We studied the origin of the anterior
Using a dynamic biomechanical model of malunion of the shoulder, we have determined the change in
Wear of polyethylene is associated with aseptic loosening of orthopaedic implants and has been observed in hip and knee prostheses and anatomical implants for the shoulder. The reversed shoulder prostheses have not been assessed as yet. We investigated the volumetric polyethylene wear of the reversed and anatomical Aequalis shoulder prostheses using a mathematical musculoskeletal model. Movement and joint stability were achieved by EMG-controlled activation of the muscles. A non-constant wear factor was considered. Simulated activities of daily living were estimated from After one year of use, the volumetric wear was 8.4 mm3 for the anatomical prosthesis, but 44.6 mm3 for the reversed version. For the anatomical prosthesis the predictions for contact pressure and wear were consistent with biomechanical and clinical data. The abrasive wear of the polyethylene in reversed prostheses should not be underestimated, and further analysis, both experimental and clinical, is required.
When performing the Scandinavian Total Ankle Replacement (STAR), the positioning of the talar component and the selection of mobile-bearing thickness are critical. A biomechanical experiment was undertaken to establish the effects of these variables on the range of movement (ROM) of the ankle. Six cadaver ankles containing a specially-modified STAR prosthesis were subjected to ROM determination, under weight-bearing conditions, while monitoring the strain in the peri-ankle ligaments. Each specimen was tested with the talar component positions in neutral, as well as 3 and 6 mm of anterior and posterior displacement. The sequence was repeated with an anatomical bearing thickness, as well as at 2 mm reduced and increased thicknesses. The movement limits were defined as 10% strain in any ligament, bearing lift-off from the talar component or limitations of the hardware. Both anterior talar component displacement and bearing thickness reduction caused a decrease in plantar flexion, which was associated with bearing lift-off. With increased bearing thickness, posterior displacement of the talar component decreased plantar flexion, whereas anterior displacement decreased dorsiflexion.
While the evolution of the bony skeleton of the shoulder girdle is well described, there is little information regarding the soft tissues, in particular of the rotator cuff. We dissected the shoulders of 23 different species and compared the anatomical features of the tendons of the rotator cuff. The alignment and orientation of the collagen fibres of some of the tendons were also examined histologically. The behaviour of the relevant species was studied, with particular reference to the extent and frequency of forward-reaching and overhead activity of the forelimb. In quadrupedal species, the tendons of supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor were seen to insert into the greater tuberosity of the humerus separately. They therefore did not form a true rotator cuff with blending of the tendons. This was only found in advanced primates and in one unusual species, the tree kangaroo. These findings support the suggestion that the appearance of the rotator cuff in the evolutionary process parallels anatomical adaptation to regular overhead activity and the increased use of the arm away from the sagittal plane.
We released the infraspinatus tendons of six sheep, allowed retraction of the musculotendinous unit over a period of 40 weeks and then performed a repair. We studied retraction of the musculotendinous unit 35 weeks later using CT, MRI and macroscopic dissection. The tendon was retracted by a mean of 4.7 cm (3.8 to 5.1) 40 weeks after release and remained at a mean of 4.2 cm (3.3 to 4.7) 35 weeks after the repair. Retraction of the muscle was only a mean of 2.7 cm (2.0 to 3.3) and 1.7 cm (1.1 to 2.2) respectively at these two points. Thus, the musculotendinous junction had shifted distally by a mean of 2.5 cm (2.0 to 2.8) relative to the tendon. Sheep muscle showed an ability to compensate for approximately 60% of the tendon retraction in a hitherto unknown fashion. Such retraction may not be a quantitatively reliable indicator of retraction of the muscle and may overestimate the need for elongation of the musculotendinous unit during repair.
We describe a lateral approach to the distal humerus based on initial location of the superficial branches of the radial nerve, the inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm and the posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm. In 18 upper limbs the superficial branches of the radial nerve were located in the subcutaneous tissue between the triceps and brachioradialis muscles and dissected proximally to their origin from the radial nerve, exposing the shaft of the humerus. The inferior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm arose from the radial nerve at the lower part of the spiral groove, at a mean of 14.2 cm proximal to the lateral epicondyle. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm arose from the inferior lateral cutaneous nerve at a mean of 6.9 cm (6.0 to 8.1) proximal to the lateral epicondyle and descended vertically along the dorsal aspect of the forearm. The size and constant site of emergence between the triceps and brachioradialis muscles constitute a readily identifiable landmark to explore the radial nerve and expose the humeral shaft.
Impaction allograft is an established method of securing initial stability of an implant in arthroplasty. Subsequent bone integration can be prolonged, and the volume of allograft may not be maintained. Intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone has an anabolic effect on bone and may therefore improve integration of an implant. Using a canine implant model we tested the hypothesis that administration of parathyroid hormone may improve osseointegration of implants surrounded by bone graft. In 20 dogs a cylindrical porous-coated titanium alloy implant was inserted into normal cancellous bone in the proximal humerus and surrounded by a circumferential gap of 2.5 mm. Morsellised allograft was impacted around the implant. Half of the animals were given daily injections of human parathyroid hormone (1–34) 5 μg/kg for four weeks and half received control injections. The two groups were compared by mechanical testing and histomorphometry. We observed a significant increase in new bone formation within the bone graft in the parathyroid hormone group. There were no significant differences in the volume of allograft, bone-implant contact or in the mechanical parameters. These findings suggest that parathyroid hormone improves new bone formation in impacted morsellised allograft around an implant and retains the graft volume without significant resorption. Fixation of the implant was neither improved nor compromised at the final follow-up of four weeks.
The establishment of a suitable animal model of repair of the rotator cuff is difficult since the presence of a true rotator cuff anatomically appears to be restricted almost exclusively to advanced primates. Our observational study describes the healing process after repair of the cuff in a primate model. Lesions were prepared and repaired in eight ‘middle-aged’ baboons. Two each were killed at four, eight, 12 and 15 weeks post-operatively. The bone-tendon repair zones were assessed macroscopically and histologically. Healing of the baboon supraspinatus involved a sequence of stages resulting in the reestablishment of the bone-tendon junction. It was not uniform and occurred more rapidly at the sites of suture fixation than between them. Four weeks after repair the bone-tendon healing was immature. Whereas macroscopically the repair appeared to be healed at eight weeks, the Sharpey fibres holding the repair together did not appear in any considerable number before 12 weeks. By 15 weeks, the bone-tendon junction was almost, but not quite mature. Our results support the use of a post-operative rehabilitation programme in man which protects the surgical repair for at least 12 to 15 weeks in order to allow maturation of tendon-to-bone healing.
We compared time-dependent changes in the biomechanical properties of single-and double-row repair of a simulated acute tear of the rotator cuff in rabbits to determine the effect of the fixation techniques on the healing process. A tear of the supraspinatus tendon was created in 80 rabbits which were separated into two equal groups. A single-row repair with two suture anchors was conducted in group 1 and a double-row repair with four suture anchors in group 2. A total of ten intact contralateral shoulder joints was used as a control group. Biomechanical testing was performed immediately post-operatively and at four and eight weeks, and histological analysis at four and eight weeks. The mean load to failure in group 2 animals was greater than in group 1, but both groups remained lower than the control group at all intervals. Histological analysis showed similar healing properties at four and eight weeks in both groups, but a significantly larger number of healed tendon-bone interfaces were identified in group 2 than in group 1 at eight weeks (p <
0.012). The ultimate load to failure increased with the number of suture anchors used immediately post-operatively, and at four and eight weeks. The increased load to failure at eight weeks seemed to be related to the increase in the surface area of healed tendon-to-bone in the double-row repair group.
This study evaluated the effect on movement under load of three different techniques for re-attachment of the tuberosities of the humerus using test sawbones. In the first, the tuberosities were attached both to the shaft and to each other, with one cerclage suture through the anterior hole in the prosthesis. The second technique was identical except for omission of the cerclage suture and in the third the tuberosities were attached to the prosthesis and to the shaft. An orthogonal photogrammetric system allowed all segments to be tracked in a 3D axis system. The humeri were incrementally-loaded in abduction, and the 3D linear and angular movements of all segments were calculated. Displacement between the tuberosities and the shaft was measured. The first and second techniques were the most stable constructs, with the third allowing greater separation of fragments and angular movement. Separation at the midpoint of the tuberosities was significantly greater using the latter technique (p <
0.05). The cerclage suture added no further stability to the fixation.
Our aim was to determine the most repeatable three-dimensional measurement of glenoid orientation and to compare it between shoulders with intact and torn rotator cuffs. Our null hypothesis was that glenoid orientation in the scapulae of shoulders with a full-thickness tear of the rotator cuff was the same as that in shoulders with an intact rotator cuff. We studied 24 shoulders in cadavers, 12 with an intact rotator cuff and 12 with a full-thickness tear. Two different observers used a three-dimensional digitising system to measure glenoid orientation in the scapular plane (ie glenoid inclination) using six different techniques. Glenoid version was also measured. The overall precision of the measurements revealed an error of less than 0.6°. Intraobserver reliability (correlation coefficients of 0.990 and 0.984 for each observer) and interobserver reliability (correlation coefficient of 0.985) were highest for measurement of glenoid inclination based on the angle obtained from a line connecting the superior and inferior points of the glenoid and that connecting the most superior point of the glenoid and the most superior point on the body of the scapula. There were no differences in glenoid inclination (p = 0.34) or glenoid version (p = 0.12) in scapulae from shoulders with an intact rotator cuff and those with a full-thickness tear. Abnormal glenoid orientation was not present in shoulders with a torn rotator cuff.