The aim of this study was to compare a third-generation
cementing procedure for glenoid components with a new technique
for cement pressurisation. In 20 pairs of scapulae, 20 keeled and
20 pegged glenoid components were implanted using either a third-generation
cementing technique (group 1) or a new pressuriser (group 2). Cement penetration
was measured by three-dimensional (3D) analysis of micro-CT scans.
The mean 3D depth of penetration of the cement was significantly
greater in group 2 (p <
0.001). The mean thickness of the cement
mantle for keeled glenoids was 2.50 mm (2.0 to 3.3) in group 1 and
5.18 mm (4.4 to 6.1) in group 2, and for pegged glenoids it was 1.72 mm
(0.9 to 2.3) in group 1 and 5.63 mm (3.6 to 6.4) in group 2. A cement
mantle <
2 mm was detected less frequently in group 2 (p <
0.001). Using the cement pressuriser the proportion of cement mantles
2 mm was significantly reduced compared with the third-generation
cementing technique