We describe the results of arthrodesis for the treatment of recurrent acute neuropathic bone disease in 24 feet and of chronic disease with deformity in 91 feet, undertaken between January 1984 and December 2003. All were due to leprosy. Correction of the deformity was achieved in 80 of 106 feet (76%) and fusion in 97 of 110 feet (88%). In the 24 feet in which recurrent neuropathic bone disease was the reason for surgery, 17 (71%) obtained stability while in seven (29%) symptoms recurred postoperatively. Complications were experienced following 58 of the 110 operations (53%). In patients presenting primarily with deformity with a minimum follow-up of two years (79 feet), there was a reduced frequency of ulceration in 40 (51%). Normal footwear could be worn by 32 patients (40%) after surgery, while 40 (51%) required a moulded insole. Arthrodesis of the ankle in the neuropathic foot due to leprosy has a good overall rate of success although the rate of complications is high.
We report the results of intramedullary leg lengthening conducted between 2002 and 2009 using the Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic Distractor in 69 unilateral lengthenings involving 58 femora and 11 tibiae. We identified difficulties that occurred during the treatment and assessed whether they were specifically due to the implant or independent of it. Paley’s classification for evaluating problems, obstacles and complications with external fixators was adopted, and implant-specific difficulties were continuously noted. There were seven failures requiring premature removal of the device, in four due to nail breakage and three for other reasons, and five unsuccessful outcomes after completion of the lengthening. In all, 116 difficulties were noted in 45 patients, with only 24 having problem-free courses. In addition to the difficulties arising from the use of external fixators, there were almost the same number again of implant-specific difficulties. Nevertheless, successful femoral lengthening was achieved in 52 of the 58 patients (90%). However, successful tibial lengthening was only achieved in five of 11 patients (45%).
Advances in the design of the components for total ankle replacement have led to a resurgence of interest in this procedure. Between January 1999 and December 2004, 16 patients with a failed total ankle replacement were referred to our unit. In the presence of infection, a two-stage salvage procedure was planned. The first involved the removal of the components and the insertion of a cement spacer. Definitive treatment options included hindfoot fusion with a circular frame or amputation. When there was no infection, a one-stage salvage procedure was planned. Options included hindfoot fusion with an intramedullary nail or revision total ankle replacement. When there was suspicion of infection, a percutaneous biopsy was performed. The patients were followed up for a minimum of 12 months. Of the 16 patients, 14 had aseptic loosening, five of whom underwent a revision total ankle replacement and nine a hindfoot fusion. Of the two with infection, one underwent fusion and the other a below-knee amputation. There were no cases of wound breakdown, nonunion or malunion. Management of the failed total ankle replacement should be performed by experienced surgeons and ideally in units where multidisciplinary support is available. Currently, a hindfoot fusion appears to be preferable to a revision total ankle replacement.
Over recent years hip arthroscopic surgery has
evolved into one of the most rapidly expanding fields in orthopaedic surgery.
Complications are largely transient and incidences between 0.5%
and 6.4% have been reported. However, major complications can and
do occur. This article analyses the reported complications and makes recommendations
based on the literature review and personal experience on how to
minimise them.
We reviewed 78 femoral and tibial nonunions treated between January 1992 and December 2003. Of these, we classified 41 in 40 patients as complex cases because of infection (22), bone loss (6) or failed previous surgery (13). The complex cases were all treated with Ilizarov frames. At a mean time of 14.1 months (4 to 38), 39 had healed successfully. Using the Association for the Study and Application of the Methods of Ilizarov scoring system we obtained 17 excellent, 14 good, four fair and six poor bone results. The functional results were excellent in 14 patients, good in 14, fair in two and poor in two. A total of six patients were lost to follow-up and two had amputations so were not evaluated for final functional assessment. All but two patients were very satisfied with the results. The average cost of treatment to the treating hospital was approximately £30 000 per patient. We suggest that early referral to a tertiary centre could reduce the morbidity and prolonged time off work for these patients. The results justify the expense, but the National Health Service needs to make financial provision for the reconstruction of this type of complex nonunion.
Between 1996 and 2003 six institutions in the United States and France contributed a consecutive series of 234 fractures of the femur in 229 children which were treated by titanium elastic nailing. Minor or major complications occurred in 80 fractures. Full information was available concerning 230 fractures, of which the outcome was excellent in 150 (65%), satisfactory in 57 (25%), and poor in 23 (10%). Poor outcomes were due to leg-length discrepancy in five fractures, unacceptable angulation in 17, and failure of fixation in one. There was a statistically significant relationship (p = 0.003) between age and outcome, and the odds ratio for poor outcome was 3.86 for children aged 11 years and older compared with those below this age. The difference between the weight of children with a poor outcome and those with an excellent or satisfactory outcome was statistically significant (54 kg
We report the outcome of 32 patients (37 knees) who underwent hemicallostasis with a dynamic external fixator for osteoarthritis of the medial compartment of the knee. There were 16 men (19 knees) and 16 women (18 knees) with a mean age at operation of 54.6 years (27 to 72). The aim was to achieve a valgus overcorrection of 2° to 8° or mechanical axis at 62.5% (± 12.5%). At a mean follow-up of 62.8 months (51 to 81) there was no change in the mean range of movement, and no statistically significant difference in the Insall-Salvati index or tibial slope (p = 0.11 and p = 0.15, respectively). The mean hip-knee-ankle angle changed from 190.6 (183° to 197°) to 176.0° (171° to 181°), with a mean final position of the mechanical axis of 58.5% (35.1% to 71.2%). The desired alignment was attained in 31 of 37 (84%) knees. There were 21 excellent, 13 good, two fair and one poor result according to the Oxford knee score with no correlation between age and final score. This score was at its best at one year with a statistically significant deterioration at two years (p = 0.001) followed by a small but not statistically significant deterioration until the final follow-up (p = 0.17). All the knees with Ahlback grade 1 osteoarthritis had excellent or good results. Complications included pin tract infections involving 16.4% of all pins used, delayed union in two, knee stiffness in four, fracture of the lateral cortex in one and ring sequestrum in one. In conclusion, hemicallostasis provides precision in attaining the desired alignment without interfering with tibial slope or patellar height, and is relatively free of serious complications.
We studied prospectively the regional inflammatory response to a unilateral distal radial fracture in 114 patients at eight to nine weeks after injury and again at one year. Our aim was to identify patients at risk for a delayed recovery and particularly those likely to develop complex regional pain syndrome. In order to quantify clinically the inflammatory response, a regional inflammatory score was developed. In addition, blood samples were collected from the antecubital veins of both arms for comparative biochemical and blood-gas analysis. The severity of the inflammatory response was related to the type of treatment (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.002). A highly significantly-positive correlation was found between the regional inflammatory score and the length of time to full recovery (r2 = 0.92, p = 0.01, linear regession). A regional inflammatory score of 5 points with a sensitivity of 100% but a specificity of only 16% also identified patients at risk of complex regional pain syndrome. None of the biochemical parameters studied correlated with regional inflammatory score or predicted the development of complex regional pain syndrome. Our study suggests that patients with a distal radial fracture and a regional inflammatory score of 5 points or more at eight to nine weeks after injury should be considered for specific anti-inflammatory treatment.
We identified 11 women with a mean age of 74 years (65 to 81) who sustained comminuted distal radial and ulnar fractures and were treated by volar plating and slight shortening of the radius combined with a primary Sauvé-Kapandji procedure. At a mean of 46 months (16 to 58), union of distal radial fractures and arthrodesis of the distal radioulnar joint was seen in all patients. The mean shortening of the radius was 12 mm (5 to 18) compared to the contralateral side. Flexion and extension of the wrist was a mean of 54° and 50°, respectively, and the mean pronation and supination of the forearm was 82° and 86°, respectively. The final mean disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand score was 26 points. According to the Green and O’Brien rating system, eight patients had an excellent, two a good and one a fair result. The good clinical and radiological results, and the minor complications without the need for further operations related to late ulnar-sided wrist pain, justify this procedure in the elderly patient.
Between 1992 and 1999, we treated 350 patients with skeletal metastases. A multivariable analysis of the patients was conducted using the Cox proportional hazards model. We identified five significant prognostic factors for survival, namely, the site of the primary lesion, the performance status (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group status 3 or 4), the presence of visceral or cerebral metastases, any previous chemotherapy, and multiple skeletal metastases. The score for each significant factor was derived from the corresponding estimated regression coefficients (natural logarithm of the hazard ratio). The prognostic score was calculated by adding all the scores for individual factors. The rate of survival was 31% at six months and 11% at one year for the patients with a prognostic score of 6 or more. By contrast, patients with a prognostic score of 2 or less had a rate of survival of 98% at six months and 89% at one year. This scoring system can be used to determine the optimal treatment for patients with pathological fractures or epidural compression.
Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome is an autosomal-recessive disorder characterised by bowing of the long bones, progressive scoliosis, episodic hyperthermia and respiratory distress, usually resulting in death in infancy. We reviewed five children with the condition who had been followed since birth and who survived into childhood with a mean age at operation of 7.8 years (5 to 14). There was marked functional impairment with dysplasia of the long bones and scoliosis. Treatment of the triplanar deformities of the femora involved the use of the Ilizarov technique with the Taylor Spatial Frame. Walking was preserved and improved in three children along with considerable enhancement of the appearance. Early insertion of a growing rod to control the progressive juvenile scoliosis was beneficial. The use of the Taylor Spatial Frame is strongly recommended to address the major complex deformities of the lower limbs which are encountered in this condition and to prevent their progression.
We produced large full-thickness articular cartilage defects in 33 rabbits in order to evaluate the effect of joint distraction and autologous culture-expanded bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal cell transplantation (ACBMT) at 12 weeks. After fixing the knee on a hinged external fixator, we resected the entire surface of the tibial plateau. We studied three groups: 1) with and without joint distraction; 2) with joint distraction and collagen gel, and 3) with joint distraction and ACBMT and collagen gel. The histological scores were significantly higher in the groups with ACBMT collagen gel (p <
0.05). The area of regenerated soft tissue was smaller in the group allowed to bear weight (p <
0.05). These findings suggest that the repair of large defects of cartilage can be enhanced by joint distraction, collagen gel and ACBMT.
A total of 25 children (37 legs and 51 segments) with coronal plane deformities around the knee were treated with the extraperiosteal application of a flexible two-hole plate and screws. The mean age was 11.6 years (5.5 to 14.9), the median angle of deformity treated was 8.3° and mean time for correction was 16.1 months (7 to 37.3). There was a mean rate of correction of 0.7° per month in the femur (0.3° to 1.5°), 0.5° per month in the tibia (0.1° to 0.9°) and 1.2° per month (0.1° to 2.2°) if femur and tibia were treated concurrently. Correction was faster if the child was under 10 years of age (p = 0.05). The patients were reviewed between six and 32 months after plate removal. One child had a rebound deformity but no permanent physeal tethers were encountered. The guided growth technique, as performed using a flexible titanium plate, is simple and safe for treating periarticular deformities of the leg.
We report the outcome of 28 patients with spina bifida who between 1989 and 2006 underwent 43 lower extremity deformity corrections using the Ilizarov technique. The indications were a flexion deformity of the knee in 13 limbs, tibial rotational deformity in 11 and foot deformity in 19. The mean age at operation was 12.3 years (5.2 to 20.6). Patients had a mean of 1.6 previous operations (0 to 5) on the affected limb. The mean duration of treatment with a frame was 9.4 weeks (3 to 26) and the mean follow-up was 4.4 years (1 to 9). There were 12 problems (27.9%), five obstacles (11.6%) and 13 complications (30.2%) in the 43 procedures. Further operations were needed in seven patients. Three knees had significant recurrence of deformity. Two tibiae required further surgery for recurrence. All feet were plantigrade and braceable. We conclude that the Ilizarov technique offers a refreshing approach to the complex lower-limb deformity in spina bifida.
We studied the effects of coating titanium implants with teicoplanin and clindamycin in 30 New Zealand White rabbits which were randomly assigned to three groups. The intramedullary canal of the left tibia of each rabbit was inoculated with 500 colony forming units of Staphylococcus aureus. Teicoplanin-coated implants were implanted into rabbits in group 1, clindamycin-coated implants into rabbits in group 2, and uncoated implants into those in group 3. All the rabbits were killed one week later. The implants were removed and cultured together with pieces of tibial bone and wound swabs. The rate of colonisation of the organisms in the three groups was compared. Organisms were cultured from no rabbits in group 1, one in group 2 but from all in group 3. There was no significant difference between groups 1 and 2 (p = 1.000). There were significant differences between groups 1 and 3 and groups 2 and 3 (p <
0.001). Significant protection against bacterial colonisation and infection was found with teicoplanin- and clindamycin-coated implants in this experimental model.
We describe the management of nonunion combined with limb-length discrepancy following vascularised fibular grafting for the reconstruction of long-bone defects in the lower limb after resection of a tumour in skeletally immature patients. We operated on nine patients with a mean age of 13.1 years (10.5 to 14.5) who presented with a mean limb-length discrepancy of 7 cm (4 to 9) and nonunion at one end of a vascularised fibular graft, which had been performed previously, to reconstruct a bone defect after resection of an osteosarcoma. Reconstruction was carried out using a ring fixator secured with correction by half pins of any malalignment, compression of the site of nonunion and lengthening through a metaphyseal parafocal osteotomy without bone grafting. The expected limb-length discrepancy at maturity was calculated using the arithmetic method. Solid union and the intended leg length were achieved in all the patients. Excessive scarring and the distorted anatomy from previous surgery in these patients required other procedures to be performed with minimal exposures and dissection in order to avoid further compromise to the vascularity of the graft or damage to neurovascular structures. The methods which we chose were simple and effective in addressing these complex problems.
We used a goat model of a contaminated musculoskeletal defect to determine the effectiveness of rapidly-resorbing calcium-sulphate pellets containing amikacin to reduce the local bacterial count. Our findings showed that this treatment eradicated the bacteria quickly, performed as well as standard polymethylmethacrylate mixed with an antibiotic and had many advantages over the latter. The pellets were prepared before surgery and absorbed completely. They released all of the antibiotic and did not require a subsequent operation for their removal. Our study indicated that locally administered antibiotics reduced bacteria within the wound rapidly. This method of treatment may have an important role in decreasing the rate of infection in contaminated wounds.