In 1994 a cerebral palsy (CP) register and healthcare
programme was established in southern Sweden with the primary aim
of preventing dislocation of the hip in these children. The results from the first ten years were published in 2005 and
showed a decrease in the incidence of dislocation of the hip, from
8% in a historical control group of 103 children born between 1990
and 1991 to 0.5% in a group of 258 children born between 1992 and
1997. These two cohorts have now been re-evaluated and an additional
group of 431 children born between 1998 and 2007 has been added. By 1 January 2014, nine children in the control group, two in
the first study group and none in the second study group had developed
a dislocated hip (p <
0.001). The two children in the first study
group who developed a dislocated hip were too unwell to undergo
preventive surgery. Every child with a dislocated hip reported severe pain,
at least periodically, and four underwent salvage surgery. Of the
689 children in the study groups, 91 (13%) underwent preventive
surgery. A population-based hip surveillance programme enables the early
identification and preventive treatment, which can result in a significantly
lower incidence of dislocation of the hip in children with CP. Cite this article:
Between 1978 and 1997 all newborns in the Austrian province of Tyrol were reviewed regarding hip dysplasia and related surgery. This involved a mean of 8257 births per year (7766 to 8858). Two observation periods were determined: 1978 to 1982 (clinical examination alone) and 1993 to 1997 (clinical examination and universal ultrasound screening). A retrospective analysis compared the number and cost of interventions due to hip dysplasia in three patient age groups: A, 0 to <
1.5 years; B, ≥ 1.5 to <
15 years; and C, ≥ 15 to <
35 years. In group A, there was a decrease in hip reductions from a mean of 25.2 ( An increase of €57 000 in the overall cost per year for the second period (1993 to 1997) was seen, mainly due to the screening programme. However, there was a marked reduction in costs of all surgical and non-surgical treatments for dysplastic hips from €410 000 (1978 to 1982) to €117 000 (1993 to 1997). We believe the small proportional increase in costs of the universal ultrasound screening programme is justifiable as it was associated with a reduction in the number of non-surgical and surgical interventions. We therefore recommend universal hip ultrasound screening for neonates.