This paper describes the presence of tenodesis effects in normal physiology and explores the uses of operative tenodesis in surgery of the upper limb.
Most proximal humeral fractures are stable injuries of the ageing population, and can be successfully treated non-operatively. The management of the smaller number of more complex displaced fractures is more controversial and new fixation techniques have greatly increased the range of fractures that may benefit from surgery. This article explores current concepts in the classification and clinical aspects of these injuries, reviewing the indications, innovations and outcomes for the most common methods of treatment.
The management of bone loss in revision replacement of the knee remains a challenge despite an array of options available to the surgeon. Bone loss may occur as a result of the original disease, the design of the prosthesis, the mechanism of failure or technical error at initial surgery. The aim of revision surgery is to relieve pain and improve function while addressing the mechanism of failure in order to reconstruct a stable platform with transfer of load to the host bone. Methods of reconstruction include the use of cement, modular metal augmentation of prostheses, custom-made, tumour-type or hinged implants and bone grafting. The published results of the surgical techniques are summarised and a guide for the management of bone defects in revision surgery of the knee is presented.
With the development of systems of trauma care the management of pelvic disruption has evolved and has become increasingly refined. The goal is to achieve an anatomical reduction and stable fixation of the fracture. This requires adequate visualisation for reduction of the fracture and the placement of fixation. Despite the advances in surgical approach and technique, the functional outcomes do not always produce the desired result. New methods of percutaneous treatment in conjunction with innovative computer-based imaging have evolved in an attempt to overcome the existing difficulties. This paper presents an overview of the technical aspects of percutaneous surgery of the pelvis and acetabulum.
This article considers the establishment, purpose and conduct of knee arthroplasty registers using the Swedish register as an example. The methods of collection of appropriate data, the cost, and the ways in which this information may be used are considered.