Aims. The glenohumeral joint is the most frequently dislocated articulation, but possibly due to the lower prevalence of posterior shoulder dislocations, approximately 50% to 79% of posterior glenohumeral dislocations are missed at initial presentation. The aim of this study was to systematically evaluate the most recent evidence involving the
Aims. In this study, we aimed to evaluate incidence trends and potential risk factors associated with Perthes’ disease in Denmark, using publicly available data. Methods. Our population-based case-control study used data from the Danish National Patient Register and Danish Civil Registration System, accessed through the publicly available Danish Biobank Register, to identify 1,924,292 infants born between 1985 and 2016. We estimated age-specific incidence rates for four birth periods of equal duration (1985 to 1992, 1993 to 2000, 2001 to 2008, and 2009 to 2016) and investigated associations with perinatal conditions, congenital malformations, coagulation defects, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). Results. We identified 2,374 (81.6% male) diagnosed with Perthes’ disease aged between two and 12 years, corresponding to an overall incidence of 12.1 per 100,000 live births relative to the year of birth. The incidence declined across all four birth periods, irrespective of sex or age at diagnosis. Several perinatal conditions were associated with higher Perthes’ disease risk. Children with reported birth injuries (vs no reported injuries) exhibited the highest risk (relative risk (RR) 7.48 (95% CI 3.37 to 16.63)) followed by those with versus without coagulation defects (RR 4.77 (95% CI 1.79 to 12.69)). Children diagnosed with syndromic (RR 2.90 (95% CI 2.08 to 4.04)) or non-syndromic major congenital malformations (RR 1.86 (95% CI 1.55 to 2.23)) (vs those with no malformation diagnosis) were also associated with higher Perthes’ disease risk. The development of Perthes’ disease was positively associated with several ASD and ADHD diagnoses. However, once adjusting for the sex of the child and period of birth, the associations with ASD and ADHD were no longer significant. Conclusion. Using publicly available data, we observed a declining incidence of Perthes’ disease in Denmark over a 32-year study period. Our findings also confirm positive associations between Perthes’ disease and various perinatal conditions, coagulation defects, and congenital malformations, highlighting potential
Femoroacetabular impingement causes pain in the hip in young adults and may predispose to the development of osteoarthritis. Genetic factors are important in the
1. During a fifteen-year period a clinical, radiological and in some cases a surgical study has been made of 319 patients suffering from spondylolisthesis–that is, forward slipping of one lumbar vertebra on another or forward sagging of the whole lumbar spine in relation to the sacrum. 2. The five
1 . Current theories of the
A nationwide study of Perthes’ disease in Norway was undertaken over a five-year period from January 1996. There were 425 patients registered, which represents a mean annual incidence of 9.2 per 100 000 in subjects under 15 years of age, and an occurrence rate of 1:714 for the country as a whole. There were marked regional variations. The lowest incidence was found in the northern region (5.4 per 100 000 per year) and the highest in the central and western regions (10.8 and 11.3 per 100 000 per year, respectively). There was a trend towards a higher incidence in urban (9.5 per 100 000 per year) compared with rural areas (8.9 per 100 000 per year). The mean age at onset was 5.8 years (1.3 to 15.2) and the male:female ratio was 3.3:1. We compared 402 patients with a matched control group of non-affected children (n = 1 025 952) from the Norwegian Medical Birth Registry and analysed maternal data (age at delivery, parity, duration of pregnancy), birth length and weight, birth presentation, head circumference, ponderal index and the presence of congenital anomalies. Children with Perthes’ disease were significantly shorter at birth and had an increased frequency of congenital anomalies. Applying Sartwell’s log-normal model of incubation periods to the distribution of age at onset of Perthes’ disease showed a good fit to the log-normal curve. Our findings point toward a single cause, either genetic or environmental, acting prenatally in the
1. Chondromalacia of the patella starts most frequently on the medial facet. 2. The anatomy of the medial femoral condyle is described, including the rim at its superior border, and the different arrangement at the upper border of the lateral femoral condyle. 3. Rubbing of the medial patellar facet on the rim at the upper border of the medial femoral condyle can explain in part the
A five-year prospective trial involving 120 patients was undertaken to investigate the
At the apex of an idiopathic scoliotic curve there is a greater proportion of "slow twitch" muscle fibres in multifidus on the convex as compared to the concave side. To determine whether this represents a primary muscular imbalance relevant to the
A study of the natural history and
1. Breech malposition and hormonal joint laxity produce atraumatic posterior dislocations in the hip joints of young rabbits. 2. Experimental studies were shown to cause the development of a limbus and other softtissue changes similar to those found in human congenital dislocations. 3. The development of femoral retroversion and anteversion in the presence of joint laxity is described. 4. The co-existence of breech malposition and hormonal joint laxity in utero, and their importance as prime factors in the
1. Peroneal spastic flat foot is a term loosely and often inaccurately used to describe rigid valgus feet developing from widely different causes. 2. The most common causes are two anomalies of the bones of the tarsusâthe calcaneonavicular bar, and the talocalcaneal bridge. The first was described in 1921 by Sloman and in 1927 by Badgley; the other is described for the first time in this paper as an
A prospective study was made of 119 children with transient synovitis or any other cause for synovial effusion and elevated intra-articular pressure. During a follow-up of one year not one case of Perthes' disease was diagnosed and the late clinical and radiographic changes were minimal with moderate overgrowth of the femoral head in 33% and widening of the joint space in 14.2%. Our results do not support the widely accepted concept that Perthes' disease develops as a result of the period of elevated intra-articular pressure found in transient synovitis. Further research into this and Perthes' disease should follow the premise that they are two different diseases without any
1. The clinical features of hyperostosis cranii are briefly reviewed. In large series of cases the syndrome has been found to occur almost entirely in females. 2. In recent studies of dystrophia myotonica, it is apparent that hyperostosis cranii is one of the variable features of the disorder. This disease occurs equally among males and females and the hyperostosis cranii also is distributed equally among males and females. 3. Hyperostosis cranii also occurs in patients with Morgagni's syndrome, with acromegaly, and as "senile hyperostosis.". 4. The
We report four patients who showed hundreds of brilliant white loose bodies at arthroscopy of the knee after a short history of pain and crepitus. Histological, historical and clinical evidence is presented which indicates that the
We have shown that stress fractures can be induced in the tibial diaphysis of an animal model by the repeated application of non-traumatic impulsive loads. The right hind limbs of 31 rabbits were loaded for three to nine weeks and changes in the bone were monitored by radiography and bone scintigraphy. The presence of stress fractures was confirmed histologically in some cases. Most animals sustained a stress fracture within six weeks and there was a positive correspondence between scintigraphic change and radiological evidence. Microscopic damage was evident at the sites of positive bone scans. The progression, location, and time of onset of stress fractures in this animal model were similar to those in clinical reports, making the model a useful one for the study of the
Heritable thrombophilic disorders have been proposed as one of the causes for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. A total of 62 patients diagnosed with this disease between 1988 and 1997 and 50 controls were screened for thrombophilia. The incidence and relationship of thrombophilia to the severity of the disease were evaluated. One patient and none of the controls had protein S deficiency. One of the control group and one of the patients had protein C deficiency with the latter child also having a combined deficiency with a mutant factor V gene. The number of children with a mutant factor V gene, protein C deficiency, who were homozygous for the C 677T polymorphism of methylenetetra-hydrofolate reductase or were heterozygous for mutant G20210A prothrombin did not differ statistically in the study and the control groups. No patient had antithrombin deficiency or positive lupus anticoagulant. We found no correlation between thrombophilia and the extent of the disease. The most common risk factors for arteriovenous thromboembolism showed no statistical significance in our patients compared with the control group or with the general population. These data do not confirm an
We performed electrophysiological studies on both legs of 52 children, aged from 3 months to 15 years, with idiopathic club foot. In only nine (17%) was no abnormality found. Isolated peroneal nerve damage was seen in 14 (27%). Abnormality of both peroneal and posterior tibial nerves was found in five (10%). Four patients (8%) had evidence of isolated spinal-cord dysfunction, whereas combined spinal-cord and peripheral-nerve lesions were seen in 14 (27%). Six patients (11%) had variable neurogenic electrophysiological patterns. In 13 patients in whom the studies were repeated neither progression nor improvement of the electrophysiological parameters was observed. Pathological electrophysiological findings were found in 66% of conservatively-treated patients. In the 43 patients treated surgically, all 16 with fair and poor results had pathological electrophysiological findings and 12 required further operations. Multiplicity of the pathological findings was related to the severity of the deformity of the foot; normal studies represent a good prognostic sign. Electrophysiological studies are useful in idiopathic club foot with residual deformities after conservative or operative treatment. Our findings support the theory that muscle imbalance is an
1. An anatomical study of the bony structure of the pars interarticularis of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae has been made in specimens from seven cadavers aged seventeen to sixty-seven. 2. Layers of cortical bone have been described antero-laterally and postero-medially which are thickest in the narrowest region of the pars. 3. In one specimen from a seventeen-year-old male, a healing fracture was found in the antero-lateral layer of cortical bone in the right neural arch of the fourth lumbar vertebra. 4. The stresses to which the pars is subject consist primarily of shear forces applied to the articular processes. The significance of these stresses to the
The number of revision total knee arthroplasties (TKA) that are performed is expected to increase. However, previous reports of the causes of failure after TKA are limited in that they report the causes at specific institutions, which are often dependent on referral patterns. Our aim was to report the most common indications for re-operations and revisions in a large series of posterior-stabilised TKAs undertaken at a single institution, excluding referrals from elsewhere, which may bias the causes of failure.
Patients and Methods
A total of 5098 TKAs which were undertaken between 2000 and 2012 were included in the study. Re-operations, revisions with modular component exchange, and revisions with non-modular component replacement or removal were identified from the medical records. The mean follow-up was five years (two to 12).
We report a study of 112 patients with primary anteromedial osteoarthritis of the knee and their families. Sibling risk was determined using randomly selected single siblings. Spouses were used as controls. The presence of symptomatic osteoarthritis was determined using an Oxford knee score of ≥ 29 supported by a Kellgren and Lawrence radiological score of II or greater.
Using Fisher’s exact test we found that there was a significant increased risk of anteromedial osteoarthritis (OA) relative to the control group (p = 0.031). The recurrence risk of anteromedial OA to siblings was 3.21 (95% confidence interval 1.12 to 9.27).
These findings imply that genetic factors may play a major role in the development of anteromedial OA of the knee.
1. The hypothesis is advanced that the fundamental lesion of epiphysiolysis is a slow posterior growth migration of the head on the neck.
2. It is suggested that this is unrelated to the erect posture or to any abnormality of the growth cartilage.
3. Sitting stresses are measured and are postulated as the likely cause of the growth deviation.
4. The result of the deviation is an increase in the shear stress component; in the erect posture clinical epiphysiolysis is regarded as a simple fracture occurring in a proportion of deviated cases when the increased shear component exceeds the critical level appropriate to the individual.
5. It is suggested that this hypothesis explains the age and sex incidence, the left predominance, the reduced epiphysial angle found on the uninvolved hip and the clinical and radiological evolution of the disorder.
1. Twenty-eight cases of the infantile and three cases of the adolescent type of tibia vara occurring in West Indian Negroes are reported.
2. The condition is characterised by failure of growth of the postero-medial part of the upper tibial epiphysis.
3. The deformity produced is acute varus at the upper tibia with medial torsion and eventually flexion of the diaphysis on the epiphysis.
4. These deformities are considered to be due to a vicious circle set up by considerable alteration of the lines of force on the medial portion of the upper tibial epiphysial line.
1. Six cases of quadriceps contracture in children are described. All were either premature or suffered severe illnesses soon after birth.
2. Some additional information is given about cases of the same condition previously published by other authors.
3. It is suggested that injections and infusions given to newborn babies are sometimes the cause of the condition.
4. Some of the therapeutic substances and measures which may be responsible are discussed. These include antibiotics, vitamin K preparations and "subcutaneous" fluid therapy.
In controlled clinical studies of adult diabetics a 42% incidence of signs of Dupuytren's disease was found. The incidence was highest in the older patients with a longer history of diabetes, but was not related to the severity of the diabetes. The features of Dupuytren's disease in the diabetics has a distinctive pattern, being more severe in men than women and, compared with controls, having a radial shift towards the middle finger. The disease was mild and of benign prognosis, rarely needing operation. In a further study, 13% of patients with Dupuytren's disease were found to have a raised blood glucose level. The question is posed as to whether the biochemical disturbance causes the Dupuytren's disease or whether the pattern of inheritance predisposes to both Dupuytren's disease and diabetes.
The internal pressure of simple bone cysts was found to be slightly higher than the normal pressure of the bone marrow in the contralateral limb. The pressure within the cyst was measured during drilling with a Kirschner wire; it gradually decreased as the number of drill-holes increased. The PO2 of the cyst fluid was markedly lower than that of either venous or arterial blood measured synchronously. It is suggested that venous obstruction in the bone is the likely cause of these cysts. Seven patients with simple bone cysts were treated by the multiple drill-hole method, and the clinical outcome was excellent. Multiple drilling may prove to be the treatment of choice for simple bone cysts in the younger patient, as it presents fewer hazards than other procedures.
1. It is suggested that early weight-bearing on physiologically bowed legs in infants leads to slowing of growth of the tibia and consequent increase of the differential length between fibula and tibia.
2. Such differential growth can produce both varus and medial rotation, leading to established tibia vara or Blount's disease.
3. Stimulation of tibial growth by simple metaphysial forage can correct this deformity if performed at an early age.
A careful study of children with transient synovitis of the hip has failed to establish any connection with infection by staphylococci or streptococci, with allergy, with viral infection and with trauma.
Five knees with congenital dislocation were explored. The cruciate ligaments were found to be absent or hypoplastic. The results obtained by reconstructing an anterior cruciate ligament appear to be good. On the basis of dissections of foetal knees we believe that the cruciate ligaments are the main structures preventing an anterior dislocation of the knee in early foetal life; this deviation from the adult pattern is due to the bony configuration of the foetal knee. We therefore postulate that the basic defect in congenital dislocation of the knee is an absence or hypoplasia of the cruciate ligaments.
1. Eighty-five patients have been studied soon after a ligamentous injury at the foot or ankle. These patients were treated in one of three ways, and in fifty-six patients the results were evaluated six to fifteen months after injury.
2. It is concluded:
3. The mechanism of production of the proprioceptive defect is discussed.
From a retrospective, cohort study of 205 patients diagnosed with full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff, we determined, using ultrasound, the prevalence of such tears in their 129 siblings. Using 150 spouses as controls, the relative risk of full-thickness tears in siblings
The significantly increased risk for tears in siblings implies that genetic factors play a major role in the development of full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff.
We report nine cases of irreducible congenital dislocation of the knee which were treated by early operation with good results. All were resistant to conservative measures and operation was performed at an average age of nine months. The essential abnormality was a short quadriceps muscle together with subluxation of the hamstring muscles to lie anterior to the axis of knee flexion. The quadriceps tendon was lengthened by VY-plasty and in six cases additional length was gained by proximal mobilisation of the muscle. After operation all the patients were able to walk.
This is a prospective study of 105 knees in 91 patients with idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral condyles, with an average follow-up of five years in 101 knees. Forty-eight of the 75 patients in whom the body weight was studied were obese and four of the 33 patients in whom a densitometry study was done showed decreased bone density. Prognosis is unfavourable if the lesion is larger than five square centimetres and if its width is more than 40 per cent of that of the condyle. Of the 22 patients followed up after conservative treatment 80 per cent were satisfactory. Of the 11 knees treated by arthrotomy alone 55 per cent were satisfactory. Of the 31 knees treated by osteotomy (21 with associated arthrotomy) 87 per cent were satisfactory. Arthrotomy did not significantly improve the results of osteotomies. The ideal correction was to 10 degrees of valgus. Of the 37 knees treated with replacement 95 per cent were satisfactory, and the best results were obtained with the total-condylar prosthesis.
A review was conducted of the records of fifty-five children who were admitted to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto between 1955 and 1975 with a diagnosis of Volkmann's contracture in fifty-eight limbs. Ten patients had been transferred to this hospital with established ischaemia after Bryant's traction for a fractured femur; all had a very poor outcome. Thirteen other cases of Volkmann's contracture affecting the superficial posterior compartment had been treated with a fixed Thomas' splint and a Bradford frame after fractures of the femoral shaft. Supracondylar fractures of the elbow resulting in Volkmann's contracture frequently had both an arterial injury and a compartment syndrome. Most of the fifty-five children reviewed here had not had early appropriate treatment. For the past twenty-one years the frequency of Volkmann's contracture has not declined in spite of many published reports on the compartment syndrome, and the hazards of supracondylar fractures and of Bryant's traction.
One hundred normal fingers were dissected and arthrographs obtained by injection of a chromopaquegelatin mixture, allowing comparison between the radiographic and macroscopic configuration of the synovial capsule. Synovial recesses protruding from each side of every metacarpo-phalangeal joint were found in relation to the collateral ligaments and corresponding exactly with the site of radiological erosions. A group of bursae lying on the superficial aspect of collateral ligaments were also demonstrated. A rudimentary infra-articular meniscus was found. The results of examination of the insertions of the interossei showed differences from traditional descriptions.
The cause of rheumatoid deformity was suggested to be the rheumatoid process arising in the lateral recesses and lateral bursae, weakening the collateral ligaments, which give way in the directions of the deforming forces. These are derived from the long flexor tendons, which were shown to exert an ulnar and volar strain on the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of every finger during grip.
The cause of pseudarthrosis of the clavicle is obscure. Right-sidedness is an almost constant feature. We have proposed that the lesion is sometimes due to pressure upon the developing clavicle by the subclavian artery which is normally at a higher level on the right side. This may be accentuated in the presence of cervical ribs or unduly elevated first ribs, both of which we have observed in association with pseudarthrosis. We have also noted pseudarthrosis on the left side in association with dextrocardia (when the relative positions of the subclavian arteries are reversed) and in the presence of a large left cervical rib.
We have speculated upon the nature of the clavicular defect in cranio-cleido dysostosis, in which disorder the first ribs are habitually elevated. A similar mechanism may be involved.
The fine structure of palmar fascia from patients with Dupuytren's contracture (DC) was compared with that from patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In contrast to previous assumptions, the ultrastructure of fibroblasts both in vivo and in vitro from DC and CTS appeared identical, indicating that myofibroblasts are not specific to DC. The major differences between DC and CTS were: 1) a sixfold and fortyfold increase in fibroblast density in cord and nodular areas of DC compared with CTS; 2) a more disorganised pattern of collagen fibrils in DC; and 3) markedly narrowed microvessels surrounded by thickened, laminated basal laminae and proliferating fibroblasts in DC compared with CTS. To account for these morphological changes a hypothesis is presented which proposes that oxygen-free radicals cause pericytic necrosis and fibroblastic proliferation. This hypothesis provides a potential avenue for therapy of DC and other fibrotic conditions.
In a family study in which thirty-four patients with osteochondritis dissecans and eighty-six of their first-degree relatives were examined clinically and radiologically, only one relative was found to have osteochondritis dissecans. No association with other forms of osteochondritis, endocrinological abnormalities or dwarfism was found.
Neck injury of the whiplash type may lead to the cranial symptoms of the Barre-Lieou syndrome. Forty patients with this syndrome and 40 without it were investigated by a variety of imaging techniques. There was a clear correlation between root sleeve defects at C3/4 shown by special oblique myelographic views and cranial symptoms. Good results were obtained by anterior cervical discectomy and fusion at C3/4 in 21 cases. It is suggested that the syndrome may result from irritation of the sympathetic nervous supply at this level.
The results of operation for traumatic anterior dislocation of the head of the radius in eight children have been reviewed. We are satisfied on the basis of the results obtained and the outcome in one untreated patient that operative reduction is fully justified, provided that the annular ligament is reconstructed and internal fixation employed. We have not seen unilateral congenital dislocation and doubt its existence. Secondary subluxation of the distal radio-ulnar joint has been noted in an untreated patient.
1. That viruses may be involved in the causation of human tumours has long been suspected but not yet proved. The discovery that osteogenic sarcoma can be induced by viral agents in mice and hamsters makes the proposition that human sarcomas may also have a viral origin basically tenable on presently available evidence. In order to distinguish between passengers and causative agents it will probably be necessary to demonstrate antigenic cross-reactivity in tumours of similar type collected from different geographical areas, and the oncogenicity in subhuman primates of extracts containing virus from human tumours. Such information is likely to become available in the next few years.
2. The demonstration of tumour-specific immune reactions in an increasing number of patients with various forms of neoplasm, including skeletal sarcomas, and the correlation of these reactions with the clinical status of the disease sustains the hope that eventually immunotherapy may contribute to the control of cancer in man.
3. Animal experiments have revealed that the potentiation of immune responses may lead to the elimination of small foci of neoplastic cells. The role of immunotherapy in the treatment of cancer may therefore be as an adjunct to surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy (Alexander 1968). Once the primary tumour has been removed it may be possible to employ immunotherapeutic measures to destroy the relatively few remaining cells that give rise to late metastases; this is particularly apposite to juvenile osteosarcoma.
Of 44 patients (55 hips) with slipped upper femoral epiphysis treated from 1963 to 1989, 13 (14 hips) developed chondrolysis. Eight hips had chondrolysis at the time of presentation, all in female patients who were either coloured or black and who had moderate or severe slips. The other six hips had persistent pin penetration of the joint; in five of these the pin penetrated the anterosuperior quadrant of the head. Removal of penetrating pins resulted in improvement in pain in all six hips and in the range of movement in four. Chondrolysis did not develop in any of 11 hips with transient intraoperative pin penetration. In hips with chondrolysis maximum joint-space narrowing developed within the first year; improvement in joint space and range of movement continued for up to three years after maximal involvement. At an average follow-up of 13.3 years no patient had pain but five hips were stiff.
The aims of this survey were to establish the familial incidence of Perthes' disease, to note any associated developmental anomalies and to collect information on preceding trauma or synovitis, on the pregnancy and birth, and on various sociological factors. Height and weight measurements were obtained for 217 patients, and comparisons made with those of their parents, unaffected sibs and (local) controls. Results showed an extremely low frequency of Perthes' disease among relatives, with no obvious pattern of inheritance. As genetic factors were not apparent, environmental and sociological causes were sought. The disease occurred particularly in children who were third-born or later in the family, and had older than average parents. Many came from low-income families and one in ten had been a breech birth, shown other malposition or had had a version late in pregnancy. Many children were already undersized at the time of developing Perthes' disease and remained short than average throughout life. Neither their parents nor sibs were shorter than normal, indicating that the patients' short stature was not familial. The child who is going to develop Perthes' disease is already constitutionally and socially at a disadvantage, and during the perinatal period and the first few years of life is perhaps more susceptible to trauma than is a normal child.
It is suggested that there is a group of cases of congenital angulation of tubular bones in which the lesion is a defect of ossification of the primary cartilaginous anlage and in which neurofibromatosis is not implicated. It appears that in this group the prognosis with regard to the resolution of deformity and the prevention of pseudarthrosis with conservative treatment or relatively simple surgical procedures is better than that in the neurofibromatous type.
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), defined by an age at presentation of 11 to 18 years, has a prevalence of 0.47% and accounts for approximately 90% of all cases of idiopathic scoliosis. Despite decades of research, the exact
Aims. This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics and outcomes associated with culture-negative limb osteomyelitis patients. Methods. A total of 1,047 limb osteomyelitis patients aged 18 years or older who underwent debridement and intraoperative culture at our clinic centre from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2020 were included. Patient characteristics, infection eradication, and complications were analyzed between culture-negative and culture-positive cohorts. Results. Of these patients, 264 (25.2%) had negative cultures. Patients with a culture-negative compared with a culture-positive status were more likely to have the following characteristics: younger age (≤ 40 years) (113/264 (42.8%) vs 257/783 (32.8%); p = 0.004), a haematogenous
Aims. The outcome following the development of neurological complications after corrective surgery for scoliosis varies from full recovery to a permanent deficit. This study aimed to assess the prognosis and recovery of major neurological deficits in these patients, and to determine the risk factors for non-recovery, at a minimum follow-up of two years. Methods. A major neurological deficit was identified in 65 of 8,870 patients who underwent corrective surgery for scoliosis, including eight with complete paraplegia and 57 with incomplete paraplegia. There were 23 male and 42 female patients. Their mean age was 25.0 years (SD 16.3). The
Aims. Excision of chronic osteomyelitic bone creates a dead space which must be managed to avoid early recurrence of infection. Systemic antibiotics cannot penetrate this space in high concentrations, so local treatment has become an attractive adjunct to surgery. The aim of this study was to present the mid- to long-term results of local treatment with gentamicin in a bioabsorbable ceramic carrier. Methods. A prospective series of 100 patients with Cierny-Mader Types III and IV chronic ostemyelitis, affecting 105 bones, were treated with a single-stage procedure including debridement, deep tissue sampling, local and systemic antibiotics, stabilization, and immediate skin closure. Chronic osteomyelitis was confirmed using strict diagnostic criteria. The mean follow-up was 6.05 years (4.2 to 8.4). Results. At final follow-up, six patients (six bones) had recurrent infection; thus 94% were infection-free. Three infections recurred in the first year, two in the second year, and one 4.5 years postoperatively. Recurrence was not significantly related to the physiological class of the patient (1/20 Class A (5%) vs 5/80 Class B (6.25%); p = 0.833), nor was it significantly related to the
Aims. We aimed to describe the epidemiological, biological, and bacteriological characteristics of osteoarticular infections (OAIs) caused by Kingella kingae. Methods. The medical charts of all children presenting with OAIs to our institution over a 13-year period (January 2007 to December 2019) were reviewed. Among these patients, we extracted those which presented an OAI caused by K. kingae and their epidemiological data, biological results, and bacteriological
Aims. The aim of this study was to report the medium-term outcomes of impaction bone allograft and fibular grafting for osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) and to define the optimal indications. Methods. A total of 67 patients (77 hips) with ONFH were enrolled in a single centre retrospective review. Success of the procedure was assessed using the Harris Hip Score (HHS) and rate of revision to total hip arthroplasty (THA). Risk factors were studied, including age,
Aims. Tranexamic acid (TXA) has been shown to significantly reduce transfusion rates in primary total hip arthroplasties (THAs), but high-quality evidence is limited in the revision setting. The purpose of the current study was to compare the rate of blood transfusions and symptomatic venous thromboembolic events (VTEs) in a large cohort of revision THAs treated with or without intravenous (IV) TXA. Patients and Methods. We performed a retrospective review of 3264 revision THAs (2645 patients) between 2005 and 2014, of which 1142 procedures received IV TXA (1 g at incision and 1 g at closure). The mean age in the revision group with TXA was 65 years (28 to 95), with 579 female patients (51%). The mean age in the revision group treated without TXA was 67 years (21 to 98), with 1160 female patients (55%). Outcomes analyzed included rates of transfusion and symptomatic VTEs between procedures undertaken with and without TXA. These comparisons were performed for the overall cohort, as well as within cases subcategorized for aseptic or septic
Aims. The STRYDE nail is an evolution of the PRECICE Intramedullary Limb Lengthening System, with unique features regarding its composition. It is designed for load bearing throughout treatment in order to improve patient experience and outcomes and allow for simultaneous bilateral lower limb lengthening. The literature published to date is limited regarding outcomes and potential problems. We report on our early experience and raise awareness for the potential of adverse effects from this device. Methods. This is a retrospective review of prospective data collected on all patients treated in our institution using this implant. We report the demographics, nail accuracy, reliability, consolidation index, and cases where concerning clinical and radiological findings were encountered. There were 14 STRYDE nails implanted in nine patients (three male and six female) between June 2019 and September 2020. Mean age at surgery was 33 years (14 to 65). Five patients underwent bilateral lengthening (two femoral and three tibial) and four patients unilateral femoral lengthening for multiple
Aims. Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) is useful in the diagnosis of infectious disease. However, while it is highly sensitive at identifying bacteria, it does not provide information on the sensitivity of the organisms to antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the results of mNGS can be used to guide optimization of culture methods to improve the sensitivity of culture from intraoperative samples. Methods. Between July 2014 and October 2019, patients with suspected joint infection (JI) from whom synovial fluid (SF) was obtained preoperatively were enrolled. Preoperative aspirated SF was analyzed by conventional microbial culture and mNGS. In addition to samples taken for conventional microbial culture, some samples were taken for intraoperative culture to optimize the culture method according to the preoperative mNGS results. The demographic characteristics, medical history, laboratory examination, mNGS, and culture results of the patients were recorded, and the possibility of the optimized culture methods improving diagnostic efficiency was evaluated. Results. A total of 56 cases were included in this study. There were 35 cases of JI and 21 cases of non-joint infection (NJI). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of intraoperative microbial culture after optimization of the culture method were 94.29%, 76.19%, and 87.5%, respectively, while those of the conventional microbial culture method were 60%, 80.95%, and 67.86%, respectively. Conclusion. Preoperative aspirated SF detected via mNGS can provide more
Aims. The
Deep gluteal syndrome is an increasingly recognized disease entity, caused by compression of the sciatic or pudendal nerve due to non-discogenic pelvic lesions. It includes the piriformis syndrome, the gemelli-obturator internus syndrome, the ischiofemoral impingement syndrome, and the proximal hamstring syndrome. The concept of the deep gluteal syndrome extends our understanding of posterior hip pain due to nerve entrapment beyond the traditional model of the piriformis syndrome. Nevertheless, there has been terminological confusion and the deep gluteal syndrome has often been undiagnosed or mistaken for other conditions. Careful history-taking, a physical examination including provocation tests, an electrodiagnostic study, and imaging are necessary for an accurate diagnosis. After excluding spinal lesions, MRI scans of the pelvis are helpful in diagnosing deep gluteal syndrome and identifying pathological conditions entrapping the nerves. It can be conservatively treated with multidisciplinary treatment including rest, the avoidance of provoking activities, medication, injections, and physiotherapy. Endoscopic or open surgical decompression is recommended in patients with persistent or recurrent symptoms after conservative treatment or in those who may have masses compressing the sciatic nerve. Many physicians remain unfamiliar with this syndrome and there is a lack of relevant literature. This comprehensive review aims to provide the latest information about the epidemiology,
Aims. To explore the of age of onset distribution for Perthes’ disease
of the hip, with particular reference to gender, laterality and
conformity to the lognormal distribution. Patients and Methods. A total of 1082 patients were identified from the Liverpool Perthes’
Disease Register between 1976 and 2010, of which 992 had the date
of diagnosis recorded. In total, 682 patients came from the geographical
area exclusively served by Alder Hey Hospital, of which 673 had
a date of diagnosis. Age of onset curves were analysed, with respect to
the predefined subgroups. Results. The age of onset demonstrated a positive skew with a median of
5.8 years (interquartile range 4.6 to 7.5). Disease onset was a
mean five months earlier in girls (p = 0.01) and one year earlier
in those who went on to develop bilateral disease (p <
There was no difference in the age of onset between geographical
districts with differing incidence rates. The entire dataset (n
= 992) conformed to a lognormal distribution graphically and with
the chi-squared test of normality (p = 0.10), but not using the
Shapiro-Wilk test (p = 0.01). The distribution for the predefined
geographical subgroup (n = 673) conformed well to a lognormal distribution
(chi-squared p = 0.16, Shapiro-Wilk p = 0.08). Given the observed
lognormal distribution it was assumed that Perthes’ disease followed
on incubation period consistent with a point-source disease exposure.
The incubation period was further examined using Hirayama’s method,
which suggested that the disease exposure may act in the prenatal
period. Conclusion. The age of onset in Perthes’ disease conforms to a lognormal
distribution, which allows comparisons with infectious disease epidemiology.
Earlier onset in girls and those who develop bilateral disease may
offer clues to understanding the
Aims. The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare the outcome of total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) undertaken for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with TEA performed for post-traumatic conditions with regard to implant failure, functional outcome, and perioperative complications. Materials and Methods. We completed a comprehensive literature search on PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Library and conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nine cohort studies investigated the outcome of TEA between RA and post-traumatic conditions. The preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)) guidelines and Newcastle-Ottawa scale were applied to assess the quality of the included studies. We assessed three major outcome domains: implant failures (including aseptic loosening, septic loosening, bushing wear, axle failure, component disassembly, or component fracture); functional outcomes (including arc of range of movement, Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS), and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire), and perioperative complications (including deep infection, intraoperative fracture, postoperative fracture, and ulnar neuropathy). Results. This study included a total of 679 TEAs for RA (n = 482) or post-traumatic conditions (n = 197). After exclusion, all of the TEAs included in this meta-analysis were cemented with linked components. Our analysis demonstrated that the RA group was associated with a higher risk of septic loosening after TEA (odds ratio (OR) 3.96, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.11 to 14.12), while there was an increased risk of bushing wear, axle failure, component disassembly, or component fracture in the post-traumatic group (OR 4.72, 95% CI 2.37 to 9.35). A higher MEPS (standardized mean difference 0.634, 95% CI 0.379 to 0.890) was found in the RA group. There were no significant differences in arc of range of movement, DASH questionnaire, and risk of aseptic loosening, deep infection, perioperative fracture, or ulnar neuropathy. Conclusion. The
Aims. Idiopathic scoliosis is the most common spinal deformity in adolescents and children. The
Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) is a condition
for which the
Aims. This study presents the long-term survivorship, risk factors for prosthesis survival, and an assessment of the long-term effects of changes in surgical technique in a large series of patients treated by metal-on-metal (MoM) hip resurfacing arthroplasty (HRA). Patients and Methods. Between November 1996 and January 2012, 1074 patients (1321 hips) underwent HRA using the Conserve Plus Hip Resurfacing System. There were 787 men (73%) and 287 women (27%) with a mean age of 51 years (14 to 83). The underlying pathology was osteoarthritis (OA) in 1003 (75.9%), developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in 136 (10.3%), avascular necrosis in 98 (7.4%), and other conditions, including inflammatory arthritis, in 84 (6.4%). Results. The mean follow-up time was 10.5 years (1 to 20). Using revision for any reason as the endpoint, the overall survivorship at 15 years was 89.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 86.8 to 91.4). There was a substantial increase between the first and second generation of surgical technique (86.6% vs 90.1%; p = 0.05). Men with idiopathic OA had a 15-year survivorship of 94.5% and women, 82.2% (p = 0.001); gender was not a risk factor after stratification by component size and
Dysphagia is a common complication of anterior
surgery of the cervical spine. The incidence of post-operative dysphagia
may be as high as 71% within the first two weeks after surgery,
but gradually decreases during the following months. However, 12%
to 14% of patients may have some persistent dysphagia one year after
the procedure. It has been shown that female gender, advanced age,
multilevel surgery, longer operating time and severe pre-operative
neck pain may be risk factors. Although the
Coccydynia is a painful disorder characterised by coccygeal pain which is typically exaggerated by pressure. It remains an unsolved mystery because of the perceived unpredictability of the origin of the pain, some psychological traits that may be associated with the disorder, the presence of diverse treatment options, and varied outcomes. A more detailed classification based on the
Perthes’ disease is an osteonecrosis of the juvenile
hip, the
Hallux rigidus was first described in 1887. Many
The pathophysiology of intervertebral disc degeneration has been extensively studied. Various factors have been suggested as influencing its
Aims. We performed a systematic review of the current literature regarding
the outcomes of unconstrained metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ) arthroplasty. Materials and Methods. We initially identified 1305 studies, and 406 were found to be
duplicates. After exclusion criteria were applied, seven studies
were included. Outcomes extracted included pre- and post-operative
pain visual analogue scores, range of movement (ROM), strength of
pinch and grip, satisfaction and patient reported outcome measures
(PROMs). Clinical and radiological complications were recorded.
The results are presented in three groups based on the design of
the arthroplasty and the
It has been reported that there is an association between Perthes’ disease and poverty. We examined the demographic data of a group of 240 children (263 hips) who presented with Perthes’ disease in Greater Glasgow, where the mean deprivation scores are substantially greater than in the rest of Scotland, to see if this association applied and whether other clues to the
Aims. The morphometry of the distal femur was largely studied to improve
bone-implant fit in total knee arthroplasty (TKA), but little is
known about the asymmetry of the posterior condyles. This study
aimed to investigate the dimensions of the posterior condyles and
the influence of externally rotating the femoral component on potential prosthetic
overhang or under-coverage. Patients and Methods. We analysed the shape of 110 arthritic knees at the time of primary
TKA using pre-operative CT scans. The height and width of each condyle
were measured at the posterior femoral cut in neutral position,
and in 3º and 5º of external rotation, using both central and medial
referencing systems. We compared the morphological characteristics
with those of 14 TKA models. Results. In the neutral position, the dimensions of the condyles were
nearly equal. Externally rotating the femoral cut by 3º and 5º with
‘central referencing’ induced width asymmetry >
3 mm in 23 (21%)
and 33 (30%) knees respectively, while with ‘medial referencing’
it induced width asymmetry >
3 mm in 43 (39%) and 75 (68%) knees
respectively. The asymmetries induced by rotations were not associated
with gender,
Arthritis of the wrist is a painful disabling
condition that has various causes and presentations. The traditional treatment
has been a total wrist fusion at a price of the elimination of movement.
However, forms of treatment which allow the preservation of movement
are now preferred. Modern arthroplasties of the wrist are still
not sufficiently robust to meet the demands of many patients, nor
do they restore normal kinematics of the wrist. A preferable compromise
may be selective excision and partial fusion of the wrist using
knowledge of the
Instability after total knee replacement (TKR)
accounts for 10% to 22% of revision procedures. All patients who
present for evaluation of instability require a thorough history to
be taken and physical examination, as well as appropriate imaging.
Deep periprosthetic infection must be ruled out by laboratory testing
and an aspiration of the knee must be carried out. The three main
categories of instability include flexion instability, extension instability
(symmetric and asymmetric), and genu recurvatum. Most recently,
The Vantage Total Ankle System is a fourth-generation low-profile fixed-bearing implant that has been available since 2016. We aimed to describe our early experience with this implant.
This is a single-centre retrospective review of patients who underwent primary total ankle arthroplasty (TAA) with a Vantage implant between November 2017 and February 2020, with a minimum of two years’ follow-up. Four surgeons contributed patients. The primary outcome was reoperation and revision rate of the Vantage implant at two years. Secondary outcomes included radiological alignment, peri-implant complications, and pre- and postoperative patient-reported outcomes.
The aim of the present study was to assess the outcomes of the induced membrane technique (IMT) for the management of infected segmental bone defects, and to analyze predictive factors associated with unfavourable outcomes.
Between May 2012 and December 2020, 203 patients with infected segmental bone defects treated with the IMT were enrolled. The digital medical records of these patients were retrospectively analyzed. Factors associated with unfavourable outcomes were identified through logistic regression analysis.
The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the incidence of early periprosthetic femoral fracture (PFF) associated with Charnley-Kerboull (CK) femoral components cemented according to the ‘French paradox’ principles through the Hueter anterior approach (HAA) in patients older than 70 years.
From a prospectively collected database, all short CK femoral components implanted consecutively from January 2018 to May 2022 through the HAA in patients older than 70 years were included. Exclusion criteria were age below 70 years, use of cementless femoral component, and approaches other than the HAA. A total of 416 short CK prostheses used by 25 surgeons with various levels of experience were included. All patients had a minimum of one-year follow-up, with a mean of 2.6 years (SD 1.1). The mean age was 77.4 years (70 to 95) and the mean BMI was 25.3 kg/m2 (18.4 to 43). Femoral anatomy was classified according to Dorr. The measured parameters included canal flare index, morphological cortical index, canal-calcar ratio, ilium-ischial ratio, and anterior superior iliac spine to greater trochanter (GT) distance.
We evaluated the national and regional trends from 2013 to 2022, in the prevalence of Perthes’ disease among adolescent males in South Korea.
This retrospective, nationwide, population-based study included a total of 3,166,669 Korean adolescent males examined at regional Military Manpower Administration (MMA) offices over ten years. Data from the MMA were retrospectively collected to measure the national and regional prevalence per 100,000 and 95% CI of Perthes’ disease according to the year (1 January 2013 to 31 December 2022) and history of pelvic and/or femoral osteotomy in South Korea. Spearman’s correlation analysis was performed to assess the relationship between the Perthes’ disease prevalence and several related factors.
As an alternative to external fixators, intramedullary lengthening nails (ILNs) can be employed for distraction osteogenesis. While previous studies have demonstrated that typical complications of external devices, such as soft-tissue tethering, and pin site infection can be avoided with ILNs, there is a lack of studies that exclusively investigated tibial distraction osteogenesis with motorized ILNs inserted via an antegrade approach.
A total of 58 patients (median age 17 years (interquartile range (IQR) 15 to 21)) treated by unilateral tibial distraction osteogenesis for a median leg length discrepancy of 41 mm (IQR 34 to 53), and nine patients with disproportionate short stature treated by bilateral simultaneous tibial distraction osteogenesis, with magnetically controlled motorized ILNs inserted via an antegrade approach, were retrospectively analyzed. The median follow-up was 37 months (IQR 30 to 51). Outcome measurements were accuracy, precision, reliability, bone healing, complications, and patient-reported outcome assessed by the Limb Deformity-Scoliosis Research Society Score (LD-SRS-30).
Implant failure has become more common as the number of primary total ankle arthroplasties (TAAs) performed has increased. Although revision arthroplasty has gained attention for functional preservation, the long-term results remain unclear. This study aimed to assess the long-term outcomes of revision TAA using a mobile-bearing prosthesis in a considerably large cohort; the risk factors for failure were also determined.
This single-centre retrospective cohort study included 116 patients (117 ankles) who underwent revision TAA for failed primary TAA between July 2000 and March 2010. Survival analysis and risk factor assessment were performed, and clinical performance and patient satisfaction were evaluated preoperatively and at last follow-up.
Contemporary outcomes of primary total hip arthroplasties (THAs) with highly cross-linked polyethylene (HXLPE) liners in patients with inflammatory arthritis have not been well studied. This study examined the implant survivorship, complications, radiological results, and clinical outcomes of THA in patients with inflammatory arthritis.
We identified 418 hips (350 patients) with a primary diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis who underwent primary THA with HXLPE liners from January 2000 to December 2017. Of these hips, 68% had rheumatoid arthritis (n = 286), 13% ankylosing spondylitis (n = 53), 7% juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (n = 29), 6% psoriatic arthritis (n = 24), 5% systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 23), and 1% scleroderma (n = 3). Mean age was 58 years (SD 14.8), 66.3% were female (n = 277), and mean BMI was 29 kg/m2 (SD 7). Uncemented femoral components were used in 77% of cases (n = 320). Uncemented acetabular components were used in all patients. Competing risk analysis was used accounting for death. Mean follow-up was 4.5 years (2 to 18).
Patients with midcarpal instability are difficult to manage. It is a rare condition, and few studies have reported the outcomes of surgical treatment. No prospective or retrospective study has reported the results of arthroscopic palmar capsuloligamentous suturing. Our aim was to report the results of a prospective study of arthroscopic suture of this ligament complex in patients with midcarpal instability.
This prospective single-centre study was undertaken between March 2012 and May 2022. The primary outcome was to evaluate the functional outcomes of arthroscopic palmar midcarpal suture. The study included 12 patients, eight male and four female, with a mean age of 27.5 years (19 to 42). They were reviewed at three months, six months, and one year postoperatively.
The aim of this study was to produce clinical consensus recommendations about the non-surgical treatment of children with Perthes’ disease. The recommendations are intended to support clinical practice in a condition for which there is no robust evidence to guide optimal care.
A two-round, modified Delphi study was conducted online. An advisory group of children’s orthopaedic specialists consisting of physiotherapists, surgeons, and clinical nurse specialists designed a survey. In the first round, participants also had the opportunity to suggest new statements. The survey included statements related to ‘Exercises’, ‘Physical activity’, ‘Education/information sharing’, ‘Input from other services’, and ‘Monitoring assessments’. The survey was shared with clinicians who regularly treat children with Perthes’ disease in the UK using clinically relevant specialist groups and social media. A predetermined threshold of ≥ 75% for consensus was used for recommendation, with a threshold of between 70% and 75% being considered as ‘points to consider’.
Calcaneal osteomyelitis remains a difficult condition to treat with high rates of recurrence and below-knee amputation, particularly in the presence of severe soft-tissue destruction. This study assesses the outcomes of single-stage orthoplastic surgical treatment of calcaneal osteomyelitis with large soft-tissue defects.
A retrospective review was performed of all patients who underwent combined single-stage orthoplastic treatment of calcaneal osteomyelitis (01/2008 to 12/2022). Primary outcome measures were osteomyelitis recurrence and below-knee amputation (BKA). Secondary outcome measures included flap failure, operating time, complications, and length of stay.
This scoping review aims to identify patient-related factors associated with a poorer outcome following total ankle arthroplasty (TAA).
A scoping review was performed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. A computer-based literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane trials, and Web of Science. Two reviewers independently performed title/abstract and full-text screening according to predetermined selection criteria. English-language original research studies reporting patient-related factors associated with a poorer outcome following TAA were included. Outcomes were defined as patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), perioperative complications, and failure.
The benefit of a dual-mobility acetabular component (DMC) for primary total hip arthroplasties (THAs) is controversial. This study aimed to compare the dislocation and complication rates when using a DMC compared to single-mobility (SM) acetabular component in primary elective THA using data collected at a single centre, and compare the revision rates and survival outcomes in these two groups.
Between 2010 and 2019, 2,075 primary THAs using either a cementless DM or SM acetabular component were included. Indications for DMC were patients aged older than 70 years or with high risk of dislocation. All other patients received a SM acetabular component. Exclusion criteria were cemented implants, patients treated for femoral neck fracture, and follow-up of less than one year. In total, 1,940 THAs were analyzed: 1,149 DMC (59.2%) and 791 SM (40.8%). The mean age was 73 years (SD 9.2) in the DMC group and 57 years (SD 12) in the SM group. Complications and revisions have been analyzed retrospectively.
There is little information in the literature about the use of dual-mobility (DM) bearings in preventing re-dislocation in revision total hip arthroplasty (THA). The aim of this study was to compare the use of DM bearings, standard bearings, and constrained liners in revision THA for recurrent dislocation, and to identify risk factors for re-dislocation.
We reviewed 86 consecutive revision THAs performed for dislocation between August 2012 and July 2019. A total of 38 revisions (44.2%) involved a DM bearing, while 39 (45.3%) and nine (10.5%) involved a standard bearing and a constrained liner, respectively. Rates of re-dislocation, re-revision for dislocation, and overall re-revision were compared. Radiographs were assessed for the positioning of the acetabular component, the restoration of the centre of rotation, leg length, and offset. Risk factors for re-dislocation were determined by Cox regression analysis. The modified Harris Hip Scores (mHHSs) were recorded. The mean age of the patients at the time of revision was 70 years (43 to 88); 54 were female (62.8%). The mean follow-up was 5.0 years (2.0 to 8.75).
Both osteochondritis dissecans and coxa plana are diseases with identical pathological changes, namely avascular necrosis. Although the
The incidence of acute and chronic conditions
of the tendo Achillis appear to be increasing. Causation is multifactorial
but the role of inherited genetic elements and the influence of
environmental factors altering gene expression are increasingly
being recognised. Certain individuals’ tendons carry specific variations
of genetic sequence that may make them more susceptible to injury.
Alterations in the structure or relative amounts of the components
of tendon and fine control of activity within the extracellular
matrix affect the response of the tendon to loading with failure
in certain cases. This review summarises present knowledge of the influence of
genetic patterns on the pathology of the tendo Achillis, with a
focus on the possible biological mechanisms by which genetic factors
are involved in the
Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration (SIRVA) is a prolonged episode of shoulder dysfunction that commences within 24 to 48 hours of a vaccination. Symptoms include a combination of shoulder pain, stiffness, and weakness. There has been a recent rapid increase in reported cases of SIRVA within the literature, particularly in adults, and is likely related to the mass vaccination programmes associated with COVID-19 and influenza. The pathophysiology is not certain, but placement of the vaccination in the subdeltoid bursa or other pericapsular tissue has been suggested to result in an inflammatory capsular process. It has been hypothesized that this is associated with a vaccine injection site that is “too high” and predisposes to the development of SIRVA. Nerve conduction studies are routinely normal, but further imaging can reveal deep-deltoid collections, rotator cuff tendinopathy and tears, or subacromial subdeltoid bursitis. However, all of these are common findings within a general asymptomatic population. Medicolegal claims in the UK, based on an incorrect injection site, are unlikely to meet the legal threshold to determine liability.
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