This study reports the clinical and sonographic
outcome of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in patients aged ≥ 70 years
and aimed to determine factors associated with re-tear. A total
of 69 consecutive repairs were performed in 68 patients with a mean
age of 77 years (70 to 86). Constant-Murley scores were collected
pre-operatively and at one year post-operatively. The integrity
of the repair was assessed using ultrasound. Re-tear was detected
in 20 of 62 patients (32%) assessed with ultrasound. Age at operation
We conclude that arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in patients aged ≥ 70 years is a successful procedure. The gender and age of the patient are important factors to consider when planning management.
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We have used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to characterise the chemical and structural composition of the tendons of the rotator cuff and to identify structural differences among anatomically distinct tears. Such information may help to identify biomarkers of tears and to provide insight into the rates of healing of different sizes of tear. The infrared spectra of 81 partial, small, medium, large and massive tears were measured using FTIR and compared with 11 uninjured control tendons. All the spectra were classified using standard techniques of multivariate analysis.
FTIR readily differentiates between normal and torn tendons, and different sizes of tear. We identified the key discriminating molecules and spectra altered in torn tendons to be carbohydrates/phospholipids (1030 cm−1 to 1200 cm−1), collagen (1300 cm−1 to 1700 cm−1 and 3000 cm−1 to 3350 cm−1) and lipids (2800 cm−1 to 3000 cm−1).
Our study has shown that FTIR spectroscopy can identify tears of the rotator cuff of varying size based upon distinguishable chemical and structural features. The onset of a tear is mainly associated with altered structural arrangements of collagen, with changes in lipids and carbohydrates. The approach described is rapid and has the potential to be used peri-operatively to determine the quality of the tendon and the extent of the disease, thus guiding surgical repair.