We evaluated the cost and consequences of proximal femoral fractures requiring further surgery because of complications. The data were collected prospectively in a standard manner from all patients with a proximal femoral fracture presenting to the trauma unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital over a five-year period. The total cost of treatment for each patient was calculated by separating it into its various components. The risk factors for the complications that arose, the location of their discharge and the mortality rates for these patients were compared to those of a matched control group. There were 2360 proximal femoral fractures in 2257 patients, of which 144 (6.1%) required further surgery. The mean cost of treatment in patients with complications was £18 709 (£2606.30 to £60.827.10), compared with £8610 (£918.54 to £45 601.30) for uncomplicated cases (p < 0.01), with a mean length of stay of 62.8 (44.5 to 79.3) and 32.7 (23.8 to 35.0) days, respectively. The probability of mortality after one month in these cases was significantly higher than in the control group, with a mean survival of 209 days, compared with 496 days for the controls. Patients with complications were statistically less likely to return to their own home (p < 0.01).
Greater awareness and understanding are required to minimise the complications of proximal femoral fractures and consequently their cost.
Controversy surrounds the management of displaced three- and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus. The percutaneous Resch technique of stabilisation involves minimal soft-tissue dissection and a reduced risk of stiffness and avascular necrosis. However, it requires a second operation to remove Kirschner wires and the humeral block. We describe a modification of this technique that dispenses with the need for this second operation and relies on a sequential pattern of screw placement. We report the outcome of 32 three- or four-part fractures of the proximal humerus treated in this way at a mean follow-up of 3.8 years (2 to 8)). There were 14 men and 18 women with a mean age of 56 years (28 to 83). At final follow-up the mean Oxford shoulder scores were 38 (31 to 44) and 39 (31 to 42), and the mean Constant scores were 79 (65 to 92) and 72 (70 to 80) for three- and four-part fractures, respectively. We further analysed the results in patients aged < 60 years with high-energy fractures and those aged ≥ 60 years with osteoporotic fractures. There were no cases of nonunion or avascular necrosis.
The results were good and comparable to those previously reported for the Resch technique and other means of fixation for proximal humeral fractures. We would recommend this modification of the technique for the treatment of displaced three-part and four-part fractures in patients both younger and older than 60 years of age.
This study investigates the use of porous biphasic ceramics as graft extenders in impaction grafting of the femur during revision hip surgery.
Impaction grafting of the femur was performed in four groups of sheep. Group one received pure allograft, group two 50% allograft and 50% BoneSave, group three 50% allograft and 50% BoneSave type 2 and group four 10% allograft and 90% BoneSave as the graft material. Function was assessed using an index of pre- and post-operative peak vertical ground reaction force ratios. Changes in bone mineral density were measured by dual energy X ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning. Loosening and subsidence were assessed radiographically and by histological examination of the explanted specimens.
There was no statistically significant difference between the four groups after 18 months of unrestricted functional loading for all outcome measures.
Fractures of the proximal femur are one of the greatest challenges facing the medical community, constituting a heavy socioeconomic burden worldwide. The National Hip Fracture Audit currently provides a framework for service evaluation. This evaluation is based upon the assessment of process rather than assessment of patient-centred outcome and therefore it fails to provide meaningful data regarding the clinical effectiveness of treatments. This study aims to capture data from the cohort of patients who present with a fracture of the proximal femur at a single United Kingdom Major Trauma Centre. Patient-centred outcomes will be recorded and provide a baseline cohort within which to test the clinical effectiveness of experimental interventions.
The surgical treatment of three- and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus in osteoporotic bone is difficult and there is no consensus as to which technique leads to the best outcome in elderly patients. Between 1998 and 2004 we treated 76 patients aged over 70 years with three- or four-part fractures by percutaneous reduction and internal fixation using the Humerusblock.
A displacement of the tuberosity of > 5 mm and an angulation of > 30° of the head fragment were the indications for surgery.
Of the patients 50 (51 fractures) were available for follow-up after a mean of 33.8 months (5.8 to 81). The absolute, age-related and side-related Constant scores were recorded. Of the 51 fractures, 46 (90.2%) healed primarily. Re-displacement of fragments or migration of Kirschner wires was seen in five cases. Necrosis of the humeral head developed in four patients. In three patients a secondary arthroplasty had to be performed, in two because of re-displacement and in one for necrosis of the head. There was one case of deep infection which required a further operation and one of delayed healing.
The mean Constant score of the patients with a three-part fracture was 61.2 points (35 to 87) which was 84.9% of the score for the non-injured arm. In four-part fractures it was 49.5 points (18 to 87) or 68.5% of the score for the non-injured arm.
The Humerusblock technique can provide a comfortable and mobile shoulder in elderly patients and is a satisfactory alternative to replacement and traditional techniques of internal fixation.
Secure fixation of displaced proximal fractures of the humerus is a challenging problem. A total of 32 patients with acutely displaced three- or four-part proximal fractures of the humerus were treated by open reduction and internal fixation using the proximal humeral internal locking system (PHILOS) plate. There were 23 women and nine men with a mean age of 59.9 years (18 to 87). Data were collected prospectively and the outcomes were assessed using the Constant score. The mean follow-up was for 11 months (3 to 24). In 31 patients (97%) the fracture united clinically and radiologically at a mean of 10 weeks (8 to 24). The mean Constant score at final review was 66.5 (30 to 92). There was no significant difference in outcome when comparing patients aged more than 60 years (18 patients) with those aged less than 60 years (14 patients) (
This plate provides an alternative method of fixation for fractures of the proximal humerus. It provides a stable fixation in young patients with good-quality bone sufficient to permit early mobilisation. Failure of the screws to maintain fixation in the elderly remains a problem.
When using a staged approach to eradicate chronic infection after total hip replacement, systemic delivery of antibiotics after the first stage is often employed for an extended period of typically six weeks together with the use of an in situ antibiotic-eluting polymethylmethacrylate interval spacer. We report our multi-surgeon experience of 43 consecutive patients (44 hips) who received systemic vancomycin for two weeks in combination with a vancomycin- and gentamicin-eluting spacer system in the course of a two-stage revision procedure for deep infection with a median follow-up of 49 months (25 to 83).
The antibiotic-eluting articulating spacers fractured in six hips (13.9%) and dislocated in five patients (11.6%). Successful elimination of the infecting organisms occurred in 38 (92.7%) of 41 hips with three patients developing superinfection with a new organism.
We conclude that prolonged systemic antibiotic therapy may not be essential in the two-stage treatment of a total hip replacement for Gram-positive infection, provided that a high concentration of antibiotics is delivered locally using an antibiotic-eluting system.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the safety and efficacy of retrievable inferior vena cava filters in high-risk orthopaedic patients. A total of 58 patients had a retrievable inferior vena cava filter placed as an adjunct to chemical and mechanical prophylaxis, most commonly for a history of previous deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, polytrauma, or expected prolonged immobilisation. In total 56 patients (96.6%) had an uncomplicated post-operative course. Two patients (3.4%) died in the peri-operative period for unrelated reasons.
Of the 56 surviving patients, 50 (89%) were available for follow-up. A total of 32 filters (64%) were removed without complication at a mean of 37.8 days (4 to 238) after placement. There were four filters (8%) which were retained because of thrombosis at the filter site, and four (8%) were retained because of incorporation of the filter into the wall of the inferior vena cava. In ten cases (20%) the retrievable filter was left in place to continue as primary prophylaxis. No patient had post-removal thromboembolic complications.
A retrievable inferior vena cava filter, as an adjunct to chemical and mechanical prophylaxis, was a safe and effective means of reducing the acute risk of pulmonary embolism in this high-risk group of patients. Although most filters were removed without complications, thereby avoiding the long-term complications that have plagued permanent indwelling filters, a relatively high percentage of filters had to be left
Dislocation of the shoulder may occur during seizures in epileptics and other patients who have convulsions. Following the initial injury, recurrent instability is common owing to a tendency to develop large bony abnormalities of the humeral head and glenoid and a susceptibility to further seizures. Assessment is difficult and diagnosis may be missed, resulting in chronic locked dislocations with protracted morbidity. Many patients have medical comorbidities, and successful treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach addressing the underlying seizure disorder in addition to the shoulder pathology. The use of bony augmentation procedures may have improved the outcomes after surgical intervention, but currently there is no evidence-based consensus to guide treatment. This review outlines the epidemiology and pathoanatomy of seizure-related instability, summarising the currently-favoured options for treatment, and their results.
Between 1988 and 2006, 18 patients had a custom-made endoprosthetic replacement of the distal humerus for bone tumours at our institution. There were 11 primary malignant neoplasms, six secondary deposits, and one benign aggressive tumour. The mean follow-up was for 4.4 years (1 to 18.2). Complications occurred in nine patients and included aseptic loosening in three (16.6%), local recurrence in two (11%), infection in two (11%), neuropraxia of the radial nerve in one (5.5%) and a peri-prosthetic fracture in one (5.5%). Excision was inadequate in four patients (22%), all of which developed local recurrence and/or metastases. There were seven deaths from the primary disease after a mean of 2.3 years (1 to 5), one of whom had an above-elbow amputation for local recurrence seven months before death. The remaining six had satisfactory elbow function at their last follow-up. The 11 living patients were evaluated using the Musculoskeletal Tumour Society and Toronto Extremity Salvage scoring systems. The mean scores achieved were 76% (67% to 87%) and 73% (59% to 79%), respectively. Overall, 17 of 18 patients had significant improvement in the degree of their pain following operation.
Custom-made endoprosthetic reconstruction of the elbow for bone tumours is a viable treatment in carefully selected patients. It maintains satisfactory function and provides good pain relief.
The objective of this study was to determine if a synthetic bone
substitute would provide results similar to bone from osteoporotic
femoral heads during
Pushout studies were performed with the dynamic hip screw (DHS) and the DHS Blade in both cadaveric femoral heads and artificial bone substitutes in the form of polyurethane foam blocks of different density. The pushout studies were performed as a means of comparing the force displacement curves produced by each implant within each material.
The aim of this study was to compare a third-generation cementing procedure for glenoid components with a new technique for cement pressurisation. In 20 pairs of scapulae, 20 keeled and 20 pegged glenoid components were implanted using either a third-generation cementing technique (group 1) or a new pressuriser (group 2). Cement penetration was measured by three-dimensional (3D) analysis of micro-CT scans. The mean 3D depth of penetration of the cement was significantly greater in group 2 (p < 0.001). The mean thickness of the cement mantle for keeled glenoids was 2.50 mm (2.0 to 3.3) in group 1 and 5.18 mm (4.4 to 6.1) in group 2, and for pegged glenoids it was 1.72 mm (0.9 to 2.3) in group 1 and 5.63 mm (3.6 to 6.4) in group 2. A cement mantle < 2 mm was detected less frequently in group 2 (p < 0.001). Using the cement pressuriser the proportion of cement mantles < 2 mm was significantly reduced compared with the third-generation cementing technique.
We reviewed 101 patients with injuries of the terminal branches of the infraclavicular brachial plexus sustained between 1997 and 2009. Four patterns of injury were identified: 1) anterior glenohumeral dislocation (n = 55), in which the axillary and ulnar nerves were most commonly injured, but the axillary nerve was ruptured in only two patients (3.6%); 2) axillary nerve injury, with or without injury to other nerves, in the absence of dislocation of the shoulder (n = 20): these had a similar pattern of nerve involvement to those with a known dislocation, but the axillary nerve was ruptured in 14 patients (70%); 3) displaced proximal humeral fracture (n = 15), in which nerve injury resulted from medial displacement of the humeral shaft: the fracture was surgically reduced in 13 patients; and 4) hyperextension of the arm (n = 11): these were characterised by disruption of the musculocutaneous nerve. There was variable involvement of the median and radial nerves with the ulnar nerve being least affected.
Surgical intervention is not needed in most cases of infraclavicular injury associated with dislocation of the shoulder. Early exploration of the nerves should be considered in patients with an axillary nerve palsy without dislocation of the shoulder and for musculocutaneous nerve palsy with median and/or radial nerve palsy. Urgent operation is needed in cases of nerve injury resulting from fracture of the humeral neck to relieve pressure on nerves.
After establishing anatomical feasibility, functional reconstruction to replace the anterolateral part of the deltoid was performed in 20 consecutive patients with irreversible deltoid paralysis using the sternoclavicular portion of the pectoralis major muscle. The indication for reconstruction was deltoid deficiency combined with massive rotator cuff tear in 11 patients, brachial plexus palsy in seven, and an isolated axillary nerve lesion in two. All patients were followed clinically and radiologically for a mean of 70 months (24 to 125). The mean gender-adjusted Constant score increased from 28% (15% to 54%) to 51% (19% to 83%). Forward elevation improved by a mean of 37°, abduction by 30° and external rotation by 9°.
The pectoralis inverse plasty may be used as a salvage procedure in irreversible deltoid deficiency, providing subjectively satisfying results. Active forward elevation and abduction can be significantly improved.
It is probable that both genetic and environmental factors play some part in the aetiology of most cases of degenerative hip disease. Geneticists have identified some single gene disorders of the hip, but have had difficulty in identifying the genetics of many of the common causes of degenerative hip disease. The heterogeneity of the phenotypes studied is part of the problem. A detailed classification of phenotypes is proposed. This study is based on careful documentation of 2003 consecutive total hip replacements performed by a single surgeon between 1972 and 2000. The concept that developmental problems may initiate degenerative hip disease is supported. The influences of gender, age and body mass index are outlined. Biomechanical explanations for some of the radiological appearances encountered are suggested. The body weight lever, which is larger than the abductor lever, causes the abductor power to be more important than body weight. The possibility that a deficiency in joint lubrication is a cause of degenerative hip disease is discussed. Identifying the phenotypes may help geneticists to identify genes responsible for degenerative hip disease, and eventually lead to a definitive classification.
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head creates considerable morbidity in successful renal transplant recipients who are generally young and expect active lifestyles. Total hip replacement is considered the treatment of choice in these patients, but surgeons may be wary because of a supposed increase in the risk of infection and other complications.
A review of the literature reveals that cemented hip arthroplasty provides good to excellent functional outcomes for renal transplant patients. Most authors have found that the risk of infection is not increased despite chronic immunosuppression, but the rates of general complications are and should be anticipated and treated. There is a high rate of early failure in these patients because of their young age and diffuse osteopenia as a result of secondary hyperparathyroidism related to the underlying renal disease and chronic steroid use. Recent studies have found that despite decreased bone stock in these patients, porous-coated prostheses are not contraindicated.
Persistent groin pain after seemingly successful total hip replacement (THR) appears to have become more common. Recent studies have indicated a high incidence after metal-on-polyethylene and metal-on-metal conventional THR and it has been documented in up to 18% of patients after metal-on-metal resurfacing. There are many causes, including acetabular loosening, stress fracture, and iliopsoas tendonitis and impingement. The evaluation of this problem requires a careful history and examination, plain radiographs and an algorithmic approach to special diagnostic imaging and tests. Non-operative treatment is not usually successful. Specific operative treatment depending on the cause of the pain usually involves revision of the acetabular component, iliopsoas tenotomy or other procedures, and is usually successful. Here, an appropriate algorithm is described.
Our objective was to examine the rate of revision
and its predictive factors in patients undergoing total shoulder arthroplasty
(TSA). We used prospectively collected data from the Mayo Clinic
Total Joint Registry to examine five-, ten- and 20-year revision-free
survival following TSA and the predictive factors. We examined patient
characteristics (age, gender, body mass index, comorbidity), implant
fixation (cemented