Recently, femoroacetabular impingement has been recognised as a cause of early osteoarthritis. There are two mechanisms of impingement: 1) cam impingement caused by a non-spherical head and 2) pincer impingement caused by excessive acetabular cover. We hypothesised that both mechanisms result in different patterns of articular damage. Of 302 analysed hips only 26 had an isolated cam and 16 an isolated pincer impingement. Cam impingement caused damage to the anterosuperior acetabular
We compared the quality of debridement of chondral lesions performed by four arthroscopic (SH, shaver; CU, curette; SHCU, shaver and curette; BP, bipolar electrodes) and one open technique (OPEN, scalpel and curette) which are used prior to autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). The ex vivo simulation of all five techniques was carried out on six juvenile equine stifle joints. The OPEN, SH and SHCU techniques were tested on knees harvested from six adult human cadavers. The most vertical walls with the least adjacent damage to
Infection of human
Gene therapy with insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) increases matrix production and enhances chondrocyte proliferation and survival in vitro. The purpose of this study was to determine whether arthroscopically-grafted chondrocytes genetically modified by an adenovirus vector encoding equine IGF-1 (AdIGF-1) would have a beneficial effect on
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cultivation potential of
Multipotential processed lipoaspirate (PLA) cells extracted from five human infrapatellar fat pads and embedded into fibrin glue nodules, were induced into the chondrogenic phenotype using chondrogenic media. The remaining cells were placed in osteogenic media and were transfected with an adenovirus carrying the cDNA for bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). We evaluated the tissue-engineered
In 16 mature New Zealand white rabbits mesenchymal stem cells were aspirated from the bone marrow, cultured in monolayer and implanted on to a full-thickness osteochondral defect artificially made on the patellar groove of the same rabbit. A further 13 rabbits served as a control group. The rabbits were killed after 14 weeks. Healing of the defect was investigated histologically using haematoxylin and eosin and Safranin-O staining and with immunohistochemical staining for type-II collagen. We also used a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect mRNA of type-I and type-II collagen. The semiquantitative histological scores were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group (p <
0.05). In the experimental group immunohistochemical staining on newly formed
We have compared the concentrations of stromal-cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), MMP-9 and MMP-13 in serum before and after synovectomy or total knee replacement (TKR). We confirmed the presence of SDF-1 and its receptor CXCR4 in the synovium and articular cartilage by immunohistochemistry. We established chondrocytes by using mutant CXCR4 to block the release of MMPs. The level of SDF-1 was decreased 5.1- and 6.7-fold in the serum of patients with OA and RA respectively, after synovectomy compared with that before surgery. MMP-9 and MMP-13 were decreased in patients with OA and RA after synovectomy. We detected SDF-1 in the synovium and the bone marrow but not in
It is well recognised that meniscal tears situated within the inner, avascular region do not heal. We investigated the potential effect of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in promoting regeneration of meniscal tissue in the inner, middle and outer zones of the meniscus. Sheep menisci were harvested and monolayer cell cultures prepared. Various concentrations of IGF-I were used in the presence or absence of 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). We measured the uptake of radioactive thymidine, sulphur, and proline to assess cell proliferation and formation of extracellular matrix (ECM). IGF-I, in the presence or absence of FCS, increased the formation of DNA and ECM in all meniscal zones. However, the response of the cells from the avascular zone was greater than that from the vascular zone. Our findings indicate that fibrochondrocytes cultured from avascular meniscal tissue have the ability to regenerate when exposed to anabolic cytokines such as IGF-I.
Desiccation of articular cartilage during surgery is often unavoidable and may result in the death of chondrocytes, with subsequent joint degeneration. This study was undertaken to determine the extent of chondrocyte death caused by exposure to air and to ascertain whether regular rewetting of
We have previously shown that joint distraction and movement with a hinged external fixation device for 12 weeks was useful for repairing a large articular cartilage defect in a rabbit model. We have now investigated the results after six months and one year. The device was applied to 16 rabbits who underwent resection of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone from the entire tibial plateau. In group A (nine rabbits) the device was applied for six months. In group B (seven rabbits) it was in place for six months, after which it was removed and the animals were allowed to move freely for an additional six months. The
Perilesional changes of chronic focal osteochondral defects were assessed in the knees of 23 sheep. An osteochondral defect was created in the main load-bearing region of the medial condyle of the knees in a controlled, standardised manner. The perilesional
Ovine articular chondrocytes were isolated from
Implantation of autologous chondrocytes and matrix autologous chondrocytes are techniques of cartilage repair used in the young adult knee which require harvesting of healthy
The patellofemoral joint is an important source of symptoms in osteoarthritis of the knee. We have used a newly designed surgical model of patellar strengthening to induce osteoarthritis in BALB/c mice and to establish markers by investigating the relationship between osteoarthritis and synovial levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Osteoarthritis was induced by using this microsurgical technique under direct vision without involving the cavity of the knee. Degeneration of
We developed a new porous scaffold made from a synthetic polymer, poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG), and evaluated its use in the repair of
The aim of this study was to determine whether subchondral bone influences in situ chondrocyte survival. Bovine explants were cultured in serum-free media over seven days with subchondral bone excised from articular cartilage (group A), subchondral bone left attached to articular cartilage (group B), and subchondral bone excised but co-cultured with articular cartilage (group C). Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, fluorescent probes and biochemical assays, in situ chondrocyte viability and relevant biophysical parameters (cartilage thickness, cell density, culture medium composition) were quantified over time (2.5 hours vs seven days). There was a significant increase in chondrocyte death over seven days, primarily within the superficial zone, for group A, but not for groups B or C (p <
0.05). There was no significant difference in
Acetabular dysplasia was produced in 24 immature white rabbits. A rotational acetabular osteotomy was then carried out and radiological and histological studies of the articular cartilage were made. In the hips which did not undergo osteotomy, radiographs at 26 weeks showed that residual subluxation remained and arthritic changes such as narrowing of the joint space or dislocation were still seen. However, in the operated group there was a remarkable increase in cover, but arthritic changes were not observed. After 24 weeks, the Mankin grading score in the operated group was significantly lower than that in the non-operated group. The latter hips showed an irregular surface of the
Composites of chondrocytes and polymerised fibrin were supplemented with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) during the arthroscopic repair of full-thickness
To investigate the effect of instability on the remodelling of a minor articular surface offset, we created a 0.5 mm coronal step-off of the medial femoral condyle in 12 New Zealand white rabbits and transected the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). A control group of 12 rabbits had only ACL resection and the opposite knee was used as the non-operated control. The osteoarthritic changes at 6, 12 and 24 weeks after surgery were evaluated histologically. In addition, changes in the immunological detection of 3-B-3(-) and 7-D-4 chondroitin-6-sulphate epitopes were determined because of the previous association of such changes with repair of