We describe a consecutive series of five patients with bone or soft-tissue sarcomas of the elbow and intra-articular extension treated by complex soft tissue, allograft bone and prosthetic joint replacement after wide extra-articular
Kienböck’s disease is a form of osteonecrosis affecting the lunate. Its aetiology remains unknown. Morphological variations, such as negative ulnar variance, high uncovering of the lunate, abnormal radial inclination and/or a trapezoidal shape of the lunate and the particular pattern of its vascularity may be predisposing factors. A history of trauma is common. The diagnosis is made on plain radiographs, but MRI can be helpful early in the disease. A CT scan is useful to demonstrate fracture or fragmentation of the lunate. Lichtman classified Kienböck disease into five stages. The natural history of the condition is not well known, and the symptoms do not correlate well with the changes in shape of the lunate and the degree of carpal collapse. There is no strong evidence to support any particular form of treatment. Many patients are improved by temporary immobilisation of the wrist, which does not stop the progression of carpal collapse. Radial shortening may be the treatment of choice in young symptomatic patients presenting with stages I to III-A of Kienböck’s disease and negative ulnar variance. Many other forms of surgical treatment have been described.
The outcome of tibial allograft reconstruction after resection of a tumour is inconsistent and has a high rate of failure. There are few reports on the use of tibial allografts in children with open growth plates. We performed 21 allograft reconstructions (16 osteoarticular, five intercalary) in 19 consecutive patients between seven and 17 years of age. Two had Ewing’s sarcoma, one an adamantinoma and 16 osteosarcoma, one with multifocal disease. Five patients have died; the other 14 were free from disease at the time of follow-up. Six surviving patients (eight allograft reconstructions) continue to have good or excellent function at a mean of 59 months (14 to 132). One patient has poor function at 31 months. The other seven patients have a good or excellent function after additional procedures including exchange of the allograft and resurfacing or revision to an endoprosthesis at a mean of 101 months (43 to 198). The additional operations were performed at a mean of 47 months (20 to 84) after the first reconstruction. With the use of allograft reconstruction in growing children, joints and growth plates may be preserved, at least partially. Although our results remain inconsistent, tibial allograft reconstruction in selected patients may restore complete and durable function of the limb.
Crescent fracture dislocations are a well-recognised subset of pelvic ring injuries which result from a lateral compression force. They are characterised by disruption of the sacroiliac joint and extend proximally as a fracture of the posterior iliac wing. We describe a classification with three distinct types. Type I is characterised by a large crescent fragment and the dislocation comprises no more than one-third of the sacroiliac joint, which is typically inferior. Type II fractures are associated with an intermediate-size crescent fragment and the dislocation comprises between one- and two-thirds of the joint. Type III fractures are associated with a small crescent fragment where the dislocation comprises most, but not all of the joint. The principal goals of surgical intervention are the accurate and stable reduction of the sacroiliac joint. This classification proves useful in the selection of both the surgical approach and the reduction technique. A total of 16 patients were managed according to this classification and achieved good functional results approximately two years from the time of the index injury. Confounding factors compromise the summary short-form-36 and musculoskeletal functional assessment instrument scores, which is a well-recognised phenomenon when reporting the outcome of high-energy trauma.