A retrospective study of 23 acetabular fractures in patients up to 17 years of age is presented, with an average follow-up of eight years. Good or excellent functional results were achieved in 21 patients; radiographic results were good or excellent in 16. Conservative treatment gave consistently good results in fractures with minimal initial displacement, stable posterior fracture-dislocations and Salter-Harris type 1 and 2 triradiate
We assessed patellofemoral joint function by combining the measurement of maximal isometric extensor torque at the knee with clinical and radiological measurements in order to calculate the patellofemoral contact force. Eighteen volunteers established the normal ranges of results and the reliability of the system. Of the 39 patients with a variety of knee problems, 29 had anterior knee pain, and all had a subsequent arthroscopy. Patients with anterior knee pain and lesions in the patellar
We describe a lumbar facet syndrome in which disabling symptoms are associated with normal or near-normal plain radiographs. Local spinal fusion relieved symptoms in 12 patients; the excised facet joint surfaces showed some of the histological changes seen in chondromalacia patellae and in osteoarthritis of other large joints. The most frequent change was focal full-thickness
We have investigated the changes in the interposed capsule after a Chiari pelvic osteotomy, in an experimental study on dysplastic hips in 20 adolescent rabbits. Radiographic, macroscopic and microscopic observations were made up to 12 months after operation. The new acetabular roof had incorporated the interposed capsule and remodelled completely by six months. By 12 months there was a new, stable hip with continuity between the capsule and the original acetabular
We prospectively examined the physical and imaging findings, including MRI, of 23 patients with spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee after obtaining informed consent to acquire tissue specimens at surgery. There were four men and 19 women, with a mean age of 67.5 years (58 to 77). Plain radiographs were designated as stages 1, 2, 3 or 4 according to the classification of Koshino. Five knees were classified as stage 1, five as stage 2, seven as stage 3 and six as stage 4. The histological specimens were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and tetrachrome. In the early stages of the condition, a subchondral fracture was noted in the absence of any features of osteonecrosis, whereas in advanced stages, osteonecrotic lesions were confined to the area distal to the site of the fracture which showed impaired healing. In such cases, formation of
Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) is a technique used for the treatment of symptomatic osteochondral defects of the knee. A variation of the original periosteum membrane technique is the matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI) technique. The MACI membrane consists of a porcine type-I/III collagen bilayer seeded with chondrocytes. Osteochondral defects deeper than 8 to 10 mm usually require bone grafting either before or at the time of transplantation of
Hemiarthroplasty of the hip and some other joints has been used for many years with satisfactory results, but the fate of articular cartilage when weight-bearing against metal has not been reported. Replacement of the head of the femur was carried out in one hip of each of 26 dogs, and the changes in acetabular
1. Six cases of necrosis of articular cartilage complicating slipping of the upper femoral epiphysis are reviewed: histological examination in one case showed death of the superficial two-thirds of the articular cartilage, with survival of a layer of basal chondrocytes. In all six cases, after severe initial reduction of joint space as seen radiographically, there was gradual return of joint space, suggesting some regeneration of articular cartilage. The prognosis after
We describe a method which may be useful for the selection of samples for the study of early fibrillation in human articular cartilage. Blocks of
Medial tibial plateaux excised during 46 unicompartmental arthroplasties for osteoarthritis were collected and photographed. The anterior cruciate ligament was intact in all joints. In every case the
Destruction of the articular cartilage is the first change seen on gross examination of the knee in osteoarthritis. Weight-bearing radiographs are conventionally taken with the knee in full extension. Biomechanical studies have shown, however, that the major contact stresses in the femorotibial articulation occur when the knee is flexed about 28 degrees. Arthroscopy has confirmed that
Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) has become a popular method of treating knee localized osteoarthritis (OA). Additionally, the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is essential to maintaining the physiological kinematics and functions of the knee joint. Considering these factors, the purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical effects on PCL-deficient knees in medial UKA. Computational simulations of five subject-specific models were performed for intact and PCL-deficient UKA with tibial slopes. Anteroposterior (AP) kinematics and contact stresses of the patellofemoral (PF) joint and the articular cartilage were evaluated under the deep-knee-bend condition.Aims
Our aim was to develop and validate nomograms that would predict the cumulative incidence of sarcoma-specific death (CISSD) and disease progression (CIDP) in patients with localized high-grade primary central and dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. The study population consisted of 391 patients from two international sarcoma centres (development cohort) who had undergone definitive surgery for a localized high-grade (histological grade II or III) conventional primary central chondrosarcoma or dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma. Disease progression captured the first event of either metastasis or local recurrence. An independent cohort of 221 patients from three additional hospitals was used for external validation. Two nomograms were internally and externally validated for discrimination (c-index) and calibration plot.Aims
In 16 cadaver humeroulnar joints, the distribution of subchondral mineralisation was assessed by CT osteoabsorptiometry and the position and size of the contact areas by polyether casting under loads of 10 N to 1280 N. Ulnas with separate olecranon and coronoid
We studied the early
The three-dimensional architecture of bovine articular cartilage collagen and its relationship to split lines has been studied with scanning electron microscopy. In the middle and superficial zones, collagen was organised in a layered or leaf-like manner. The orientation was vertical in the intermediate zone, curving to become horizontal and parallel to the articular surface in the superficial zone. Each leaf consisted of a fine network of collagen fibrils. Adjacent leaves merged or were closely linked by bridging fibrils and were arranged according to the split-line pattern. The surface layer (lamina splendens) was morphologically distinct. Although ordered, the overall collagen structure was different in each plane (anisotropic) a property described in previous morphological and biophysical studies. As all components of the articular cartilage matrix interact closely, the three-dimensional organisation of collagen is important when considering
We have tested the reliability of a recently reported classification system of hip morphology in adolescents with cerebral palsy in whom the triradiate
We report the results of arthroscopic removal of loose bodies and abnormal synovium from 18 knees with primary synovial chondromatosis. After a mean of three years, six months (range one to 10 years), 14 knees were either symptom-free or had only minor symptoms. Three of these had required two arthroscopic operations. Three patients were improved but not cured and there was one failure. The results were better than the published results of open operation for this condition. Three patterns of macroscopic appearances were noted: four knees had large lesions covered by normal synovium, 10 had small fragments of
We have compared, in rabbits, two techniques of limb lengthening by distraction of the epiphyseal plate using a unilateral external fixation frame. In all cases, 14 mm of symmetrical lengthening without deviation was achieved. With rapid distraction at rates of 1 mm per day (distractional epiphyseolysis) separation of the epiphysis from the metaphysis occurred by day 7, and by day 70 almost complete ossification of the
Two distinct lesions affect the articular cartilage of the patella. Surface degeneration occurs particularly on the odd facet; it is age dependent, often present in youth and it becomes more frequent with increasing age. It probably does not occasion patello-femoral pain in youth, but may predispose to degenerative arthritis in that joint in later years and is regarded as a consequence of habitual disuse. The term "basal degeneration" is used to describe a lesion in which there is a fasciculation of collagen in the middle and deep zones of