA) when undertaken using the direct anterior approach (THA-DAA).


Intraoperative free electromyography was performed during primary THA-DAA in 82 patients (94 hips). The highest position of the anterior acetabular wall was defined as the “12 o’clock” position (middle position) when the patient was in supine position. After exposure of the acetabulum, a retractor was sequentially placed at the ten, 11, 12, one, and two o’clock positions (right hip; from superior to inferior positions). Action potentials in the femoral nerve were monitored with each placement, and the incidence of positive reactions (defined as explosive, frequent, or continuous action potentials, indicating that the nerve was being compressed) were recorded as the primary outcome. Secondary outcomes included the incidence of positive reactions caused by removing the femoral head, and by placing a retractor during femoral exposure; and the incidence of femoral nerve palsy, as detected using manual testing of the strength of the quadriceps muscle.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 103-B, Issue 6 | Pages 1047 - 1054
1 Jun 2021
Keene DJ Knight R Bruce J Dutton SJ Tutton E Achten J Costa ML


To identify the prevalence of neuropathic pain after lower limb fracture surgery, assess associations with pain severity, quality of life and disability, and determine baseline predictors of chronic neuropathic pain at three and at six months post-injury.


Secondary analysis of a UK multicentre randomized controlled trial (Wound Healing in Surgery for Trauma; WHiST) dataset including adults aged 16 years or over following surgery for lower limb major trauma. The trial recruited 1,547 participants from 24 trauma centres. Neuropathic pain was measured at three and six months using the Doleur Neuropathique Questionnaire (DN4); 701 participants provided a DN4 score at three months and 781 at six months. Overall, 933 participants provided DN4 for at least one time point. Physical disability (Disability Rating Index (DRI) 0 to 100) and health-related quality-of-life (EuroQol five-dimension five-level; EQ-5D-5L) were measured. Candidate predictors of neuropathic pain included sex, age, BMI, injury mechanism, concurrent injury, diabetes, smoking, alcohol, analgaesia use pre-injury, index surgery location, fixation type, Injury Severity Score, open injury, and wound care.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 103-B, Issue 1 | Pages 178 - 183
1 Jan 2021
Kubik JF Rollick NC Bear J Diamond O Nguyen JT Kleeblad LJ Wellman DS Helfet DL


Malreduction of the syndesmosis has been reported in up to 52% of patients after fixation of ankle fractures. Multiple radiological parameters are used to define malreduction; there has been limited investigation of the accuracy of these measurements in differentiating malreduction from inherent anatomical asymmetry. The purpose of this study was to identify the prevalence of positive malreduction standards within the syndesmosis of native, uninjured ankles.


Three observers reviewed 213 bilateral lower limb CT scans of uninjured ankles. Multiple measurements were recorded on the axial CT 1 cm above the plafond: anterior syndesmotic distance; posterior syndesmotic distance; central syndesmotic distance; fibular rotation; and sagittal fibular translation. Previously studied malreduction standards were evaluated on bilateral CT, including differences in: anterior, central and posterior syndesmotic distance; mean syndesmotic distance; fibular rotation; sagittal translational distance; and syndesmotic area. Unilateral CT was used to compare the anterior to posterior syndesmotic distances.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 102-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1248 - 1255
1 Sep 2020
Laufer A Frommer A Gosheger G Roedl R Broeking JN Toporowski G Rachbauer AM Vogt B


The treatment of tibial aplasia is controversial. Amputation represents the gold standard with good functional results, but is frequently refused by the families. In these patients, treatment with reconstructive limb salvage can be considered. Due to the complexity of the deformity, this remains challenging and should be staged. The present study evaluated the role of femoro-pedal distraction using a circular external fixator in reconstructive treatment of tibial aplasia. The purpose of femoro-pedal distraction is to realign the limb and achieve soft tissue lengthening to allow subsequent reconstructive surgery.


This was a retrospective study involving ten patients (12 limbs) with tibial aplasia, who underwent staged reconstruction. During the first operation a circular hexapod external fixator was applied and femoro-pedal distraction was undertaken over several months. Subsequent surgery included reconstruction of the knee joint and alignment of the foot.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 103-B, Issue 2 | Pages 294 - 298
1 Feb 2021
Hadeed MM Prakash H Yarboro SR Weiss DB


The aim of this study was to determine the immediate post-fixation stability of a distal tibial fracture fixed with an intramedullary nail using a biomechanical model. This was used as a surrogate for immediate weight-bearing postoperatively. The goal was to help inform postoperative protocols.


A biomechanical model of distal metaphyseal tibial fractures was created using a fourth-generation composite bone model. Three fracture patterns were tested: spiral, oblique, and multifragmented. Each fracture extended to within 4 cm to 5 cm of the plafond. The models were nearly-anatomically reduced and stabilized with an intramedullary nail and three distal locking screws. Cyclic loading was performed to simulate normal gait. Loading was completed in compression at 3,000 N at 1 Hz for a total of 70,000 cycles. Displacement (shortening, coronal and sagittal angulation) was measured at regular intervals.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 103-B, Issue 1 | Pages 184 - 191
1 Jan 2021
Perrin DL Visgauss JD Wilson DA Griffin AM Abdul Razak AR Ferguson PC Wunder JS


Local recurrence remains a challenging and common problem following curettage and joint-sparing surgery for giant cell tumour of bone (GCTB). We previously reported a 15% local recurrence rate at a median follow-up of 30 months in 20 patients with high-risk GCTB treated with neoadjuvant Denosumab. The aim of this study was to determine if this initial favourable outcome following the use of Denosumab was maintained with longer follow-up.


Patients with GCTB of the limb considered high-risk for unsuccessful joint salvage, due to minimal periarticular and subchondral bone, large soft tissue mass, or pathological fracture, were treated with Denosumab followed by extended intralesional curettage with the goal of preserving the joint surface. Patients were followed for local recurrence, metastasis, and secondary sarcoma.

The Bone & Joint Journal
Vol. 102-B, Issue 9 | Pages 1229 - 1241
14 Sep 2020
Blom RP Hayat B Al-Dirini RMA Sierevelt I Kerkhoffs GMMJ Goslings JC Jaarsma RL Doornberg JN


The primary aim of this study was to address the hypothesis that fracture morphology might be more important than posterior malleolar fragment size in rotational type posterior malleolar ankle fractures (PMAFs). The secondary aim was to identify clinically important predictors of outcome for each respective PMAF-type, to challenge the current dogma that surgical decision-making should be based on fragment size.


This observational prospective cohort study included 70 patients with operatively treated rotational type PMAFs, respectively: 23 Haraguchi Type I (large posterolateral-oblique), 22 Type II (two-part posterolateral and posteromedial), and 25 (avulsion-) Type III. There was no standardized protocol on how to address the PMAFs and CT-imaging was used to classify fracture morphology and quality of postoperative syndesmotic reduction. Quantitative 3D-CT (Q3DCT) was used to assess the quality of fracture reduction, respectively: the proportion of articular involvement; residual intra-articular: gap, step-off, and 3D-displacement; and residual gap and step-off at the fibular notch. These predictors were correlated with the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) at two-years follow-up.