In cases of established calcaneus after anterior poliomyelitis the deformity can be greatly reduced by combining an extensive plantar release with an oblique transverse osteotomy of the calcaneus that permits
1. Forty patients out of sixty-nine operated upon between 1932 and 1952 by
The thalamus is the part of the calcaneus that supports the posterior articular facet and continues forward, becoming thinner towards the groove of the sinus tarsi. The main
1. Almost all patients with osteoarthritis of the hip who consult the surgeon do so because they wish to be relieved of pain. They all have limitation of movement in varying degrees but most of them will be either unaware of it or will have accepted it. What is more important, they would not have sought medical advice because of stiffness if there had been no pain. The primary objective of operative treatment must therefore be to relieve pain. 2.
1. Experimental evidence is advanced to suggest that the effect of the McMurray
Ten patients were treated for anterior or posterior
We conducted a prospective randomised trial to compare the results of anatomical reduction and medial
A case of posterior fracture-dislocation of the hip complicated by
Nonunion of intertrochanteric fractures is uncommon but its effects are disabling. We describe a modification of the medial
1. The pathological anatomy of total rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of the thumb has been studied at operation in thirty-nine patients. 2. It has been found that the ligament, when ruptured distally (the most usual type) is often displaced so that the ulnar expansion of the dorsal aponeurosis–here referred to as the adductor aponeurosis–becomes interposed between the ruptured end of the ligament and the site of its attachment on the phalanx; the ligament gets folded over to a greater or lesser extent and the ruptured end sticks out beyond the proximal edge of the adductor aponeurosis. Such
We studied 23 patients with spondylolysis of the fifth lumbar vertebra (L5) and 20 with spondylolytic spondylolisthesis at this level. All were more than 40 years of age. The transverse processes at L5 were significantly wider in the former group than in the latter. We also dissected 56 cadavers to study the morphological relationship between the transverse process of L5 and the iliolumbar ligament, and found that the wider transverse process is associated with increased width of the posterior band of the iliolumbar ligament. If a patient with pars defects has wide transverse processes at L5, the lumbosacral junction may be stabilised by wide posterior bands of the iliolumbar ligament and the fifth lumbar vertebra by the ligament, preventing anterior
1. Five cases of greenstick fracture of the upper end of the ulna with dislocation of the radio-humeral joint are described. 2. Although the direction of angulation of the fracture and the corresponding
The outcome of displaced hips treated by Somerville and Scott’s method was assessed after more than 25 years. A total of 147 patients (191 displaced hips) was reviewed which represented an overall follow-up of 65.6%. The median age at the index operation was two years. During the first five years, 25 (13%) hips showed signs of avascular change. The late development of valgus angulation of the neck, after ten years, was seen in 69 (36%) hips. Further operations were frequently necessary. Moderate to severe osteoarthritis developed at a young age in 40% of the hips. Total hip replacement or arthrodesis was necessary in 27 (14%) hips at a mean age of 36.5 years. Risk factors identified were high dislocation, open reduction, and age at the original operation. Two groups of patients were compared according to outcome. All the radiographic indices were different between the two groups after ten years, but most were similar before. It takes a generation to establish the prognosis, although some early indicators may help to predict outcome.
We reviewed the relationship between the pattern of damage to the posterolateral corner of the knee and the position of the common peroneal nerve in 54 consecutive patients with posterolateral corner disruption requiring surgery. We found that 16 of the 18 patients with biceps avulsions or avulsion-fracture of the fibular head had a displaced common peroneal nerve. The nerve was pulled anteriorly with the biceps tendon. None of the 34 proximal injuries resulted in an abnormal nerve position. Whenever bone or soft-tissue avulsion from the fibular head is suspected, the surgeon should expect an abnormal position of the common peroneal nerve and appreciate the increased risk of iatrogenic damage.