Aims. Open reduction in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is regularly performed despite screening programmes, due to failure of treatment or late presentation. A protocol for open reduction of DDH has been refined through collaboration between surgical, anaesthetic, and nursing teams to allow
To establish cut-off values for lateral pubofemoral distance (PFD) measurements for detecting hip dysplasia in early (four days) and standard care (six weeks) screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). All newborns, during a one-year period (October 2021 to October 2022), were offered a PFD ultrasound (US) examination in addition to the existing screening programme for DDH. Newborns who were referred for standard care hip US, suspected for DDH, received a secondary PFD US examination in conjunction with the standard care Graf/Harcke hip US examination. Receiver operating characteristic curves and empirically optimal cut-off values were calculated with a true positive defined as a Graf type ≥ IIc hip.Aims